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Chpt 2, Part 1 Minerals
1. Describe what minerals are, and their 4 characteristics.
2. Distinguish between rocks and minerals.
3. Describe what crystals are.
4. Explain what silicates are, and why they are important to Earth.
What about rocks and minerals?
--Planet Earth is filled with thousands of ______________________________________.
--The study of rocks and minerals is called ______________________.
--Minerals are ___________, _______________, and ________________ materials that make rocks and soil.
--There are _____ characteristics that make something a mineral.
1. All Minerals are made by ________________________, like evaporation, dissolving, or cooling magma.
Ex; _________________ cave crystals are formed underground from minerals __________________________
in water.
2. All minerals are inorganic—meaning that nothing about them is made
by ________________________________, ect.
Ex; Coal is NOT a mineral because it is made from
_______________________________, but Silicon is a mineral.
3. All minerals are either an element or _____________________ with a
definite composition (AKA: ____________)
Ex: Table Salt’s composition is NaCl (Sodium Chloride)
but Rock Salt’s Composition is CaCl (Calcium Chloride).
4. All minerals are solid objects, and are usually in ___________________.
-- Crystals are solids with atoms __________________in a certain,
--Different minerals form _______________________________________.
--It’s the _____________ of the crystal’s _____________ that give them
their __________.
Ex: Quartz is a silicate mineral made from Silicon and Oxygen
Silicon is also a mineral because it’s ___________, but Oxygen is
NOT a mineral because it’s a _________.
There are over __________________minerals found in the Earth! Also most gemstones are types of minerals.
 More examples of Minerals: _____________,____________, _______________, and _______________
 Non-examples of Minerals: _________________, petrified wood, __________, bone, ___________
(because they were once alive, or not a solid)
--Silicates are special minerals that who’s _________________________ are ______________ and _______________,
the 2 most common elements found in the Earth’s crust.
--Silicates are known as the ______________________________________ because most rocks are made from silicates.
Silicates--Examples : Sand, __________, quartz, __________ and ______________ are common silicates that
make up __________________ Rock.
Review questions
1. what is a mineral, and what do they do?
2. What does it mean when they say minerals are inorganic?
3. What are the 4 characteristics that let you know if something is a mineral?
4. X out the examples below that ARE NOT minerals….
5. What is a crystal, and what about them gives them their shape?
6. Why are silicates important to the Earth?
7. If you can see what elements are in a given compound, how would you know it’s a silicate, and NOT any other
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