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American Life in the
Religion in the Colonies
Only about 1 in 7 in the North belonged to a church
Smaller ratio in the South
Anglican Church–
Official religion of VA, MD (as of 1692), Carolinas, GA, and parts of
Established the college of William and Mary in 1693 to train ministers
Weakened by lack of Bishops in New World
Congregational Church–
Grew out of the Puritan Church
Prominent in New England
Initially all citizens of a community supported church through taxes
regardless of faith
Eventually non-members exempted from tax
Religion in the Colonies
• Presbyterian Church–
Closely associated with Congregational Church (both were Calvinists)
Difference was that Presbyterians believed that all Presbyterian
churches constituted a unified body
• Quakers–
Large numbers in PA, NJ, DE, and RI
Believed in “inner light” concept which caused them to Quake during
Pacifists who hated New England slave trade; 1st real abolitionists in
• Jews
1st Jews arrived in mid 1600’s; located in RI, NY, PA, MD, and SC
Approximately 1,500 in colonies by mid 1700’s
Religion in the Colonies
• Presbyterian Church–
Closely associated with Congregational Church (both were Calvinists)
Difference was that Presbyterians believed that all Presbyterian
churches constituted a unified body
• Quakers–
Large numbers in PA, NJ, DE, and RI
Believed in “inner light” concept which caused them to Quake during
Pacifists who hated New England slave trade; 1st real abolitionists in
• Jews
1st Jews arrived in mid 1600’s; located in RI, NY, PA, MD, and SC
Approximately 1,500 in colonies by mid 1700’s
Religion in the Colonies
• Presbyterian Church–
Closely associated with Congregational Church (both were Calvinists)
Difference was that Presbyterians believed that all Presbyterian
churches constituted a unified body
• Quakers–
Large numbers in PA, NJ, DE, and RI
Believed in “inner light” concept which caused them to Quake during
Pacifists who hated New England slave trade; 1st real abolitionists in
• Jews
1st Jews arrived in mid 1600’s; located in RI, NY, PA, MD, and SC
Approximately 1,500 in colonies by mid 1700’s
The Great Awakening
• 1st mass social movement in
American Colonies
• Primarily in the Southern and middle
• Religion in America had become
more liberal over the decades
• Great Awakening was a movement
back towards a more conservative
style of religion
The Great Awakening
• Arminianism: Directly challenged
Calvinism’s predestination doctrine
and was supported increasingly by
liberal ministers
– Stated man is not helpless in achieving
salvation; his will can be an effective force
in his being saved
The Great Awakening
Jonathon Edwards
Credited with starting the great
awakening in 1734
Very influential theologian and
Blasted the idea of salvation
through free will (arminianism);
dependence on
God's grace is paramount
Emphasized eternal
Style was learned and
reasoned; not emotional like
other "new lights"
The Great Awakening
George Whitefield
Englishman who traveled
extensively throughout the
Gave rousing speeches and
drew large crowds
Created Methodism in GA and
Most influential figure in Great
Referred to the Bible
The Great Awakening
• 1st mass social movement in
American Colonies
• Primarily in the Southern and middle
• Religion in America had become
more liberal over the decades
• Great Awakening was a movement
back towards a more conservative
style of religion
Virginia: “Child of Tobacco”
Tobacco’s effect on Virginia’s
 Vital role in putting VA on a firm
economic footing.
 Ruinous to soil when continuously
 Chained VA’s economy to a single crop.
Tobacco promoted the use of the
plantation system.
 Need for cheap, abundant labor.
English Tobacco Label
First Africans arrived in Jamestown in
 Their status was not clear  perhaps
slaves, perhaps indentured servants.
 Slavery not that important until the end of
the 17c.
Headright System: Plantation owners were
given 50 acres for every indentured servant
they sponsored to come to America.
Contract: Served plantation
owner for 7 years as a laborer in return for
passage to America.
Dues: Once servant completed his
contract, he/she was freed….They were given
land, tools, seed and animals. However, they
did not receive voting rights.
What factors led to the
introduction of African
slavery replacing
indentured servitude as
the labor force in the
American Colonies?
Bacon’s Rebellion
(1676 - 1677)
Nathaniel Bacon
represents former
William Berkeley
of Jamestown
Frustrated Freemen
Late 1600s  large numbers of
young, poor, discontented men in the
Chesapeake area.
