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The Cell
Cellulae (Small room)
The Organism’s Basic Unit of Structure and Function
of cells
All other forms
of life
Cell Theory
1- All organisms are composed of one or
more of cells.
2- Cell is the basic unit of life.
3- The new cell arises only from preexisting cell.
1). Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
differ in size and complexity
• All cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane.
• The semi-fluid substance within the cell is called “cytosol”,
containing the cell organelles.
• All cells contain chromosomes which have genes in the form of DNA.
• All cells have tiny organelles called “Ribosomes” that make proteins.
1). Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
differ in size and complexity
• A major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic
cells is the location of chromosomes.
– In an eukaryotic cell, chromosomes are contained in a true nucleus ).
– In a prokaryotic cell, the DNA is concentrated in the nucleoid) without a
membrane separating it from the rest of the cell.
– In prokaryotic cell, DNA is a single strand or double strand DNA. But in
eukaryotic cell, DNA is double strand.
A)- Prokaryotes
What are Prokaryotes?
• It includes two Major Domains: Archaea and Bacteria
• Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms that do not
have a membrane-bound nucleus, and can live in
nearly every environment on Earth.
• Although tiny, prokaryotes differ greatly in their
genetic traits, their modes of nutrition, however,
their habitats are similar.
• Based on genetic differences, prokaryotes are
grouped in two domains: Domain Archaea and
Domain Bacteria.
– “Prokaryote” means “before a nucleus”
– No internal membrane-bound organelles –
just one little bag of cytoplasm
– No nucleus
– Usually single-celled (may form simple
– May or may not require oxygen for survival.
– Earliest types of cells on Earth
– Cell type of all bacteria and Archaea
Much tougher than eukaryotes
Can survive almost anywhere – and do!
Have much greater genetic diversity than
Have a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane
(different chemistry from plant cell wall)
Types of Prokaryotes
- Exist in most
- Exist in extreme environments
(hot and salty)
They are differing in some other structural, biochemical
and physiological characteristics
1. Domain: Archaea
Archaea are extremophiles, “ ‫ُمحب‬
‫ ”للظروف القاسية‬of extreme environments
and can be classified into:
a)- Extreme halophiles ‫ ُمحب للملوحة‬:
• live in such saline places as the
Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea.
Some species require an extremely
salty ‫ شديدة الملوحة‬environment to grow.
b)- Extreme thermophiles ‫ ُمحب للحرارة‬live
in hot environments.
The optimum temperatures for most
thermophiles are 60 - 80°C.
2. Domain: Bacteria
Bacteria occur in many shapes and sizes. Bacteria of four shapes: rodshaped, sphere-shaped, spiral-shaped, or filamentous-shaped.
‫شبه نواة‬
‫غشاء بالزمى‬
‫الجدار الخلوى‬
Prokaryotic Cell
Cell Wall
Shapes of Bacteria
• Bacteria occur in many shapes and sizes. Most bacteria have one of
three basic shapes: rod-shaped, sphere-shaped, or spiral-shaped.
• Spiral shaped bacteria in the form of spirilla (singular, spirillum) or
vibrio (comma like).
• Sphere-shaped bacteria are called cocci (singular, coccus). An
example of cocci is Micrococcus luteus. Cocci are single or
aggregate cells in different shapes.
• Rod-shaped bacteria are called bacilli (singular, bacillus). An
example of bacilli is Escherichia coli. Bacilli are single or aggregate
cells in different shapes also.
The Gram’s stain: ‫صبغة جرام‬
• It is a tool for identifying ‫ تعريف‬bacteria, based on differences in
their cell walls.
• A)- Gram-positive (Gram +ve) bacteria:
• Their cell walls have large amounts ‫ كمية كبيرة‬of peptidoglycans
that react with Gram’s stain (appear violet-stained ‫)تـُصبغ بنفسجيا‬.
The Gram’s stain: ‫صبغة جرام‬
• B)- Gram-negative (Gram -ve) bacteria:
• their cell walls have no or small amount of
peptidoglycan. So, do not react or very weakly react with
Gram’s stain (appear red-stained ‫)تصبغ باألحمر‬
Summary of Gram’s stain: ‫صبغة جرام‬
• Gram Stain
– Most species of bacteria are classified into two categories
based on the structure of their cell walls as determined by
a technique called the Gram stain.
– Gram-positive bacteria have a thick layer of
peptidoglycan in their cell wall, and they appear violet
under a microscope after the Gram-staining procedure.
– Gram-negative bacteria have a thin layer of
peptidoglycan in their cell wall, and they appear reddishpink under a microscope after the Gram-staining
Summary of Gram’s stain: ‫صبغة جرام‬
• Gram +ve bacteria: have Large amount of peptidoglycan
that stained violet.
• Gram –ve bacteria: Have small amount or no peptidoglycan
stained red.
Most Gram-negative species are pathogenic (‫ ) ممرضة‬more
threatening (‫ )أكثر خطورة‬than gram-positive species.
Gram-negative bacteria are commonly more resistant (‫)أكثر ممانعة‬
than gram-positive species to antibiotics ‫للمضادات الحيوية‬.
