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Maine Survivors Remember the Holocaust
43 min / Color / & BW / JHS / VHS
This video offers a clear compelling introduction to
the Holocaust for general audiences. Interviews with
eight Maine survivors and an American liberator,
interwoven with dramatic archival films, photographs,
maps and music, propel the viewer through this tragic
history. The personal stories of eye witnesses
demonstrate convincingly how the Holocaust affected
individual Jews. This video is designed to fit into a
single classroom period, and is appropriate for middle
school and high school students.
Subject(s): Survivors; Liberator
Vendor: Holocaust Human Rights Center of Maine
Majdanek 1944
65 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
The concentration and extermination camp Majdanek,
erected near Lublin in 1941, was liberated on July
23,1944. Soviet and Polish troops uncovered evidence
of the Nazi genocide and formed a commission to hear
testimony from survivors and witnesses to the
atrocities; their accounts were preserved on film.
Subject(s): Majdanek; Nazi War Crimes; Survivors
Vendor: National Center for Jewish Film
Make Germany Pay
20 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS (FS-160)
A portrait of life in Germany after its defeat in World
War I. The Armistice Agreement and the Treaty of
Versailles triggered a vast anger among the German
people, and helped prepare them for the eventual rise
of the Nazis. This film deals with the financial
inflation and the problems caused by French and
Belgian occupation of the Ruhr.
Subject(s): Rise of Nazism in Germany History
Vendor: Films Inc.
The Making of the German Nation
94 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
A vivid account of German history from the creation
of the German empire following the defeat of
Napoleon to the rise of Nazism and WWII.
Subject(s): German History
Vendor: Educational Audio Visual Inc.
Married With A Star
33 min / Color / Not recommended for below college
level / VHS
On May 25, 1942, Max Werkendam wed Clara de
Vries in the heart of Amsterdams Old Jewish Quarter,
in Nazi-occupied Holland. For almost fifty years, the
film of this wedding lay untouched as a silent witness
in a forgotten place. Now uncovered, it becomes the
focus of the touching story of the ill-fated couple and
their wedding guests, most of whom did not survive
the war. English voice over.
Subject(s): Nazi-occupied Holland; Holland
Vendor: Ergo Media Inc.
The Master Race
20 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
This video shows how and why the Nazi concept of
racial superiority developed, and how the German
nation was organized to achieve it. It focuses on the
1936 Olympics as grist for the government
propaganda mill and organized planned persecution as
an element of government policy.
Subject(s): History of Nazism in Germany; Nazi
Racial Theories
Vendor: Films for the Humanities, Inc.
Max and Helen
93 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
This is a story of two Holocaust survivors who not
only refuse to bring their tormentor to justice, but who
convinced the internationally known Nazi hunter
Simon Wiesenthal that a greater mercy would be
fulfilled if their tormentor was never brought to trial.
Subject(s): Survivors; Nazi War Criminals; Fiction
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
Mein Kampf
117 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
The rise and fall of German fascism is examined in
this documentary along with its impact on the world.
Rare footage from German film archives is included.
Subject(s): History Nazi Germany
Vendor: Filmic Archives
58 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
Twenty years after the liberation of prisoners from the
death camps in Germany, the National Film Board
accompanied a survivor and his son on a pilgrimage to
the sites. This film is not a horror film but rather
evidence of how soon horror fades into the past.
Subject(s): Survivors; Concentration Camps; Nazi
Vendor: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
Memories of Berlin
72 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
This video details the cultural richness of
pre-Holocaust Germany, with strong emphasis on the
part played by so many German Jews, and ends sadly
with the accession to power of Hitler and the Nazis.
Much of this film footage is archival.
Subject(s): History Berlin Jewry
Vendor: Arthur Cantor, Inc.
Memory of a Moment
10 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
In this MacNeil Lehrer News Hour segment, two men
whose lives touched forty years ago are reunited on
the anniversary of the liberation of Buchenwald.
Waisman who had been imprisoned in the German
concentation camp and Leon Bass, a black American
who visited the camp after liberation recall their
experiences. Bass was the first black man Waisman
had ever seen. As a black soldier in a segregated army,
Bass's personal pain gave him a special perspective.
Subject(s): Buchenwald; Survivors; Liberators
Vendor: Anti-Defamation League
Memory of the Camps
58 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
British and American film crews working for the
Supreme Headquaters of the Allied Expeditionary
Force in Europe entered Nazi concentration camps.
Their film record includes scenes of the gas chambers,
medical experimentation labs, crematoria, and the
survivors of Dachau, Auschwitz and Buchenwald, as
well as other camps. Some of the footage was filmed
literally moments after the troops liberated the camps.
