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Chapter 29
Atoms and
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
PowerPoint® Lectures for
College Physics: A Strategic Approach, Second Edition
29 Atoms and Molecules
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Slide 29-2
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Slide 29-3
© 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Slide 29-4
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Slide 29-5
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Slide 29-10
Continuous Spectra and Blackbody Radiation
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Slide 29-11
Discrete Spectra of the Elements
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Slide 29-12
The Hydrogen Spectrum
Wavelengths of
visible lines in the
hydrogen spectrum
Balmer’s formula
91.1 nm
 1 1
 2 2
m n 
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Slide 29-13
Rutherford’s Experiment
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Slide 29-14
Using the Nuclear Model
The nucleus
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Slide 29-15
Bohr’s Model of Atomic Quantization
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Slide 29-16
Bohr’s Model of Atomic Quantization (cont’d)
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Slide 29-17
Frequencies of Photons Emitted in Electron
fphoton 
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Slide 29-18
Representing Atomic States
Energy-level diagram
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Slide 29-19
The Bohr Hydrogen Atom
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Slide 29-20
Energy-Level Diagram of the Hydrogen Atom
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Slide 29-21
The Quantum-Mechanical Hydrogen Atom
1. Schrödinger found that the energy of the hydrogen atom is
given by the same expression found by Bohr, or
En  
13.60 eV
n  1, 2,3,...
The integer n is called the principal quantum number.
2. The angular momentum L of the electron’s orbit must be one of
the values
L  l (l  1) U
l  0,1, 2,3,..., n  1
The integer l is called the orbital quantum number.
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Slide 29-22
The Quantum-Mechanical Hydrogen Atom (cont’d)
3. The plane of the electron’s orbit can be tilted, but only at
certain discrete angles. Each allowed angle is characterized
by a quantum number m, which must be one of the values
m  l , l  1,...,0,..., l  1, l
The integer m is called the magnetic quantum number
because it becomes important when the atom is placed in a
magnetic field.
4. The electron’s spin can point only up or down. These two
orientations are described by the spin quantum number ms,
which must be one of the values
ms   or 
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Slide 29-23
Energy and Angular Momentum of the Hydrogen
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Slide 29-24
Energy Levels in Multielectron Atoms
Hydrogen atom
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Multielectron atom
Slide 29-25
Excited States and the Pauli Exclusion Principle
Helium atom
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Lithium atom
Slide 29-26
The Periodic Table
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Slide 29-27
Building Up the Periodic Table
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Slide 29-28
Excitation by Absorption and Collision
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Slide 29-29
Emission Spectra
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Slide 29-30
Checking Understanding
Suppose that an atomic excited state decays to the ground state
by emission of two photons, with energies E1 and E2. Is it possible
for that excited state to decay to the ground state by emission of
a single photon with energy E1 + E2?
A. It is always possible, for every atom.
B. It is never possible, for any atom.
C. It is always possible for hydrogen atoms, but is
unlikely for other atoms.
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Slide 29-31
Suppose that an atomic excited state decays to the ground state
by emission of two photons, with energies E1 and E2. Is it possible
for that excited state to decay to the ground state by emission of
a single photon with energy E1 + E2?
A. It is always possible, for every atom.
B. It is never possible, for any atom.
C. It is always possible for hydrogen atoms, but is
unlikely for other atoms.
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Slide 29-32
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Slide 29-33
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Slide 29-34
Checking Understanding
Which of the following is not a possible fluorescence process?
Absorption of red light and emission of green light
Absorption of ultraviolet light and emission of infrared
C. Absorption of ultraviolet light and emission of green light
D. Absorption of blue light and emission of red light
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Slide 29-35
Which of the following is not a possible fluorescence process?
A. Absorption of red light and emission of green light
B. Absorption of ultraviolet light and emission of infrared
C. Absorption of ultraviolet light and emission of green light
D. Absorption of blue light and emission of red light
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Slide 29-36
Stimulated Emission and Lasers
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Slide 29-37
Photon Amplification
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Slide 29-38
A Helium-Neon Laser
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Slide 29-39