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Begin when photons strike the photosynthetic
membrane. The process can be divided into three
Photoexcitation: absorption of a photon by an
electron of chlorophyll
Electron transport: transfer of the excited
electron through a series of membrane-bound
electron carriers, resulting in the pumping of
proton through the photosynthetic membrane,
which creates a H+ reservoir and eventually
reduces an electron acceptor
Chemiosmosis: the movement of protons through
ATPase complexes to drive the phosphorylation
of ADP to ATP
We recall that in an atom
electrons want to occupy
the lowest energy level,
or its ground state.
 When it gains energy and
rises to a higher energy
level, excitation takes
 When it returns to its
original level, heat and
light (photon) are
 fluorescence
Chlorophyll in isolation displays these
properties, but when it is associated with the
photosynthetic membrane, the excited
electron is immediately captured by the
primary electron acceptor.
Excited electron is captured by the primary
electron acceptor.
Redox reaction: chlorophyll is _______________
and primary acceptor is __________________.
Light is absorbed
by chlorophyll or
accessory pigment
molecules that are
associated with
proteins in clusters.
Is composed of a number of
chlorophyll molecules and
accessory pigments set in a
protein matrix in the
thylakoid membrane.
The photon energy of the
ant. pigment molecules
transfer from pigment to
pigment (resonance) until it
reaches a chlorophyll a
molecule in an area called
the reaction centre.
The excited electron of the
chlorophyll a is captured by
the primary electron
Both are embedded in the thylakoid
Both contain the exact same chlorphyll a
molecules structurally, but PH. I has
chlorophyll P700 and PH. II has chlorophyll
P680. Why?
They differ in the wavelengths they best
absorb, 700 nm and 680 nm respectively.
It’s caused by the different proteins
associated with chlorophyll a in each
The process in which photon-energized
electrons flow from water to NADP+ through
electron transport chains in thylakoid
membranes, producing NADPH by reduction
and ATP by chemiosmosis.
Photon strikes photosystem II
Electron of chlorophyll P680 is excited
Electron captured by primary electron acceptor:
Series of redox reactions
Electron transferred to plastoquinone, PQ.
Z protein, associated with PSII
Splits water into oxygen, H+, and etwo of these e- is used to replace the missing
electrons in _________________________.
H+ remaining in the thylakoid lumen
Oxygen leaves the cell
initial e-, now in _____, goes through an
electron transport chain similar to that in
through the ETC.
The e- that leave PSII pass through the Q
◦ This causes protons to be transported from the
stroma INTO the thylakoid lumen.
 4 H+ for each pair of electrons
◦ Difference from cellular respiration?
The two e- move through plastocyanin, Pc and
other components of the ETC until they reach PSI.
◦ PSI also continually undergoes the same electron
excitation process (struck by photons) as PSII (therefore,
looses 2 electrons)
◦ The two e- originating from PSII replace the displaced ein PSI.
Electrons from PSI pass through another ETC
containing an iron-containing protein called
ferredoxin (Fd).
Move to the NADP reductase that uses the two
electrons and H+ ions from stroma:
◦ NADP+ + 2e- + H+  NADPH
What about the electrochemical gradient
produced by the Z protein?
◦ Remember: protons are in the thylakoid lumen
◦ H+ moves through the ATPase from lumen to the
stroma  ATP is formed!
◦ Ratio: four H+ per ATP.
formation of ATP by chemiosmosis in
In some cases, excited electrons take a cyclic
Uses PSI only
Electron is passed to Fd Q cycle 
cytochrome chain (b6-f complex)  back to
chlorophyll P700.
Generates an H+ gradient for chemiosmotic
ATP synthesis
Does not release electrons to generate
The overall goal :
◦ Energy of light is transferred to ATP and NADPH.
Both of these substances play a critical role in
carbon fixation, the next step.
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