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3.1 The Rock Cycle
A Rocks are any solid mass of mineral
or mineral-like matter occurring naturally
B Types of Rocks
Igneous rock is formed by the crystallization
of molten magma. Cooling,
and hardening of lava or
Igneous Rock
3.1 The Rock Cycle
 Types of Rocks
2. Sedimentary rock is formed from the
weathered products of preexisting rocks that
have been transported, deposited, compacted,
and cemented.
3. Metamorphic rock is formed by the alteration of
pre-existing rock deep within Earth (but still in the
solid state) by heat, pressure, and/or chemically
active fluids.
Metamorphic rocks
C. Materials from Earth
1. Magma is molten material inside Earth
2. Lava is magma that reaches the surface.
D. Weathering
Is a process in which rocks are
broken down by water, air, and living
1.Sediment is weathered pieces of Earth elements.
3.1 The Rock Cycle
E. The Rock Cycle
1.  Shows the interrelationships among the
three rock types
The Rock Cycle
3.1 The Rock Cycle
F. Energy That Drives the Rock Cycle
1 heat from the Earth’s interior forming both
igneous rock and metamorphic rock.
2 Weathering is powered by energy from the
3 External processes produce sedimentary
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