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Male Reproductive System
Do Now.
Get the packet located in the front of the room.
Try to answer “IS IT ON A GIRL OR BOY”
located on the last sheet of the packet (very back
Get ready to learn…
Functions of the Male Reproductive System
Produce Testosterone
Produce Sperm
Transfer Sperm to the Female Vagina during
External Organs
Penis –
– the organ of transfer of sperm to female.
• Contains Blood vessels that fill when an individual is aroused. The
penis contains no bone but is made up of spongy tissue.
• Organs tip is covered with skin – foreskin that can be removed
through circumcision.
• Used for fertilization or intercourse and urination.
Scrotum –
– pouch-like sac holding both testicles in a separate compartment
that hang underneath the penis. Keeps the testicles a little below
98.6 degrees for ideal conditions for sperm production.
Circumcision: surgical removal
of the foreskin of the penis.
Function: it eliminates bacterial
growth (smegma)
Urethral Meatus: Opening at the
tip of the Penis.
Do Now
What are some general ways in which a MALE
can keep their reproductive organs safe and
What are the 2 external Male Sex Organs?
Is the Male Sex Cell that carries the genes of the
Factors that Influence Sperm
High Temperatures
Certain jobs
Tight underwear
Lap top
Swimming for your life
A sperm is a tiny package with a big responsibility – to fertilize the egg and
create a human life. So that tiny package is loaded with “gear” for its
important journey.
A few facts:
Daily sperm production by a healthy man:
10 million to 50 million
Contents of average ejaculation:
50 million sperm; 25 million moving; 20 million deformed
Maturation: 72 days
Average swimming speed of a sperm:
8 inches per hour
Survival time in a woman: 2 to 7 days
10 Foods that Help Increase Sperm
Quality and Quantity
Do Now
Using the proper vocabulary describe how the
body regulates the temperature of the testicles?
Why is it important for testicular temperature to
be regulated?
What are 3 things that can prevent proper sperm
Internal Male Organs
Testicles (2) –
– Produce sperm cells and the male hormone Testosterone.
– Contain hundreds of yards of seminiferous tubules.
– *500 sperm lined up end to end = 1 inch
– Egg shaped organs that hang outside the body in Scrotum.
Epididymis (2) –
– The tubes in the testes join this larger coiled tube.
– Maturation and storage of sperm – where the sperm grow
their tails.
– Located on top of each testicle.
Internal Male Organs
Vas Deferens (2) –
– Tube that extends from the lower end of each
epididymis and connects with the urethra.
– As sperm move through here they are joined with
fluid from the seminal vesicles, prostate and the
cowper’s glands.
Internal Male Organs
Seminal Vesicles –
– Secretes fluid to be mixed with the sperm to
make them more mobile.
A white, milky fluid that mixes with sperm that
eventually passes to the outside of the body.
Contains sugars, lubricants and buffers (base)
Internal Male Organs
Prostate –
– Walnut shaped gland that helps make semen in
– The prostate surrounds the tube that carries urine
away from the bladder and out of the body.
– A young man's prostate is about the size of a walnut.
It slowly grows larger with age.
Internal Male Organs
Ejaculatory duct – a short straight tube that passes into
the prostate gland and opens into
the urethra.
– It prevents the sperm and urine from
Internal Male Organs
Cowper’s Gland – behind the base of the penis which
secretes fluid to make semen and
neutralize acid during sexual excitement.
Pre Ejaculatory Fluid
Pre-ejaculation is the liquid that seeps out of the penis
before ejaculation occurs.
This fluid is released from the cowper’s gland, located
at the top of the urethra.
The purpose of this fluid is to reduce the acidity in the
urethra and provide lubricant for the sperm that is
released once ejaculation occurs.
Men have no control over it and cannot feel it coming
Internal Male Organs
Urethra –
– Tube that carries semen and urine to the
outside of the body.
