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Norton, Sem I Final Exam
On your answer document indicate the letter of the response which best answers the question or completes
the prompt.
1. Which of the following formed the vanguard of progressive reform?
A) The working class
C) Ethnic minorities
B) The new middle class
D) American industrialists
2. Yellow journalism focused on
A) want ads.
B) thoughtful editorials.
C) factual accuracy.
D) sensationalism.
3. Which of the following is considered America's most distinctive art form?
A) Musical comedy
B) Ragtime
C) Motion pictures
D) Jazz
4. In the Balfour Declaration, Great Britain
A) pledged to give independence to India and British colonies in Africa.
B) assumed responsibility for governing all of the former Ottoman Empire's provinces in northern
Africa and the Middle East.
C) pledged to create a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine without prejudice to the rights
of existing non-Jewish communities.
D) received what became Lebanon and Syria.
5. Rapid growth of cities resulted in all of the following EXCEPT
A) increased freedoms for women and immigrants.
B) the rise of slums and tenements.
C) the need for public services, such as water and sewage.
D) the shortage of housing.
6. Many of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance
A) rejected white culture and exalted the “New Negro.”
B) accepted the accommodationist approach of Booker T. Washington.
C) expressed the same feelings as those expressed by the white “Lost Generation” writers.
D) rejected their African heritage.
7. In large measure, advocates of the acquisition of an American empire in the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries accepted which of the following ideas?
A) In acquiring colonies abroad, the United States must allow the peoples of those lands to shape
their own economic and political destiny.
B) American involvement in other lands will be confined to the sharing of American technology
and will be initiated only at the request of foreign peoples.
C) The less fortunate people of other nations cannot solve their own problems and, in order to
enjoy the blessings of liberty and prosperity, should adopt the American model of
D) By remaking the societies of weaker nations, the United States is extending the benefits of liberty
and prosperity to less fortunate people.
8. A basic economic problem in the South in the post –Civil War period was
A) declining prices for food crops.
C) a labor shortage.
B) overdependence on cotton.
D) inflation.
9. As a result of the Paris Peace Conference at the Versailles palace, the Allies
A) established free trade among all of the world's industrialized nations.
B) accepted Wilson's arguments in favor of a small indemnity against Germany.
C) created a chain of pro-Western buffer states around Russia.
D) applied the principle of self-determination to all former colonial empires.
10. Led by the Knights of Labor, over 100,000 workers demonstrated in Chicago to support an eight-hour
work day. This was known as the
A) Railroad riot of 1877.
B) Homestead Strike.
C) Haymarket Riot
D) Pullman Strike.
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11. Members of the Social Gospel movement believed that
A) an active, interventionist government was all that was needed to create a more morally pure
B) prospective candidates for public office should profess to believe in God before being allowed
to file for election.
C) society could be transformed by applying the Christian message of humanitarianism to
America's social problems.
D) God's kingdom could be built on Earth simply by the passage of legislation outlawing immoral
12. Political machines spread and thrived in urban areas during the late nineteenth century because
A) the middle classes were angry at the favoritism shown by existing city governments to the
urban poor and ethnic minorities.
B) people were tired of the autocratic nature of existing city governments.
C) existing city governments were inefficient when it came to solving the urgent needs of growing
urban areas.
D) they represented efficiency and honesty in an age of political corruption.
13. The War Industries Board was created for which of the following reasons?
A) It acted as an employment agency to direct workers into war-related industries.
B) It was meant to oversee and coordinate the work of corporations and universities engaged in
weapons research and development.
C) It was meant to serve as a clearing-house to coordinate the national economy during wartime.
D) It was meant to oversee American corporations to make sure they did not violate antitrust
14. Which of the following is true of the Supreme Court's decision in Muller v. Oregon?
A) In reaching its decision, the Court considered scientific evidence showing the harmful effects of
long working hours.
B) The Court supported the use of state police powers to protect the morals of the community.
C) In reaching its decision, the Court refused to accept the argument that coal mining was
D) The Court severely restricted the federal government's power to interfere in matters reserved
for state supervision.
15. Which of the following best expresses prevailing thought in 1929 concerning economic depressions?
A) The key to overcoming a depression is to raise interest rates.
B) Massive government aid to business is the best way to overcome a depression.
C) Economic downturns are natural and simply must be allowed to run their course.
D) The proper course during a depression is to lower tariff levels and raise taxes.
16. The Populists ultimately failed to build an urban-rural coalition because they
A) were more conservative than the workers. C) supported strict immigration restriction.
B) overemphasized the free silver issue.
