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Fibrous composites
Instructor: Prof. Yasser Gowayed
Used with permission
Lecture outline
Definition of composite materials
Types of composite materials
Fibrous composites
Textile composites
Composite materials are made by mixing two or
more distinct materials, having a macroscopically
recognizable interface
Types of Composite Materials
Type of inclusion
spheres, rods, fibers, flakes
Type of material
- Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC)
- Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC)
- Metal Matrix Composites (MMC)
Fibrous Composites
Fibers: strong and flexible
Matrix: rigid and inert
Fibrous Composites
Laminated Composites
Textile Composite (3D XYZ woven)
Terminology – naming convention
for laminated composites
Common industry practice to use angles to name
layers: 0, 45, -45, 90
Laminates with similar number of like orientations
share similar properties
Naming convention:
Terminology – balance and symmetery
Balanced laminate implies that for every + oriented
layer there exists a - oriented layer of the same
balanced, un-symmetric
unbalanced, symmetric
balanced, un-symmetric
balanced, symmetric
The rule of mixtures
The density of any composite is the product of the density
of its constituents relative to their volume fraction
rc= Vf * rf + Vm* rm
Vf + Vm = 1
rc = composite density
rf = fiber density
rm = matrix density
Vf = volume fraction of fibers
Vm = volume fraction of matrix
Composite manufacturing – Compression molding
Composite manufacturing - Vacuum bagging
International Space Station
Altitude: 220 n.m. (nominal)
Inclination: 51.6 degrees
Dimension: 290 ft (L) x 356 ft (W)
Weight:: 940,000 lb
Pressurized Volume: 43,000ft3
Power: 110 kW (total); 45kW
Enabling Propulsion Materials (EPM)
CMC Combustor - Lifing & Sub-element Tests
Textile CMC Turbine Engines
NASA Glenn, Pratt &Whitney and GE