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in Japan
Setting the Stage
1600s – Japan isolated itself with all outside nations.
The Tokugawa shoguns kept the Japanese society in
strict order. This kept Japan free of civil war.
Tokugawa Yoshimune 1720
Treaty of Kanagawa
Early 19th Century (1800s)
 Westerners wanted Japan to
open their ports
 British, French, Russian,
 1853: Commodore Matthew
Perry brings U.S. Navy into
Tokyo Harbor
 Japan had no choice but
to trade with U.S.
 By 1860, several nations had
made their way into Japan
Treaty of Kanagawa
The Great White Fleet
Meiji Restoration 1867
Emperor Mutsuhito became
a symbol of pride to Japan
Meiji means “enlightened
Reign lasted 45 years
Counter western influence by
modernizing the country
Borrowed many good ideas
from European countries and
the United States
By 20th century, Japan was
very competitive.
Imperial Japan
1890: Japan was strongest
military power in Asia
Army of 500,000
Ended extraterritorial rights for
1894: Sino-Japanese War
 China sent in troops to
Korea to help Korea’s king
 Japan sent troops to fight
 Japan defeats China and
gains Manchuria
 Japanese victory puts them
into rivalry against the
Little Japan defeating Big China
Russo-Japanese War 1903-1904
Russia and Japan both
had designs on
Manchuria and Korea
 Japanese concerned
about Russian TransSiberian Railway
across Manchuria
 Japan destroyed
Russian fleet off coast
of Korea
 Westerners horrified
that Japan had
defeated a major
Western power.
Russo-Japanese War 1903-1904
Treaty of Portsmouth
Mediated by U.S. President Theodore
 Portsmouth, NH
 TR receives Nobel Peace Prize in
 Japan makes Korea a
Long-term impact of war
 Russia turned to the Balkans
 Russia’s political situation
grew worse – led to Russian
Japan’s victory stimulated Asian
various Asian peoples hoped
to win their independence
Treaty of Portsmouth 1905
Nobel Peace Prize for Teddy