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Society: the basics
Eleventh Edition
Race and Ethnicity
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Race and Ethnicity
• What are race and ethnicity, and how are
they created by society?
• Why does the United States have so
much racial and ethnic diversity?
• How are race and ethnicity important
dimensions of social inequality today?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
The Social Meaning of Race and
• People often confuse race and ethnicity.
• Millions of people in the United States do
not think of themselves in terms of a single
category but as having a mixed ancestry.
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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• A socially constructed category of
people who share biologically
transmitted traits that members of a
society consider important
• Why do people display “racial
• Appeared among human ancestors as a
result of living in different regions of the
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
• Variety of racial traits is the product of
• We think of race in biological terms, but it
is a socially constructed concept
• Race is a matter of social definitions and is
a highly variable concept
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• The meaning and importance of race not
only differ from place to place but also
change over time
• Today, the Census Bureau allows people
to describe themselves using more than
one racial category
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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• Racial types
– Scientists invented the concept of race to
organize the world’s physical diversity
 Caucasoid
 Negroid
 Mongoloid
– How could the terminology used to describe
racial categories be misleading and harmful?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Racial types (continued)
– There is more genetic variation within each
category than between categories
– From a biological point of view, knowing
people’s racial category allows us to predict
nothing about them
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Categories allow societies to rank people
in a hierarchy
– Gives some more money, power, and prestige
– Allow some people to feel they are naturally
“better” than others
• Because race matters so much, societies
construct racial categories in extreme
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• A trend toward mixture
– Genetic traits from around the world have
become mixed
– Today, people are willing to define
themselves as multiracial
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Researchers have found that biracial and
multiracial people choose different racial
identities in different settings, depending
on whom they are with. Have you every
experienced such a “racial shift”?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• A shared cultural heritage
• People define themselves as members of
an ethnic category that have a distinctive
– Common ancestors
– Language
– Religion
• Like race, ethnicity is socially constructed
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Race is constructed from biological traits
and ethnicity is constructed from cultural
• People play up or down ethnicity
depending on whether they want to fit in or
stand apart
• Could it be possible for someone to
change their ethnicity?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Any category of people distinguished by
physical or cultural difference that a
society sets apart and subordinates
– Based on race, ethnicity, or both
• Two important characteristics
– Share a distinct identity
– Experience subordination
• Not all members of a minority category are
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Do you think all U.S. people of color, rich
and poor alike, should be considered
minorities? Why or why not?
• Usually make up a small proportion of a
society’s population
– Exceptions are blacks in South Africa and
women in the U.S.
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Prejudice and Stereotypes
• Prejudice may target people of:
– A particular social class
– Sex
– Sexual orientation
– Age
– Political affiliation
– Race
– Ethnicity
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• A rigid and unfair generalization about an
entire category of people
• Prejudices are prejudgments
– Can you provide examples of how prejudices
can be both negative and positive?
– Rooted in culture so everyone has some
measure of prejudice
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Often takes the form of stereotypes
– An exaggerated description applied to every
person in some category
– Especially harmful to minorities in the
• Are there stereotypes in common phrases
or images in our society? Explain and
provide examples.
