Download 6 Trait Model of Roman Catholic

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Religious Experience:
Monotheistic: Belief in Trinity (3 persons = 1 God Father, Son & Holy
Spirit). JESUS is the incarnation (God made human). VIRGIN
MARY is the mother of Jesus (God). Roots of Christianity are Judaism
– Catholics believe Jesus is the Messiah promised in the Hebrew
Scriptures. Apostles continued the ministry after the death and
Resurrection of Jesus. Roman Catholicism distinguished itself from
Orthodox after the Great Schism. After the Protestant Reformation,
Roman Catholic Church cleared up doctrinal/practical issues at the
Council of Trent. Major practical changes were put into effect after
Vatican II Council.
Sacred Stories:
The Bible, consisting of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and the
Christian Scriptures (New Testament). New Testament includes the
Gospels (tell the stories of Jesus' birth, miracles; resurrection is the heart
of the Gospels), Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles (letters of Paul and
others tell about the early church), and the Book of Revelation. Catholics
read the Bible contextually (believe the Bible is divinely inspired – not
literal but moral truth). Catholic tradition includes lore such as the
Immaculate Conception (that Mary was born without Original Sin).
Sacred Symbols and Rituals:
Central symbol of RC is the Cross, especially the crucifix.
7 Sacraments (central Rituals reenacting events in the life of Jesus):
Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Orders,
Marriage, Anointing the Sick. Infants are baptized Roman Catholic by
sprinkling the head with water; adults who convert receive Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist in one ceremony. Eucharist is celebrated
weekly at Mass and Catholics believe in transubstantiation (that Christ
is truly present in the Eucharist Prayer individually/communally any
time/anywhere (to Mary and other saints allowed). Catholics pray the
rosary/Hail Mary.
Religious Doctrine:
Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed main statement of belief. Belief in
the Holy Trinity, the Incarnation of Christ (fully human/fully
divine). Believe Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, came to fulfill
the promise of a Messiah, "Saviour". Believe in the resurrection of
Jesus central to the faith, that Jesus will come again "to judge the
living and the dead". Belief in Sin & Salvation: heaven for faithful;
hell for unfaithful; purgatory as a waiting place for those who have
committed sin without reconciliation.
Community of Faith:
Parishes headed by an ordained Priest. Parishes organized by
regions into dioceses, headed by a Bishop. Head of the worldwide
Church is the Pope (successor to St. Peter). Infallibility of the Pope
when speaking formally as Church leader. Papacy is lifelong, when
Pope dies, the next is elected by Cardinals, who have been
appointed by the Pope). Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests
unmarried, celibate males only. Women can be nuns. Laypeople
participate as lectors, Eucharistic ministers, choir members, ushers,
Follow the 10 Commandments and the Great Commandment of
Jesus: love one another. Follow the teachings of Jesus in all things
using the Gospels as guide: equity, generosity, forgiveness, charity.
No specific dietary food laws except on Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday: eating meat is prohibited & fasting encouraged. Consistent
Ethic of Life states “all life is sacred” – opposed to capital
punishment, euthanasia, abortion. Premarital/extramarital sex is not
allowed; artificial means of birth control are not allowed. Marriage
between man and woman only (no same-sex marriage); no remarriage within Church after divorce. Justice organizations
include: St. Vincent de Paul, Development & Peace, Out of the
Cold, etc.
Religious Experience:
Monotheistic: Belief in ________________(3 persons = 1 God Father, Son & Holy Spirit).
_____________ is the incarnation (God made human). ________________________________ is the
mother of Jesus (God). Roots of Christianity are __________________ – Catholics believe Jesus is the
Messiah promised in the Hebrew Scriptures. _________________ continued the ministry after the death
and Resurrection of Jesus. Roman Catholicism distinguished itself from Orthodox after the
________________________. After the Protestant Reformation, Roman Catholic Church cleared up
doctrinal/practical issues at the ______________________. Major practical changes were put into effect
after ________________________________________.
Sacred Scripture:
The Bible, consisting of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and the Christian Scriptures (New
Testament). New Testament includes the __________________(tell the stories of Jesus' birth, miracles;
resurrection is the heart of the Gospels), Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles (letters of Paul and others tell
about the early church), and the Book of Revelation. Catholics read the Bible ______________________
(believe the Bible is divinely inspired – not literal but moral truth). Catholic ___________________
includes lore such as the Immaculate Conception (that Mary was born without Original Sin).
Sacred Symbols and Rituals:
Central symbol of RC is the Cross, especially the _________________.
7 __________________________ (central Rituals reenacting events in the life of Jesus): Baptism,
Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Marriage, Anointing the Sick. ________________
are baptized Roman Catholic by sprinkling the head with water; adults who convert receive Baptism,
Confirmation and Eucharist in one ceremony. __________________________is celebrated weekly at
Mass and Catholics believe in ___________________________ (that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist
Prayer individually/communally any time/anywhere (to _____________ and other saints allowed).
Catholics pray the _____________/Hail Mary.
Religious Doctrine:
____________________ or Nicene Creed main statement of belief. Belief in the Holy ___________, the
___________________ of Christ (fully human/fully divine). Believe Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary,
came to fulfill the promise of a Messiah. Believe in the _____________________ of Jesus central to the
faith, that Jesus will come again "to judge the living and the dead". Belief in Sin & Salvation:
_____________ for faithful; __________________ for unfaithful; ________________ as a waiting place
for those who have committed sin without reconciliation.
Community of Faith:
Parishes headed by an ordained ________________. Parishes organized by regions into dioceses, headed
by a ___________________. Head of the worldwide Church is the ______________ in Rome (successor
to St. Peter). ______________________ of the Pope when speaking formally as Church leader. Papacy is
lifelong, when Pope dies, the next is elected by __________________ (who have been appointed by the
Pope). Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests unmarried, celibate ________________ only. Women can be
nuns. Laypeople participate as lectors, Eucharistic ministers, choir members, ushers, etc.
Follow the 10 Commandments and the Great Commandment of Jesus: _________________________.
Follow the teachings of Jesus in all things using the Gospels as guide: equity, generosity, forgiveness,
charity. No specific dietary food laws except on _______________________ and Good Friday: eating
meat is prohibited & fasting encouraged. Consistent Ethic of Life states “________________________” –
opposed to capital punishment, euthanasia, abortion. Premarital/extramarital sex is not allowed; artificial
means of birth control are not allowed. Marriage between man and woman only (no _________________
marriage); no re-marriage within Church after ___________________. Social Justice organizations
include: St. Vincent de Paul, Development & Peace, Out of the Cold, etc.