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Theme 5. The development of ethno-psychological
ideas in the Russian and Psychology
Objective: To introduce the main stages of development of
ethno-psychological ideas in the Russian psychology.
Keywords: mental ethnography, Slavophil for , collective
experiences, comparative psychological studies of culture
shock syndrome imposed identity.
Key questions include:
1.Development ethnopsychological ideas in Russia .
2.Vklad Slavophiles in the development of ethnic problems
in psychology .
3.Rol G.Shpeta and Vygotsky in the development of ethnic
psychology .
4.Obschie approaches to the problem of modern ethnopsychological research
The concept of
1846 creation of mental
ethnography, whose aim should be
to "study all of those features, with
which the nations ... marks the
manifestations of the spiritual side
of man's nature, that is,
intelligence, strength of will and
character, his sense of human
dignity and the pursuit of what is
happening here to continuous
improvement "(NI Nadezhdin)
Questions of national identity of the historical
existence of the peoples in the spotlight
Khomyakov, IVKireevskogo, N.Ya.Danilevsky.
Study of Russian identity, the Russian
character, Russian national identity, how it
differs from other nations - the main problem.
The main source of these differences is the
research field of thought, which "is an
expression of the spirit of life, and which
manifests itself in language, and in the history
of the people."
Language created by many generations of
people, is an expression of the people's soul
and determine its impact on all spheres of life.
I.Kireevsky - Russian nation is different
from the Europeans, because of their
different beliefs.
Khomiakov Russian-contrast from the
Europeans that the Russian people in their
positive type has resigned to his fate
worker who earns his bread by the sweat
of hard face, but his eyes fixed on the holy
abode, and not to the palaces of pleasure.
Russian people always feel their
shortcomings, and the higher the back
stairs of moral development, the more
demands from himself and therefore,
however, happens, pleased with himself.
In 1869, N. Danilevsky in the book "Russia and
Europe. Look at the cultural and political
relations between Germany and the Slavic
world romance" introduced a new way of
studying the national psyche.
The basic idea - convincingly reject the thesis
of a total for the whole of mankind civilization.
NY Danilevsky the spiritual identity of the Slavic
world, led by Russia.
Slavic type of culture - as one of the culturalhistorical types.
VS Soloviev "The National
Question in Russia"
study the characteristics of the national character
through the study to the ideals and values of the
the ideal of the Russian people is power, power
over other nations, not wealth (both British), not
beauty, noisy glory (for the French).
For the Russian people are not so important to be
an original, true to the traditions of ancient times
(the features inherent in the English) and even
the ideals of honesty and integrity (as inherent to
the Germans) - it does not have the
values sought by the Russian people.