D) did not support labor union organization.
17. New technology changed the role of housewives in which of the following ways?
A) Fewer child-raising responsibilities were placed on the housewife.
B) Management of the household became more of a shared family responsibility.
C) The housewife became the family's chief consumer rather than its chief producer.
D) Housewives began to be seen as specialists in certain tasks.
18. The leaders who guided American foreign relations between 1865 and 1914
A) believed that exertion of American influence abroad would help maintain prosperity at home.
B) rejected the concept of power politics, advancing instead the idea that all nations are equals in
the world community.
C) allowed foreign policy to be shaped almost exclusively by public opinion.
D) failed to recognize the relationship between expansion and economic growth.
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19. Through such devices as the initiative, the referendum, and the recall, progressive reformers hoped
A) create a government whose response to the will of the people was completely spontaneous.
B) reduce the power of government.
C) replace the favoritism of the boss system with rational, accountable management chosen by
responsible voters.
D) use the common-sense ideas of ordinary working people to solve the problems of urban
20. Which president is NOT associated with the Progressive Movement?
A) William Taftt
B) William McKinley
C) Woodrow Wilson
D) Theodore Roosevel
21. A farmer operating under the crop-lien system usually
A) sank ever deeper into debt.
C) increased his production.
B) added land to his holdings.
D) reduced soil erosion.
22. The 1904 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
A) strictly limited the role of the United States in the Western Hemisphere.
B) was denounced by the leading European nations.
C) justified direct United States intervention in Latin America.
D) remained a bombastic pronouncement that was not applied in practice.
23. The new consumerism between 1922 and 1929 was fueled mostly by
A) modern advertising.
C) declining prices.
B) installment plans.
D) the advent of department stores.
24. The Fifteenth Amendment
A) extended the right to vote to women and blacks.
B) was immediately ratified by all northern states.
C) guaranteed African Americans equal protection under the law.
D) stipulated that states could not deny the right to vote on the basis of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude.
25. Which of the following ideas was expressed in The Passing of the Great Race by Madison Grant?
A) White Americans of Anglo-Saxon descent are rapidly becoming a minority in the United States.
B) Immigrants from southern and eastern Europe are mentally and morally inferior and are a
threat to the strength of American society.
C) Lynching of African Americans in the southern states is so prevalent that it is akin to genocide.
D) The loss of power and prestige by the nations of Europe means that the United States must
assume the responsibility for preserving the traditions of Western culture.
26. Which of the following is true of the Venezuelan crisis and the Cuban crisis?
A) In both instances, the United States waged war without a congressional decision to do so.
B) In both instances, the United States insisted that it would set the rules of conduct in the
Western Hemisphere.
C) Both situations indicated a willingness on the part of European powers to back down in the
face of American might.
D) Both situations contributed to a general deterioration of American relations with the European
27. Which of the following statements is true of the Progressive movement?
A) Progressives continued the urban reforms of the Populist movement.
B) Members of the movement were essentially rural people, much like the old Populists.
C) Progressives held some issues in common with the Populists but had a distinctively urban
D) Progressives held no issues in common with the Populist movement.
28. The annexation of the Hawaiian Islands was preceded by
A) a revolution in which all commercial activities were forced out of the islands.
B) a request for such action by Queen Liliuokalani.
C) the seizure of the government, which was plotted by American planters and carried out with
U.S. Navy assistance.
D) the discovery by the State Department that the Japanese living on the islands were preparing
for the annexation of the islands by Japan.
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29. One of the effects of the work of Frederick W. Taylor was that
A) time, as much as quality, became the measure of acceptable work.
B) respect for the traditional craftsperson increased.
C) costs of production increased.
D) automation was reduced because of its harmful impact on workers.
30. One of the most popular movie stars of the 1920s was
A) D. W. Griffith.
B) Rudolph Valentino.
C) Cecil B. DeMille.
D) Gary Cooper.
31. In the area of conservation, Theodore Roosevelt
A) persuaded Congress to impose a special conservation tax on timber, oil, and mining
B) substantially restricted the wasteful practices of timber and mining companies.
C) oversaw enactment of a national plan for resource management.
D) believed that the government should manage and control lands in the public domain.
32. Working-class reformers in the Progressive era gave strong support to
A) improvements in working hours and factory conditions.
B) restrictions on the sale and consumption of liquor.
C) ridding the cities of political bosses.
D) enactment of a progressive income tax.
33. Captain Alfred T. Mahan argued that the nation's well-being depended on
A) doubling the size of the United States Army.
B) a commitment to educational excellence.