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Measuring Prejudice: The Social
Distance Scale
• Social Distance
– Refers to how closely people are willing to
interact with members of some category
– Emory Bogardus
 Found that people felt more social distance from
some categories than others
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Measuring Prejudice: The Social
Distance Scale
• Three major findings
– Student opinion shows a trend toward greater
social acceptance
– People see less difference between various
– The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001,
might have reduced social acceptance of
Arabs and Muslims
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• The belief that one racial category is
innately superior or inferior to another
– Powerful and harmful form of prejudice
– Existed throughout world history
– Widespread throughout U.S. history
– Do you believe that racism is still a serious
problem throughout our society today?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Theories of Prejudice
• Where do you believe that prejudice
comes from?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Theories of Prejudice
• Scapegoat theory
– Prejudice springs from frustration among
people who are themselves disadvantaged
– Scapegoat
 A person or category of people, typically with little
power, whom other people unfairly blame for their
own troubles
 Minorities often are used as scapegoats
– They have little power
– Usually are “safe targets”
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Theories of Prejudice
• Authoritarian personality theory
– Extreme prejudice is a personality trait of
certain individuals
– Conclusion supported by research
 Indicated that people who show strong prejudice
toward one minority are intolerant of all minorities
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Theories of Prejudice
• Authoritarian personality theory
– Authoritarian personalities
 Rigidly conform to conventional cultural values
 See moral issues as clear-cut matters of right and
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Theories of Prejudice
• Authoritarian personality theory
– Opposite pattern also found to be true
 People who express tolerance toward one minority
are likely to be accepting of all
 People with little education and raised by cold,
demanding parents tend to develop authoritarian
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Theories of Prejudice
• Culture theory
– Claims that although extreme prejudice is
found in certain people, some prejudice is
found in everyone
– “Culture of prejudice”
 Taught to view certain categories of people as
“better” or “worse” than others
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Theories of Prejudice
• Conflict theory
– Proposes that prejudice is used a a tool by
powerful people to oppress others
– Another conflict-based argument
 Minorities encourage “race consciousness” to win
greater power and privileges
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
• Discrimination
– Unequal treatment of various categories of
• Prejudice refers to attitudes
• Discrimination is a matter of action
– Positive or negative
– Subtle to blatant
• Does prejudice and discrimination always
go together? Explain and give examples.
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Institutional Prejudice and
• Bias built into the operation of
society’s institutions
• Can you provide examples of how
prejudice and discrimination has become
institutionalized in schools, banks,
hospitals, law enforcement, and the
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Institutional Prejudice and
• Why are people often slow to condemn or
recognize institutional prejudice?
– Often involves respected public officials and
long-established traditions
– Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Prejudice and Discrimination:
The Vicious Cycle
• Prejudice and discrimination reinforce
each other
• Situations that are defined as real
become real in their consequences
• Stereotypes
– Real to people who believe them
– Real to those victimized by them
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Image Bank
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Majority and Minority:
Patterns of Interaction
• Four models
– Pluralism
– Assimilation
– Segregation
– Genocide
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
• A state in which people of all races and
ethnicities are distinct but have equal
social standing
• Do you believe that the U.S. is pluralistic?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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• U.S. not pluralistic for three reasons
– Although most of us value our cultural
heritage, few people who live with others of
their category do so entirely by choice
– Our tolerance for social diversity goes only so
– People of various colors and cultures do not
have equal social standing
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• The process by which minorities
gradually adopt patterns of the
dominant culture
• Why do most minorities adopt the
dominant culture?
– Avenue to upward social mobility
– Way to escape prejudice and discrimination
directed against more visible foreigners
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Amount of assimilation varies by category
• Assimilation involves changes in ethnicity
but not in race
• Should we expect people who come to the
U.S. to change their language and other
cultural patterns in order to “fit in,” or
should we expect them to hold onto their
own traditions?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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• Miscegenation
– Biological reproduction by partners of different
racial categories
– Must occur for racial traits to diminish over
– Though more common, interracial marriage
still amounts to only 7% of all marriages
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
• The physical and social separation of
categories of people
• Segregation enforces separation that
harms a minority
• de jure segregation (by law)
• de facto segregation (in fact)
• Can segregation be voluntary?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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• Does segregation still occur today?
• Hypersegregation
– Having little contact of any kind with people
beyond the local community
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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• The systematic killing of one category
of people by another
• Deadly form of racism and ethnocentrism
– Violates every moral standard
• Common throughout history
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
• Important to recognize the degree to which
U.S. society was built
– Segregation of African Americans
– Genocide of Native Americans
• Is genocide a relic of the past?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
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Race Ethnicity in the United
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming
Send these, the homeless, tempesttossed to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
Emma Lazarus (Base of Statue of Liberty)
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Native Americans
• Refers to hundreds of societies who first
settled the Western Hemisphere
• 15th century: Numbered in the millions
• By 1900: Numbered 250,000
– Centuries of conflict and genocide
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Native Americans
• What cultural factors have led to the low
social standing of Native Americans?
