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How healthy are we
Using Sources
and Collecting Data
At your age you are probably physically
active for about half an hour a day on
most days of the week.
This may sound okay, but in fact to keep
healthy you really should be aiming for
one hour of moderate intensity
physical activity a day.
One hour?!
An hour may seem long but it doesn't have to be all
at once. It can be made up of smaller bursts of
activity. For example, your day could include:
10 minutes walking to school
15 minutes chasing games at
break time
15 minutes skipping games at
10 minutes walking home from
10 minutes football with friends
after school
So why do it?
Being active helps you:
look after your heart and body
 feel more lively
 unwind from school work
 meet up with friends and make new ones
 feel good about yourself
Your heart is a muscle about the size of
your fist and lies to the left-hand side
of the chest and is protected by the
The heart has the important role of
pumping blood around the body through
your arteries, veins and capillaries.
Blood or circulatory system
The blood or circulatory system is the body's
transport system, carrying heat, food, oxygen
and waste materials.
Did you know that the heart pumps about five
litres of blood a minute. This can be increased
to 30 litres a minute during strenuous
The lungs are where air goes when you
breathe in.
 This is so the oxygen in the air can pass
through your lungs into your body, and
then your blood takes it around your
body to important places like your
heart, and your brain.
Your pulse rate tells you how many times your
heart beats.
You can feel your pulse on your wrists or neck.
Never use a thumb to take a pulse, always use
the forefinger and middle finger of one hand
Taking your pulse to see how an activity
makes your heart beat faster.
You will need a stopwatch and maybe
someone to time you.
After an activity count the number of
beats in 15 seconds.
Multiply this by four to see how many
times your heart beats in a minute
You need to aim for one hour of
moderate intensity activity every day
Fill in your activity log and See you
next week Year 6!!!!!!