Subject(s): Liberation; Concentration Camps
Vendor: PBS (WNET)
Minister of Hate
25 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
This tape narrated by Walter Cronkite describes
Goebbels rise to power as Minister of Propaganda. His
career is traced, through film footage, as prime
advertiser for Hitler from the beginning of Nazism
until Hitler's suicide, which he staged. Goebbels
succeeded in poisoning the mind of 80 million people.
Subject(s): Nazi History; Nazi Propaganda
Vendor: Mc Graw Hill Film
Miracle at Moreaux
58 min / Color / 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th
Grade / VHS
In December 1943, three Jewish children fleeing
Nazi-occupied France find refuge in a Catholic school
run by Sister Gabrielle. At first the nuns young
students are afraid to shelter the children from the
Nazis intent on their capture. But the students come to
understand and sympathize with the trios plight and
risk their lives to protect them. Together they devise a
dangerous plan to help the children reach the border
and freedom.
Subject(s): Righteous Gentiles; Children; Fiction
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
Missing Hero
50 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg risked his life to
save 100,000 Hungarian Jews from Nazi gas
chambers, then disappeared mysteriously in 1945
under Soviet Military escort. Although the Soviets
have never fully explained his fate, evidence suggests
that he may still be alive. Former Prime Minister
Menachem Begin has called Wallenberg the greatest
hero of World War II.
Subject(s): Raoul Wallenberg; Righteous Gentiles;
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
Mr. Klein
122 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
The story of an art dealer in Vichy France who takes
advantage of desperate Jews fleeing the country by
purchasing their art masterpieces for a fraction of their
worth. The twist? The Nazis arrest him when he is
mistaken for a Jewish leader of the resistance.
Subject(s): France Nazi Occupation; Fiction
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Story
160 minutes / Color / General Audience / VHS
This is the 1988 film production featuring Ben
Kingsley, based on the career of the Nazi hunter,
Simon Wiesenthal.
Subject(s): Simon Wiesenthal; Nazi War Crimes; Nazi
hunters; Docu-drama
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
Music of Auschwitz
16 min / Color / JHS+ / VHS 16mm
Originally made as a segment for CBS-TVs 60
Minutes. Morley Safer introduces us to Fania Fenelon,
author of Playing For Time. Fenelon was a member of
the all-female prisoners orchestra that made music to
sedate the new arrivals into a sense of calm and to
give relief to Nazis after long days and nights of
Subject(s): Auschwitz; Spiritual Resistance
Vendor: Anti-Defamation League
My Brother's Keeper
25 min / Color / 5th Grade+ / VHS
Israel Birnbaum, an artist, tells the story of the
Holocaust and particularly the story of the Warsaw
Ghetto, in a series of dramatic paintings. His purpose
is not to shock but to make sure that the Holocaust
never happens again. He wants each one of us to ask
ourselves, Am I my brother's keeper?
Subject(s): Warsaw Ghetto; Prejudice
Vendor: Donation
My Knees Were Jumping
75 minutes / Color / & BW / General Audience / VHS
A documentary account of the Kindertransport by
which a few thousand Jewish children were evacuated
to Great Britain from Germany and Austria in
1938/1939. Narrated by Joanne Woodward.
Subject(s): Kindertransport; Rescue
Vendor: National Center for Jewish Films
The Mystery of Josef Mengele
50 minutes / Color / 9th Grade+ / VHS
This program shows how Josef Mengele, the infamous
Auschwitz doctor successfully eluded justice with the
help of his family, an underground Nazi network, and
the complicity of sympathetic governments.
Subject(s): Mengele; Nazi war crimes; Auschwitz
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
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The Nasty Girl
94 min / Color / & BW / Selected Audiences / VHS
A school project inspires a young girl to investigate
her towns past, which seems to upset her neighbors.
As she gets close to the truth, she is victimized by
hooded locals, and bomb threats become real bombs.
The more extreme the town's reaction to her research,
the more ridiculous the situation becomes. She is not
about to give up without a fight no matter how
outrageous or absurd the fight may get. (German with
English sub-titles).
Subject(s): Fiction; Germany; Anti-Semitism
Vendor: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Nazi Concentration Camp System
30 min / Color / & BW / Adult / VHS
A professor of history gives an overview of the Nazi
concentration camp system how and why it was
developed and a historical and political perspective of
the Holocaust. A Major General with the 65th Infantry
Division discusses his involvement with the liberation
of Ohrdruf, a labor camp in Germany.
Subject(s): Concentration Camps
Vendor: Emory University
Nazi Concentration Camps
59 min / BW / General Audience / VHS
This is a video cassette version of the official film
record of the Nazi death camps as photographed by
Allied Liberation Forces in Germany, 1945. Warning:
Not recommended for unprepared audiences due to the
intensely graphic presentation of atrocities.
Subject(s): Concentration Camps
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
The Nazi Connection
59 min / Color / & BW / General Audience / VHS
This videotape is about those who looked the other
way during the Nazi regime and then claimed
innocence after the war.
