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Chapter 23: Water, solutes and
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Waters and solutes
All organisms contain high levels of water
• + ions
– Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca2+, SO42-, PO43•
+ organic solutes
– glucose, amino acids, proteins
These substances are essential for life
– few animals can survive dehydration or freezing
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Exchange with the environment
Water and solutes are exchanged continuously
between an organism and its environment
– intake of food and fluids
– respiration
– elimination of wastes
Aquatic animals also
– gain or lose water by osmosis
– gain or lose solutes by diffusion
Terrestrial animals also
– lose water from body surface by evaporation
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Intracellular environment
Intracellular fluid must have same osmotic
concentration as extracellular fluid to prevent
movement of water from one to the other
– iso-osmotic
Solute composition differs from that of extracellular
– higher levels of K+
– lower levels of Na+ and Cl-
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Cell volume is determined by solute content in
intracellular fluid
Solutes move along diffusion gradients
– movement of a solute across membranes depends on the
membrane’s permeability to that solute
– if solutes move across the membrane, water moves with
Isotonic solutions maintain solute and water
balance across a membrane
– cells maintain cell volume by changing concentration of
amino acids
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Ionic and osmotic balance
Osmotic concentration of extracellular fluid of
osmoconformers is identical to that of the external
• Osmoregulators regulate the osmotic
• Ion concentration in ionoconformers is identical to
that of the external environment
• Ionoregulators regulate the ion concentration
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Living in sea water
Many marine invertebrates are osmoconformers
and ionoconformers
– no regulation of osmotic or ionic concentrations
– extracellular fluid varies with external environment
Almost all marine vertebrates
– osmoconform and ionoregulate
cartilaginous fish (sharks, rays, chimaeras), coelacanth
– osmoregulate and ionoregulate
most fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Fig. 23.3: Marine bony fish
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Living in salt lakes
Hypersaline water has a greater salt concentration
than sea water
Animals that live in salt lakes must osmoregulate
and ionoregulate
– fish excrete excess ions through salt pumps (chloride
cells) on gills
– brine shrimp (Artemia) excrete excess ions through salt
pumps on appendages
Water lost by osmosis is increased by drinking
salty water
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Living in fresh water
Because fresh water has a low solute
concentration, animals that live in it
– gain water by osmosis
– lose solutes by diffusion
Freshwater animals must osmoregulate and
– water is excreted as dilute urine
– ions are absorbed from the gut or actively taken up
across the skin and gills
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
From sea to fresh water
Euryhaline animals move between salt and fresh
– may change water balance strategies between different
Even those species that osmoregulate and
ionoregulate in both environments must adjust
pattern from fresh to salt
– ‘freshwater’ hormone prolactin lowers water permeability
of skin, gills and gut and increases ion retention and
– ‘seawater' growth hormone and cortisol increase ion
excretion from gills
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Living on land
Terrestrial animals face water loss through
– evaporation from lungs and skin surface
– excretion in urine and faeces
Water is usually replaced by drinking
– in arid areas, food and metabolic water are important
– some invertebrates can absorb water directly from air
through skin of mouth or anus
Water loss is minimised by producing solid or
concentrated wastes
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Excretion regulates the internal environment by
– controlling body water
– maintaining solute composition
– excreting metabolic waste products and unwanted
Excretion differs from elimination
– excretion removes substances that have been
– elimination expels unabsorbed food
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Nitrogenous wastes
Nitrogen produced by metabolism of protein must
be excreted from the body
Toxic ammonia (NH3) is the first product of protein
– excreted by aquatic animals
Terrestrial organisms convert NH3 to a less toxic
– soluble urea (CON2H4) in invertebrates and mammals
– insoluble uric acid (C5H4O3N4) in reptiles and birds
– insoluble guanine (C5H5ON5) in spiders and scorpions
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Nitrogenous wastes
Advantages and disadvantages associated with
different nitrogenous wastes
Ammonia (NH3)
– toxic, requires water for excretion, no energy expenditure
Urea (CON2H4)
– less toxic, less water required for excretion, some energy
Uric acid (C5H4O3N4) and guanine (C5H5ON5)
– non-toxic, very little water required for excretion,
substantial energy expenditure
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Excretory organs
Single-celled organisms and simple animals use
contractile vacuoles to excrete material
More complex animals possess two mechanisms
for excretion
Surface epithelial solute pumps