What can be done to improve their social
– Noncompetitive view of life
– Reluctance to pursue higher education
– Dark skin made them targets of prejudice and
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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White Anglo-Saxon Protestants
• Most are of English ancestry
– Includes Scotland and Wales
• Not subject to prejudice and discrimination
• Cultural legacy
– English dominant language
– Protestantism dominant religion
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants
• Historical dominance is evident
– Widespread use of “race” and “ethnicity” to
describe everyone but them
• In what ways does being WASP (or simply
being white) confer privilege on people?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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African Americans
• Slavery was foundation of southern
colonies’ plantation system
• 400,000 forcibly transported to US
• Filth, disease, and suicide killed many
• No control over their lives
• Declaration of Independence did not apply
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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African Americans
• “American Dilemma”
– Democratic society’s denial of basic rights
and freedoms to an entire category of people
• Resolution of the dilemma
– African Americans defined as naturally inferior
and undeserving of equality
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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African Americans
• 13th Amendment outlawed slavery
• 14th Amendment granted citizenship to all
people born in the U.S.
• 15th Amendment gave the right to vote
• Jim Crow Laws
– Institutionalized discrimination that
segregated U.S. society into two racial castes
• 20th century brought dramatic changes
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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African Americans
• 1950s and 1960s
– National civil rights movement
• Black Power Movement
– Gave African Americans sense of pride and
• Despite gains, continue to occupy a lower
social position in the U.S.
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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African Americans
• Black unemployment twice as high as
white unemployment
– Factory jobs vital to central cities lost to other
• Remarkable educational progress since
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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African Americans
• Political clout has greatly increased
• People of African ancestry have struggled
for social equality for 400 years
• Discrimination is illegal; research
documents long-term decline in prejudice
against African Americans
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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African Americans
• Racial hierarchy persists
• In your opinion, how much change has
there been in racial prejudice and
discrimination against African Americans
during your lifetime? Do you believe that
race relations will get better with the recent
election of President Obama?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Asian Americans
• Category marked by enormous cultural
• 4.5% of U.S. population
• Commands attention and respect as high
• “Model minority” stereotype
– Misleading because it hides the differences in
class standards and poverty found among
their ranks
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Asian Americans
• Chinese Americans
– Immigration began in 1849 with the gold rush
– Economic hard times led to prejudice and
– “Yellow Peril”
 Laws passed to bar from many occupations
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Asian Americans
• Chinese Americans (continued)
– Chinese men outnumbered Chinese women
20 to one
 High demand of Chinese women led to their loss of
their submissiveness
– Racial hostility
 Moved East to urban China towns
 Traditions and kinship networks (clans)
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Asian Americans
• WWII need for labor led to end of ban on
Chinese immigration
• By 1950, many experienced upward social
– Hold high-prestige positions
– Science and information technology
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Asian Americans
• Despite success, Chinese Americans still
deal with subtle and sometimes blatant
prejudice and discrimination
– Poverty still high among those socially
isolated in Chinatowns
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Japanese Americans
• Immigration began slowly in the 1860s
• As number of immigrants increased to
California, white hostility increased
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Japanese Americans
• Differed from Chinese immigrants in three
– Fewer Japanese, so they escaped some of
the hostility directed at the Chinese
– Japanese knew more about the U.S. than the
Chinese, so assimilated better
– Japanese preferred rural farming which made
them less visible
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Japanese Americans
• Japanese faced their greatest crisis after
Pearl Harbor
– Rage directed at the Japanese living in the
– Detained in military camps by executive order
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Japanese Americans
• Internment was criticized
– Targeted an entire group of people
– Two-thirds of those imprisoned were nisei
(U.S. citizens)
– U.S. also at war with Germany and Italy but
no comparable action was taken against
people of German and Italian ancestry
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Japanese Americans
• Internment led to the economic
devastation of Japanese Americans
• Internment ended in 1944
– 1988: Congress awarded $20,000 to each
victim for compensation
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Japanese Americans
• In 2006, median income of Japanese
Americans was 35% above national
• Upward social mobility encouraged
cultural assimilation
– Many abandoned their traditions
– Some are still caught between two worlds
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Recent Asian Immigrants
• Koreans, Filipinos, Indians, Vietnamese,
Guamanians, and Samoans
• Many have a strong entrepreneurial spirit
– Owning a small business is a strategy for
dealing with societal prejudice and
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Recent Asian Immigrants
• Japanese closest to having achieved
social acceptance
• In this country, are people more accepting
of African Americans or Asian Americans?
