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Ch. 19, Sec. 1
 In 1789 France, like the
rest of Europe, still clung
to an outdated social
system that had emerged
in the Middle Ages.
 Under this ancien
regime, or old order,
everyone in France
belonged to one of three
The First Estate – the
 The Second Estate – the
 The Third Estate – the vast
majority of the population
 The First Estate (so named because they were closest
to God) enjoyed enormous wealth and privilege.
 They did not have to pay taxes and still collected
 Enlightenment philosophes targeted the Church for
• Louis XIV had crushed the nobles’ military power but
still provided them high-ranking government
• Nobles struggled to keep up with the costs of living a
lavish lifestyle at the royal court.
• Many nobles hated absolutism but did not want to
anger the king in fear of losing their traditional
privileges (such as paying for taxes.)
• In 1789, the Third Estate numbered about 27 million
people, or 98% of the population.
• At the top of the Third Estate was the bourgeoisie, or
middle class.
– The bourgeoisie consisted of bankers, merchants, and
• The bulk of the Third Estate, 9 out of 10 people, were
rural peasants.
• The poorest members of the Third Estate were urban
– Many were unemployed and had to beg for food.
• Members of the Third Estate resented the nobility and
• The slightest rise in the price of bread could threaten
starvation to the poor.
• Peasants were burdened by taxes on everything from
land to soap to salt.
• People started to question the inequalities of the old
– Throughout France people called for the privileged
classes to pay their share.
• France began to experience an economic crisis due to years
of deficit spending, or a government spending more money
than it takes in.
• Louis XIV had left France deeply in debt due to wars like
the Seven Years’ War and the American Revolution.
• To bridge the gap between income and expenses the
government borrowed more and more money.
– By 1789, half its tax income went just to pay interest on this
enormous debt.
– To solve this financial crisis, the government would have to
increase taxes, reduce expenses, or both.
– The nobles and clergy fiercely resisted any attempt to end
their exemption from taxes.
• In the late 1780s, bad harvests sent food prices soaring
and brought hunger to poorer peasants and city
• Arthur Young, an English visitor to France, witnessed
the violence:
– “Everything conspires to render the present period in
France critical: the [lack] of bread is terrible; accounts
arrive every moment from the provinces or riots and
disturbances, and calling in the military, to preserve the
peace of the markets.”
• The heirs of Louis XIV were not
the right men to solve the
economic crisis that afflicted
– Louis XV continued lavish
court spending and ran up
more debts.
– Louis XVI was well-meaning
but weak and indecisive.
• Louis XVI chose Jacques Necker
as an advisor to the financial
– When Necker proposed taxing
the First and Second Estates,
however, the nobles and clergy
forced the king to dismiss the
would-be reformer.
• As the crisis deepened, the pressure for reform
• Finally, the wealthy and powerful classes demanded
that the king summon the Estates General, which had
not assembled for 175 years.
• The people hoped that the Estates General would
bring about the same changes which occurred in
England during the Glorious Revolution.
• As 1788 came to a close,
France tottered on the
verge of bankruptcy.
– Bread riots were
spreading, and nobles,
fearful of taxes, were
denouncing royal
• A baffled Louis XVI
finally summoned the
Estates General to meet
at Versailles the
following year.
 In preparation, Louis XVI had all three estates prepare
cahiers, or notebooks, listing their grievances.
 The cahiers testified to boiling class resentments.
• Since only propertied men could vote, the delegates for
the Third Estate consisted of members of the
• When the Estates General convened in May 1789, the
delegates were deadlocked over the issue of voting.
– Traditionally each estate would be given one vote.
– As a result, the First and Second Estates always outvoted
the Third Estate 2 to 1.
• After weeks of stalemate, delegates of the Third Estate took
a daring step.
• They claimed to be the true representatives of the French
people and declared themselves to be the National
• A few days later the National Assembly found its meeting
called locked and guarded.
• They walked to a nearby indoor tennis court and took the
famous Tennis Court Oath.
– They swore “to never separate and to meet wherever the
circumstances might require until we have established a
sound and just constitution.”
 Members of the clergy and nobility begrudgingly
joined the National Assembly.
 Louis XVI was forced to acknowledge their power but
began moving forces around Paris.
 Suspicion and rumor continued to poison the
atmosphere as the crisis deepened.
• On July 14, 1789, more than 800 Parisians assembled
outside of the Bastille, a grim medieval fortress used as
a prison.
The crowd demanded the weapons and gunpowder
they believed to be stored there.
The commander of the Bastille refused to open the
gates and opened fire on the crowd.
The enraged mob broke through the defenses and
killed the commander and his guards.
When told of the attack, Louis XVI asked, “Is it a
revolt?” “No sire,” replied a noble, “it is a revolution.”