* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Fig 1: Illustration demonstrating an early direct ophthalmoscope [1] “Does direct ophthalmoscopy have a role in the modern NHS?" October 2016 1 Thomas Salisbury [email protected] 1. Ruete, C.G.T., Der Augenspiegel und das Optometer für practische. 1852. History of Ophthalmoscopy 2 Today a skilled practitioner of direct ophthalmoscopy (DO) may use the ophthalmoscope to peer into the eye and view the fundus. However, as with most modern inventions, the direct ophthalmoscope, as we know it today, was reached through many iterations, as aptly shown in figure 2 below. Figure 2: History of Ophthalmoscopy [2] In 1825 Jan Purkinje first observed a human fundus using concave spectacles, but this was unrecognised until later. It was not until twenty six years later that Hermann von Helmholtz was accredited with discovering the ophthalmoscope and illuminating the mystery of what lay behind the pupil [3]. The direct ophthalmoscope has through its iterations utilised different light sources ranging from candle to the modern bulb and now LEDs. Correcting a patient’s refractive error was overcome by mounting a rotating disc onto the ophthalmoscope, this was invented by Egbert Rekoss one hundred and fifty years ago and is 2. 3. Mackay, D.D., et al., The demise of direct ophthalmoscopy A modern clinical challenge. Neurology: Clinical Practice, 2015. 5(2): p. 150-157. Keeler, C., A Brief History of the Ophthalmoscope. Optometry in Practice, 2003. 4: p. 137-145. still in use today. Equally, the slit lamp was first put forward as an idea in 1911 by Allvar Gullstrand and has gone on to become, along with the binocular indirect ophthalmoscope (first built in 1947), the standard method by which modern ophthalmologists examine the fundus [3]. Table 1 below outlines the various methods of viewing the fundus as well as a brief overview of their advantages and disadvantages. Advantages Mag x15, Erect image, Portable, Manoeuvrable, Widely available, relatively low cost, quickly utilized Disadvantages Depth only through parallax, limited field of view, Record keeping only in drawing, Difficult to master Monocular indirect Increased field of view, Erect real image Same as Monocular direct, less magnification Binocular Indirect slit lamp Wider field of view, peripherals available such as tonometry and gonioscopy, Powerful illumination, Stabilising rest, Stereopsis, allows variety of illumination from indirect to specular. Wider field of view, Hand freed, stereopsis Good field of view depending on system, Easy image storage and manipulation, Good sensitivity allowing less light to be used and fainter images can be captured, Relatively quick to learn (point, adjust, shoot) Mag dependant on lens used, Inverted image, Record keeping only in drawing (unless digital slit lamp), Requires practice to be competent Ubiquitous nature of smart phones, relatively low cost, digital records, telemedicine possibilities Data protection issues, Requires further clinical trials Monocular direct Binocular Indirect headset Digital imaging Mobile imaging Same as slit lamp Difficult if patient has physical issues with mobility e.g. (tremor, uncooperative, neck issues), limited stereopsis depending on system, High cost, Difficulties with media opacities Table 1: Advantages and disadvantages of fundal imaging methods 3 3. Keeler, C., A Brief History of the Ophthalmoscope. Optometry in Practice, 2003. 4: p. 137-145. Future of Ophthalmoscopy 4 It is worth noting that among the alternatives to DO, digital imaging is rapidly becoming a broad field covering many differing modalities such as Fundus photography, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Future imaging modalities are still being developed and entering into common use, such as Doppler OCT and adaptive optics [4]. Other more accessible options are currently emerging into the market, I.e. mobile imaging such as the D-Eye [5] or Peek[6], which are adaptors enabling smart phones to take fundus photographs. They show significant promise in the third world as specialised imaging is less available and mobile imaging enables remote review of images. The role of mobile imaging within the NHS, however, is limited as purchasing a departmental smart phone and camera adapter would come to a similar cost as a direct ophthalmoscope. It would also incur additional costs such as a software infrastructure in order to handle image storage. However, were these barriers to be addressed, smart phone fundal imaging may provide a strong competitor to DO. Cost In today’s NHS cost efficacy is more important than ever. DO is widely available and relatively (£500) inexpensive compared to slit lamp imaging (£2000-£8000+) and fundus cameras (£3000-£12000+). Also, with the above imaging modalities the cost of the equipment needs to be balanced against the training costs. DO is a skill that is taught at medical school where teaching may vary significantly and, like most things in medicine, effective use benefits from practice on a variety of patients. Medical graduates who do not engage in extracurricular learning in addition to normal medical education, show a lack of confidence in their findings and on the whole all students prefer fundus photographs for both learning and examining the ocular fundus [7, 8]. Also, due to the removal of ophthalmology being a requirement in 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Calcagni, A. and J. Gibson, Imaging of the human fundus in the clinical setting: past, present and future. US ophthalmic review, 2013. 