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Chapter 4
Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
Many chemical and almost all biological
reactions occur in the aqueous medium
Substances (solutes) that dissolve in water
(solvent) can be divided into two
Three Major Types of Reactions
Precipitation Reaction – the product an
insoluble substance separates from the
Acid/Base Reactions – A proton transfer
from an acid to a base
Oxidation/Reduction (Redox) “the bane of
the AP Test” – Electrons are transferred
from a reducing agent to an oxidizing agent
Solution Stoichiometry
Quantitative studies with known
concentrations (Molarity) of solutions
Gravimetric Analysis
General Properties of a Solution
Solution – a homogenous mixture of two or
more substances
Solution may be gaseous (air), solid (alloy) or
Liquid (salt water)
In this chapter we will deal only with
aqueous solutions
Most common Solvent - Water
Electrolytes versus Nonelectrolytes
Electrolytes – Ionic compounds that
completely or partially dissociate in solution
with the ability to pass electric current in
Acids/Bases will ionize in solution, therefore
electricity can be conducted
Non-Electrolytes – Molecular compounds
that do not dissociate in solution, therefore
no electric current can be pass
Ionic Compounds in Solution
Water is a great solvent for ionic
compounds because it is polar, the positive
end attracts the Negative Ion and vice
Acids and Bases as Electrolytes
Some acid/bases competely dissociate in solution
While others only partially dissociate
Writing Partial Dissociation Equations
Partial dissociation equations are written
with a double arrow, indicating a reversible
Write partial dissociation for CH3COOH
Precipitation Reactions
A double replacement reaction (metathesis)
in which a product is insoluble
Solubility Rules
In water at 25 Degrees
All common compounds of Group I and ammonium ions are
All nitrates, acetates, and chlorates are soluble.
All binary compounds of the halogens (other than F) with
metals are soluble, except those of Ag, Hg(I), and Pb.
All sulfates are soluble, except those of barium, strontium,
calcium, lead, silver, and mercury (I). The latter three are
slightly soluble.
Except for rule 1, carbonates, hydroxides, oxides, silicates,
and phosphates are insoluble.
Sulfides are insoluble except for calcium, barium, strontium,
magnesium, sodium, potassium, and ammonium.
Soluble or Insoluble at 25 Degrees
Celsius in Water
Net Ionic Equations
Write the correctly balanced equation and
decide on state of each product
Write free state of all ions and insoluble
Cancel out spectator ions – anyone not part
of the reaction
Check charges and balancing in net ionic
Practice Net Ionic
Predict, Balance and write net ionic
Lead Nitrate and Potassium Iodide
Barium Chloride and Sodium Sulfate
Potassium Phosphate and Calcium
Aluminum Nitrate and Sodium Hydroxide
Acid – Base Reactions
Acids react with metal such as Zn, Mg and
Fe to produce hydrogen gas
Acids react with carbonates and
bicarbonates to produce carbon dioxide
gas, water and the salt
Bronsted Acid and Bases
Bronsted Acid is a proton donor
Bronsted Base is a proton acceptor
HCl (aq)
H+ (aq) + Cl-(aq)
In water the H+ attracts to the water molecule
producing the hydronium ion
Monoprotic Acids
Each unit of acid yields one hydrogen ion
upon ionization
Diprotic Acids
Each unit of the acid gives up two hydrogen
ions in two separate steps (they strip)
Triprotic Acids
Yield three hydrogen ions in three separate
steps (they strip)
Bronsted Acid is a proton donor
Bronsted Base is a proton acceptor
Classify each of the following as an
Bronsted acid or Bronsted base, explain
your reasoning based on the definition
SO 4
Neutralization Reaction
Acid and Base will form Salt and
Write the net ionic for the following
Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Hydroxide
Sulfuric acid and Aluminum Hydroxide
Acid – Base Reactions Leading to
Formation of a Gas
Certain Salts – Carbonates, bicarbonates,
sulfites and sulfides react with acids to form
gaseous products
Oxidation Numbers
Oxidation Reaction – refers to half reaction that
involves loss of electrons
Reduction reaction – refers to a half reaction that
involves the gain of electrons
The extent of oxidation in a redox reaction must
be equal to the extent of reduction; that is the
number of electrons lost by a reducing agent must
be equal to the number of electrons gained by an
oxidizing agent
The half-reactions of a redox reaction
or oxidation-reduction reaction
Oxidation Number
The number of charges the atom would
have in a molecule if electrons are transfer
The convention is that the cation is written first in a formula, followed by the
For example, in NaH, the H is H-; in HCl, the H is H+.
The oxidation number of a free element is always 0.
The atoms in He and N2, for example, have oxidation numbers of 0.
The oxidation number of a monatomic ion equals the charge of the ion.
For example, the oxidation number of Na+ is +1; the oxidation number of N3- is -3.
The usual oxidation number of hydrogen is +1.
The oxidation number of hydrogen is -1 in compounds containing elements that are
less electronegative than hydrogen, as in CaH2.
The oxidation number of oxygen in compounds is usually -2.
Exceptions include OF2, since F is more electronegative than O, and BaO2, due to
the structure of the peroxide ion, which is [O-O]2-.
The oxidation number of a Group IA element in a compound is +1.
The oxidation number of a Group IIA element in a compound is +2.
The oxidation number of a Group VIIA element in a compound is -1, except
when that element is combined with one having a higher electronegativity.
The oxidation number of Cl is -1 in HCl, but the oxidation number of Cl is +1 in
The sum of the oxidation numbers of all of the atoms in a neutral compound is
The sum of the oxidation numbers in a polyatomic ion is equal to the charge of
the ion.
For example, the sum of the oxidation numbers for SO42- is -2.
Assign oxidation numbers to all the
elements in the following compounds
Arrange the following species in order
of increasing oxidation number of the
sulfur atoms
Molarity = moles of solute/liters of solution
Example: How many grams of potassium
dichromate are required to prepare a 125ml
solution whose concentration is 1.83M
In a biochemical assay a chemist needs a
to add 4.07g of glucose to a reaction
mixture. Calculate the volume in milliliters
the volume of a 3.16M glucose she should
Dilution of Solutions
The procedure of making a less
concentrated solution from a high
concentration solution
MiVi = MfVf
Dilution Problem
Describe hou you would prepare 2.50 * 102
ml of a 2.25M H2SO4 solution, starting with
a 7.41 M stock solution of H2SO4
Dilution Problem #2
How would you prepare a 200ml of a .866M
KOH solution, starting with 5.07M stock
Acid – Base Titrations
In a titration a solution of an accurately
known concentration, called the standard is
added gradually to another solution of
unknown until reaction is neutralized
(equivalence point)
Indicators are used to color the reaction
when it is complete
Titration Problem
In a titration experiment, a student finds
that 25.46ml of a NaOH solution is needed
to neutralize .6092g of KHP. What is the
concentration of the NaOH solution?
Titration Problem #2
How many milliliters of a .836M NaOH
solution is needed to neutralized 25ml of a
.335M of H2SO4?
Solution Stoichiometry
When sodium chloride reacts with silver
nitrate, silver chloride precipitates. What
mass of silver chloride is produced from
150ml 3M of silver nitrate?
When Magnesium chloride reacts with
silver nitrate, silver chloride precipitates.
What mass of silver chloride is produced
from 4.5M in 250ml of silver nitrate? What
is the name of the other product of the