 Little access to land or women for
1670  The Virginia Assembly
disenfranchised most landless men!
•Involved former
indentured servants
•Not accepted in
•Disenfranchised and
unable to receive their
•Gov. Berkeley would
not defend settlements
from Indian attacks
Nathaniel Bacon’s
Rebellion: 1676
Led 1,000 Virginians in
a rebellion against
Governor Berkeley
 Rebels resented
Berkeley’s close
relations with Indians.
 Berkeley monopolized
the fur trade with
the Indians in the
 Berkley refused to
retaliate for Indian
attacks on frontier
•Nathaniel Bacon acts as
the representative for
•Gov. Berkeley refused to
meet their conditions and
erupts into a civil war.
•Bacon dies, Gov.
Berkeley puts down
rebellion and several
rebels are hung
Consequence of Bacon’s Rebellion
Plantation owners gradually replaced indentured servants
with African slaves because it was seen as a better
investment in the long term than indentured servitude.
Results of Bacon’s
It exposed resentments between
inland frontiersmen and landless
former servants against gentry on
coastal plantations.
 Socio-economic class
differences/clashes between rural and
urban communities would continue
throughout American history.
Upper class planters searched for
laborers less likely to rebel  BLACK
Governor Berkeley’s
“Fault Line”
Why was 1619 a
pivotal year for
the Chesapeake
Slaves captured in Africa
•Slavery has been practiced since the
beginning of documented history.
•Slavery introduced by the Spanish
into the West Indies after Columbus’s
discovery of America.
•Spanish and Portuguese expanded
African slavery into Central and South
American after enslaved Indians
began dying off.
•In 1619, the first recorded
introduction of African slaves into
what would become the United States
was in the settlement of
Jamestown……Only 20 slaves were
Slaves aboard ship—Middle Passage
Indentured Servants
Indentured servants became the
first means to meet this need for
labor. In return for free passage to
Virginia, a laborer worked for four
to five years in the fields before
being granted freedom. The Crown
rewarded planters with 50 acres of
land for every inhabitant they
brought to the New World.
Naturally, the colony began to
expand. That expansion was soon
challenged by the Native American
confederacy formed and named
after Powhatan
Colonial Slavery
As the number of slaves increased,
white colonists reacted to put down
perceived racial threat.
 Slavery transformed from economic
to economic and racial institution.
 Early 1600s  differences between
slave and servant were unclear.
By the mid-1680s, black slaves
outnumbered white indentured
African Captives in Yokes
Slave Trade in the Congo
Cape Coast Castle, W. Africa
This is called the
Middle Passage
The “Middle Passage”
“Coffin” Position:
Onboard a Slave Ship
Slave Ship Interior
Onboard the Slave Ship
Revolt Aboard a Slave Ship
African Captives Thrown Overboard
Sharks followed the slave ships across the Atlantic!
Notice of a Slave Auction
First Slave Auction
New Amsterdam (Dutch New York City 17c)
Inspection and Sale
Slave Master Brands
Slave With Iron Muzzle
30 Lashes
Whipped Slave, early 19c
A Slave Lynching
Negro Hung Alive by Waist
•Slaves resorted to revolts in the 13
colonies and later in the southern U.S.
• 250 insurrections have been documented;
between 1780 and 1864.
•91 African-Americans were convicted of
insurrection in Virginia alone.
•First revolt in what became the United
States took place in 1526 at a Spanish
settlement near the mouth of the Pee Dee
River in South Carolina.
Stono County Rebellion
•September 9, 1739, twenty black Carolinians met near
the Stono River, approximately twenty miles southwest of
Charleston. They took guns and powder from a store and
killed the two storekeepers they found there.
•"With cries of 'Liberty' and beating of drums," "the
rebels raised a standard and headed south toward
Spanish St. Augustine. Burned houses, and killed white
•Largest slave uprising in the 13 colonies prior to the
American Revolution.
•Slaveowners caught up with the band of 60 to 100 slaves.
20 white Carolinians and 40 black Carolinians were killed
before the rebellion was suppressed.
Slave Revolts would lead plantation
owners to develop a series of slave
laws/codes which restricted the
movement of the slaves.
