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Section I: The
Fundamentals of Wine
Chapter 5: Food and Wine
The marriage of wine and food can be a mutually
beneficial relationship.
In pairing, food and wine flavors complement each
Historical and Cultural Influences on
Food and Wine Pairing
Cultures evolves their own cuisines over centuries
based on foodstuffs available in their regions.
Accompanying beverage was wine from their
respective countries.
Wines were made with grape varietals indigenous
to that region and reflected the terroir of the
“Mother Nature” took care of the pairing.
Wine Pairing Develops
In the late 17th century, regional cuisines became more
clearly developed.
French were leaders in defining national cuisine.
• “La Haute Cuisine” (high cuisine)
• Developed concept of restaurants
People in Europe chose wines from their own countries.
People in countries where wine couldn’t be produced
chose French wines.
Concept of matching wines to dishes developed.
“Fusion cuisine”
• Started in 1970s by chef Wolfgang Puck
• Blending culinary traditions of two or more nations to create
innovative dishes
Thoughtful Matching of Wine
and Food
“Goal of combining a wine and dish is to provide an
arrangement where:
• The flavors of the wine both compliment and elevate the
flavors of the food and vice-versa
• The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
One partner should not dominate over the other.
A wine can provide two functions:
• It can act as a seasoning that adds a new flavor to the
• It can compliment the dish so the food’s flavor is
Food and Wine in a
Restaurant Setting
Look at the flavor and richness of the food.
Select a beverage with complementary qualities.
Basic Concepts of Matching
Wine to Food
Rich foods are complemented by full-bodied wines.
(tannic wines complement fatty foods).
Light-bodied foods are complemented by light-bodied
Sour foods decrease the perception of acid in wine and
are best paired with tart wines.
Sweet foods accentuate the perception of acid and are
best paired with wines that are slightly sweeter than
the food.
Foods with fruity flavors go best with wines that also
have a fruity character.
Basic Concepts of Matching
Wine to Food (cont.)
Complex foods with intricate flavors go best with simple
wines; conversely, wines with complex flavors go best
with simple foods.
Spicy foods bring out the bitterness and astringency in
wine and are best paired with tart, light bodied, off dry
Spicy foods bring out the bitterness and astringency in
wine and are best paired with tart, light bodied, off dry
Salty foods pairs well with sparkling wine.
A sauce or glaze can be used to bridge the gap between
flavors to allow a particular food to go with a certain
Basic Concepts of Matching
Wine to Food (cont.)
The method of preparation can greatly affect on
how the dish will pair with the wine.
The textures and body of the food and wine should
complement each other.
The older and more complex a sparkling wine is,
the better it goes with heavy foods.
How a Wine’s Flavor Affects
A wine’s chemical and physical attributes
• What the flavor of the wine will be
• How the wine will relate to the food
Components of a wine’s flavor profile:
• Alcohol level
• Acidity
• Sweetness
• Astringency/bitterness
• Oak level
• Body/viscosity
How a Food’s Flavor Affects
Method of cooking
Special Considerations for
Vegetarian Cuisine
Most vegetarian dishes are not as rich and fatty as
meat-based entrees are.
Big-bodied tannic wines may not make a good
Light to medium-bodied wines would do better.
Putting it All Together
These are basic guidelines, not absolute laws.
Cooks and wine drinkers are encouraged to
Pairing food and wine is a matter of taste.
Everyone has their own opinions and preferences.
Experimentation leads to a greater understanding.
Ageing Wines
Majority of wines are designed to be enjoyed when
they are released.
Storage conditions are essential to proper aging.
As wine ages, it goes through changes that affect
its flavor and body.
As the wine’s flavors evolve, the way it interacts
with food also changes.
What Happens to a Wine as it
Changes in color
Changes in aroma
Changes in flavor and body
Amount of sediment
Which Wines Should be Aged?
Wines that depend on fruity qualities for the
majority of their flavor do not age well.
Since acid is needed preserve a wine during aging,
low acid wines age poorly.
The additional alcohol and big body of fortified
dessert wines helps to preserve them for many
Large bottles age more slowly than small bottles.
For a wine to age well, it should have a high level
of tannins and acid, yet still be in balance.
Matching Older Wines With
As a wine ages, it goes through a number of
changes that affect how it will pair with food.
Since the wine is becoming softer and less tannic, it
will be less likely to go with rich and fatty dishes.
An older wine’s flavors are more delicate/less likely
to match strongly flavored or heavily seasoned
Older wines have more subtle and complex flavors
that develop over time and do better with foods
that possess more subtle flavors as well.
Wines and Health
The role of wine on human health is influenced by
two contradictory concepts:
• Wine is a beverage that should be considered a food.
• Alcohol is a drug and should be regulated and controlled.
Today, scientific studies show that moderate
consumption of wine can have positive health
effects, and moderate drinkers outlive those who
Negative Effects from
Excessive Alcohol
The harmful effects of excessive consumption can
occur chronically over many years, or acutely in a
single “binge drinking” episode.
The long-term consequences of over consumption
include liver damage, as well as an increased risk
of cancer and heart disease.
Positive Effects from
Moderate Wine Consumption
People who consume wine in moderation have a
longer lifespan than alcoholics and those who
abstain from alcohol.
Direct link between modest wine drinking and
increased cardiovascular health.
Special Considerations for
Studies show a correlation between moderate
consumption of wine and an increased risk of
certain types of breast cancer.
Alcohol consumption affects estrogen levels in the
body and may encourage estrogen receptor-positive
Women also have to take into account the effects of
alcohol consumption on pregnancy.