Download Uno played using multiplication or division.

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Uno played using
multiplication or division.
Students love to play Uno as a social game. Therefore we can use
this game to reinforce academic skills such as syllabication,
rhyming, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.
This is how Uno can be used to reinforce multiplication skills
for various learning abilities.
Explain that Uno will be played a little differently to the
students. That they are still using the same base rules but
with math infused.
Explain that in order to place a card down the person must
solve the multiplication problem that is presented.
Example: Dealer starts game with a yellow 4. The next
player places down a yellow 6. they must state that 4
x6=24 in order to keep that card on the pile.
If a player incorrectly gives an answer they must take back
their card and lose their turn.
If the student has a “wild”, “reverse”, “draw 2” or a “draw
4/wild” card then the dealer will assign a multiplication
problem for them to solve using up to the 12 times tables.
As with the regular Uno application once a student has only 1
card they must say Uno. In addition, the winner is the first
person who has used all their cards
Differentiation for all learners
would include:
• multiplication charts or
calculators. The key is having the
student be able to use what ever
tool they need in order to
correctly solve as they would
during any other class application.
• For higher level learners
• Wild card =
multiple/divide that number
by the number before it but
state it in the form of a
story problem
• Draw 2 = square that
number or attain the square
• Reverse = state the fact
family for the stated
•Draw 4 = multiple/divide
that # by a double digit
number showing all work.