C) the spread of democratic principles throughout the world.
D) the building of a strong, efficient navy.
34. Most American deaths in the Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War were caused by
A) disease.
B) combat wounds.
C) heat stroke.
D) tainted food.
35. Which of the following is true of northerners who settled in the South immediately after the Civil
A) Knowing that industrialization of the South was impractical, they were primarily interested in
bringing mechanized agribusiness to the region.
B) They constituted the largest group holding political office in the South during Reconstruction.
C) For the most part they were greedy, scheming politicians who came to loot the South in its
most desperate hour.
D) Most came because they were seeking business opportunities or a warmer climate.
36. Who of the following supported the US during the Spanish-American War?
A) Emilio Aguinaldo
B) Queen Liliuokalani
C) Dupoy deLome
D) Valeriano Weyler
37. Which of the following is a factor that caused prohibition to fail?
A) It was completely outside the traditional American value system.
B) It became obvious that the “noble experiment” caused serious economic problems.
C) Enforcement of prohibition was lax at both the federal level and the state level.
D) Americans became disillusioned with prohibition once they recognized that it was linked to
organized crime.
38. The Teller Amendment
A) approved the annexation of Hawai'i.
B) disclaimed any American intention of annexing Cuba.
C) detailed humanitarian reasons for the declaration of war against Spain.
D) approved Commodore Dewey's attack on the Spanish fleet in the Pacific.
39. The term welfare capitalism refers to
A) public ownership of utilities and all means of transportation.
B) the creation of business trade associations.
C) the nationalization of all industry.
D) business offerings such as profit sharing and pension plans.
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40. The main goal of the urban political machines of the late 1800s was to
A) gain the rewards that accompanied political power.
B) improve the lives of the urban poor.
C) facilitate industrial development.
D) gather votes for presidential candidates.
41. Which of the following statements is most consistent with the Supreme Court's ruling in Schenck v.
A) The government's prohibition of the manufacture and sale of distilled liquor is a constitutional
use of its wartime powers.
B) The government has the power to compel young men to serve in the armed forces during time
of war.
C) The government's seizure and operation of the railroad industry is a constitutional use of its
wartime powers.
D) The government can restrict the First Amendment right to free speech in time of war.
42. Which of the following statements about urbanization is accurate?
A) American cities proved the truth of “America, the melting pot.”
B) American cities were dull, boring, and lifeless.
C) There was no coherent urban community in the United States, only a collection of
D) As bad as American cities were, they were more orderly and beautiful than their European
43. He was called “The Lone Eagle” and was the most notable news hero of the 1920s.
A) Jack Dempsey
B) John Scopes
C) Floyd Collins
D) Charles A. Lindbergh
44. Congressmen who favored vigorous Reconstruction measures held that
A) the Reconstruction process outlined in the Constitution should be closely followed.
B) the Confederate states, by seceding and making war against the United States, lost their status
as states and should now be treated as conquered territories.
C) although particular southerners had erred, the Union itself had endured through the Civil War.
D) the president had sole responsibility for Reconstruction.
45. Before becoming president in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt had been
A) governor of New York.
C) secretary of state.
B) senator from Rhode Island.
D) founder of the Sierra Club.
46. The Boxer Rebellion against foreign presence in China
A) brought the United States and Japan to the verge of war because of American support for the
nationalist Chinese rebels.
B) was brought to an end when the imperialist nations, including the United States, sent troops to
C) drove the imperialist powers out of China.
D) led the major powers officially to approve the Open Door policy.
47. Margaret Sanger's work aroused opposition among men and women who
A) were frightened by her radical feminist message.
B) were offended by her call for legalized abortion.
C) believed that birth control threatened the family and morality.
D) were angry because she placed all responsibility for contraception on women.
48. President Hoover believed that the best strategy for ending the Depression was
A) setting up federal relief programs.
B) encouraging voluntary controls in the business sector.
C) lowering import duties
D) encouraging massive government spending.
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49. Taking all things into consideration, which of the following is the most important reason for the
Senate's defeat of the Treaty of Versailles and United States membership in the League of Nations?
A) Americans were unwilling to abandon the nation's traditional attachment to nonalignment and
freedom of choice in international affairs.
B) The treaty was condemned to defeat because of the bitter personal feud between Wilson and
Senator Henry Cabot Lodge.
C) Wilson was unable to lobby effectively for the treaty because of his stroke and subsequent
D) Wilson's refusal to compromise with his opponents in the Senate doomed the treaty.
50. The urban political machines of the late nineteenth century
A) faced strong opposition from business and industrial leaders.
