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Muhammad Tajkir Hossain
Senior Asst.Teacher
Moniria High School
Parbatipur, Dinajpur
Subject: English
Changing Sentences
Class: Nine
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, learners will
be able toKnow simple, complex & compound
Change sentences
Read the following sentences
a) By reading attentively you will pass in the exam.
b) If you read attentively, you will pass in the exam.
c) Do or die
d) Without doing you will die.
Sentence according to structure
Simple Sentence
When a sentence contains one subject and one
finite verb, it is called a simple sentence
(‡h sentence G GKwU gvÎ subject I GKwU gvÎ finite verb _v‡K
A_©vr GKwU clause wb‡q MwVZ Zv‡K simple sentence e‡j|)
a) I wanted to play cricket.
b) Having forgotten him I went outside the cabin.
c) I saw him running.
Complex sentence
When a sentence contains one principal clause
and more than one subordinate clause, it is
called complex sentence.
‡h sentence G GKwU gvÎ principal clause Ges GK ev GKvwaK subordinate
clause _v‡K Zv‡K complex sentence e‡j|
a) We eat so that we may live.
P. C
S. C
b) It is known to all that he is a good teacher.
P. C
c) I know what he thinks
S. C
Complex sentence G mvaviYZ as, since, when,
who, which, where, what, that, why, while,
after, before, if, whether, unless, till, until,
so that, because, though, although, in
order that, hardly, scarcely, barely GB k㸇jv
use nq|
Compound Sentence
A compound sentence is a sentence which
has more than one principal clause
‡h sentence G `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK principal clause _v‡K
Zv‡K Compound sentence e‡j|
a) He is poor but he is honest.
b) The sun set and we went home.
c) Read or you will fail.
GK bR‡i Simple, Complex & Compound
In spite of/ Despite
+possessive + (v+ing)
Or (negative) If you do not Without +(v+ ing)
If you do
By + (v +ing)
Verb +ing
Change the Sentences in to sm, cx individually
a) He is poor but he is honest.
b) The old man has seven children but he lives alone.
c) Study hard or fail.
d) Do the work and I shall pay you a handsome amount.
a) He is poor but he is honest.
In spite of his being poor he is honest
Though/Although he is poor, he is honest
b) The old man has seven children but he lives alone.
In spite of the old man’s having seven children, he lives alone.
Though the old man has seven children, he lives alone.
c) Study hard or fail.
Without studying hard, you will fail.
If you do not study hard, you will fail.
d) Do the work and I shall pay you a handsome amount.
By doing the work, I shall pay you handsome money.
If you do the work, I shall pay you a handsome money.
Home work
Change the following sentences as directed
a) When we went to his office, we found him absent.
b) I gave him not only money but also good advice.
c) As soon as the police arrived, the crowed
dispersed. (compound)
Thanks for all