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AP Biology Chapter 24 Notes
The Origin of Species
What you need to know…
 The difference between ___________________ and _______________________.
 The biological concept of __________________.
 _________________________ and ________________________ barriers that maintain
reproductive isolation in natural populations.
 How ________________________ and sympatric _________________________ are similar and
 How an ____________________________ or an _______________________________
chromsomal change can lead to sympatric speciation.
 How _________________________ equilibrium and _________________________ describe 2
different tempos of speciation.
____________________________ - the origin of new species, is at the focal point of evolutionary theory
______________evolution consists of adaptations that evolve within a population, confined to one gene pool
______________evolution refers to evolutionary change above the species level
Concept 24.1: The biological species concept emphasizes reproductive isolation
 ________________________ species concept - states that a species is a group of populations whose
members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring; they do not
breed successfully with other populations
o Gene flow between populations holds the phenotype of a population together
 ______________________________ isolation is the existence of biological factors (barriers) that
impede two species from producing viable, fertile offspring
o ___________________ are the offspring of crosses between different species (Ex. Mule)
 Label the Pictures
_________________________ barriers block fertilization from occurring by:
o Impeding different species from attempting to ___________
o Preventing the successful _________________________ of mating
o Hindering _________________________ if mating is successful
o Include:
 Habitat isolation (next slide) -Two species encounter each other _____________, or
not at all, because they occupy different habitats, even though not isolated by physical
 behavioral isolation (next slides) -Courtship rituals and other behaviors
_____________ to a species are effective barriers
 temporal isolation (next slides) -Species that breed at different ____________ of the
day, different seasons, or different years cannot mix their gametes
 mechanical isolation (next slides) -Morphological differences can prevent successful
 gametic isolation (next slides) - Sperm of one species may not be able to fertilize eggs
of another species
____________________________ barriers prevent the hybrid zygote from developing into a viable,
fertile adult:
o ___________________ hybrid viability (next slides) - Genes of the different parent species
may interact and __________________ the hybrid’s development
o Reduced ____________________ fertility (next slides) - Even if ________________ are
vigorous, they may be _____________________
o Hybrid ________________________ - (next slides) - Some first-generation hybrids are
_____________, but when they mate with another species or with either parent species,
offspring of the next generation are feeble or sterile
The biological species concept cannot be applied to fossils or asexual organisms (including all
o The _____________________________ species concept defines a species by structural
 It applies to sexual and asexual species but relies on subjective criteria
o The ____________________________ species concept views a species in terms of its
ecological niche
 It applies to sexual and asexual species and emphasizes the role of disruptive selection
o The ____________________________ species concept: defines a species as the smallest
group of individuals on a phylogenetic tree
 It applies to sexual and asexual species, but it can be difficult to determine the degree of
difference required for separate species
Concept 24.2: Speciation can take place with or without geographic separation
 Speciation can occur in two ways:
o Allopatric speciation (next slides) - gene flow is ____________________ or
______________________ when a population is ____________________ into geographically
isolated subpopulations
o Sympatric speciation (next slides) - speciation takes place in geographically
______________________ populations
_______________________ is the presence of _______________ sets of chromosomes due to
accidents during cell division
An _______________________ is an individual with more than ____________ chromosome sets,
derived from one species
An ______________________ is a species with _________________ sets of chromosomes derived
from different species
Concept 24.3: Hybrid zones provide opportunities to study factors that cause reproductive isolation
 A _________________ zone is a region in which members of different species mate and produce
o A hybrid zone can occur in a ________________ band where adjacent species meet
o Hybrids often have ____________________ fitness compared with parent species
o The distribution of hybrid zones can be more complex if parent species are found in multiple
habitats within the same region
o When closely related species meet in a hybrid zone, there are three possible outcomes:
 ________________________ of reproductive barriers
 _________________________ of reproductive barriers
 _________________________ formation of hybrid individuals
Concept 24.4: Speciation can occur rapidly or slowly and can result from changes in few or many genes
 ____________________________ equilibrium to describe periods of apparent stasis punctuated by
sudden change
 Gradualism - gradual _____________________ in a species’ existence
 Label the picture
You should now be able to…
1. Define and discuss the limitations of the __________ species concepts
2. Describe and provide examples of _______________ and ________________ reproductive
3. Distinguish between and provide examples of ______________ and _______________
4. Explain how _____________________ can cause reproductive isolation
5. Define the term ________________ and describe three outcomes for hybrid zones over time