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Chapter 11—possible test questions:
32. (20 points:) Explain the hypothetical situation for
Hobbes that forces man into a social contract by
outlining its circumstances and outcomes.
33. (20 points:) What is the prisoner’s dilemma (not
the specific story from which it gets its name, but
its general features)? What is meant by the claim
that the point of morality is to solve problems that
have the form of the prisoner’s dilemma?
34. (10 points:) What, according to social-contract
theory, are the rules of morality?
35. (10 points:) What are two considerations in
support of the social-contract theory of morality?
Hobbes’ Social Contract Theory
Section: 11.1
• Ideas on Social Contract Theory can be
found in his text entitled Leviathan
published in 1651
• One way to arrive at a moral socialcontractarian solution to the problem of
self-interest. (others include prisoners
dilemma game)
Hypothetical State of Nature
& Social Contract
• What purpose does State of Nature serve?
--Examine man’s inconveniences and moral
rules he implements to deal with them
• How is Hypothetical State of Nature
--Remove all laws and law enforcement
• W/ no laws what are man’s inconveniences?
1 Equality of need- All need food, H2O
2 Scarcity- Lack of goods for everyone
3 Essential equality of human powerNobody is superior to any other. What one
lacks in physical strength can be made up in
mental strength and vice versa
4 Limited altruism- People are at root selfinterested beings. Psychological Egoism
• What results from man’s four conditions?
--A never-ending competition among
everyone to hoard all goods to survive.
“A War of all against all”
• To escape S.O.N. form Social Contract
--A mutual agreement among all to not harm
others and keep promises= Rules governing
--A mutual agreement among all to be
placed under sovereign authority/
government= The Enforcer of these rules
Prisoner’s Dilemma
Section: 11.2
Don’ t confess
3, 3
1, 4
4, 1
2, 2
1= I free, II 10yr
3= I & II 5yr
2= I & II 1yr
4= I 10yr, II free
Rationale to always confess (self-interest)
• Either II will confess or he won’t
• Suppose II confesses. Then, if you confess
you’ll get 5 yrs (3), whereas if you don’t
confess you’ll get 10yrs (4). Thus, if II
confesses so should you. [3 better than 4]
• Suppose II doesn’t confess. Then, if you
confess you’ll go free (1), whereas if you
don’t confess you’ll get 1yr (2). Thus, if II
doesn’t confess you should. [1 better than 2]
Rationale to cooperate & not be self-interested
• 1st Catch- II has same thoughts as you and
realizes it’s in his best interest to also always
confess. Thus, both will get 5yrs
• 2nd Catch- PD and similar situations aren’t 1 time
but repeat in life. Thus, to always be selfinterested you’ll lose confederates & a good life
• Solution- Therefore, to ensure best possible
situation (least # yrs in jail) and to keep
confederates in order to get things done,all should
mutually cooperate under enforceable moral rules
Real-life prisoner dilemma situations
• Commuting- Each gets to work faster by
driving car than by bus. But each would get
to/from work faster if all agree to take bus
• Studying for test graded on pre-set curveCan study a lot or little. If all study a lot
then everyone’s efforts cancel each other
out and all get same grade so unnecessary
extra work. Better if all agree to study a
little, same grades as if study a lot & save
time on work
Advantages of Social-Contract Morals
Section: 11.3
1. Straightforward account of moral rules- rules
necessary for peaceful/cooperative living. If don’t
contribute to this end not part of morality
2. Clear account why one ought to be moral- moral
rules beneficial to all (myself & others)
3. Not demanding- obligation to follow rules ceases
once others stop following them (wise to cease or
else a sucker) or when really costly to oneself
4. No objective/subjective explanation neededmorality is matter of rational rules &practical aim
Problem/Justification of Civil Disobedience
Section: 11.4
• Utilitarian argument- civil disobedience
justified as last resort for beneficial reform.
Unlawful acts bad but end justifies means
• Social Contract argument- as members of
social contract each gains benefits (peaceful
living) in exchange for burdens (not
pursuing self-interest). But when cooperating members neglected benefits then
they can abstain from law until receive them
Difficulties for Social Contract
Section: 11.5
1. Historical idea of social contract is a
fiction. Thus, since mutual agreement never
happened and even if it did I never
participated in it, I don’t have to abide by it
• Response- social contract is implicit. By
accepting its benefits we agree to its terms
2. Theory implies we have no obligation
towards beings with whom we have no need
or possibility of cooperating such as
animals & the mentally/physically disabled