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AVH 1104
Basic Aircraft
 Propulsion System
 Aircraft Engines
 Aircraft Control System
 Basic Helicopter
A Brief History of Flight
1. 1783, 1st true hot-air balloon (Montgolfier bros in France)
2. 1804, 1st successful glider (George Cayley)
3. 1891, 1st glider in which the glider could be piloted
(Otto Lilienthal)
4. 1903, 1st aircraft (Wright bros.)
A Brief History of Flight
5. 1927, 1st pilot set out on an historic flight across the Atlantic Ocean,
form New York to Paris (Charles Lindbergh)
6. 1936, 1st helicopter (Focke-Wulf Fw 6)
6. 1939, 1st jet aircraft (Heinkel He-178)
7. 1947, 1st supersonic aircraft (Bell XS-1)
8. 1950s -Today……..the aircraft technologies continuously expanding
and there are always many researches have been established in
order to improve the aircraft performances.
Basic Aircraft
Basic Aircraft
 Central body portion: To accommodate the crew, the passengers, and the cargo.
 Streamlined as much as possible to reduce drag.
Wing (fixed):
 The purpose of wing is to generate lift (because of the airfoil shape)
 Ailerons (movable)= To provide roll control.
 Flap = To create additional lift to the aircraft (especially during take-off)
 Spoilers = To interrupt the air flow over the wing (to slow down the a/c during landing)
Various shape of airfoils
Basic Aircraft
Vertical Stabilizer , rudder (movable)-yaw control
 Horizontal Stabilizer , elevator (movable)-pitch control
Power Plants (Engine/propeller)
 To generate thrust that propels the aircraft
 Propeller
 Gas Turbine
Landing Gear:
 Tricycle gear: nose wheel, two main wheels
 Conventional gear: tail wheel, two main wheels
 Unconventional gear: skis, skids, or floats
Aircraft Performance
What is the minimum and maximum speed of
the aircraft.
How far can the aircraft fly with a tank of fuel.
How long can the aircraft stay in the air with a
tank of fuel.
Forces on Aircraft
For flight, an aircraft's lift must balance its weight, and its thrust must
exceed its drag.
A plane uses its wings for lift and its engines for thrust.
Forces on Aircraft
This force is generated by the flow of air around the aircraft, the major portion resulting
from the wing.
The weigh includes the aircraft itself, the payload and the fuel.
Since fuel is consumed as the aircraft flies, the weight decreases.
Weight acts in a direction toward the center of the Earth.
Basically, any object that is moving through the air will experience resistance. This
resistance is called drag.
Similar to lift, this force also arises from the flow around the aircraft but it is component of
the resultant aerodynamic force along the line of flight.
Wing is designed to be smooth in order to reduce drag.
Drag important during landing in order to slow down the aircraft.
The force that moves the aircraft through the air.
Generate by the propulsion system
(E.g., engine driver propeller, jet engine, rocket engine).
It may be taken to act along the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.
Fast flowing air
The shape of airfoil
The greater surface area on
the top makes the air
velocity flows faster on the
top & vice versa.
Slow flowing air
An aircraft flies due to the aerodynamic reactions that happen when air
passes over the wing.
Aircraft Control System
Aircraft Control System
Moving Surfaces of an aircraft
 Yaw Control- Rudder : Turning the a/c to left or right.
 Pitch Control- Elevators: Nosing the aircraft up and down.
 Roll Control- Ailerons: Rolling the wing to the right or left.
Origins of Control Surfaces
1908 1st aircraft featured fixed vertical and horizontal tails with
movable rudder and elevator surfaces attached to their trailing edges.
1910 1st aircraft equipped with four flap-like ailerons
fitted at the outboard trailing edges of both the upper
and lower wings.
Henri Farman and the Farman III
Léon Levavasseur and the Antoinette IV
Glenn Curtiss, Alexander Graham Bell, and the June Bug showing its ailerons
Control Surfaces
Control Surfaces
Control Surfaces
Control Surfaces
History of Aircraft Propulsion
1903 (Wright bros.) – 1943 : Piston Engines
 Airplanes used internal combustion engines to turn
propellers to generate thrust (propeller aircraft)
 1st aircraft by Wright bros.: Kitty Hawk
A World War I wooden
aircraft propeller
1944 (After World War 2)-Today : Jet Engines
 Airplanes used jet engines to turn propellers/shaft/fan to generate thrust.
