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Dasa Period
of Signs in
Jaimini Chara
U K Jha, India.
K Jha is a graduate mechanical engineer
from University of Roorkee (Now IIT, Roorkee)
and has published large number of thought
provoking articles. Among the many books
written by him including world famous title
“Utopia and Anarchy of Stars” the latest ones are
“Lost Horizon in Astrology” and “MandookDasa
of Jaimini”. Other titles likely to hit the stands
are “GangadharDasa”, “Tara Dasa”, “CharaDasa
of Jaimini” and “NavamshaDasa of Jaimini”. A
unique authority on Jaimini Astrology that he
learnt in his own family and from the astroscholars of Tantrik cult, he is today much sought
after name among the students of Vaidik
astrology on account of innovative ideas, one
point sharp logic, acute rationality and scientific
approach for dealing with the subject matter. He
has done marvellous research on AshtakaVarga
System of prediction that is yet to be published.
Besides these he knows number of rare Dasa
systems that he learnt from the scholars of secret
Tantrik cult. Few of these Dasa systems would
appear in the pages of SA soon.
The Question
ere is an interesting dialogue
picked up from internet and
commencement of actual discussion
related to above captioned subject. The
honest intention behind picking up this
point is to impress upon the fact that a
student ever stands confused when the
things are not logically explained to them
by their teachers. None must feel offended
or defended by the ensuing discussion
because it has been taken with a pious
purpose of explain the things in the
interest of the lovers of astrology.
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1. Visti Larsen
Sv: Sv: Char Dasha
Well if it makes any
difference, Gemini will get
the extra year if Mercury is in
Virgo, but Virgo will not, but
just keep its 12 years. It works
for us, but lets
see what the future tells.
Best wishes, Visti.
----- Original Message ----From: Manoj Pathak <manojpathak@...>
To: <gjlist (AT) yahoogroups (DOT) com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: Sv: [gjlist] Char Dasha
> >Indeed for Jupiter in Cap, Sag recieves zero years.
> >For Mercury in Virgo, Virgo only gets 12 years.
> No this does not help. When all exalted planets get one additional year for
> exaltation, debilitation planets loss of one year, then why discriminate
> Mercury, the planet of astrology and the planet of Mimansa, the most
> difficult and articulate form.
> I know things can be explained by using various kinds of languages, going
> around in circles and leading to nowhere.
> May be future tells us something about it.
> Manoj
> ________________________________________________
Indeed for Jupiter in Cap, Sag recieves zero years.
>For Mercury in Virgo, Virgo only gets 12 years.
No this does not help. When all exalted planets get one additional year for
exaltation, debilitation planets loss of one year, then why discriminate
Mercury, the planet of astrology and the planet of Mimansa, the most
difficult and articulate form.
I know things can be explained by using various kinds of languages, going
around in circles and leading to nowhere.
May be future tells us something about it.
1. Dear Manoj, Namaste.
We at sjvc work with the Rasi Dasa's more often than vimshottari, so we've got
this covered.
Hence the reason for calculating a Rasi Dasa from a Varga, which we use
extensively and succesfully.
Indeed for Jupiter in Cap, Sag recieves zero years.
For Mercury in Virgo, Virgo only gets 12 years.
You see none of the dasa's can recieve more than 12 years, as the final amount
of years aloted for these Dasa's are 144 years, always.
So after calculating the first 12 signs of Chara Dasa, one lists them once more
giving the 2nd sequence. The 2nd sequence is the same 12 signs, only their years
are: 12-x, where x is the before calculated year. This will give an end result
of 144 years passed.
This is applicable to all Rasi Dasa's, i.e. Drig, Lagnadi, Trikona, Padakrama,
etc. I'm not sure about Yogardha thou. Ayur Dasa's are another topic.
Hope this helps
Best wishes, Visti.
----- Original Message ----From: Manoj Pathak <manojpathak@...>
To: <gjlist (AT) yahoogroups (DOT) com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [gjlist] Char Dasha
> Hello list,
> I was wondering in a method of calculation of Char Dasha, there is a method
> which says that for debilitated planet you need to deduct one year and for
> exalted planet add one year to the dasha period. Now for Saggitarius,
> Jupiter placed in Capricorn dasha becomes zero but for Mercury placed in
> Kanya, the dasha of Kanya is not taken as 13 years. Surprised am I at the
> duality of statements here.
> Manoj
> __________________________________________________ >
Indeed for Jupiter in Cap, Sag recieves zero years.
>For Mercury in Virgo, Virgo only gets 12 years.
No this does not help. When all exalted planets get one additional year for
exaltation, debilitation planets loss of one year, then why discriminate
Mercury, the planet of astrology and the planet of Mimansa, the most
difficult and articulate form.
I know things can be explained by using various kinds of languages, going
around in circles and leading to nowhere.
