* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
REVIEW ARTICLE NEGATIVE HYDROGEN ION BEAMS A. J. T . HOLMES AEA Tcchnology, Culham Laboratory, Abingdon, Onon OX14 3DB, U.K (RmiurrlX July 1991 ; and in wLii.wd/brm 13 Septenrhcr 199 I ) Abstract-A description is presented of the developmeill of H- and D- sourccs for ncutrsl bcam heating on thc next generation Tokamaks such as NET or ITER. The two basic types of such ion sourccs are discussed, wherc either thc ion is formed i n the plasma by dissociative attachment or on the surface of a negatively biased electron of low work function. Also described arc the acceleration techniques to form high energy and power beams nccded four neutral beam injectors. Finally. a short discussion is presented of the future develor”n1 of these sources. I . INTRODUCTION THE FUTURE SUCCESS of neutral beam heating for next step Tokamaks such as N E T o r ITER and also for high energy neutral atom beams for SDI applications, depends on the development of negative ion beams with a high brightness. In both areas it is the ability to detach the extra electron from H - o r D- ions in a gas cell with a n optimum conversion efficiency of 60% irrespective of beam energy which causes negative ion beams to be of interest. However, the low binding energy of this electron (0.75 eV for H-) which allows easy detachment also makes it ditfcult to form negative ions initially and this prevented the early exploitation of negative ion beam systems. By 1980, however, two methods of forming significant fluxes of negative ions in practical ion sources had been developed and this has led to two radically different techniques of accelerating and transporting a beam t o distant targets. The two basic types of ion source depend on very different methods of producing the ion. The “surface” source forms negative ions by double electron capture o r by sputtering when a n H i ion strikes a negatively biased surface coated with a cesium o r barium film. Roughly a fraction of 0. I o r less of the incoming positive flux is reemitted as negative ions but the transverse velocity o f these ions is large. In contrast, in the “volume” source, the negative ions are formed by dissociative attachment between vibrationally excited gas molecules and verycold electrons (Tc 1 eV) within the plasma volume. However, the emitted current density of negative ions formcd in this way from the plasma is much less than the positive ion current density and t h x e is also a significant isotope effect. However, the energy of these ions is usually very low (Ti< T,) leading to a low transverse velocity. As a result of the different formation processes, the method of ion extraction from the plasma is not the same for the two systems. In the surface source, the ions have a n initial high energy (in excess of 100 eV) and a relatively high emittance while ions formed in the volume source have an almost zero initial energy and a low emittance. In the following sections the impact of this is discussed along with the eflect this has on the overall design of the ion beam system for each type of source. This leads to - 653 654 A . 1. T. HOLMES the behaviour of the negative ion beam downstream when it is at high energy and how the heam can he transported over significant distances. 2 . N E G A T I V E ION P R O D U C T I O N The design of an ion beam accelerator is very strongly influenced by the initial energy and flux of the ions as they are extracted from the plasma where thcy are formed. In addition, the accelerator has to he able to handle the beam transverse energy and space charge downstream as well a s a problem unique to negative ion beam systems; the electron flux leaving the plasma. The radically different nature o f the two basic source type has led to very different solutions to the ion extraction problem so an initial description of the negative ion source is provided. These source designs are based on H - ions formed in a hydrogen discharge a s this area dominates the research but, in principal, other negative ions can he formed in this way. 2.1. The surfuce source The first results o f the surface process in producing negative ions was first reported by BELCHENKO er al. (1973) when they added cesium to an existing source and observed that the output increased from 5 to 20 mA. This source was subsequently improved to yield 200 m A by operation at high prcssure ( - 30 Pa) with a n effective current density in P X C ~ S Sof 3 ,A. cm-*. The high dischxye paver deozi? !imi:ei operation to very short pulses of about 1 ms. There has heen a considerable series of experiments (BELCHENKO ef U / . , 1974; EHLERS and LEUNG,1980) to undertstand in detail the production process in these sources, particularly the influence of cesium on the discharge. The dominant production process is now well understood. When a negatively biased surface in the discharge (including the cathode) i s bombarded by hydrogen ions (or cesium ions) a t energies in excess of 100 eV, significant reflection of thcsc ions occurs a s well as desorbed hydrogen atom emission. If the work function is small and has a minimum for a partial monolayer of cesium then some of these atoms can capture a n electron from the Fermi level by tunnelling as the atoms leave the surface. If the atom velocity is large (which depends on thc incoming ion energy) then the atom can retain the extra electron despite the image forces which are set up and a negative ion is formed. The transverse negative ion energy appears to be about 5 eV (MASSMAN er U/., 1981). Several versions of this source have now been developed. in particular the magnetron source of Belchenko et ul. has now attained an output of I I A of H - in small pulses (BELCHENKO a n d DIMOV,1983) and a similar source has been built by K o V A R l K er U / . (1982). However, these sources have not been used with an advanced acceleration system so this paper will rocus on the surface source devcloped (EHLERSand LEUNG, 1980) a t Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory where considerable attention has been paid to the issue of heam acceleration and transport. This latter source is based on the plasma confinement by an array of magnetic multipoles and a cross-section is shown in Fig. 1. A discharge is formed between the tungsten filament cathodes and the outer casing which forms the anode. T h e negative ions are formed on the molybdenum concave converter which is coated with cesium from the injector jet a n d is biased to about -200 V relative to thc plasma. This results in negative ions being accelerated to the samecncrgyas they cross thesheath separating this converter from the plasma. The concave shape of the converter focuses these ions Negative hydrogen ion beams Filament cathode Cathode converter Ptosmo probe-. 