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34. Axillary and brachial arteries, arteries of the forearm and hand
! The axillary artery is contituation of:
Subclavian artery
#Brachiocephalic trunk
Common carotid artery
Intercostal artery
!1 Where is border between the subclavian and axillary arteries?
The level of the external border of the 1-st rib
#The level of the internal border of the 1-st rib
The level of acromial end of clavicle
The level of the 2-nd rib
! Axillary artery continues to:
Brachial artery
#Deep brachial artery
Ulnar artery
Radial artery
! Where is the distal border of the axillary artery?
Lower edge of the tendon of latissimus dorsi m.
#Upper edge of the tendon of latissimus dorsi m.
Lower border of the pectoralis minor m.
Upper border of the pectoralis minor m.
! How many sections has the axillary artery?
! The 1-st section of axillary artery corresponds to:
Clavipectoral trigone
#Pectoral trigone
Subpectoral trigone
Omoclavicular trigone
! The 2-nd section of axillary artery corresponds to:
Pectoral trigone
#Clavipectoral trigone
Subpectoral trigone
Omoclavicular trigone
! The 3-rd section of axillary artery corresponds to:
Subpectoral trigone
#Pectoral trigone
Clavopectoral trigone
Omoclavicular trigone
!1 What artery is a branch of the 1-st section of axillary artery?
Superior thoracic artery
#Subscapular artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
! What artery supplies the 1-st and 2-nd intercostal spaces?
Superior thoracic artery
#Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Subscapular artery
!1 What branch of axillary artery supplies m. subscapularis?
Subscapular artery
#Superior thoracic artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Thoracoacromial artery
!1 What artery arises from axillary at the level of superior edge of pectoralis minor muscle?
Thoracoacromial artery
#Superior thoracic artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Lateral thoracic artery
! What artery is not a branch of thoracoacromial artery?
Lateral thoracic artery
#Acromial artery
Clavicular artery
Deltoid artery
! What artery arises directly from thoracoacromial artery?
Pectoral artery
#Subscapular artery
Lateral thoracic artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
!1 What artery supplies the acromioclavicular and shoulder joints?
Acromial branch of thoracoacromial artery
#Deltoid branch of thoracoacromial artery
Pectoral branch of thoracoacromial artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
!1 What artery arises from axillary at the level of pectoral trigone?
Lateral thoracic artery
#Subscapular artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
! What muscle does the lateral thoracic artery supply?
Serratus anterior
Pectoralis major
!1 What artery is not a branch of the 3-rd section of axillary artery?
Thoracoacromial artery
#Subscapular artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
!1 What artery passes trough the triangular space?
Circumflex scapular artery
#Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Thoracodorsal artery
!1 What artery runs on anterior surface of the surgical neck of humerus?
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
#Thoracodorsal artery
Circumflex scapular artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
!1 What artery passes trough the quadrangular space?
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
#Circumflex scapular artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Thoracodorsal artery
! What artery doesn't supply the shoulder joint?
Thoracodorsal artery
#Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Thoracoacromial artery
! Where does the brachial artery start?
At the level of lower edge of the pectoralis major
#At the level of upper edge of the pectoralis major
At the level of lower edge of the pectoralis minor
At the level of upper edge of the pectoralis minor
! Where does the brachial artery run?
In medial bicipital groove
#In lateral bicipital groove
In radial canal
In groove for the ulnar nerve
!1 Where does brachial artery divide into the terminal branches?
In the cubital fossa at the level of radial neck
#At the level of capitulum humeri
At level of the cubital joint
Between the middle and inferior third of the arm
! The terminal branch of brachial artery is:
Ulnar artery
#Deep brachial artery
Superior ulnar collateral artery
Inferior ulnar collateral artery
! The terminal branch of brachial artery is:
Radial artery
#Deep brahial artery
Superior ulnar collateral artery
Inferior ulnar collateral artery
! What artery runs together with the radial nerve?
Deep brachial artery
#Radial artery
Superior ulnar collateral artery
Inferior ulnar collateral artery
! What artery doesn't arise from the deep brachial artery?
Superior ulnar collateral artery
#Middle collateral artery
Radial collateral artery
Humeral nutrient artery
!1 What artery doesn't take part in formation of cubital arterial network?