•Slaves were not taught to read or write
•Restricted to the plantation
•Slaves could not congregate after dark
•Slaves could not possess any type of firearm
•A larger slave population than white in some states
Slave owners wanted to keep their
slaves ignorant of the outside world
because learning about life beyond the
plantation could lead to more slave
revolts and wanting to escape.
Colonial Slavery
Beginning in 1662  “Slave Codes”
 Made blacks [and their children]
property, or chattel for life of white
 In some colonies, it was a crime to teach
a slave to read or write.
 Conversion to
Christianity did
not qualify the
slave for
Could not own property
Leave the premises without permission
Possess firearms
Testify against a white person
Not allowed to learn to read or write
Contributions to American character
 Democracy (within church) via town
meetings and voting rights to church
members (starting in 1631)
 Townhall meetings, democracy in its
purest form.
Villagers met to elect their officials and attend civic issues
Puritans sought to create a utopia based on God's laws
Argued against slavery on moral grounds
Ideas lay foundation for later reform movements: abolition of
slavery, women's rights, education, prohibition, prison reform, etc.
Protestant work ethic: those who were faithful and worked hard
and succeeded were seen favorably by God.
Education and community.
The decline of Puritanism
 First generation Puritans began losing
their religious zeal as time went on.
 Puritan population moved out of town
away from control of church.
 Too much religious intoleration
Children of non-converted members could not be baptized.
The jeremiad, was used by preachers to scold parishioners into
being more committed to their faith.
"Half-Way Covenant",1662: sought to attract more members by
giving partial membership
Puritan churches baptized anyone and distinction between the
"elect" and other members of society subsided.
Salem Witch Trials, 1692 -- The decline of Puritan clergy
Half-Way Covenant
• 1st generation’s Puritan zeal diluted
over time
• Problem of declining church
• 1662: Half-Way Covenant – partial
membership to those not yet converted
(usually children/ grandchildren of
• Eventually all welcomed to church,
erased distinction of “elect”
Salem Witch Trials took place in Salem, Massachusetts from
March to September 1693, was one of the most notorious episodes in
early American history.
Based on the accusations of two young girls, Elizabeth Parris and
Abigail Williams.
Under British law and Puritan society those who were accused of
consorting with the devil were considered felons, having committed a
crime against their government. The punishment was hanging.
of Reverend Parris
disputes between families,
taught witchcraft to
Girls caught
dancing, began to
throw fits and accuse people of
bewitching (To put under one's
power by magic or cast a spell
over) them to not get in trouble.
hanged, 1 pressed, 55 confessed as witches and 150 awaited trial.
Shows the strictness of Puritan society
Shows how a rumor can cause hysteria even to illogical thinking.
Later, many people involved admitted the trials & executions had
been mistake.
The Salem Witch Trials
Background and Modern
• O Christian Martyr Who for Truth could
When all about thee Owned the hideous
The world, redeemed from superstition's
Is breathing freer for thy sake today.
• Words written by John Greenleaf Whittier and
inscribed on a monument marking the grave of
Rebecca Nurse, one of the condemned "witches" of
Synopsis of the Trials
• From June through September of 1692,
nineteen men and women, all having been
convicted of witchcraft, were carted to
Gallows Hill, a barren slope near Salem
Village, for hanging.
• Another man of over eighty years was
pressed to death under heavy stones for
refusing to submit to a trial on witchcraft
Synopsis of the Trials
• Hundreds of others faced accusations of
witchcraft. Dozens languished in jail for
months without trials. Then, almost as
soon as it had begun, the hysteria that
swept through Puritan Massachusetts
Causes of the Witch Hysteria
• Governmental Instability
– The provincial government
was in transition because of
the removal of Sir Edmund
Andros, (who was appointed
by the king to rule over the
newly-created Dominion of
New England) due to
discontent with his methods
and beliefs,
– The government responded
too slowly to prevent the
executions of twenty due to
Causes of the Witch Hysteria
• This incident displayed the everyday
tensions that existed in the colonies at the
time and reflected a growing fear of one’s
neighbors as the trials built to a fever
Causes of the Witch Hysteria
• Many other factors contributed to this
– Generational strife
– Tensions between agricultural Salem
Village and commercial Salem Town
– Possibly an outbreak of food poisoning that
may have caused hallucinations
– The Salem Witch trials were indicative of the
times, which was marked by war, economic
and political disruption, and erosion of the
society’s utopian vision