655 7 Y I Collimator ond Gos ,0T ~ Ground electrode watt [,"er Anode Liner Suppre~sorelectrode Gradient electrode Cesium injector FE. ].-The Beom -forming electrode Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory stdace source ( K w m e/ ut., 1986). to the extraction aperture where they enter a three-grid accelerator. The high kinetic i-iieigy ofthi- i i e g a i i ~ions allows easy elecii-irn suppression by means or'ihe transverse field created by the anodic bar magnets. An electrode a t the extraction orifice between the plasma source anode and the first accelerator electrode is biased a few volts positive relative to the source anode to collect the residual electrons which leak through the field. This source has achieved a maximum output current of I .2S A at 80 keV for a pulse of 30 s (KWANet al., 1986). The electron fraction appears to be 10-12% of the total beam current. Despite these successes, the use of cesium in a source of this type has proved difficult. The major problems have been a lack of reliability because of breakdown along insulators contaminated with cesium and also discharge control through having too little o r too much cesium on the convertor surfaces. Recently a new idea has emerged where the ccsium is replaced by barium (VANOs et al., 19x8). This idea has now been extended to the construction of a true surface source (VAN Os er al., 1990) which is very similar in design to the earlier cesiated version. A t present a peak current of 140 mA of D- has been observed through a 7 c m diameter extraction orifice. However, the transverse temperature of this beam is about 11 eV, which is higher than t h e 5 eV seen in the cesiated version. This is probably caused by the very high converter voltage bias, typically 300-500 V which also causes severe sputter erosion of the barium surface. 2.2. The iiolumc source T h e first results of significant negative ion production in the plasma volume were first reported by BACALer d.(1978) who used a thin cylindrical Langmuir probe to measurc their presence by the rcduction in the plasma electron signal. However, the first true volume plasma sources did not appear for several years (HOLMESel al., 1982; YORKeta!., 1984) until the production process was understood. This production proccss is unlike that of positive ions in that the dominant formation channel takes 656 A. J . T. HllLMES place in two Stages (HISKES,1987). The first step is the formation of vibrationally excited molecules H,(u) via the radiative decay of the B or C excited molecule state: efi,5,+H2(X'Z;i)= 0) + H:(B'X:C'n,) + H2(X'Z$1;j+er,,\, The electron energy threshold for this process is around 13 eV and the cross-section is maximum at about 25 eV. Once the vibrational molecular state is formed it is long lived unless a second fast electron collision occurs leading usually to dissociation or if it collides with the wall and jumps to a lowcr vibrational quantum level. If a slow electron collides with this vibrational molccule dissociative attachment occurs forming an H- ion via thc shortlived H; state H,(o)+e,l,,+H; -.H-+H. WADEHRA (1984) has calculated the cross-section for this process and has shown that to IO-"' m2 as 1; changes from 0 to 6.It then saturates at it increases from about 4x m2 for H, up to the highest vibrational level. The electron energy for a maximum rate coelfiicient is about 1 eV for all vibrational levels. However, the low binding energy of H- (about 0.75 eV) means that the extra electron is easily detached. There are several channels for this to occur: e+HH'fW + H+2e +H fH H + W +2Hte H , + W +H,fH+e. The first process has a very large cross-section for electron energies in excess of 3 eV. To overcome the dominant destruction channel, the plasma source designs have sought to divide the plasma chamber into two distinct regions; a driver region which has a high fast electron density to maximize H2(1;) formation and a cold electron region of about I eV whcre the negative ions are formed and fast electrons are excluded. This is achieved by the introduction of the so-called "magnetic filter" field as shown in Fig. 2. This can be created in several ways; either by rods carrying small bar magnets passing through the plasma (LEUNGrtul., 1982) or by long range external ;?no& (Hn!.Mrs c! d,!9X3) as fields crcz!pd by !he mu!!ipo!e !nagnc!s on the ~;mrrc shown in Fig. 2. A detailed comparison of the two techniques has been made by H A N A i ) A f i U!. (1990) who found that the latter is superior, probably because of the reduction in plasma losses due to the absence of the rods. The negative ion yield of a large source of this type (55 x 30 x 2 I cm) is shown in Fig. 3 for deuterium operation. The tendency for the yield to saturilte at high discharge power is common to all volume sources and ariscs from the non-linear nature of the two step process. This can be seen more clearly by turning the production and loss of H,(u) and H - into particle balance equations (GREEN el al., 1987) : Negativc hydrogen ion bcams 657 I Filamenls Bwm fwming electrode Hte-H+tete FIG2.