B) survived by providing relief, security, and services to large numbers of people.
C) were successful only when it came to giving bribes and dispensing graft.
D) conducted city business in a fair and open manner.
51. Which of the following became the leading spokesman for American socialism in the 1890s?
A) Charles Guiteau
B) Eugene V. Debs
C) William Sylvis
D) Henry Clay Frick
52. For the American economy, the period 1920 to 1921 was a time of
A) increasing exports and heavy consumer spending.
B) low unemployment and double-digit inflation.
C) declining farm prices and rapidly rising unemployment.
D) record investment spending and rising prices.
53. Which of the following is true of American women during the First World War?
A) Working women found that sex-segregated occupations were a thing of the past.
B) Many working women left the labor market altogether in response to criticism that they were
denying jobs to men.
C) Unemployment among women increased significantly during the war years.
D) A significant number of women moved into jobs that had previously been reserved for men.
54. The main purpose of the Grange was to
A) become an advocate for women's suffrage.
B) improve economic and social conditions for farmers.
C) aid mining interests.
D) provide food for the poor.
55. What was the common theme expressed in The Great Gatsby, Babbit, and Elmer Gantry?
A) The decline of intellect
B) The sexual liberation of women
C) The overemphasis on money in American society
D) The decline of manhood
56. Which among the following is most closely associated with "Yellow Journalism?"
A) William Randolph Hearst
B) Ida M. Tarbell
C) Abner Doubleday
D) Florenz
57. The political doctrine that asserted the rights and powers of common people in their struggle
against the privileged elite was termed
A) Commercialism.
B) Agrarian Suffrage.
C) Populism
D) Kansas Alliance.
58. The progressive attempt to remove corruption from government began at the
A) state level.
B) city level.
C) federal level.
D) regional level.
59. The term scalawag was used to describe
A) former plantation owners who had lost their lands.
B) homeless unemployed freedmen in the South.
C) Union soldiers who occupied the South during Reconstruction.
D) native white southerners who cooperated with the Republicans.
60. In order to have the truly independent, self-sufficient life they wanted, many freedmen sought
A) land of their own.
B) a fair employer.
C) social equality.
D) the chance to move
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61. Under the crop-lien system, a southern farmer.
A) rotated the crops he planted from season to season.
B) harvested his crop with rented machinery.
C) paid his farm workers in crops rather than in cash.
D) borrowed against his future crop to buy needed supplies.
62. Most progressive reformers
A) had little at stake in the capitalist system and did not care whether it survived or not.
B) did not support radical challenges to capitalism.
C) wanted to destroy the capitalist system.
D) viewed socialism as a desirable but unachievable goal.
63. Which of the following statements is accurate concerning the American economy between 1919 and
A) The new consumer goods that appeared in the marketplace were available only to the rich.
B) The purchasing power of most American workers increased.
C) Most Americans were reluctant to spend their disposable income on new consumer goods
because they feared a recession.
D) The gross national product fell slightly.
64. At their 1924 national convention, the Democrats
A) approved a resolution calling for an end to Prohibition.
B) failed to pass a resolution condemning the Ku Klux Klan.
C) nominated Robert La Follette as a compromise candidate.
D) failed to pass a resolution condemning the Teapot Dome scandal.
65. How did President Theodore Roosevelt respond to Colombia's hard bargaining over the proposal
to cut a canal through its province of Panama?
A) He agreed to increase the amount paid to Colombia by a substantial amount.
B) He sent American warships to the isthmus of Panama to ensure the success of a revolution for
Panamanian independence.
C) He ordered the navy to sink two Colombian ships to show that he would not tolerate delay.
D) He convened a conference of Latin American nations to put diplomatic pressure on Colombia.
66. At the negotiation at Versailles, Woodrow Wilson succeeded in
A) blocking French and British demands for a "war guilt" clause to justify reprisals against
B) persuading the Europeans to dismantle much of their overseas colonial Empires.
C) getting the European nations' commitment to a League of Nations.
D) stopping secret negotiating sessions and establishing the principle of open covenants.
67. Ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment is considered a progressive victory because
A) by providing for the direct election of United States senators, it took their election out of the
hands of state legislatures.
B) by making the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages illegal, it furthered the progressive
goal of moral purity.
C) by providing for the income tax, it had the effect of redistributing wealth in the United States.
D) by establishing a regulatory commission for all industry, it furthered the concept of a planned
68. Between 1899 and 1901, the United States used the army to suppress a struggle for independence in
A) the Philippine Islands.
B) Samoa.
C) Panama.
D) the Hawaiian Islands.