– (Cannot carry both at the same time)
– Located in the center of the penis.
Common Terms
Erection - the process of the
penis swelling with blood
during arousal. It becomes
stiff and hard.
Spontaneous Erection – an
erection that occurs without
planning due to changing
levels of testosterone.
Ejaculation - the release of
semen & sperm from the
Castration - Removal of the
Nocturnal Emission - aka.
Wet dream – is an involuntary
ejaculation that occurs during
Impotence - the failure to get
or maintain an erection.
Sterility - Inability to
reproduce because the sperm
cells are unable to fertilize the
Vasectomy - Surgical
procedure for sterilization of
the male.
Male Time Line:
Erections begin
Ages 11-14
Secondary sex characteristics appear
Ages 13-16
Sperm produced in adult amounts (puberty)
Late teens
Peak sexual urges for boys
Throughout life If good health is present, there is the sex urge and
ability to father children.
Break up into 3 groups of 10
Get paper and markers and write down the vocab words for male
reproductive system.
When I say go, as separate groups, you need to organize
yourself in the proper sequence that sperm travels from creation
to ejaculation.
Be prepared to describe the path, and what happens at each
place the sperm travels through.
Activity - WS
Using your notes and the completed diagram.
Draw the path sperm travels on your diagram from
beginning to end.
Using the proper vocabulary, describe the path the
sperm travels from being created until it is released
from the body.
Words for Activity – in a random order
Write on Construction Paper as a group one word per
each sheet of paper.
Cowper’s Gland
Ejaculatory Duct
Seminal Vesicles
Vas Deferens
Do Now
Why is it important as a Male to know how to
perform a Testicular Self Exam?
What are secondary sex characteristics?
What are some secondary sex characteristics in
Cancer Group Activity
3 groups
Take Info packet on colon, prostate, or testicular cancer.
Take blank packet form.
Students read and discus and fill in blank worksheet as a group
Class discussions on all the different cancers. Other groups must
come up with at least 2 questions to ask the group presenting.
Male Reproductive Cancers
Testicular Cancer
Young men (15-35).
Undescended or partially
descended testicle = higher
Symptoms: enlargement of
testicle, dull ache in lower
abdomen or groin or no pain
at all.
Treatment: surgery and/or
radiation or chemo –
replacement hormone
Prostate Cancer
Older men (65+)
Risk increases with age.
Higher risk in black men, and
men with family history.
Symptoms: Gland enlarges =
urinary problems.
Treatment: Surgery, hormone
treatments, radiation,or anticancer drugs.
Do Now
Take Male reproductive system study guide.
Last group get ready to discuss.
Hand in any work that you owe me. – Sperm
travel worksheet, cancer ws, etc…
Male Early Detection
Testicular –
Monthly self-examination
Roll each testicle between
thumb & fingers. If any lumps
are found, see doctor promptly.
Doctor may perform Ultra
Sound, MRI, or X-rays for
accurate diagnosis.
Prostate –
Digital Rectal Exam Annually
Prostate-specific antigen blood
testing annually (50+)
Ultra-sound for those at high
If cancer is suspected,
extensive tests such as blood
and urine analysis, x-rays and
biopsy, will be performed.
Undescended Testicle - condition
at birth where the testes do not
descend into the scrotum.
Inguinal Hernia - Inguinal ring
does not narrow & a loop of the
intestine may lose it’s blood
Prostatitis – inflammation of the
prostate, usually caused by
Jock Itch – Rash caused by
improper ventilation and tight
underwear. It’s a fungus
Enlarged Prostate - a common
problem in older men which may cause
dribbling after urination or a need to go
often, especially at night.
Testicular Torsion - Testicular torsion is
the twisting of the spermatic cord, which
cuts off the blood supply to the testicle
and surrounding structures within the
Hypospadias – A condition in which the
external urinary meatus (opening) opens
anywhere below the tip of the penis
rather than at the tip.