• Many live in Hawaii, California, or New
– Incomes are high but so are costs of living
– Many Asian Americans remain poor
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Hispanic Americans/ Latinos
• Number of Hispanics in U.S. topped 46
million in 2008
– Surpassed number of African Americans
– Now the largest racial or ethnic minority
• Hispanics are a cluster of distinct
– Each identify with a particular ancestral nation
• Median family income is below national
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Hispanic Americans/ Latinos
• Mexican Americans
– Descendants of people who lived in the part
of Mexico annexed by U.S.
– Most are recent immigrants
– Today, more immigrants come from Mexico
than any other country
– What may be some social factors that
influence the high dropout rate among
Mexican Americans? What can be done to
deal with this social phenomenon?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Hispanic Americans/ Latinos
• Puerto Ricans
– Island became U.S. possession after the
Spanish-American war
– Became citizens in 1917
– Most live in New York City
– Adjusting to cultural patterns is a major
– Darker skin leads to more prejudice and
discrimination–most return to Puerto Rico
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Hispanic Americans/ Latinos
• Puerto Ricans (continued)
– “Revolving door” pattern limits assimilation
– Most speak only Spanish which limits
economic opportunity
– Most socially disadvantaged Hispanic minority
• Do you think the U.S. population as a
whole would support Puerto Rico as the
fifty-first state?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Hispanic Americans/ Latinos
• Cuban Americans
– 400,000 Cubans fled to U.S. after the 1959
– Most settled in Miami
– Many were highly educated business and
professional people
– Median income above that of other Hispanics
but still below the national average
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Hispanic Americans/ Latinos
• Cuban Americans (continued)
– Cubans are most likely to speak Spanish in
their homes
– Cultural distinctiveness and highly visible
communities provokes some hostility
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Arab Americans
• A U.S. minority that is increasing in size
• The “Arab World” includes 22 nations
• Not all are Arabs
– Berber of Morocco; Kurds of Iraq
• Arab cultures differ from society to society
– Share widespread use of Arabic alphabet and
– Islam is dominant religion
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Arab Americans
• “Arab” is an ethnic category
• “Muslim” is a follower of Islam
• Majority of people living in Arab countries
are Muslim, but some Arabs are Christians
or followers of other religions
• Why may Arab Americans choose to
downplay their ethnicity? Do any students
on this campus seem to downplay their
ethnicity as a way to “fit in”?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Arab Americans
• How did the Terrorist attacks against the
U.S. and other nations fuel stereotypes
that link Arab or Muslim with terrorists?
– Unfair because it blames an entire category
for the actions of a few
– Explains why social-distance research show
students express more negative attitudes
toward Arabs that any other racial or ethnic
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Arab Americans
• How did the Terrorist attacks against the
U.S. and other nations fuel stereotypes
that link Arab or Muslim with terrorists?
– Explains why Arabs have been the target of
hate crimes
– Explains why many feel they are subject to
“ethnic profiling”
 Threatens their privacy and civil liberties
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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White Ethnic Americans
• Term “White Ethnics”
– Recognizes ethnic heritage and social
disadvantage of many white people
• Non-WASPs
– Ireland, Poland, Germany, Italy, or other
European countries
• Do any members of your family consider
themselves to be “white ethnics”? Explain.
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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White Ethnic Americans
• Endured their share of prejudice and
• Congress enacted quota system limiting
• Many formed supportive residential
• Some gained footholds in certain
businesses and trades
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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White Ethnic Americans
• Many still live in traditional working-class
• Those who prospered gradually
• Many descendants now make enough
money to live comfortable lives
– Ethnic heritage is now a source of pride
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
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Race and Ethnicity:
Looking Ahead
• U.S. has been, and will remain, a land of
• New arrivals face the same prejudice and
discrimination experienced by those who
came before them
• Recent years have witnessed xenophobia
– Rising hostility toward foreigners
• Can you provide examples of xenophobia
in our society today?
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Race and Ethnicity:
Looking Ahead
• Today’s immigrants try to blend into
American society without completely
giving up their culture
• New arrivals still carry the traditional hope
that their racial and ethnic diversity can be
a source of pride rather than a badge of
Society: the basics, Eleventh Edition
John J. Macionis
Copyright ©2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.
All rights reserved.