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Creative Metier
Change the way you see your future ………..
Getting Your Idea to Market
Glynis Rankin, Director, Creative Metier Limited
21st November 2007
Creative Metier Limited
Creative Metier Limited established April 2005
Developed sophisticated world class online
software programme designed to replicate the
face to face interactions that take place in
career development and career coaching
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Business rationale (1)
• Companies invest heavily in talent
management, leadership development and
• One to one coaching and workshops around
career development are expensive and take
valuable company time
• A relatively small population can access these
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Business rationale (2)
• Online resources are largely text based
designed for low band width transmission and
have relatively poor take up
• Recognition that in a rapidly changing
environment people constantly need to reorientate and need tools to help them to do
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Creative Metier
Identified need for:
• A new generation of on line learning
resources that take advantage of the wide
availability of broad band
• Can supplement face to face interaction
adding value for the individual and the
• Reduce costs of coaching and mentoring
around career decision making
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Creative Metier
New product:
• Available to whole populations or particular
• Easily customised both in terms of content
and branding for individual clients
• Sophisticated and ahead of the market
• Endorsed by key players in the market place
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Go to market strategy
FY 2006 – 7:
Beta test
Develop initial client relationships
Develop support resources and systems
• Browser compatibility
• Facilitator training for qualified coaches
• 24/7 technical and learning support
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Go to market strategy
FY 2007 – 8:
5 blue chip companies pilot, place second orders
and move towards wider roll out
FY 2008 – 9:
Add additional 3 companies
Develop resources for public access
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Marketing strategy
• Use existing network in leadership
development, talent management and
• Partner with non competing companies to
support their proposition and access their
• Build client base slowly as experience of
delivery develops
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Marketing strategy
Develop mix of:
• Smaller purchasers
– shorter decision making times
– larger number of clients so risks are spread
– shorter payment cycles
• Large corporates
– Purchasing decisions can be long and slow
involving many stakeholders
– Payment cycles are slow
– Need to see capacity to deliver on large scale
– Fewer clients can be serviced
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Lessons learned (1)
Where are you?
• We were a small relatively unknown executive
mentoring company
What is your market?
• Ours is large corporates – talent management,
leadership development and diversity
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Lessons learned (2)
Long timescales required to:
Establish brand of a new company
Get an innovative new product to market
And the scale of the resources required to do
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
What would we do
Plan and finance for longer timescales
Narrow focus to one market segment and
establish initial position
Use more aggressive PR at an earlier stage
“You can only really learn about business by
being in business”
Duncan Bannatyne
© Creative Metier Ltd 2007
Creative Metier
Change the way you see your future ………..
Getting Your Idea to Market
Glynis Rankin, Director, Creative Metier Limited
21st November 2007