-Concrptual diagr:im shoning "filtcr" field in magnetic multipole volume SOU~CCS where ti, = N* Cas! electron density = vibrational moleculc n. = U : r t n m den&,, ,." .. density I." ,.....ll" ... collision time N = H, molecule density S,, = averaged (over Icvels) Vibrational moleculc production rate S,, = vibrational molecule dissociation rate by fast electron impact S,,, = vibrational molecule dissociation rate by atomic H collision. I* = wall This equation can be simplified by usc of the cxpressions: j + = an,NS, nh = ljj+ where a is a c~&ciefi! dependen! on the gourre geometry, N i p the gas density and s, is the ioniiation rate. As the production o f a t o m i c hydrogen and ionization to produce protons are closely linked, nh only depends on the wall recombination rate through and the current density,j+. Substitution gives fl This expression shows a saturation in N * for large valucs ofj+ with a n absolute upper bound for very large sourccs (where T* becomes large) of S , / a ~ S , S , , . We consider the following H - production and loss processes e,l,>w+H2(u) H - + H + dissaciativc allachmcnl riitc = S,,, H t H - -2HS-e dclachmcnl riilc by alomic collisions = S,. H++W + 2H recamhinalion rate e + H- + = S, H +2e clearon detachment ratc = S, The effect of this on the negative ion density, n _ (and,j_)can he seen in the appropriatc Negative hydrogen ion h e m s 659 particle balance equation (GKEEN el al., 1987) where it has been assumed that the plasma is sufficiently cold to make electron detachment negligible: Nn-S, +n+n_S+ fnhn_Sh- = n,N*SoA (5) (6) n, = n- + n , where the symbols have their usual meanings Rearrangement yields : .. , . However, nh/n+ IS a constant From equation (ji a n d ( n + - n - ) / n + is ais0 near unity in value. Hence equation (7) can be written in the form after combining with equation (3): B C N DN -I --_A +--+--+-+E. i- i, N i: .I+ An experimental indication of this scaling law is seen in Fig. 4. Usually D and E are ignored as they are thought to be small. Figure 4 also shows thc relative proportion p = 12 mTorr I/j+km2 mA-'l Rr;. 4.--Dlol o f l h c reciprocal of j . wilh reciprocal of I , showing the isolope eflecl and t h e inlinilc dirchargc current limit, B/M+ E i n cqualion (8). A. J . 1. H o . b r i m 660 of D to H for cqual discharge conditions. I t varies from about 80% Tor low intensity discharges to below 50% for high power discharges. Recent experiments have shown a significant enhancement of negativc ion yield when ccsium is added to the discharge (LBIJNGP I d.1988; KOJIMA (’I o.. 1990). The cause o f this clfect is not yet well understood hut is clearly related t o thc cesium coverage o f the plasmn grid (the unmagnetizcd surface of the discharge chamber r,u : n g thc accelerator). This suggests that a surface process is involved. possibly electron c:ipturc hy sputtered H atoms proposed by Y . OKUML;KA (private communication). Similar. hut smaller in scale. effects have been observed with the addition of barium and aluminium coatinas on the discharge surfaces. 3 . SURF4CE SOURCE ACCELEKATORS The larae stii-hce source developed at 1.awrence Bcrkeky Laboratory (KWAN et U / . . 1086) hiis been operated with a n 80 keV accclcrator a s shown in Fig. I . The hasic concept is very similar to the positive ion systems apart from a reversal o r t h e elcclrode potentials and the additional digital clectrodc located at the plasma grid t o suppress electrons. K W A NC I d.(1986) have examined this accelerator geometry with the aid of the W O L F code and the output is shown in Fig. 5 . The current density in Fig. 5 is 70 A m ’ i l l the lirst electrode aperture hut the source h a s been operatcd a t currents up to 100 A m~ o f H (1.25 A). This is close to the upper limit set by the Lsngmuir Blodgett equation for a flat emitter: ’ Acceleration of ion beaman computed by WOLF Code (825kV / 0 92 A I FK 5.-Outpiit from the WOLF codc showing ihc i o n Int~iIJcclomsin thc stirface sourcc iicccleiator ( K w n ~C I til.. 19x6). 66 I Negative hydrogen ion beams V'!2 j- = 1.71 x 10- 7 dl = (9) 118Am-* when d i s 38 mm (measured from the equipotential lines). The extraction aperture is a slit 50 x 250 mm in area. The accelerator is designed to accept beams from a concave converter as this gives a higher beam current from a larger converter as seen in Fig. 5 . This reduccs the accelerator current limit as the emitter is no longer flat but this is compensated for by the high initial beam energy (equal to V,,,,,,,,, 100 eV) which has the opposite effect. The third electrode is biased at a small positive voltage to reflect positive ions in the downstream beam plasma and prevent them from being accelerated backwards to thc plasma source. T'ne smaii field in ihe gap docs not usuaiiy infiuence ihe beam optics as the beam normally becomes spacc charge neutralized downstream of the third electrode. The optical quality of the beam from this accelerator can be measured'by its emittance which is the phase space area measured in the divergence-beam radius plane. Figure 6 shows the emittance diagram which has a 4-rms emittance (unnormalized) of 107 mm mrad. In the more usual normalized units this becomes 1.1471 mm mrad which corresponds to an ion temperature of 7.8 eV. This agrees closely with the reported high transverse ion velocities measured in converter experiments (KWAN f f al., 1986). The need for a collimated output beam and the existence of a final diverging electrostatic lens in the accelerator led to beam contraction during the accelerator process. In this design a factor of two in radius contraction exists which increases the beam temperature by a factor of four through adiabatic compression. The final beam - 0 leml FIG. h.-Measured e m i l l " diagram of B 0.98 A H- beam from the surface source. Thc ims normalizcd emittilncc is 1 . 1 4 ~mm mrad which coircsponds Io an ion tempxNule oF7.8 eV (KWANet nl.. 1986). A. J . T. HOLMES 662 divergence is approximately ( T i / ? Vh)”* * where y is the compression factor (typically 0.5) and Vh is the final beam energy. Electron suppression is achieved by the combination of the transverse magnetic field of about 0.07 T formed by the bar magnets and a positive bias on the digital electrode upstream. The electrons become pinned to the field lines which intersect the positively biased clectrode. Only about 5% of these electrons cnter the accelerator when the beam pervcance is optimum. Negative ions have a much higher cnergy a n d are not affected by the small positive potential. However, ions with extremely large transverse velocities are removed by this elcctrode which hence acts a s a collimator. 