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Riverside Christian Fellowship
Riverside to be a place where:
 Jesus is really Lord of all our hearts
 There are frequent baptisms as more and more souls are won to Christ few or none leave or lose faith, because Christ is preached clearly.
 There is a real sense of family and belonging, because all the members
are engaged in aspects of Church life, according to the gifts given them
 There is a vibrant teen and student ministry, with both the children of
believers and their friends becoming Christians
 There is love – marriages flourishing, weddings happening, friendships
blooming, compassion shown to all
Since last AGM…
– Singles broken
– Women’s ministry broken
– Friday nights broken
– Singles – Steve, Teresa, Ian, Rubik,
– Women’s ministry – Caroline/ Helen
– Friday nights – Rubik/ Mohan,
Other Highlights
– Sunday worship services
– Bible based preaching/teaching – Mark, after the exile etc…
– Teen/pre teen ministries
– New/re additions to the Riverside
– Riverside retreat
– Family groups/One another relationships
Leadership Group – Riverside Christian Fellowship
We believe in servant based leadership following the Golden rule of Matt 7:2
Leadership group
- Paul Bateman (Sunday services)
- Rubik Ghalustians (Friday night’s; Singles; benevolence; outreach, children’s ministry)
- James Thomas (Advisory group, Communications, Riverside Leadership group chair, finance & admin)
- Adrian Hill (Teens; married ministry; Family groups; London Leadership group)
Women’s ministry
- Caroline Bateman/Helen Nanjundan
Family groups
- Herbert & Diane, Tooting
- Rubik & Fiona/Jon & Nadia, Walton
- James & Amanda, Battersea
- Adrian & Maureen/Paul & Caroline Mansell, Surbiton
- Edwin/Kardar/Theo, Sutton
Friday night’s; Singles; benevolence; outreach
Friday night’s
Children’s Ministry
Sunday Services
Acts 2:42-47
Sunday worship
Teaching.....exegetical preaching.....let the Bible do the talking !
Christ focused
Somewhat streamlined
Food and fellowship
Public speaking classes
What’s next?
Series on the book of Acts
Kid friendly services
Focus on the poor
How can I help?
Adrian Hill
Married ministry
Family groups
London Leadership group
Highlights in last 12 months
Bible discussions - 1st Saturday every month – joint with West & Surrey – fathers
leading discussions - four teens who attended have become Christians
Riverside hosted churchwide teen devo and challenged the teens to serve –
Riverside teens cooked a meal for their parents
Teen parent/teen worker prayer afternoon led by the fathers
Transition meeting with student ministry – helping teens to stay faithful as students
Special thanks to
Paul & Caroline Mansell
Married/parent ministry
Churchwide married retreat – next planned February 2011
Encouragement for married couples to meet within family groups
Quarterly teen parenting meetings
Good Enough Parenting
Family focused Sunday services (Sinometer and Emperpor’s New Groove!)
Friday night devotional for kids
Family groups
Five family groups meeting – visitors are coming! Faith is being shared
Some one to one/small group relationships have been formed
Family group leaders meetings – locally and churchwide (this Sunday 6.30-8.30pm)
Church of 90 people – looking to have 12 – 15 family groups
Volunteers needed to help lead and coordinate them
This is the best place for needs to be met!
Leadership – London church
Full time staff leading with Advisory Group helping significantly
Staff group – Mohan Nanjundan, Malcolm Cox, Toks Sowoolu, Mike Desouza
and Adrian Hill
Advisory Group – Andrew Agerbak (NW), OJ (West), Franklin Walters (South),
Paul Rowden (East), Jeremy Messervy (Surrey) and James Thomas
Leadership – London church
Church-wide issues and ministries
Strengthen the sectors - find and support staff
Making decisions working closely with the local leadership groups.
