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Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Plant Structure
$100 Question: Plant Structures
What are the funcitons of xylem
and phloem as they relate to
$100 Answer: Plant Structures
a. Xylem transports water from roots to
stem to leaves. Water is split to
replace the electrons that jump out of
the chlorophylll
b. Phloem carries the sugars produced
by the plant to anywhere the plant
needs food.
$200 Question: Plant Structures
Draw and label a diagram of a flower.
Explain the function of two of the
parts of the flower as they pertain to
plant reproduction.
$200 Answer: Plant Structures
Petals – attract pollenators; anther –
make pollen; stigma – sticky to collect pollen;
$300 Question: Plant Structures
How do plants regulate the opening and
closing of their stomates? Why do plants
regulate the opening and closing of their
$300 Answer: Plant Structures
Plants use their stomates, pores in the undersides
of their leaves, to take in CO2 and release O2 and
H2O. When the stomates’ guard cells are full of
sugar, potassium, and water, the guard cells are
banana-shaped and allow for gas exchange.
When the plant doesn’t have enough water, the
guard cells are drained of water, and close. The
benefit is that the plant loses less water. The
downside is that the plant cannot take in CO2 to
do photosynthesis.
$400 Question: Plant Structures
The formula for fructose is
C6H12O6, the same as
glucose. (Glucose and fructose
are structurally different but
have the same chemical
formula.) Where does the
carbon in fructose come from?
How did the carbon get into
the plant? Your answer should
relate to photosynthesis!
$400 Answer: Plant Structures
The carbon in fructose comes from the
carbon dioxide that the plant (or algae
or bacteria) takes in, possibly through
CO2 diffuses through the cells of the
spongy mesophyll and into the other
cells of the leaf.
That CO2 could have come from
respiration, including either the plant’s
own respiration or from other
organisms, or from other CO2
$500 Question: Plant Structures
Design an experiment to test whether
plants with tightly packed cells in the palisades
region of their leaves are better at performing
photosynthesis than plants with more loosely
packed mesophyll regions.
Your experiment should include a concrete
way to measure photosynthesis!
Predict which plant you think will
produce more glucose. WHY?
$500 Answer: Plant Structures
Plants with tightly packed palisades layers have more cells
(and more chloroplasts) able to perform photosynthesis
because they will have more surface area exposed to the sun,
therefore making it easier to harvest sunlight.
You could compare a plant with a loosely packed palisades
layer and a lightly packed layer by selecting two plants, taking
samples of each, giving them CO2 and H2O, and measuring
either glucose or oxygen output. Oxygen output could be
measured in bubbles produced, leaf disks floating, flame tests,
or O2 sensors.
$100 Question: ATP
What does ATP stand for?
$100 Answer: ATP
Adenosine Triphosphate.
$200 Question: ATP
Energy is released from ATP when:
a. A phosphate group is added.
b. ATP is exposed to sunlight.
c. Adenine bonds to ribose.
d. A phosphate group is removed.
$200 Answer: ATP
D. Removing a phosphate group.
$300 Question: ATP
When viewing a slide of rapidly moving animal sperm cells, a
student concludes that these cells require a large amount of
energy to maintain their activity. The organelles that most
directly provide this energy are known as:
Justify your answer!
$300 Answer: ATP
D. Mitochondria
Mitochondria take food energy and
transform it into chemical energy.
$400 Question: ATP
A calorie is a unit of food energy. Which of the following
BEST relates calories to types of energy?
A.Food acts as kinetic energy; it is converted to ATP through
B.Food acts as potential energy; it is converted to ATP through
C. Food acts as kinetic energy; it is converted to ATP through
D. Food acts as potential energy; it is converted to ATP
through respiration.
$400 Answer: ATP
Food acts as potential energy; it is
converted to ATP through
$500 Question: ATP
Animals have long term energy storage in
the form of fats and in polysaccharides
(many glucose molecules strung together).
Plants store energy as polysaccharides.
Why do you think organisms have evolved
long-energy storage, rather than storing all
their energy as ATP?
$500 Answer: ATP
ATP is less stable than storage in fats or polysaccharides
because it can lose its phosphate groups relatively
easily. It is the “cash” of the cell. In contrast, fats and
polysaccharides are relatively stable ways to store lots
of potential energy and may have o.
$100 Question: Enzymes
What are enzymes? What do they do
in the cell?
$100 Answer: Enzymes
Enzymes are (mostly) proteins that act as
biological catalysts: they speed up
chemical reactions in living systems.
$200 Question: Enzymes
Explain how shape affects how enzymes
function. What are the substances that
enzymes interact with called? What are
the sites on enzymes that interact with
these substances?
$200 Answer: Enzymes
Enzymes must fit their substrates (what they
act on) like a key to a lock. Substrates fit into
the active site on an enzyme, and the products
of the reaction are released from the active
site. If enzymes and substrates don’t fit
together, then the reaction will not proceed.
$300 Question: Enzymes
What is the effect of increasing substrate
concentration on an enzyme’s reaction rate?
Graph the effect of increasing an enzyme’s
substrate concentration on its reaction rate.
Explain your graph!
$300 Answer: Enzymes
Substrate concentration
As substrate concentration increases, reaction rate increases, until the
enzyme hits its Vmax.
$400 Question: Enzymes
How do temperature AND pH affect
enzyme function?
Your explanation should explain how
each affects enzyme shape
and function.