I - the bacterial capsule
Many prokaryotes (bacteria)
secrete a sticky
protective layer called
capsule outside
the cell wall.
Capsule has the
following functions ‫وظائف‬:
Adhere ‫ تثبيت‬bacterial cells to their substratum ‫السطح‬.
Increase bacterial resistance ‫ المقاومة‬to host defenses ‫مناعة العائل‬.
Stick )‫ )تلصق‬bacterial cells together when live in colonies.
Protect ‫ تحمى‬bacterial cell.
II - The bacterial cell wall
In all prokaryotes, the functions of the cell wall are as
1. maintains ‫ تحافظ‬the shape of the cell,
2. affords physical protection ‫توفر الحماية الطبيعية‬
3. prevents the cell from bursting (‫ )إنفجار‬in a hypotonic
environment ‫البيئة ذات التركيز األسموزى المنخفض‬.
Most bacterial cell walls contain
(a polymer of
modified sugars cross-linked by short polypeptides).
• The walls of Archaea lack (‫ )تـفـتـقـد‬peptidoglycan.
Structural Characteristics of a Bacterial Cell
Nutritional and metabolic diversity
All prokaryotes (and eukaryotes too) are grouped into four
(4) categories according to how they obtain energy and
carbon .
1. Photoautotrophs
- Photosynthetic  use light as the energy source
- CO2 is the carbon source
Example: Cyanobacteria; plants (eukaryotic).
2. Chemoautotrophs
- Energy from oxidation of inorganic substances (e.g. NH4,
and S)
- CO2 is the carbon source
Example: Sulfolobus, Beggiatoa (shown on slide)
3. Photoheterotrophs
- Light as energy source
- Organic compounds are source of carbon
4. Chemoheterotrophs
- Organic compounds are energy source and source
of carbon (this includes humans)
Examples: Many prokaryotes; animals (eukaryotic);
fungi (eukaryotic)
binary fission in bacteria
• Cell division
involves inward
growth of the
dividing the parent
cell into two
daughter cells,
each with a
complete genome.
B- Eukaryotic Cell
• In eukaryote cells, the chromosomes are
contained within a membranous nuclear
• The region between the nucleus and the
plasma membrane is the cytoplasm.
– All the material within the plasma membrane of
a prokaryotic cell is cytoplasm.
• Within the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell is
a variety of membrane-bounded organelles
of specialized form and function.
– These membrane-bounded organelles are
absent in prokaryotes.
• Eukaryotic cells are generally much bigger
than prokaryotic cells.
• The logistics of carrying out metabolism set
limits on cell size.
– At the lower limit, the smallest bacteria,
mycoplasmas, are between 0.1 to 1.0 micron.
– Most bacteria are 1-10 microns in diameter.
– Eukaryotic cells are typically 10-100 microns in
Internal membranes compartmentalize the
functions of a eukaryotic cell
An eukaryotic cell has internal membranes, which partition the cell into
compartments .
These membranes also participate in metabolism as many enzymes are
built into membranes.
The general structure of a biological membrane is a double layer of
phospholipids and diverse proteins.
Each type of membrane has a unique combination of lipids and proteins
for its specific functions.
– For example, those in the membranes of mitochondria function in
cellular respiration.
B- Eukaryotic Cell
Eu: True
Karyon: Nucleus
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
What are the functions of cell organelles ?
Compare between Animal and Plant cell?
Euokaryotes: Euo = true karyot = •
nucleus . Plant and animals have
real nucleus, surrounded with
nuclear membrane.
-The Bacteria and the virus’s have •
no real nucleus they contain
nucleiod region (no nuclear
membrane) were the very simple
genetic material (DNA or
-The prokaryotic cells (bacteria and •
viruses) also have a very simples
cell structure cell wall, cell
membrane, cytoplasm, ribosome’s
and nucleiod area for a very simple
genetic material (DNA or RNA) and
cilia or flagella.
The euokayotic cells have a very •
complex structure and many cell
organelles (Look at the book page 112. 6th ed.)
Fig. 7.8
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
‫المادة الوراثية‬
‫الشبكة اإلندوبالزمية‬
‫الجدار النووى‬
‫سوط حركى‬
‫جسم مركزى‬
‫حهاز جولـﭽـى‬
‫غشاء بالزمى‬
‫حلمات دقيقة‬
‫جسم ُمحلل‬
‫الهيكل الخلوى‬
‫فجوة مركزية‬
‫بالستيدة خضراء‬
‫الجدار الخلوى‬
‫ثقوب بينية‬
Cytokinesis in animal cell:
• Cytokinesis, division of
the cytoplasm, typically
follows mitosis.
• In animals, the first sign
of cytokinesis
is the appearance of a
cleavage furrow in the
cell surface near the old
metaphase plate.
• Cytokinesis in plants, which have cell walls,
involves a completely different mechanism.
• During telophase, vesicles
from the Golgi coalesce at
the metaphase plate,
forming a cell plate.
– The plate enlarges until its
membranes fuse with the
plasma membrane at the
perimeter, with the contents
of the vesicles forming new
wall material in between.
Prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic gene