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Chapter 1 1
When Old Worlds Collide: Contact,
Conquest, Catastrophe
(c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
Peoples in Motion:
From Beringia to the Americas
• Beringia –humans crossed over into the
• Three waves of migration
• Amerind
• Na-Dene
• Inuits
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The Great Extinction and the
Rise of Agriculture
• Climate Change (by 9000 B.C.)
– Glaciers receded
– Climate warmed
– Big game died off
• Northeastern U.S. Seaboard: Red Paint People
(Maritime Archaic) 5000-2000 B.C.
• Hunter-gatherers: Gender Division of Labor
– Men hunted & fished
– Women gathered
• Neolithic evolution: Farming extension of
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The Polynesians and Hawaii
• Tropical Island settlements
Easter Island
No evidence of Western Hemisphere contact
The Norsemen
• Norse (Vikings)
Iceland late 800s
Greenland late 900s
Vinland & Leif Erikson early 1000s
L’Anse aux Meadows
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China: The Rejection of Overseas
• The Travels of Marco
Polo early 1300s
• Emperor Kublai Khan
• Cheng Ho’s fleets
explore East Indies,
East Coast of Africa
Contemporary depiction of caravans from the East
Europe versus Islam
• Ottoman Turks
– Constantinople 1453
– Balkans early 1500s
• 1340s Europe: Famine, Black Death
• European Renaissance
• Information Revolution I: Gutenburg’s
moveable type
• European military growth
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The Legacy of the Crusades
• Europeans in Palestine: Kingdom of
• Sugar Cane & Slavery
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The Unlikely Pioneer: Portugal
• Portugal’s advantages:
– Unity & Efficient government
– Geographic location
• King (Mansa) Musa & the Mandingo Empire
• Prince Henry
– Navigate the high seas beyond sight of land
– Defeat any non-European fleet on the world oceans
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Africa, Colonies, and the Slave
• Decline of Mali Empire
• Portuguese colonization of Africa
– Plantations (sugar, wine)
• Establishment of “factories” for slave trade
• 15th Century Slave Trade: Africans sell
Africans to Portuguese
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Portugal’s World Empire
• Bartolomeu Dias & Cape of Good Hope
• Vasco da Gama circumnavigates Africa
• Pedro Cabral & Brazil
• Goa & Moluccas (East Indies)
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Early Lessons
• Overseas Expansion required:
– Support of home government
– Ready access to what other states learned
• Economic impulse behind colonization
– Precious metals
– Staple plantation crops
• Social impulse behind colonization: “live
nobly” outside Europe
• Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile
Unified Kingdom of Spain 1469
Defeated Moors at Grenada 1492
Ends Islamic presence
Sponsor Columbus
Spain and the Caribbean
• Caribbean Colonies
• Hidalgos & exsoldiers
• “Living Nobly” with
Plantations worked by
enslaved natives
• Exploration &
• Juan Ponce de León
• Vasco Núñez de
• Amerigo Vespucci
• Ferdinand Magellan
• Hernán Cortés
The Rise of Sedentary Cultures
• Agriculture transformation of Indian
lifestyle from 4000BC
• “slash and burn agriculture”
• Indians did not own land as individuals –
but had “use rights”
• Large populations in the Americas – mostly
Stone Age cultures
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The Andes: Cycles of Complex
• Intellectual
Achievement &
• Preliterate
• Irrigation Canals
• Monumental
• Pre-Columbian
Andean Civilizations
• Chavin “Pre-Classic”
• Mochica “Classic”
• Tiwanaku “Classic”
• Nazca “Post-Classic”
Inca Civilization
• Cuzco, capital city high in the mountains
• Quipu: Inca record-keeping
• Inca empire = 8 to 12 million people in
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Complex Cultures of PreColumbian America
Mesoamerica: Cycles of
Complex Cultures
• Intellectual
Achievement &
• Literate
• Calendar
• Pyramids
• Irrigation Canals
• Monumental
• Pre-Columbian
MesoAmerican Civs.
• Olmec
• Teotihuacan
• Mayan
– Tikal
– Chichén Itzá
The Aztecs and Tenochtitlán
Chinampas – floating gardens
Tlacopan & Texcoco
Aztec dominance late 1400s
Human Sacrifice & the “Great Pyramid of
the Sun”
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North American Mound Builders
• Watson-Break, Louisiana (3400 B.C.)
• Adena-Hopewell, Ohio River Valley
(500B.C. – 400 A.D.)
• Mississippian (1000-1700 A.D.)
– Cahokia
– stinkards
– Great Sun
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Contact and Cultural
• Peoples of America and peoples of Europe
confront each other
• Neither side was prepared for the encounter
Religious Dilemmas
• Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda—Soulless Indians
• Bartolomé de Las Casas—Human Indians
• Europeans: Christians shocked by human sacrifice
and cannibalism of Indians
• Indians: no way to grasp distinctions between
human sacrifice and punishment for desecration
• Indians: Christian heaven separates Indians from
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War as Cultural
• European War
– Kill enemy on battlefield
– Female & child casualties acceptable
• Indian War
– Capture enemy on battlefield, kill ritually later
– Enslave or adopt women & children
Gender and Cultural
• Europeans: men owned, ruled, and
performed public functions
• Indians: women owned movable property,
farmed, and could demand war
Conquistadores vs. Incas
Francisco Pizarro
Smallpox precedes Spaniards
Anti-Inca Indian allies
Capture of Inca Emperor Atahualpa
Ransom & murder
Why Spanish Won
• Smallpox & other diseases to which Indians
had no exposure
• Indian Allies
• Superior weapons technology
North American Conquistadores
• Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca’s tales of gold
• Hernando de Soto explores the southeast
• Francisco Vasquez de Coronado explores
the southwest
Spanish Missions in North
Royal Order for New Discoveries 1573
María de Jesús de Agreda 1631
The Spanish Empire and
Demographic Catastrophe
Council of the Indies
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• 14 “captaincies”
• Sugar plantations
• bandeirantes
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Spain: Global Colossus of a
Global Economy
American Silver, Spanish Power
Philip II (1556-1598) – king of Spain
Philip claims throne of Portugal 1580
Free labor in “core” Europe
Unfree labor in periphery
– E. Europe & resurgent serfdom
– W. Hemisphere & slavery
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Vulnerabilities of the
Spanish Colossus
• Imperial overstretch
• Silver influx = inflation
• Silver influx creates import demand not
domestic economic development
• Spain becomes poorer & weaker
Explanations: Patterns of Conquest,
Submission, & Resistance
• East-West vs. North South human
• Western Hemisphere isolation
• Steel Technology
• Alfred W. Crosby--The Columbian
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• In 40 years: European navigators joined the world
together and challenged Islam’s mediating role
• Intense and violent contact made throughout the
• Spain acquired a military advantage in Europe
• Millions suffered, especially in Africa and the
(c) 2003 Wadsworth Group All rights reserved
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