James Thomas
Riverside Leadership group chair
Finance & admin
Advisory group
Finances and Admin
Finances and Admin – London church – current
1. Staff & Ministries £570k from 2010 Budget proposal plus ICCM costs
Sector £170k based on 2009 expenditure, excluding staff costs,
retreats, HWW and benevolence Total £740k
2. Estimated income incl GAD £690k see below Surplus/(Deficit)
3. Reserves at end of 2009 £340k
Finances and Admin – London church – Income
1. 1-Jan Membership 623 Giving Per Head £77monthly average for
2009 GAD Recovery Rate 20% average for 2009
We can increase our income by increasing any or all of these
components. For example:
1. increasing the GPH to £80 raises an additional £27k. Financial
balance is achieved at £82, i.e. an increase of £5
2. adding 45 average givers to the membership also achieves
3. the GAD recovery rate is low, and this can be improved, though
has a smaller impact (1% increase gives £5k extra). [It is worth
noting that the claimable tax rate is reducing from Apr-11 from 22%
to 20%, which will see our tax reclaimed drop by 11.4%. This is an
issue for next year's budget]
Finances and Admin
In order to provide a common strategy for the finances across the
London church, the following is proposed.
The principle behind this plan for the finances of the re-united London
church is from Acts 4:32 'All the believers were one in heart and mind.
No one claimed that any of is possessions was his own, but they shared
everything they had.'
Fundamentals - Finances and Admin
1. All income to be given to London as a whole and not to the Sectors
2. All London-wide ministry costs (meetings, Y&FM, KKY, Students, Singles,
Leadership etc) , all Sector staff costs, all Sector Facility Hire, and KKY
subsidies to be included in the central London Budget
3. The Sectors will have a monthly income in the form of a Per Member
Allowance from which to fund their local expenditure (e.g. KK supplies,
refreshments, PA, projector, printing etc)
4. The Senior Staff Group in conjunction with the Advisory Group will
approve the London Budget, Per Member Allowance and strategic financial
5. The Sector Leadership Groups will administer their income from the Per
Member Allowance to meet local needs
Benevolence - Finances and Admin
1. Each Sector will be encouraged to taken periodic collections to build up a
local Benevolence Fund
2. The Benevolence Fund will be administered in the Sectors to meet local
benevolent needs
3. Sector Leadership Groups may allocate some of their income from the
Per Member Allowance to benevolence
HOPE - Finances and Admin
1. From 2011 it is intended that Sector support of HOPE worldwide
programmes will be met from special fund raising initiatives locally
rather than from church funds
2. Any commitments already made for support during 2010 will be
honoured from Reserves if necessary. Discussions will be had with
these Sectors as to how best to achieve this during 2010, such as
through local initiatives, so as to reduce the impact on the Reserves.
Overseas Missions- Finances and Admin
1. Each Sector will be encouraged to partner with a church in the
Indian sub-continent, and to take an annual Missions Contribution to
support this church
2. Any use of regular contribution to fund Missions donations will be
phased out during 2010 in an agreed manner with those Sectors
KKY Subsidies - Finances and Admin
1. A Subsidy of 25% for every place on a KKY Retreat is provided for in
the London Budget
2. A 100% subsidy applies to the annual Y&FM Retreat
3. Extra subsidies for specific cases will be funded from local funds as
directed by the Sector Leadership Groups
Finances and Admin – Impact of proposals
2010 Starting Balance
Sectors Retained Reserve
Operating Budget (£47k) including a £5 PMA
Transition Arrangements (£20k) e.g. HWW, Overseas Missions
Fontenots Visit
2010 Closing Balance
Finances and Admin – what it means Riverside
1. Temporary solution – More permanent decided in October
2. 10% of Riverside reserves kept in Riverside £10,000
3. £5 per head for Riverside, 89 x £5 - £445 per month
Q&A and What’s planned?
Eph 2:3-10
All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and
following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But
because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even
when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised
us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that
in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his
kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and
this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For
we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared
in advance for us to do.