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Hi, I’m an OXYGEN atom! I’m part of a
water molecule. I landed as a raindrop
a couple of days ago, and I’ve been
hanging out in the soil. I’ve sunk deeper
and deeper into the soil each day. Now
I’m getting close to tree roots
June 30 - Oxygen
Once I got close to those tree roots in the soil I
got taken into the roots. Then from the roots of
the tree I traveled all the way up to one of the
leaves. The trip didn’t even take very long!
July 6 - Oxygen
July 10 - Oxygen
Once I was in the leaf the plant used my water molecule to do
PHOTOSYNTHESIS. During PHOTOSYNTHESIS the plant used carbon dioxide
from the air and my water molecule to make a sugar molecule called glucose.
The water molecule that I was a part of was broken apart and I was put into
the air as an oxygen molecule
July 16 - Oxygen
I’ve been floating around in the atmosphere for a while. Whoa! Here comes a
big wind! The wind just mixed me into the water in the pond! I guess that
July 22 - Oxygen
Mmmm… Floating in the pond has been kind of relaxing. Oh – here comes a
big bass. I just went right through his mouth and got stuck on his gills! From
the gills I am being carried through the bloodstream to one of the fish’s cells. I
wonder what will happen there!
While in the fish’s cell I got to help with
RESPIRATION! I helped the fish cell break
apart glucose molecules and the fish’s cell
got a burst of energy. The fish needs a lot of
OXYGEN to make this happen. After I helped
with RESPIRATION, I picked up a CARBON
atom, and now I’m part of carbon dioxide in
the fish’s bloodstream. Once we make it to
the gills we’ll be back in the water again.
Fish always give off carbon dioxide after
respiration, just like humans!
July 25 - Oxygen
My carbon dioxide molecule got absorbed by the leaf of the elodea plant! I get to help
make glucose molecules instead of breaking them apart. Using PHOTOSYNTHESIS, the
plant just linked us with a bunch of other carbon dioxide molecules to make a glucose
molecule. Glucose is a simple sugar that can provide energy for the plant. But, it looks
like the plant has enough energy right now. So we’re getting linked with a bunch of
other glucose molecules to make a starch. Starch is the perfect way for this plant to
store a bunch of glucose molecules (and the energy they contain) for later
July 28 - Oxygen
Did you know that plants do RESPIRATION? I got to see it happen last night! Just like
animals, plants use the process of RESPIRATION to gain energy from starch and glucose
molecules. So, last night the plant took in a bunch of oxygen and used it during
RESPIRATION to break down the starch molecule that I was a part of. When the starch
molecule got broken apart, I was released from the plant as a part of a carbon dioxide
August 15 - Oxygen