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Personal Identity
Continuity Problem
• Hobbes: Matter: Material, Physical
• Descartes: Mind
Locke’s Prince & Cobbler
Continuity Question
What makes some p one and the
same p at different times? -- numerical
Identification or Reidentification?
Why does it matter?
Characterization Question
• What are the conditions under which
various psychological characteristics,
experiences, and actions are properly
attributable to p
Narrative Identity
What makes an action, experience, or
psychological characteristic properly
attributable to some person (and thus a
proper part of his or her true identity) is its
correct incorporation into the story of his
or her life
Identity Crisis
Who am I really? Not a question about
whether I am one and the same self but
who is my true self?
Psychological Unity
• Narrative Identity is a kind of psychological unity
• Unity: x, y and z must be gathered together into the life of one
narrative ego by virtue of a story Leonard tells as he weaves
them together
• Experiences/events have meaning as a result of being part of a
larger story within the context of one life
What makes certain expected
experiences mine?
Special Concern for Oneself
What makes future states I’m specially concerned
about mine?
Responsibility & Compensation
What makes those actions for which I’m
responsible, or those wrongs for which I’m to
be compensated, mine?
Analogy: Center of Gravity & Self
• Theoretical Fiction: abstractum
• Center of gravity is useful for explaining the behavior
of physical objects under certain conditions
• Self is useful in explaining behavior of humans under
certain conditions
• Fiction: ~ False: ~one of the real things in the
universe (like atoms)
Hume’s Multi-Pixeled Self
• We interpret and reinterpret/write and rewrite as we
go along.
• If the self were some fixed entity (something other
than an abstractum) how could we make sense of
We are Novelists
• We try to make the material of our lives cohere into a
single story: our autobiography
• Main character of this autobiography is one’s self
• To continue to ask what the self is beyond this is to
make a category mistake
• Is Narrative necessary for psychological unity?
• And if necessary, 1st person or 3rd person?
• And if 1st person or 3rd person, does he, she, (or
they) always get it right? How will we account for the
wrong narratives?
• Doesn’t narrative identity presuppose
or depend upon numerical identity?