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PSoC® Creator™ 101: Lesson 1
Introduction to PSoC Creator 101
April 30, 2017
Introduction to PSoC Creator 101
Hi, welcome to
Creator™ 101. I’m Alan Hawse, the Executive Vice President of Software
at Cypress Semiconductor. I run PSoC Academy out of my Lexington, Kentucky office for
Cypress employees, sales, FAEs, marketing, and our engineers. Even T.J. Rodgers has been
through my training program. My goal is to bring that knowledge and that understanding to you.
I am passionate about PSoC. When I started as the Executive Vice President of Software for
Cypress two years ago, I began using PSoC in my personal projects. PSoC Creator really is a
magical tool. You can get an LED blinking in less than five minutes. I created the PSoC
Academy to help the Cypress employees learn about PSoC, and I’m bringing the first part of that
course to you through these videos.
Course Overview
In this video, I’ll give you a brief overview of what you can expect in this course. This course
consists of several main components:
● Video and Text Lessons
● Practice Activities
● Course Assessments
All of these materials will help you learn about key concepts to work more effectively with PSoC
and PSoC Creator.
Lessons and Activities
The bulk of the class is divided into a set of lessons, each with a demo and an activity for you to
For each lesson, you will have a short video to walk you through an example project. We’ll talk
about different ways that you can solve challenges using PSoC. Then I’ll ask you to do a bit of
active learning and to add something to our example project using a PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit.
Each video is between five and ten minutes long. Each activity will take less than a half hour.
We expect that the whole program will take two hours to complete, but this will depend on your
familiarity with C programming.
This course was designed to work with the PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit. Although you can modify the
course to work with the PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP kits, I would encourage you to pick up one of the
$25 Pioneer kits - just to keep it simple.
April 30, 2017
PSoC Creator 101: Lesson 1
Course Community
During the course, you have the opportunity to connect with our global Cypress Developer’s
Community. You’ll find help or maybe even be able to help a fellow participant in the PSoC
Creator 101 course. If you find yourself spending a significant amount of time on a particular
project, or if you just don’t feel like you’re getting it, please use the resources on the site and ask
the community for help. You can always email me at [email protected].
Finally, be sure to check the FAQ page to get all of the important course information and updates.
That’s it! We hope you enjoy the course – Let’s get started.
April 30, 2017
PSoC Creator 101: Lesson 1
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April 30, 2017
PSoC Creator 101: Lesson 1