 Jet engines also referred to as Gas Turbine Engines.
 Various types (turbo-jet, turbo-prop, turbo-shaft, turbo-fan , ramjet, scramjet)
 German V-1 bomb (pulse jet engine): 1st application for military
 Messerschmitt Me-262 : 1st operational jet-powered aircraft
 Bell P-59: 1st American aircraft
 MiG-15: 1st Soviet jet aircraft.
Propeller Aircraft
The propellers of an RAF
Hercules C.4 in feather
Propeller: Acts as a rotating wing, creating a thrust force because of its motion
through the air.
Similar to automobile engines.
The engine takes air from the surroundings, mixed it with fuel, burns the fuel
(fuels energy release), the heated gas exhaust is used to move a piston that is
attached to a crankshaft.
**Automobile: shaft is used to move the wheels of the car.
**Airplanes: The shaft turns a propeller
Propeller Aircraft
Very efficient for low speed flight.
Lower load capacity compared to similar sized jet powered aircraft.
Cheaper and much more economic than jets.
Quiet, but fly at lower speeds.
The best option for people who need to transport a few passengers and/or
small amounts of cargo.
Best choice for pilots who wish to own their own aircraft.
Propellers are not used on high speed aircraft.
Piston Engines
Piston Engine:
•Converts the heat energy of the fuel and burns it into mechanical energy.
• Inducing air and fuel mixture into a cylinder.
Rotary Engine
In-Line engine
V-type Engine
Radial Engine
Jet Aircraft
Jet aircraft make use of turbines for the creation of thrust.
Much more powerful than a piston engine.
Greater weight capacity and fly faster than propeller driven aircraft.
Example: Airbus A340 and Boeing 777, can carry hundreds of passengers and
several tons of cargo, and are able to travel for distances up to 13 thousand
Noisy, this makes jet aircraft a source of noise pollution.
Jet Aircraft History
• Sir Frank Whittle
• 1st turbojet patent
• 1930 (23 years old)
1939: The 1st jet aircraft (Heinkel He 178) was developed in England and Germany
1943: The first jet fighter aircraft, Messerschmitt Me 262 went into service in the
German Luftwaffe.
Heinkel He-178(1939): 1st jet engined aircraft
Jet Engines History
Used for Lockheed SR71
• Dr. Hans von Ohain
• 1st designer of turbojet
Fastest in 1989
Now retired
Gas Turbine Engine
Newton's 3rd law: For every action there is an equal
and opposite reaction. This is called thrust.
All jet engines, which are also called gas turbines, work on the same principle.
Inlet brings free stream air into the engine.
A compressor raises the pressure & temperature of the air.
The compressor is made up of fans with many blades and attached to a shaft.
The blades compress the air.
In the burner, the compressed air is then sprayed with fuel and an electric spark
lights the mixture.
The burning gases expand and blast out through the nozzle, at the back of the
As the jets of gas shoot backward, the engine and the aircraft are thrust forward.
Turboprop aircraft are a halfway house between propeller and jet: they use
a turbine engine similar to a jet to turn propellers.
These aircraft are popular with commuter and regional airlines, as they
tend to be more economical on shorter journeys.
Hercules-1 C130
Enlarged Fan
Most modern airliners use turbofan engines because of their high thrust and
good fuel efficiency.
The core engine is surrounded by a fan in the front and an additional fan turbine
at the rear.
Larger fan at the front provides thrust in the same way as a propeller.
1st engine to use multiple spools (concentric shafts which are free to rotate at
their own speed-can quickly change the power requirements)
Supersonic Aircraft
If subsonic aircraft has Mach No.< 1, supersonic aircraft a/c has Mach No. >1
Supersonic aircraft, such as military fighters and bombers, Concorde, and others,
make use of special turbines (afterburners), that generate the huge amounts of power
for flight faster than the speed of the sound.
Due to the high costs, limited areas of use and low demand there are no longer any
supersonic aircraft in use by any major airline. The last Concorde flight was on 26
November 2003.
