Download 5.10 NOTES What is the Ring of Fire? Objective: Identify the three

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5.10 NOTES
What is the Ring of Fire?
Objective: Identify the three major volcanic and earthquake zones on Earth
Most big earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on earth occur in three areas, or
zones. These zones are the Ring of Fire, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the EurasianMelanesian Belt. There are many active volcanoes, or volcanoes that have
erupted at least once within recorded history. There are more than 500 active
volcanoes on land, and even more under the oceans.
The Ring of Fire almost forms a circle around the Pacific Ocean. This is how it got
its name. Many volcanoes and earthquakes occur here. The western coasts of
North and South America are part of the Ring of Fire.
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is located in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a long underwater
chain of volcanic mountains. The formation of new crust causes earthquakes and
volcanoes. Iceland is a volcanic island that is part of this zone
Many countries in Europe are in the third zone, called the Eurasian-Melanesian
Belt. The mountains along this belt formed when parts of Earth’s crust collided
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