May be future tells us something about it.
* * ** * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** *
ust few days back I chanced to go through the above correspondence (dated 05/08/2001
on India Divine.Org) between Manoj Pathak and Visti Larsen about calculation of Dasa
duration of a sign vis-a-vis addition or subtraction of one year for exalted or debilitated
status of the lord of the sign. As far as my knowledge goes both are learned astrologers
engaged in teaching astrology to their students and both of them are the students of reputed
astrologers. So it is natural to construe that each of them tried vehemently to project the
views of their own respective Gurus.
The matter appears to have remained unresolved as both of them have left the matter to
unfold itself in future. However, none of them have touched upon the core issue as to why a
sign can have maximum of 12 years Dasa duration only? What is the mathematical
explanation for this.
This also presents a picture of the dilemma the students of astrology are presently passing
through. When basics are not clear a student always feels flustered. What is harm if an
exalted Mercury gives 13 years duration to Virgo or a debilitate Jupiter gives zero years
duration to Sagittarius? Why cannot this happen? What is the governing principle? None of
these (or any other) scholars have ever dwelled on this basic issue.
Since, I have initiated an absorbing discussion on the various issues related to Chara Dasa
through SA I felt it appropriate to take up this issue for the benefits of the students of
astrology. Irony is that every one today is a great scholar in astrology regardless of his or her
own actual understanding of the basic principles of this divine science. So, I know that after
my exposition many would spring up to say that they knew it since beginning; albeit, none
has no where explained it till date. The above referred confabulation between the two
learned astrologers not only bears testimony to this fact but also highlights the confusion
and ignorance presently prevalent on this topic while computing the Dasa duration of any
sign in Chara Dasa as dealt in JUS.
The hidden rider in the Sutra Nathantah Samah Prayen ((I/I/29) of JUS is that the Dasa
duration of a sign would be calculated on the basis of the distance traversed by the lord from
the sign at a rate of one sign or 30 degree per year. Since the separation of the lord from the
sign cannot exceed 12 signs or 360 degrees, the maximum Dasa duration of a sign will be 12
years only. As such, an exalted Mercury cannot give more than 12 years Dasa duration to
Virgo. Similarly, in case of a debilitate Jupiter the lord has distinctly moved away from its
sign and; as such, the Dasa duration of Sagittarius cannot be zero years. This mathematical
principle cannot be ignored in any case.
However; in above case neither the sign Virgo Would have a Dasa duration of exact 12 years
nor the sign Sagittarius would get exactly one year of Dasa duration.
Since, the scholars at large are not applying the above hidden principle of JUS strictly the
Dasa duration of different signs calculated for Chara Dasa as per prevalent (though faulty)
practice is mostly incorrect. For example, Virgo in above case may get even less than one
year of Dasa duration and Sagittarius more than one year of Dasa period.
As the ancient scholars erroneously presumed that a sign occupied by its lord would always
get a fixed Dasa period of 12 years they were left with no other option but to introduce a false
assumption that one year should be deducted from the Dasa duration of the sign obtained by
counting its distance upto the lord of the sign concerned. If the above mathematical principle
for calculation of Dasa period is applied strictly no need for deducting one year arise in any
case. Because of the ignorance of this basic mathematical principle few scholars take 12 years
of Dasa period even for the sign whose lord is placed 12th to it. In this way two conditions for
12 years of Dasa period come to picture. As a result no sign then gets a Dasa period of one
year in such schemes. The lack of understanding of this principle has been so glaring that
many other odd concepts with irrational suggestions have been introduced in computation of
Chara Dasa of Jaimini.
Here I need not elaborate them all because they have been touched in my article on Jaimini
Chara Dasa and have been explained in detail in my forthcoming book on Chara Dasa.
Before concluding this small write up, I would like to caution the students that each Dasa
system dealt in JUS is locked with some hidden rider and key to the same can be had only
from a learned preceptor. Those who try to understand the hidden meaning of Jaimini sutras
under the light of descriptions available in BPHS or Vriddha Karika would more often than
not land on the wrong track because author of these texts have themselves failed to reach to
the bottom of these sutras. Before someone frowns on my above suggestion I would like to
take one more example; say Drig Dasa of Jaimini. BPHS as usual has not been able to
explain it fully. Those who have deviated from there are also not found on the right track.
The concept of aspecting planet is alien to JUS. There is no sutra that can be attributed to
Divya Lagna. If we carefully read JUS we find clearly that the text has been closed in second
chapter. Sidhamanyat – is a proof to it. The book has been concluded here. Other chapters or
talk of more chapters are the product of some fertile mind and pregnant ideas of few
gossipmonger. Many scholars subscribe to this view and give credence to only first two
chapters. Students may bear it in mind firmly. Hence, one should not and one must not fall
in the trap of hastily constructed knowledge from any source or in any form.