$400 Answer: Enzymes
Both temperature and pH change enzyme shape
because they unravel/denature enzymes’ shape,
but breaking the hydrogen bonds stabilizing the
protein. Since enzymes are proteins (for the most
part), their shapes are affected by high
temperature and high or low pH. When they lose
their shape, they no longer fit their substrates.
Low temperatures slow enzyme function,
because of less kinetic energy in the system.
$500 Question: Enzymes
An enzyme functions best at a certain temperature and pH. Based
on the graphs below, what can you conclude about the environment
in which this enzyme best functions? HOW DO YOU KNOW?
$500 Answer: Enzymes
The enzyme functions best at human
body temperature (37C) and at a pH of 8
(10 times more basic than pure H2O).
The reaction rate of the enzyme is highest
at that temperature and pH based on the
graphs shown.
$100 Question: Respiration
What is the difference between
anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration?
$100 Answer: Respiration
Anaerobic respiration does not require
Oxygen; aerobic respiration does.
$200 Question: Respiration
Label the following diagram:
Why do you think that the
inner membrane of the
mitochondrion has a highly
folded membrane?
$200 Answer: Respiration
The inner membrane
has a highly folded
membrane with a
large surface area to
provide more space
for chemical
$300 Question: Respiration
Compare and contrast photosynthesis
and respiration. Your answer should
include at least 3 similiarities and 3
$300 Answer: Respiration
Your answer should include direct comparisons of SOME of
the following.
Calvin Cycle
Citric Cycle
2 main steps
Multi-step reactions
3.5 steps
Converts light energy Converts energy
Converts food to
to food energy
chemical energy
Electron carriers NADH
Requires CO2
Produces CO2
Produces O2
Requires O2
Heterotrophs and
$400 Question: Respiration
Why does respiration require oxygen? What
is oxygen used for in respiration? How does
this use relate to photosynthesis? EXPLAIN!
$400 Answer: Respiration
Oxygen is used to catch electrons in the electron transport chain in
aerobic respiration. These electrons come from NADH, an electron
carrier, and were produced during glycolysis, the oxydation of
pyruvate and the Citric Acid Cycle. The electrons combine with
oxygen and hydrogen to make water. This is the opposite of the
reaction in photolysis, where water is broken down to release O2,
electrons, and hydrogen. The electrons replace the ones that jumped
out of the chlorophyll, and the oxygen is released by the stomates.
$500 Question: Respiration
Bacteria are prokaryotes, so they lack
membrane-bound organelles. Describe whether
bacteria can break down sugars to produce
energy and, if so, which processes they can use.
$500 Answer: Respiration
Bacteria can still perform simple glycolysis.
Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm. Some of
these bacteria can use the products of glycolysis for
lactic acid fermentation.
Other bacteria perform aerobic respiration in
specialized sections of their plasma membranes.
Some bacteria that did this took up residence in
other cells and became mitochondria.
$100 Question: Photosynthesis
What are the yellow pigments found in
leaves called? What colors of light do they
absorb? What colors of light do they reflect?
$100 Answer: Photosynthesis
Yellow pigments are called xanthophylls.
They absorb all colors of light but yellow
and reflect yellow light.
$200 Question: Photosynthesis
Calculate the rf value of a pigment that travels
5 cm and a solvent that travels 25 cm.
and for a pigment that travels 10 cm and a
solve that travels 40 cm. Which pigment is
larger? HOW DO YOU KNOW?
$200 Answer: Photosynthesis
rf = distance traveled by pigment/
distance traveled by solvent
Rf for first pigment = 5cm/25cm = .2
Rf for second pigment = 10cm/40cm =
The first pigment is larger because its rf
value is smaller.
$300 Question: Photosynthesis
An environmental change that would likely
increase the rate of photosynthesis in a bean plant
would be an increase in the:
a. Intensity of green light
b. Concentration of nitrogen in the air
c. Concentration of oxygen in the air.
d. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the air.
Explain your reasoning!
$300 Answer: Photosynthesis
D. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the air
Since CO2 is a reactant in photosynthesis,
increasing its concentration increases a plant’s
rate of photosynthesis.
$400 Question: Photosynthesis
What is necessary for the light-independent
reactions to take place? For each reactant,
state where it comes from.
What is produced by the light-independent
reactions? What will that product be used
for in the plant/algae/etc.?
$400 Answer: Photosynthesis
NADPH and ATP - from the ETC of the light-dependent reactions
CO2 - from the air
2 G3P = 1 Glucose
That glucose will be transported through the plant, via phloem, to
places the plant needs energy. The glucose is converted to ATP
through respiration. Glucose will also be stored as starch or used to
build plants’ structures through cell walls.
$500 Question: Photosynthesis
Describe endosymbiotic theory and evidence for
that theory.
Based on your knowledge of plant and animal
cells, which evolved first: chloroplasts or
$500 Answer: Photosynthesis
Endosymbiotic theory states that chloroplasts and mitochondria
evolved from prokaryotes that were ingested but not digested by
eukaryotic cells. Evidence for this is shown by mitochondria and
chloroplasts having their own circular DNA, similar to bacteria;
being the same size as prokaryotes; having small ribosomes like
bacteria; self-replication; and having two membranes. Lynn
Margulis first proposed endosymbiotic theory.
Mitochondria probably went through endosymbiosis first, since
plants and animals (and most eukaryotes) have them, so they are
homologous to all eukaryotes. Chloroplasts probably evolved
second, because they are found in a select group of eukaryotes.