1975, 1st
transport aircraft
(Tupolev Tu-144)
Ramjet aircraft are mostly in the experimental stage.
Scramjet aircraft are in the experimental stage.
The Boeing X-43 is an experimental scramjet with a world
speed record for a jet-powered aircraft - Mach 9.6, or
nearly 7,000 mph. The X-43A set the flight speed record
on 16 November 2004.
Aircraft Fuel
For the first few decades of flight, aircraft engines simply used the
same kind of gasoline that powered automobiles.
But simple gasoline was not necessarily the best fuel for the large
and powerful engines used by most piston-engines airplanes that
were developed in the 1930s and 1940s.
Thereby, most airplanes carried AvGas (Aviation Gasoline)
Jet fuel (AvTur: Aviation Turbine Fuel) is a type of aviation fuel
designed for use in aircraft powered by gas-turbine engines.
The most common fuels are Jet A and Jet A-1’
Jet B is commonly used in civilian turbine engine-powered and is
used for its enhanced cold-weather performance.
What is the different between a propeller
aircraft and jet aircraft?
Rocket History
A rocket or rocket vehicle is a missile, aircraft or other vehicle which obtains thrust
by the reaction of the rocket to the ejection of fast moving fluid exhaust from a
rocket engine.
1926: 1st Rocket launched by Robert H. Goddard (liquid-fueled), reached only
modest height of 12.5m.
1957: 1st satellite (Sputnik-1) launched to the space by the Russian
Rocket Engine
A rocket engine produces thrust by burning a fuel at high
pressure and exhausting the gas through a nozzle. The oxygen
for combustion is carried with the propulsion system.
Operate with either solid or liquid propellants.
Solid-propellant: contain both the fuel (H2+C) & oxidizer(O2
)combined together in the chemicals.
Liquid-propellant: liquid fuel and oxidizers kept in different tanks.
High temperatures and pressures is built up, the are used to
accelerate the exhaust gases through a rocket nozzle to
produce thrust.
The heavier the rocket , the greater thrust needed to get it off
the ground.
Newton 3rd Law: “To every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction."
Basic Helicopter
The cross section of the helicopter blades have the
same shape as the airfoil on the airplane wings,
thus the principle on how lift is created is similar for
both of helicopter and airplane
How Helicopter Flies
A helicopter can take off and land vertically (straight up and down).
It can fly in any direction, even sideways and backwards.
It can also hover or hang in the air above a given place.
A helicopter gets its power from rotors or blades.
When its rotors are spinning, a helicopter doesn't look much like an airplane.
But the rotor blades have an airfoil shape like the wings of an airplane.
So as the rotors turn, air flows more quickly over the tops of the blades than it does
This creates enough lift for flight.
Airplane Vs Helicopter
A helicopter engine rotates the airfoil (rotor blade) that produces the lift so that the
machine can lift itself vertically.
An airplane generates lift over its wings by the engine translating the airfoil (wing)
through the air.
The helicopter engine rotates the "wing" to produce lift and the airplane engine pulls (or
pushes) the wing through the air to generate lift.
The operational differences come from the aerodynamic physics associated with these
two different ways of moving the airfoil. The helicopter rotors (wings) must change their
relative angle to the air flows as they rotate . This makes the blade positioning system
very complex, heavy and expensive, and the helicopter more difficult to stabilize than a
conventional airplane.
Thus, the helicopter is heavier and more expensive than a conventional airplane (and
therefore can carry less payload with the same engine power),
However, its ability to land and take-off vertically, and hover in mid-air, give it an
advantage in certain applications.
Aviation has progressed so fast since the Wright Brothers first flew in 1902.
Airline aircrafts have become faster and more economical to operate; and
from single aisle to wide cabin and from canvas to composite and from
subsonic to supersonic and single to double deck and from mechanical
instruments to glass cockpit etc. Explain what are the future challenges that
the civil aviation would face.
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together with the declaration format. No plagiarism, therefore those with duplicated
assignments will be penalised. Deadline: 15 October 2009 (Thursday) at 5.30pm.
Delay penalty: one mark each day.