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HOPE Segment 1 Exam Review
In addition to knowing these topics, please go through your GRADEBOOK, reviewing all of
your projects and teacher comments. These are some minimum areas to focus, but you
are responsible for all lesson content in HOPE.
Getting Started
 Know Health related and Skill related fitness components
 Be able to write specific, measureable short term steps for a specific, measureable
long term goal
 Identify long-term benefits of physical activity
 FITT and SPORT Training Principles and how to apply them in physical activity to
make progress
 Be able to create an exercise routine tailored to improve one of the components
(prepare yourself by knowing a routine for EACH and EVERY one of the
 Explain how to measure and monitor fitness levels and to create an individualized
workout plan
 Understand exercises enough to be able substitute similar routines in case of
 Know importance of selecting a sport/activity specific warming up and cooling down
for an fitness routine
 Understand baseline fitness testing and how to interpret data around these tests
 Know the risks, safety procedures, rules, and equipment associated with specific
physical activities.
 Be able to select appropriate equipment for a physical activity and the environment
where it will be performed
 Know contributing factors and complications for diseases related to the
cardiovascular system: Stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure = definitions,
prevention, symptoms, treatment
 Aerobic vs. Anaerobic- benefits and types of activities that would be categorized as
 Know various methods and to monitor cardiovascular activity, importance of target
heart rate zone , and how to monitor and alter intensity during aerobic exercise
 Know how to calculate and interpret target heart rate zones
 Know how to calculate mean, median and mode and how they apply to fitness
Consumer Fitness
 Be able to create a budget, knowing the difference between fixed and variable
 Know benefits of using cash ,credit card or debit card
 Understand advertising techniques, target audience, fraud, government regulations,
consumer responsibilities
 Understand how technology can help us in our quest for fitness
 Be able to critique valid and reliable health products and services
Mental Health
 Know psychological characteristics and how they contribute to overall health
 Understand the mind-body connection and FAT triangle
 Know relationship between exercise and stress levels and various stress reduction
 Know characteristics of eating disorders, depression, self-esteem vs. self-image
 Identify warning signs of suicide
 Be able to locate mental health resources and identify scenarios when these are
Skill-related Fitness
 Understand Health vs. Skill related fitness and components of each
 Identify activities that can strengthen areas of flexibility, agility, balance,
coordination, power, reaction time and speed.
 Identify individual challenges to skill-related fitness components
 Be able to compare and contrast how movement skills from one physical activity can
be transferred and used in other physical activities.