6(1): p. 42-47. Andrea Russo, F.M., Ciro Costagliola, Mario R Romano, Iari-Gabriel Marino, Francesco Semeraro, Comparison of Smartphonebased Ophthalmoscopy VS Dilated Ophthalmic Examination to Detect Ocular Pathologic Features, in AAO 2014: Chicago. Lodhia, V., et al., Acceptability, Usability, and Views on Deployment of Peek, a Mobile Phone mHealth Intervention for Eye Care in Kenya: Qualitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2016. 4(2). Kelly, L.P., et al., Teaching ophthalmoscopy to medical students (the TOTeMS study). American journal of ophthalmology, 2013. 156(5): p. 1056-1061. e10. Gupta, R. and W.-C. Lam, Medical students' self-confidence in performing direct ophthalmoscopy in clinical training. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology/Journal Canadien d'Ophtalmologie, 2006. 41(2): p. 169-174. undergraduate training [9] few medical students get a rotation in this specialty which is possibly propagating the view that ophthalmological issues are simply the realm of ophthalmologists leading to a lack of confidence in dealing with sight threatening issues when trained in another speciality [10]. Uses of Ophthalmoscopy 5 As the NHS and private sector have changed and diagnostic imaging has become ubiquitous in most ophthalmic settings from optometrists to ophthalmology units and it would not be a fair review of the role of DO in the NHS if the various settings it is used in were not addressed individually, these are discussed below: Screening Wilsons widely known criteria in screening for diseases is what the Liverpool Diabetic Eye Study looked to evaluate DO and fundal imaging against (among several other outcomes). This study is what led to the introduction of screening for diabetic eye disease in the UK and worldwide. Photography as used in the Liverpool diabetic eye study achieved a high sensitivity of 89% compared to the 65% achieved with DO in detecting early degrees of sight threatening maculopathy accurately. Photography however struggled to acquire images in with difficulties such as posture, tremor and media opacities [11]. It also must be noted that this study only looked at diabetes and not at other specific sight threatening issues that DO may be more beneficial in visualising. Primary Care Few GPs, without a specialist interest, have the time and resources to perform anything more than DO, as few will have more advanced equipment or the appointment times to perform proper mydriatic DO. 9. 10. 11. GMC, Tomorrow’s doctors: Outcomes and standards for undergraduate medical education. . General Medical Council, 2009. Chan, T., et al., Needs assessment of ophthalmology education for primary care physicians in training: comparison with the International Council of Ophthalmology recommendations. Clin Ophthalmol, 2011. 5: p. 311-9. Harding, S., et al., Sensitivity and specificity of photography and direct ophthalmoscopy in screening for sight threatening eye disease: the Liverpool Diabetic Eye Study. Bmj, 1995. 311(7013): p. 1131-1135. Ophthalmology Department use Within ophthalmology units there is a reliance on other techniques for ocular examination, namely binocular indirect slit lamp, indirect headset and digital imaging. Non Ophthalmology Specialties Most inpatients examined by ophthalmology are seen in consultation at the request of another medical specialty. However, Specialties such as neurology still have a use for DO as there is a definite need to see the fundus on a relatively regular basis. Optometrists Optometrists still widely utilise DO as part of routine examinations on a daily basis regardless of further imaging performed. Independent optometrists as well as the large chains have differing levels of finances available to invest in a digital imaging foundation for their practices. Even so, fundus photography of has found its way into many practices over the past few years. Currently there is no peer-reviewed, scientific evidence that shows digital imaging is effective for all patients as a stand-alone technique for examination of the fundus in the community [12]. The majority of these photography services are charged as extras on top of what is considered an appropriate