69. Which of the following best explains the rationale behind the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe
A) The United States believed that it had the right to colonize Latin America to exploit the
resources of the region.
B) The United States believed it had an obligation to help the Latin American countries find the
political system best suited to their culture.
C) The United States believed it should extend financial aid to Latin America to help raise the
standard of living in the region.
D) The United States believed it had the right to intervene in the political and financial affairs of Latin
American nations so that the region could be stabilized and intervention by European nations
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70. Political machines were at their peak in the late 1800s. Which of the following was associated with
machine politics?
A) Thomas Nast
B) Samuel Clemens
C) Jane Addams
D) "Big Tim" Sullivan
71. Which of the following was in large part a consequence of Upton Sinclair's 1906 book The Jungle?
A) President Roosevelt supported passage of the Meat Inspection Act.
B) Railroad rate-making was taken out of the hands of the railroad industry and put into the
hands of the ICC.
C) President Roosevelt supported legislation to guarantee the right of workers to bargain
D) Drug manufacturers agreed to stop selling impure merchandise.
72. The purpose of the Committee on Public Information was to
A) shape and mobilize public opinion in support of the war effort.
B) delete classified information from news reports about the war.
C) recruit volunteers for the American armed services.
D) make sure that information disseminated about the war was accurate.
73. Which of the following best expresses the ideology behind the Open Door policy?
A) The closing of any area to American products, citizens, or ideas threatens the survival of the
United States.
B) All nations of the world should be considered equals.
C) Freedom of the seas will lead to the enrichment of the world community of nations.
D) All nations must be allowed to develop their own political and economic systems.
74. Which industrial leader is INCORRECTLY matched with his industry?
A) JP Morgan --- banking
C) Carnegie --- steel
B) Rockefeller --- meat packing
D) Vanderbilt --- railroads
75. The journalists who exposed the wrongs of American society during the Progressive era were
known as
A) stand-patters.
B) abolitionists.
C) muckrakers.
D) know-nothings.
76. Which of the following is true of American agriculture during the First World War?
A) Farmers sank deeper and deeper into debt.
B) Gross farm income increased dramatically.
C) Farmers were forced to reduce acreage to stabilize prices.
D) The trend toward mechanization came to a virtual halt.
77. Which of the following was one of Harding's major problems as president?
A) He sought military solutions to most international problems.
B) He could not work with Congress.
C) He appointed to government positions friends who, through bribery and fraud, used their
offices for personal gain.
D) He was too liberal.
78. In the 1920s, the ultimate symbol of social equality was the
A) automobile.
B) washing machine.
C) radio.
D) house with electricity.
79. How did the federal government raise most of the money for the war effort during the First World
A) By raising income taxes
C) By borrowing
B) By imposing a national sales tax
D) By raising tariff rates
80. In an attempt to limit President Johnson's powers and safeguard its own Reconstruction plan,
A) placed responsibility for the appointment of the president's cabinet in the hands of a joint
Congressional committee.
B) proposed a constitutional amendment that would strip the president of his veto power.
C) established a House committee to approve all candidates for political office in the former
Confederate states.
D) passed legislation requiring the president to issue military orders through the General of the
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81. Annexationists in Hawai'i plotted the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian government for which of the
following reasons?
A) To keep more Chinese and Japanese from migrating to Hawai'i
B) To place Queen Liliuokalani in power
C) To avoid paying the new American tariff on sugar
D) To provoke a war between the United States and Japan
82. Which of the following is true of progressive reform in the 1920s?
A) The government-owned hydroelectric power project at Muscle Shoals, Alabama, was sold to
private interests.
B) The federal government stepped up its antitrust activity.
C) Both social and political reforms were enacted at the state and local levels.
D) The major federal regulatory agencies were dismantled.
83. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the US entry into WWI?
A) to protect American lives and shipping
C) to make the world safe for democracy
B) to uphold International Law
D) to gain territory
84. During the 1890s, leaders who favored economic expansion but not the annexation of overseas
A) completely abandoned their position in the aftermath of the Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino
B) came to be concentrated almost exclusively in the Republican party.
C) gradually lost ground to those who advocated both formal and informal imperialism.
D) became more vocal and began to dominate government decision making.
85. Which of the following was a belief held by eugenicists?
A) Society has an obligation to prevent the reproduction of people deemed "inferior."
B) Aside from reproductive differences necessary for continuation of the species, differences
between males and females are caused by culture and society.
C) The cure for all human diseases may be found in the plant world.
D) Scientific research has proved that peoples from all racial and ethnic groups are equal in every
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