3. I . The hrrriuni sourcc uccebrnror T h e recent development o f a barium convcrter source to replace the cesium source described above had prompted a re-cnamination of the accelerator design. Most of the basic Features ofrhe cesium source developed by KWANer ai. (i986j are unchanged in the barium version. However, the evolving design o f neutral beam injectors has caused some re-design of the overall system and has led to the abandonment of slit optics and its replacement by large aperture circular apertures. The design for the ITER injcctor based o n this barium source proposes a diode accelerator operating a t 100 keV which acts as a pre-accelerator for the electrostatic quadruple accelerator (ESQ) which increases the beam energy to i .3 ivieV. This iaiicr acczicimioi~ia ~csLI.;;~; more fully in a later section. A t present no experimental test of a high energy beam from a barium source has been made although an experiment is planned in the l i a r future. However, the beam profile of a 10 kcV D- beam has been measured from a 10 cm diameter barium converter through a 7 cm extractor apcrture. This has led lo a n estimate of a n I I eV D- temperature, sorncwhat higher than the earlier H- beam from a Cs coated convcrter, even though the current density is small (3.5 m A a t the plane of the lirst electrode of the accelerator. 4. V O L U M E S O U R C E A C C E L E R A T O R S In this section we examine the extraction a n d collimation of negative ions to form a heam. This involves solving two major problems simultaneously; (lie suppression of the electrons within the plasma and the collimation o f the ion trajectories subject to their own space charge forces. The electron suppression effect and beam collimation are linked through the beam extraction process and this is discussed in the following sections. A I _.I. FI ,,,. fwnY LllLLll,,,, ...,” n-,,,... .’MI’,”C,’.,L ;,,., l,,, iM ,,,, I ..-,, 111 “ , , ’ U , I I L ,,,, ,.,, I v . l l l M l LL.I Electron suppression techniques in surface sources are not directly transferable to the volumc source as here the electrons and negative ions have very similar energies (about I eV). The electron to negative ion flux ratio in the plasma is in excess o f 40 For hydrogen and rises t o 68 for dcuterium bccause o f the heavier ion mass. This could reduce the accelerator power efficiency to below 2% if the electrons remain unsuppressed. HAAS and HOLMES(1990) and MCADAMS et 01. (1990) have described a method for achieving electron suppression by introducing a short rangc intense magnetic ficld adjacent to the extraction aperture. If the field lines terminate o n a Ncgalive hydrogen ion beams bh3 Permanent mognct ekctro“ suppresro, Source , Accetkotoi I Section of extraction aperture FIG.7.-lllusiraIion o f thc CICCIICIIIsuppressor sliuclurc ~n the plasma grid surface which can be positively biased a s shown illustratively in Fig. 7, then it has been shown that (HAAS and HOLMES,1990) 1, = rcO exp ( - a F e x p ( - ‘ ~ T J T Y ) (10) where Ic0 = err,u,/4 a = (2e/nmc)”*/(8e) and I, is the extracted electron current. F is the imposed magnetic flux, Tc is the electron temperature and ‘p is the plasma to biased surface potential (note ‘p is always greater than zero). This exponential behaviour has been observed over a large range in I,as seen in Fig. 8, where the magnetic field was generated using a flattened solenoid. This exponential decay of the extracted electron flux ariscs from the pinning of plasma electrons to the magnetic field lines ncai the extraction aperture with the resuh .. 20A 100 v Vfnr -13.5V vo,c a * 0.2TtS r 0 04TIs-1 0.6Tlrl + OBTIr-l 40 80 I20 b,W FIG,x.-Exfraclcd clc~lroncurrrnl from a hydrogen discharge shown field at the suppressor. a6 a funclion of the A. 1. T. HOLMES 664 that they develop a large transverse drift velocity and a much reduced axial velocity towards the aperture. If the electrons can leave the system by striking the outer metal structure with onlya small (or zero) potential barrier when i t is biased positively then a large attenuation of the electron flux occurs (HAASand HOLMES, 1990). There is a minimum field to "magnetize" the electrons against randomizing collisions of about 3 mT but above this critical field the electron flux is reduced according to equation (12). The presence ofthe inner exponen!ia!; exp (-rp/TJI i n equation (!& alsn gives a powerful and simple method of attenuating the electron nux. The potential rp is controlled by the bias of the plasma electrode to the discharge anode. Typically if left floating, the potential is T, volts negative to the anode and the anode is about 2T, volts ncgative to the plasma so that the floating potential is around 3T, volts ncgative to the plasma, which is the value expected from sheath theory in hydrogen. The presence of fast electrons in the extracted region can be readily detected by a more negative floating potential of the plasma electrode. The effects of biasing the plasma grid positively (i.e. reducing q) in hydrogen and deuterium can be seen in Figs 9 and IO where a rapid reduction in electron current is observed while the negative ion yield remains virtually constant. The relative dilficulty in electron suppression in deuterium can be seen clearly as well as the change in negative ion yield. The slight increase in negative ion current for low values of bias voltage is attributed mainly to the increase in accelerator perveance foilowing suppression of the electron space charge. It has, however, been observed that very large magnetic fluxes or small values of q~ can cause loss of the negative ion current (MCADAMS et al., 1990; LEUNCet ul., 1983). There appears to be an upper limit to the applied magnetic flux of about 0.25 T mm for good electron suppression and minimal loss of the negative ion current. Values as low as e/H- = 0.5 and e/D- = 3 have been reported (LEAet ul., 1990). 4.2. Electron rrupping unii heum,focusing The reduction or the ratio of electron to negative ion flux to about unity is not sufficiently low to have a high overall power efficiency as defined above. However. if -800 3025- - --6M - 20 - a. 4 E <15- 8 -4w I I E ., V,(VI FIG.Y.-Plot or extracted electrons and H- currents in an 80 keV accelkrator as a funclion of the bias potential oflhe electron ~ ~ l l e ~(plasma l o r grid) relalivc lo the discharge anode. Negative hydrogen ion beams 665 DCYtWiYm Lc*l€QA d; %.,-1OOV Vm.80kV Vmt-12kV I ' 'BJ. \ ' 1. \ lloo0 0.0.56TIs~I 0-16mm I""" M"SIV1 FIG.IO.