Download Best Practices for your DB2 UDB database system by Dwaine R

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DB2 UDB Best Practices
Dwaine R Snow
IBM DB2 Information Management
Technical Conference
Las Vegas, NV
© IBM Corporation 2004
Sept. 20-24, 2004
• Discuss best practices for
Building your databases
Configuring DB2 and your databases
• Based on experience with customers
Building Databases
• Ensure enough physical disks
– Too few disks in the #1 cause of poor performance
– General ROT, minimum 6-10 disks per CPU
• More is good
– Do not isolate table spaces to disks unless you have plenty
of disks
• Normally better to spread table spaces across all available disks
• Do not create more than one TEMP table space per
page size
• SMS is normally the best choice for TEMP
Building Databases
• If using SMS on AIX, use 3 or more containers
per table space to prevent i-node contention
• Logging
– Ensure logs are placed on separate disks
– Use mirror logging
• Removes logging as a single point of failure
– When using mirror logging, ensure the logs are on
different disks, arrays, disk adapters
Building Databases
– Do not count on a large disk cache for
– Buffer pool normally absorbs the hits
– Size for performance, NOT capacity
Partitioned Databases
• Rules of thumb for RAW data volumes
– For Regatta class CPUs 50 - 200 GB per CPU
– For Intel/AMD, HP, SUN 25 - 150 GB per CPU
• Rules of thumb for CPU to Partition Ratio
– For Regatta 1 or 2 CPUs per partition both work well
– For Intel/AMD, HP, SUN 2 CPUs per partition
typically work best
Configuring DB2
• Use 64 bit if you can
– Allows more addressability
• Bigger buffer pools
• Bigger sorts
– Less limitations for dynamic tuning
Configuring DB2
• Disable intra-partition parallelism using
– Leaving this enabled and setting MAX_DEGREE to 1 is
worst possible configuration
• Connection Concentrator should be used for workloads
– Many connections
– Issuing very quick SQL statements
– Do not use connection concentrator for large / long running
• Set the CPUSPEED to –1 so DB2 can calculate the
appropriate value
Configuring DB2
• For large result sets set RQRIOBLK as big as
possible (64K)
– Default OK for single row results
• Set SHEAPTHRES based on the average # of
concurrently executing apps times the
– But not less than 10X SORTHEAP
• Make sure there are few people in the SYSADM
– Too many can lead to problems
Configuring your databases
• Other than size, a single large buffer pool requires
no tuning and gives very good performance
• Multiple buffer pools
– Can give better performance if sized correctly
– Require constant monitoring
• Configure enough primary logs to handle workload
– Creating secondary logs is expensive
• Setting LOGPRIMARY to -1 enables infinite
– Do you really need/want this?
– If using this, set MAX_LOG to limit recovery timeframe
Configuring your databases
• Set NUM_IOCLEANERS based on # of CPUs
• Set NUM_IOSERVERS based on # of physical
disk the database is using
• Set DFT_EXTENT_SZ based on underlying disks
– Be aware of striping, SAN disk configuration
• Set DFT_PREFETCH_SZ based on underlying
• Set BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL so that DB2 waits if
the log disk becomes full
Configuring your databases
• Type II indexes can improve concurrency
– For databases migrated from V7, use reorg to
convert the indexes
• If you encounter an “Out of DBHEAP’ error
– Double DBHEAP and continue
– Since DB2 only allocates what is needed, no
need to spend a lot of time calculating exact
Configuring your OLTP databases
• For dynamic workloads define a large package
• For dynamic workloads use query optimization 2
or 3
• Set the log buffer to at least 256 pages
• Larger log file size improves performance
– But can impact recovery
• Set MAXLOCKS to 20-30%
– UNIX default is too low
– Also increase LOCKLIST from default
Configuring your OLTP databases
• Set MINCOMMIT to 1?
– Maybe set to # trans per second / 10 (or # trans / 100)
• Set AVG_APPLS low, typically 1 is good
– Not based on the # of connections
• Reduce CHNGPGS_THRES to 20-30 %
– Default can cause system slowdowns
• Set SOFTMAX to an integer multiple of 100%
• Do not set SORTHEAP too large as it makes sorts
more “attractive” to the optimizer
• Use smaller page sizes
Configuring your DSS databases
• Use query optimization of 5 or higher
– Required for some optimizations, i.e. hash joins
• Ensure AVG_APPLS is set based on real workload
– Monitor the system and determine the average # of
concurrently executing applications
– Not based on # of connections
• Large SORTHEAP can help to reduce overflowed
• Since normally read only, increase DLCHKTIME
• Use larger page sizes
Configuring your ODS
• Use QP to ensure query response times
• Run report is UR isolation level
• Use MQTs to improve report performance,
separate access from updates
• Make sure you take DB2 and OS snapshots at the
same time
• Only take the snapshot(s) you are interested in
– Snapshot for all can add overhead
• SQL functions for snapshots allow you to easily
insert the data into table(s) for analysis using SQL
– Can analyze data for trends
– Predict and plan for growth
Things to Look for in Snapshots
• High number of sort overflows indicate larger
SORTHEAP may help performance
• Examine ratio of rows read to rows selected
– High ratio indicates likely table scans
• Rows written/inserted for a query only workload
indicates sorts
• Application snapshots are for the length of the
connection, not individual statements
– To examine statements look at statement snapshot
• Use AUTOCONFIGURE to get an initial
• When tuning, change one parameter at a time, and
• Make sure your statistics are current
• If you add an index, make sure you run RUNSTATS
• Before retesting a poorly performing stmt
– Flush the package cache
• Otherwise the old plan will be reused
• When you create an index, the key order does matter
– Put column with highest cardinality as the first key
• When there is a performance problem, use vmstat to
see if the bottleneck is CPU, I/O or memory
• High I/O wait typically indicates overflowed sorts or
table scans
– Use iostat to isolate the disk, then correlate to the database
• High CPU usage may indicate sorting or lock waits
are occurring
– Examine database snapshots to determine which one is
• Memory issues usually indicated by paging
• Statement snapshot (or QP) can help identify
poorly performing queries
– Look for queries with high execution times
• Especially if their cost is low
– Look for queries with a number of sorts
• More important for queries that are run many times
• Hopefully these tips can save you time
• Make sure you examine the tips and think
about how they relate to your environment
• When making config changes, make one
change at a time and re-test