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For an organism to survive ,food must be
produced and made available in its own
ecosystem.All the animals in the ecosystem are
the heterotrophs .They depend on plants which
are autotrophs.
An ecosystem consists of primary producersare plants These are only organisms capable
of carrying out photosynthesis and producing
food in ecosystem.
Herbivores are consumers of plants as
their food.Therefore these are called
ecosystem.cattle, rabbits and deer etc.
Some of the carnivores present in the
ecosystem consume the herbivores as their
food.These are called secondary consumers
Wolf that eat rabbits in forests,frogs that
eat herbivorous insects are examples.
These secondary consumers, in turn become
food for other carnivores.They are called
tertiary consumers.Birds eat fish .
Snakes eat frogs
Food chain consists of primary producers,
primary consumers, secondary consumers
and tertiary consumers,one becomes food
for the other.
In nature ,the food relationship cannot be
explained by a single food chain.Each
organism is a member of more than one food
chain.Several food chains are inter linked
with one another forming a food web.
Food Web
Sub:Biology AP & Encarta.
Presented by Mrs.Urmila Devi