--Plot ofcxrracted electrons and D- currents in an XO keV accclerator as a function ofthc hias potential of the electron collector (plasma gnd) relative to the discharge anodc. the extracted electron current can be trapped at a low energy while the main negative ion beam is accelerated to the full required energy ivirhour degrading the beam emittance o r brightness, then the accelerator efficiency can be enhanced. The overall eficiency can be expressed by : '1 = I _ v,i(r- v,+r,v,) (12) where V , <c V,. There are, however, considerable restraints on the value of V , and V , / V b .The first of these is simple and is given by the Langmuir-Blodgett equation which can be written in the form (HOLMES and THOMPSON, 1981) This is a more generalized version of equation (9) where o is the aperlure radius and 0 is the edge trajectory angle to the axis and is negative ifconvergent, The extraction potential, V , , has a minimum value equal to the first g a p voltage and hcncc d is the effective (electrostatic) length of this gap. Normally a collimated output beam is required from this part of the accelerator and it is possible to show, using linear optics modelling, that (HOLMES and THOMPSON, 1981): o= -u/4d (14) Confirmation of the value of 0 can be obtained from the curve of the extracted beam current versus first g a p potential. For low vaiuCS of V I ,prior to the Saturation in current, which arises from a production limit set by the discharge, the value of ak/d is: A. J. 666 T. HOLMUS where k = ( I +0.8dO/u). Figure I I gives thevalueofrl/ukversus theequivalent current and prior to saturation d/uk attains a value of 1.2 when d/rr is 0.91. Hence, k equals 0.76 and 0 = (0.76- I)/(O.W/u) = -0.33. This is similar to the theoretical value of -0.28 given by equation (15). Experimentally (SURREY a n d HOLMES,1990) it has been shown that u/d must he much smaller and cannot exceed about 0.4 if third-order aberrations are to be kept small, so we find that if we use this upper limit then: I _ < 1.75 x IO-" V:/' (15) irrespective of the sizc of the cxtraction aperture. There is also a n upper limit set by voltage brcakdown to the value of V , but this limit is rarely reached. A much more restrictive limit to the upper value of V , is generated by the trapping of the residual electrons which pass through the magnetic fields of the plasma electrode. The lowest potential at which these electrons can be trapped is that of the extraction electrode, V , , where the magnetic field a t the upstream edge of this electrode is sufficient for them to bc dcflcctcd by about 90" into a recess in the electrode. The negative ions are also deflected by about 2" for H- and 1.4" for D-. T h e valuc of V , must be small for high electrical eficiency and is further limited by the power dcnsity of the dumped electron beam. An approximate figure of merit for the upper limit of VI for equal electron and negative ion currents (a difficult target to attain) set by a power density limit of 2 MW m-'is '- 40 20 40 30 M €a 1.0 F I G I I.-Plot af the cffeclivc aspect riilio of Ihc ~ ~ C C C I C ~ ~ I Idluk, O C . versus the normalized enlraclcd current using the cxlr~clionvollsgc, V , . as the variable pi!ramelcr. Thc constancy of dlok a m bc used lo derive the curva1urc angle o f Ihc pkdSIIYd boundary. Negative hydrogen ion beams 2x v:'2 667 IO"nu2 1.75x 10-8 or VI i6.4 x 1 0 ' ~ "!. (16) Substitution into equation (16) yields: I- < 9 . 7 ~ ' [A]. (17) Higher values of I - than this limit can be obtained by either increasing the second electrode power density or by increasing aldwhich leads to aberration. 4.3. BE<* dloergence andfbc!?:?!.ng As described above, a criterion for focusing is beam collimation on exit from the first accelerating gap. However, usually the beam energy has to be much higher than the first gap potential which is largely set by electron power handling requirements so additional gaps are required. The next simplest accelerator is a two gap systcm and this has been examined extensively a t Culham Laboratory by HOLMESand NIGHTINGALE (1986) and also at JAERI by WATANBE PI al. (1990). In the two gap accelerator, the first gap criterion is still approximately maintained hut the beam must be truely collimated on exit from the second gap. The long drift distance through the thick second electrode complicates the analysis of the properties of the accelerator geometry and it is more appropriate to use a numerical ion trajectory code with space charge to get a more exact answer. One such code is AXCEL which assumes an ion current density and starts the trajectory calculation in a plasma of electron temperature T,. Allowance for a tinite ion temperature is also included. Essentially such a two gap accelerator consists of threc electrostatic lenses, as shown schematically in Fig. 12, whose focal length is given by the expression View of H-occelerator 100 kV 85 kV 0 kV A . .I. T. HOLMES h6X .l.l " I Fic. 13. I, Ui;igr;im 01- the focusing cuwc 01.ii two gap acccler;klor whcrc d , = I X mm and d, = 3 3 m m . A I w qhow'n is 1hc prediction hy ihc AXC'EL code. ,/ =4Clh;(EI-E,) (18) where uh is the local beam energy and E l and E , are the downstream and upstream axial electric fields. The first of these lenses is located a t the upstream face of the second clectrode a s shown in Fig. 14 and has a fixed diverging focal length or 3 d (HOI.MFSand NI(;HTINciAI.F. 1986). The sccond lens is focusing and has a variahle focal length o f 4 V , d J ( V h - V , ) while the last lens a t the third electrode position is diverging and has an almost constant value of 4Vhd2/(Vb-VI). This shows that the dominant parameter controlling focusing is V I and this can hc seen in Fig. I3 wherc the beam divergence is plotted as a function of V , and compared with the predictions of the AXCEL code. Agreement is quite good except for very defocused beams wherc F I G 14.