optometric eye test. However, certain practices that have the infrastructure, such as vision express, are offering free retinal photography with sight tests to attract customers. The question, therefore, is at what point the clinical benefit to the patient requires fundal photography to become mandatory in addition to, or even in place of, DO and for this to be included in NHS sight tests. More clinical trials, a more favourable cost: benefit ratio and the breaking of tradition could facilitate this transition. Legal Aspects of DO 6 Returning briefly to the history of ophthalmoscopy, it was Keeler who introduced the Morgan Retinal Graticule to allow locating and measuring features on the retina. This was one of the first attempts at addressing the issue of record keeping of ophthalmic lesions [13]. 6 12. 13. 14. Ontario, C.o.O.o. Digital Imaging/Fundus Photography in Optometric Practice. 2008; Available from: Morgan, O.G., A retinal graticule. The British journal of ophthalmology, 1927. 11(7): p. 339. Davis, F.D. and V. Venkatesh, A critical assessment of potential measurement biases in the technology acceptance model: three experiments. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 1996. 45(1): p. 19-45. Now with digital imaging, part of what might drive fundal photography to become a standard in NHS examinations is the legal protection that fundal photography provides in contributing to good record keeping, as well as a temporal record of retinal changes through a patient’s lifetime. Conclusion It is likely that all the current and future technologies will continue to be improved upon and combined into increasingly sophisticated instruments. The exponential advancement of human technology and Moore’s law relating to transistor density will in turn effect the pricing and availability of electrical goods such as the nonmydriatic fundus camera. Depending on the rate of technological acceptance, digital photography may at some point replace DO in many clinical settings. However, this is affected by a variety of external and internal factors as shown by the technological acceptance model shown in Fig 3. Figure 3: Technological acceptance model (TAM) [14] The direct ophthalmoscope is subject to the inexorable advance of technological progress and in the years to come will inevitably be balanced against alternatives based on its cost and utility. However, the direct ophthalmoscope will, for the foreseeable future play a role in the NHS as its portability, cost, utility and familiarity is unmatched by any of the current alternatives. Word count: 1495 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Ruete, C.G.T., Der Augenspiegel und das Optometer für practische. 1852. Mackay, D.D., et al., The demise of direct ophthalmoscopy A modern clinical challenge. Neurology: Clinical Practice, 2015. 5(2): p. 150-157. Keeler, C., A Brief History of the Ophthalmoscope. Optometry in Practice, 2003. 4: p. 137145. Calcagni, A. and J. Gibson, Imaging of the human fundus in the clinical setting: past, present and future. US ophthalmic review, 2013. 6(1): p. 42-47. Andrea Russo, F.M., Ciro Costagliola, Mario R Romano, Iari-Gabriel Marino, Francesco Semeraro, Comparison of Smartphone-based Ophthalmoscopy VS Dilated Ophthalmic Examination to Detect Ocular Pathologic Features, in AAO 2014: Chicago. Lodhia, V., et al., Acceptability, Usability, and Views on Deployment of Peek, a Mobile Phone mHealth Intervention for Eye Care in Kenya: Qualitative Study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 2016. 4(2). Kelly, L.P., et al., Teaching ophthalmoscopy to medical students (the TOTeMS study). American journal of ophthalmology, 2013. 156(5): p. 1056-1061. e10. Gupta, R. and W.-C. Lam, Medical students' self-confidence in performing direct ophthalmoscopy in clinical training. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology/Journal Canadien d'Ophtalmologie, 2006. 41(2): p. 169-174. GMC, Tomorrow’s doctors: Outcomes and standards for undergraduate medical education. . General Medical Council, 2009. Chan, T., et al., Needs assessment of ophthalmology education for primary care physicians in training: comparison with the International Council of Ophthalmology recommendations. Clin Ophthalmol, 2011. 5: p. 311-9. Harding, S., et al., Sensitivity and specificity of photography and direct ophthalmoscopy in screening for sight threatening eye disease: the Liverpool Diabetic Eye Study. Bmj, 1995. 311(7013): p. 1131-1135. Ontario, C.o.O.o. Digital Imaging/Fundus Photography in Optometric Practice. 2008; Available from: Morgan, O.G., A retinal graticule. The British journal of ophthalmology, 1927. 11(7): p. 339. Davis, F.D. and V. Venkatesh, A critical assessment of potential measurement biases in the technology acceptance model: three experiments. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 1996. 45(1): p. 19-45.