Deltoid artery
#Superior ulnar collateral artery
Middle collateral artery
Inferior ulnar collateral artery
! What artery passes trough the canal for radial nerve?
Deep brachial
#Superior ulnar collateral
Middle collateral
Inferior ulnar collateral
!1 What arteries are terminal branches of the brachial artery?
Radial and ulnar arteries
#Superior ulnal collateral
Deep brachial
Inferior ulnar collateral
!1 What branch of brachial artery runs in
the medial groove of forearm?
Superior ulnar collateral
Inferior ulnar collateral
!1 What artery runs in the lateral groove
of the forearm?
Superior ulnar collateral
Inferior ulnar collateral
!1 What atrery lies under the skin and
fascia in the lower third of the forearm?
Superior ulnar collateral
Inferior ulnar collateral
! What artery is used for pulse measure?
Superior ulnar collateral
Inferior ulnar collateral
! The terminal part of the radial artery forms:
Deep palmar arch
#Superficial palmar arch
Dorsal carpal network
Palmar carpal network
! What arteries arise from deep palmar arch?
Palmar metacarpal arteries
#Dorsal metacarpal arteries
Common digital arteries
Proper digital arteries
! The perforating arteries arise from the ...
Palmar metacarpal arteries
#Dorsal carpal arteries
Common digital arteries
Proper digital arteries
! The perforating arteries connect:
Palmar and dorsal metacarpal arteries
#Radial and ulnar
Princeps policis and radialis indicis
Common and proper digital arteries
!1 What artery arises from the initial division of the
radial artery?
Recurrent radial
#Collateral radial
Princeps pollicis
Common interosseal
!1 What arteries form anastomoses in the anterior
lateral cubital groove?
Collateral radial and recurrent radial
#Collateral media and recurrent interosseal
Superior ulnal collateral and posterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
Inferior ulnal collateral and anterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
!1 What arteries form anastomoses in the posterior
lateral cubital groove?
Middle collateral and recurrent interossea
#Collateral radial and recurrent radial
Superior ulnal collateral and posterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
Inferior ulnal collateral and anterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
!1 What arteries form anastomoses in the anterior medial
cubital groove?
Inferior ulnar collateral and anterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
#Collateral media and recurrent interossea
Collateral radial and recurrent radial
Superior ulnal collateral and posterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
!1 What arteries form anastomoses in the posterior medial
cubital groove?
Superior ulnar collateral and posterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
#Inferior ulnal collateral and anterior branch from
ulnar recurrent
Collateral media and recurrent interossea
Collateral radial and recurrent radial
!1 What branch of radial artery takes part in formation
of superficial palmar arch?
Superficial palmar
#Palmar carpal
Dorsal carpal
Princeps pollicis
!1 What branch of radial takes part in formation of
palmar carpal network?
Palmar carpal
#Superficial palmar
Palmar dorsal
Princeps pollicis
!1 What branch of radial takes part in formation of
dorsal carpal network?
Dorsal carpal
#Superficial palmar
Palmar carpal
Princeps pollicis
! Where do the dorsal metacarpal arteries start?
From dorsal carpal network
#From deep palmar arch
From suprficial palmar arch
From palmar carpal network
! What branches give each dorsal metacarpal artery?
Two dorsal digital
#Radialis indicis
Common palmar digital
Palmar metacarpal
!1 What artery arises from the initial division of
the ulnar artery?
Recurrent ulnar
Superior ulnar collateral
Inferior ulnar collateral
!1 What artery runs on anterior surface of the antebrachial
interosseal membrane?
Anterior interosseal
#Common interosseal
Posterior interosseal
! What artery supplies the posterior muscles of the forearm?
Posterior interosseal
#Common interosseal
Anterior interosseal
!1 What artery passes trough the antebrachial interosseal
Posterior interosseal
#Common interosseal
Anterior interosseal
! The terminal part of the ulnar artery forms:
Superficial palmar arch
#Deep palmar arch
Palmar carpal network
Dorsal carpal network
! What arteries arise from the superficial palmar arch?
Common palmar digital arteries
#Proper palmar digital arteries
Dorsal metacarpal
Palmar metacarpal
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