-Diagram of an I . ?MeV accelcriitur 1-or NET shouiog a series 01 liw accelerating clrctrodes and the clectrosLalic collimator near the source. niiiin Negative hydrogen ion bealms Ob9 A X C E L does not agree with experiment. Under thesc conditions severe vignetting (i.e. beam scrape-off) occurs with the majority o f the beam ions striking the second electrode. Despite these successes, code prediction is still relatively simple a t present, a s the A X C E L code and the other versions such as W O L F (used at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) o r the SLAC code d o not model negative ion systems. These codes can only simulate two component (or one component in the case of the SLAC code) plasmas. No account is taken of the positive piasma potentiai at the piasmajbeam interface, nor is there any simulation of the two particles (ions and electrons) which are extracted. Very recently PAMELA (1990) incorporated the electron suppression effect which introduces a diffusion coefficient caused by the electron suppressor field to simulate the excess electron space charge near the plasma boundary which has the effect of reducing the apparent accelerator perveance even if the extracted electron current is small. However, an increased cxtraction potential can overcome this effect. 5 . A C C E L E R A T I O N T O M E G A V O L T BEAM E N E R G I E S T w o major techniques have arisen which can accelerate a n ion beam to energies in excess of I MeV using d.c. potentials. In this paper we exclude discussion of radio frequency accelerators such as linacs o r radio frequency quadrupole accelerators such as the !?FQ or MEQP.LAC. The first of thcse is essentia!!y an extension of the technique described in Section 4.3, called an electrostatic (ES) accelerator while the latter is an electrostatic strong-focusing quadrupole accelcrator (ESQ) which has been primarily developed a t Lawrencc Berkeley Laboratory by PURGALISand COOPER (privatc communication). As these two techniques are very different in concept they are described separately in the following scctions. 5. I . The electrusturic occelerutor T h e electrostatic gaps shown in Fig. 12 can be continued to raise the bcam energy in stages to any desired level. However, three effects have to he taken into account; the repulsive effect of the beam space charge, control of secondary electrons and the effects of stored electrical energy. The first elrect requires a periodic focusing lens to retain a collimated beam while the second requires stray electrons to be deposited on a suitable dump without allowing a significant build up in electron energy. In addition, the stored energy strongly influences electrical breakdown and also the size of the accelerator. T h e beam can he collimated using a two gap accelerator as described in Section 4.3. However, this has a maximum upper energy of typically 8-10 fold V , where V , is thc maximum value of V , given by equation (16). Normally this is relatively small, typically less than 200 keV. Higher beam energies require further gaps and a typical example of a n ES accelerator is shown in Fig. 14 which was designed for the NET neutral beam injector (HOLMES,1990). Here the first two gaps collimate the beam and thereafter there is a uniform field of about 2 MV ni-' broken up into a series of approximately equal gaps. There is a weak focusing lens at 200 kV and a very weak diverging lens of 1.3 MeV. These two lenses together provide suficient focusing to oppose the space charge force o i the I6 mA cm-' Li- beam. T h e final beam divergence is about 1.5 mrad a n d is mainly caused by aberrations a t the plasma boundary and is achieved by balancing the diverging lenses located at 670 A. J . T. HOLMIS the leading edge of the second electrode, third electrode and last electrode (at 1.3 MV in this casc) against thc focusing lcnscs located a t the downstreaiii edge of the second elecrode and fourth electrode. Divergence caused by space charge is small due to the high beam encrgy. However, if significantly higher current densities are required than the 16 mA c n i r 2 in thc above design, then spacc charge elrects would n o longer be negligible and could cause a considerable problem. This could he overcome by increasing the axial field to shorten the distance over which the radial space chargc field acts. In the design of HOLMES (IgYO), the electrons are suppressed a t the plasma grid and any residual electrons are trapped in the thick second electrode. However, gas stripping of negative ions within the accelerator column creates additional electrons which must not he allowed to reach high energies. In the ES accelerator dcsign, this can bc prevented by placing dipolc magnetic ficlds across each orifice in the accelerator electrode so that the electrons are deflected by a large angle. T h e direction of the field reverses in each electrode so that the total net integral of field along the accelerator axis is zero, thus avoiding significant negative ion deflection although there is a residual clectrostatic deflection arising from the displacement of the beam in the accelerator aperturcs. The advantage of the ES accelerator dcsign is that many apertures in parallel can he used to obtain a large current as shown by WATANABE et al. (1990) and this technique can he applied to a megavolt accelerator subject to the current limit of the supply. Howcvcr as the area, A,, of the grids increases, so does the electrostatic capacitance and thc cncrgy rclcasc in a breakdown between the electrodes. This energy, c, is given by where it is assumed that the interelectrodc gap is the same as that between the shields whose arca is A , and E is the electric field for a potcntial of V volts across the gap. As shown in Fig. 15 for a conceptual injector for NET, each gap can be decoupled from its neighbours by a set of closed Faraday shields so that we can consider each gap separately. A stored energy of around 40 J per gap is thought lo be Ihc upper limit (HOLMES,1990; BOTTICLIONIand BUSSAC,1980) before the onset of electrodc surface damage caused b y electrical breakdown which leads to an inability to attain reliable operation. The value of A, is given approximately b y : A, = 2 J n . I,, J A , where I, is thc neutralizer length. Thus It should bc noted that the electrodes usually have a support structure which has a weaker electric field and this should he included (with a suitable weight factor) in the Negativc hydrogen ion bcams 61 I 13 m LV power supplies Radiation Shielding Side elevation of beomline model FIG.15.