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How can math help me understand my world?
By Moe, Larry and Curly
2nd Period
Mr. Chamberlin
WIMP Method
W – What is being asked?
I – Important information to use
M – Make an equation/diagram
P – Put an answer w/ label
Apples in the Orchard
One bushel of apples from a dwarf apple tree
is equal to 42 pounds. Write an expression to
find the number of pounds of apples in any
number of bushels. If one tree can produce
6 bushels, how many pounds of apples will an
orchard of 100 trees produce?
W – What is being asked?
How many pounds of apples will an orchard of
100 trees produce?
*our answer label will be pounds of apples
I – Important information
1 bushel = 42 lbs. of apples
 1 tree = 6 bushels
 1 orchard = 100 trees
M – Make an equation/diagram
Write an expression to find the number of
pounds of apples in any number of bushels.
n = number of bushels
42n (pounds of apples in n bushels)
100 trees x 6 bushels/tree = 600 bushels
42 (600) = 25,200
P – Put an answer w/ a label
Answer: 25,200
Original question: How many pounds
of apples?
25,200 pounds of apples!!!