– regulate exchange of specific ions
Internal tubular excretory organs
– form liquid urine that contains a variety of materials
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Epithelial excretory organs
Ion pumps on epithelia take up or excrete ions
Epithelial salt glands of brine shrimp (Artemia)
actively excrete Cl- and passively excrete Na+
Ion pumps on gills of fish
– marine species excrete Cl- and Na+
– freshwater species absorbs Cl- and Na+
Movement of ions may result in passive transport
of water
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Tubular excretory organs
Tubular excretory organs
form urine
reabsorb solutes and water
secrete solutes
change osmolarity
Excretory tubules form a filtrate of coelomic fluid or
As the fluid passes along the tubule, solutes and
water are reabsorbed or solutes secreted to form
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Fig. 23.10: Tubular excretory organs
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
– ingrowths of body surface
– coelomic fluid drawn into nephridia by cilia
– excreted at nephridiopore
– blind-ending flame cells
– fluid enters through perforations in walls
– ciliated funnel (nephridiostome) opens into coelomic
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Malpighian tubules
Malpighian tubules
open into digestive tract at junction of midgut and hindgut
K+ is actively transported into lumen of tubule
water and solutes follow
ions selectively reabsorbed
urine formed in tubules is emptied into hindgut for further
Malpighian tubules of insects and some spiders
produce dry wastes
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
– develop from coelomic lining
– coelomic fluid is filtrate from blood vessels
– cilia draw coelomic fluid into funnels (coelomostomes) in
– excreted at coelomopore
Present in many invertebrates, hagfishes and
– blood vessels and coelomoducts combine into single
structure in higher vertebrates
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Kidneys are principal excretory organs of
Each kidney is composed of nephrons (excretory
Nephrons of higher vertebrates are modified
coelomoducts in which a cluster of capillaries
(glomerulus) is associated with the tubule
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Fig. 23.18: Four functions of nephron
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Mammalian nephrons
At one end of a nephron tubule is an enlarged
double-walled cup
– outer wall forms renal or Bowman’s capsule
– inner wall of podocytes encloses glomerulus
Proximal convoluted tubule extends from
Bowman’s capsule
• Loop of Henle
• Distal convoluted tubule empties into collecting
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Fluid is filtered through walls of glomerular
capillaries and podocytes into lumen of Bowman’s
• Erythrocytes and protein molecules are too large
to pass out of capillaries
• Otherwise filtrate has similar composition to blood
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Approximately 180 L of filtrate is produced each
day in an adult human
– 99 per cent of filtrate is reabsorbed
Proximal convoluted tubule reabsorbs most of the
amino acids
Capillaries surrounding tubule returns materials to
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Peritubular capillaries secrete ions into renal
specific organic molecules
H+ is secreted to regulate blood and urine pH
– buffering H+ with NH3 to form NH4+ prevents excessively
low pH
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
All vertebrates produce iso-osmotic or hypoosmotic urine
Most mammals and some birds produce
hyperosmotic urine
Hyperosmotic urine formed in juxtamedullary
– long loops of Henle in medulla
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Osmoconcentration (cont.)
Osmotic concentration gradient established
between descending and ascending limbs of loop
of Henle
Countercurrent multiplication of solute and water
– ascending limb actively removes Cl– Na+ follows passively
– water cannot pass out of ascending limb because
membrane is not permeable to it
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Osmoconcentration (cont.)
Increased solute concentration draws water out of
the descending limb
Urea from the collecting duct increases osmotic
Medullary osmotic gradient draws water from fluid
as it passes through collecting duct
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Fig. 23.22: Loop of Henle
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Control of kidney function
Hormones control kidney function
– antidiuretic hormone (ADH) causes water retention
– renin, released in response to low blood pressure,
converts angiotensinogen into angiotensin II
– angiotensin II decreases blood flow to capillary beds and
stimulates reabsorption of water and NaCl from proximal
– Angiotensin II causes release of aldosterone, which
stimulates reabsorption of water and NaCl from distal
– atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) acts antagonistically to
these other hormones, inhibiting renin, aldosterone and
NaCl reabsorption
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint
Salt glands
Many marine vertebrates possess salt glands that
secrete NaCl or KCl
– cartilaginous fish, coelacanth
– marine reptiles
– marine birds
Excreted salt solution more concentrated than sea
Salt glands allow marine vertebrates to drink salt
Copyright  2005 McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Ltd
PPTs t/a Biology: An Australian focus 3e by Knox, Ladiges, Evans and Saint