-Diagram of an 8.5 M W injector for NET which operatcs ill 1.3 McV. In this injector the source is at ground potential and the ncutmlizer is at high voltage. value of A,. The value of A, is linked to the current I , the current density j - and the transparency I , yielding A, = I / t j _ Equation (20) has some interesting properties. Firstly, V i s a suitable fraction of the beam energy bui is subjeci io praciicai mechanicai constraints; 200 keV is a reasonable value but it could be larger with fewer accelerating electrodes. Similarly t is constrained by mechanical limitations; an upper limit (excluding the support structure) is about 0.25 and for large systems with supports it may be less than 0.05. Choosing V = 2 x 10' V and t = 0.05 with a beam current of 16 A and j - = 12 mA cm-2 gives a maximum valueforEof2.3MVm-'. Theaboveequation indicates that theaxial field of2 M V m - 'chosen for thedesign of the NET injector is near the limit set by stored energy in the accelerating structure but either a significant increase in V (fewer accelerator electrodes) or I (nominally 16 A per injector) could lead to ditficulties as the stored energy per gap becomes significantly greater than the limit with consequent increased risk or alternatively a weaker axial field, E, must be used for acceleration with consequent beam spacecharge limitations (i.e. a reduction in J- would be required). Operation of the source at high voltage would reduce I , by about a factor of three but could lead to reduced gas handling capability. 5.2. The electrostatic quadrupole accelerator The basic concept of ihe ESQ accelerator is the use of electrostatic quadrupole.lenses to oppose the space charge force of the beam. These lenses are significantly stronger than the aperture lenses described above and SO a much higher beam current can he transported as a single beam. The need for subdivision into many (typically 1 0 6 A. J . T. HoLms 612 1000) apertures for the ES accelerator concept is no longer necessary. However, quadrupole lenses only focus in one plane so a series of alternating focusing and defocusing quadrupoles forms the beam channel. In the orthogonal plane the lens order is rcversed. PURCALISand COOPER (private communication) have designed a single channel accelerator from a series of electrodes with peg-like teeth as shown in Fig. 16. The four pegs in each gap form the quadrupole, two from the downstream electrode and two from the upstream one so that the beam is accelerated across the gap (as in the ES accelerator) and is also focused in one plane and defocused in the other. A series of these gaps with about 100 keV per stage comprises the accelerator. As the beam is no longer circularly symmetric, the bcam trajectory calculations are more complex and Anderson makes use of a beam envelope model code to derive a solution which yields a collimated and symmetric beam at full energy. The same problems described in Section 5.1 for the ES accelerator have been solvcd for the ESQ accelerator but the nature of the solutions is different. The electron problem is reduced in two ways; firstly the use of barium converter source minimizes the extracted electron current and secondly the series of quadrupoles can only transport a beam to full energy which has a very restricted initial energy and convergence angle. This inhibits electron acceleration as the electrons have typically a few electronvolts as an initial energy while the H- ions have the converter energy (typically 30& 500 eV). The stored energy problem is very similar to the ES accelerator except for the value of V which is smaller because there are more accelerating stages and the transparency is smaller as there is usually only one aperture in the accelerator. It is possible to have more than a single aperture (or channel) in the accelerator as in thc MEQALAC r.f. 300 550 800 keV I keV kW I I 1050 keV I 1300 heV I -” rl I 0 Mete15 Single chonnel 1 A ESQ accelerator FIG.16.-Diagram a l the ESQ accelerator geometry. Negative hydrogen ion beam 673 accelerator (VAN AMERSFOORT et al., 1986) the electrode structure is then more complex as the quadrupole lenses are shared between adjacent apertures. T h e ESQ is hest suited to the converter type of source (with either Cs o r Ba coatings) as this source can inject a high current into a single large aperature accelerator. The geometrical curvature of the converter can he matched into the focusing periods of the accelerator to give good beam transport in the system. 6. NEUTRAL BEAM INJECTOR DESIGN AT H I G H ENERGIES The source and accelerator are probably the two most critical parts of the total injector assembly whose design controls the form of the other components of the injector, such as the neutralizer cell where the D- ions are converted to D oand the residual ion dump as well as the auxiliary systems including electrical power and gas handling. T h e design of the injector is also very strongly influenced by two key decisions; the choicc of the earth point a t the plasma source o r neutralizer cell and also whether the beam should he divided up into small elements which are separated by conducting barriers. In Table I , the four partners oflTER [the European Community. Japan, the U.S.A. and the C.I.S. (formerly the U.S.S.R.)]have each chosen a separate selection of these various options to form a conceptual design of a D- injector which produces an 8.3 M W D" beam a t I .3 MeV. The table shows the injcctor designs presented in the ITER studies in 1990. These designs are continuously evolving and may change in the future. In the C.I.S., a final dccision on the source type has not been definitely made. In the following discussion only the European design is described in detail hut references to the other designs will be made as appropriate. 6 . I.The Euuroprun itljecfor The injector for ITER o r NET consists a t present of nine separate modules of 8.3 M W each arranged in columns of three units on three separate ports. The primary objective is current drive which has a value: I= aN,[1020m-'] ' p [MW] R [MI [MA1 whcre N , a n d R are the plasma density and major radius of the Tokamak. The parameter a is the current drive elliciency and is typically 0.4 for neutral beam injection. T h e neutral beam power also provides burn control after plasma fusion ignition. Each module is a cylinder 4 m in diameter (this is the same for all designs) and up TAHLB I Source Acceleriltoi Earth paint Subdivision Use ofcesium or barium E.C Japan U.S.A. C.I.S. ""IUInC ""IUlnC surlace ""l""X? ES source ycs no ES ESQ ES ncutralirer neutrslizCr neulrilllzcr no YCS YCS yes YCS yes - A. J. T. HOLMES h74 to 13 m long. The European design (HOLMES,1990) is shown in Fig. 1 5 and consists of a volume source at ground potential which is also vacuum immersed and a multigrid accelerator to accelcrate this beam to 1.3 MeV. The grids are extended into concentric electrostatic shields which totally surround the high voltage neutralizer. Thc stored energy per gap (including the shields) is about 100 J, a factor of two above the totally safe limit (BOTTICLIONI and BUSSAC, 1980), hut it may be possible to limit the fault current by inserting decoupling resistors between segments of these shields as the high current path does not pass through the shields. A resistor value as low as 400 Q could be used following the results of SIMONand MICHELIER (1968). An additional advantagc of this approach is the avoidance of a single I .3 MeV gap. The neutralizcr is based on an argon plasma cell which breaks up H - or D- ion by long range Coulomb interactions with an 85% conversion eficiency. The plasma is contained by multipole fields even across the beam path where the magnet pattern is such that there i s zero net flux inrersccted by the beam as shown in Fig. 17. This is only possiblc if the beam is subdivided into ribbons of circular apertures through a judicious cxtraction aperture array. A wide orifice into thc plasma would require a very large and heavy magnet to contain the plasma and is hence not practical. The discharge power is about 200 kW for the plasma neutralizer and is coupled by two loop antennae (one of which is seen in Fig. 17) at each end of the neutralizer cell. The hcr or !ewer frequencies pos.i'-!e r,f. pnwm is at rypice!!y I00 GHr, l!!hOL! within a factor of I O and the antennae part of a resonant circuic. I t is not necessary to have a high voltage platform for the r.f. oscillator or amplifier as the power can be transferred to the 1.3 M V level by a serics of resonant r.f. air cored transformers, one for each shicld potential. Thcse could be placed in coaxial transmission line linking the injcctor to the HV power supply. TO I 3 MV screen mognet arrangemm1 SUpPre6Lol m0g"etS / 'lhoriiantol plonel EleclmsloliC resrduol ion 'deflector lhorlmnlal planel Rr;. 17.-Diagnim d l h c plasma n ~ u t r a l i ~syslcm er for an ITER Injector. Negative hydrogen ion h e m s 675 Downstream of the neutralizer it is necessary to remove the residual ions from the main beam and dump them on a highly cooled structure. Here subdivision of the beam simplifies the system considerably compared with the Japanese approach as firstly the beam can be deflected by electrostatic means as seen in Fig. 17 using plates between columns of apertures to create the transversc electric fields. In this way the beam ions are separated and D + and D- ions (about 8% of the total current of each) are dumped on alternate plates in the dump. The cooling to the beam dump itselfcan be increased to handle the total beam during commissioning when there is no plasma target as then no neutral beam is required and the ion beam cannot be allowed to leave the injector. The beam exits the injector through slots in the shields and then passes through the neutron plug, a series of slots through a neutron absorber which reduces the neutron flux from the Tokamak. An additional neutron flux is formed by D-D drive in reactions in the beam dump. A set of cryopumps upstream and downstream of the neutron plug and gate valves limit the tritium migration into the injector. 6.2. Criticul technology The critical technology areas for the injector are the high voltage power supply and connections and the ion source and its accelerator. In parallel with similar programmes in Japan and elsewhere, in Europe two projects have been started to examine these issues. At CEN-Caderache in France a design study of a 4 A, I M V supply has started with a group of industrial companies while a t Culham Laboratory in the U.K. a 4 A, 200 keV D- injector is being constructed which has most of the features of the full scale system save that i t uses a gas neutralizer cell instead of a plasma cell. The work at CEN-Cadarache together with additional work at Culham is aimed at creating a scheme design for a I MV 4 A D - injector. In mid-I992 this design report will be ..I.- rl LlDC" I.C ' l a +La I-n..:..Tnr ., L l l L "'IDlJ 1v1 CL -"..-, %LI.l+,,,"p"a'L1 L V h . . : I A ,.-A VUll" 'Lll" L C I L +h;" ;..:a,~+nv L 1 1 1 3 "1,C'L"1. 7 . CONCLUSIONS In the previous seciions the development of two major concepts of the production of negative ion beams has been described; the surface production or volume production source. Each of these two techniques has many variants, most of which are not described as discussion of these would confuse the basic issues. However, ai present it is not yet clear which of the two methods will emerge as the superior, indeed for someapplications one o r other technique may have an advantage. In the field of neutral beam injectors for fusion, however, the volume source approach may have a distinct advantage as it is very similar in concept to the earlier positive ion beam units now in use on the JET o r JT60 Tokamaks. There are also clear advantages in the area of beam divergence as the lower limit to divergence is set by the ion temperature which is less than 1 eV compared with IO eV for the surrace source. At present negative ion sources and beams arejust entering that area ofdevelopment where high power and voltage beams arc needed, particularly for fusion requirements, and the next few years should see very exciting steps being made. REFERENCES W., SII:I,CNL~~~ F.. THOUAS R. W., WolKE R.. SCIIONBWILLI! F. G. and r u m CO&. p. 305. SLAC report 303. Palo Allo. (1986) Pmc. 1986 Lincirr A V A N AMEKS~OOKT P. 1VANOV S. T. University of Califhrnin. Rcrkuley. H n r r ~ x i I:.o ~and ~ BUSSACJ . P. (1Y80) PhTsico 104C. 248. EHI.EKSK . W. and LEUNGK. N.(19801 RPII.Sci~wrl.hmrunl. 51. 721 HAASI:: A. and HIIMPS A. J. 'I. ( I Y Y I ) Piusnu P1,j.v. Co~rr. Fiwion 33, 1197: :dso in Culham Laboratory Report, CLM-P-888. HM Slationary Office, 1990. HANAIIAM., lNuuE T..KOJIMA H., Marsol>n Y.. 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