Subject(s): Holocaust Guilt
Vendor: Films Inc.
The Nazi Seizure of Power
33 min / BW / General Audience / VHS
This study traces the rise of Nazi power from 107 Nazi
seats won in the German National Parliament
(Reichstag) election in 1930 to the death of
Hindenburg and the appointment of Hitler to Führer
and Chancellor in 1934.
Subject(s): Nazism History
Vendor: Encyclopedia Britannica
Nazi War Crimes Trials
67 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
Five newsreels, a theatrical trailer and a documentary
from the Soviet Union, dealing with the Nuremberg
Trials. Goering, von Papen, Hess, Schacht, Streicher,
Keitel and other high ranking Nazis and German
military officers are seen.
Subject(s): Nuremberg Trials; Nazi War Crimes
Vendor: Facets Multimedia, Inc.
Nazis . . . Lest We Forget
35 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
Post-World War II, German-produced 1949
documentary as well as an original Nazi newsreel,
Nuremberg and Its Lesson, was made to show the
German people the full extent of Nazi brutality. It
documents the 1945 Nuremberg trials and graphically
illustrates the mass destruction of Jews and other
Subject(s): Nuremberg Trials; Nazi War Crimes
Vendor: Zenger Video
The Nazis (Nazi War Crimes)
60 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
Documents the sensational murder of over 200,000
Ukrainian Jews by the Nazis at the large Ukrainian
ravine, Babi Yar.
Subject(s): Genocide; Babi Yar
Vendor: Filmic Archives
Never Forget
95 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
More than 30 years after World War II, the Institute
for Historical Review, which says the Holocaust was a
concoction of the Jewish imagination, challenges Mel
Mermelstein, a survivor of the Auschwitz-Birkenau
concentration camp, to prove in a court of law that
anyone was gassed at Auschwitz. This powerful
dramatization of the court case stars Leonard Nimoy,
Blythe Danner, and Dabney Coleman.
Subject(s): Holocaust Revisionism; Holocaust
Survivors; Auschwitz; Docu-drama
Vendor: Zenger Video
A New Germany 1933-1939 (Vol.1 The World at War)
52 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
Embittered by defeat in WWI and stricken by
economic depression, Germany rallies to the new hope
promised by the National Socialists. Hitler captures
the support of the unemployed and the middle class.
Bookburning and anti-Jewish legislation ensue. (Part
of the World at War series, narrated by Sir Laurence
Subject(s): History of Nazism in Germany
Vendor: Thorn Emi Video
Night and Fog
31 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS F12-103
A brilliant and haunting film on the concentration
camp world which effectively combines black and
white footage of the camps with color scenes of the
same place ten years after the Holocaust. It includes
explicit scenes of Nazi atrocities and carnage. There is
no special emphasis on Jews. In French with English
subtitles. Should not be shown to unprepared
Subject(s): Genocide
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
23 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / Film VHS
The story of Joachim and Rachel dramatizes the
harrowing experiences of two young orphans who
escape not only from the Warsaw Ghetto but also from
a train carrying passengers bound for certain death.
Black and white scenes describe their trip to freedom.
Freedom is the United States, where they are
welcomed by a caring uncle.
Subject(s): Warsaw Ghetto; Escape; Docu-drama
Vendor: Ergo Media Inc.
30 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
Nordhausen was a concentration camp which supplied
the labor for a nearby German bomb factory. Two
witnesses (one entered the camp one hour after its
liberation) relate the horrors observed there. Includes
Subject(s): Concentration Camp; Nazi Atrocities;
Vendor: Emory University
Nordhausen, Dachau
30 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
A chaplain who travelled with a medical battalion
shares his experiences at Dachau and Nordhausen.
Includes an interview with a retired Army Lieutenant
Colonel who was the intelligence officer for the U.S.
Seventh Army. After witnessing Dachau, he
personally ordered the printing of a booklet for all
members of the Seventh Army describing the
conditions at the camp and the walking skeletons
within because he felt that . . . this thing had to be
documented. The future should have something that
was the truth. Authentic photographs.
Subject(s): Concentration Camps; Dachau;
Nordhausen; Liberation
Vendor: Emory University
Not Like Sheep to the Slaughter
150 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
In the summer of 1943, a small group of resistance
fighters led by 24-year-old Mordechai Tenenbaum
attempted to thwart the Nazi plan to eradicate the
Bialystok ghetto. With few arms and little assistance
from the outside, these courageous fighters resisted the
Nazis with incredible resolve. In light only of newly
uncovered evidence from that period, survivors and
witnesses, among them former Israeli Knesset member
Haika Grossman, provide us with keen insight into
one of the lesser known acts of courage displayed by
the Jewish resistance movement during the Holocaust.
Subject(s): Resistance; Bialystock Ghetto
Vendor: Ergo Home Video
Now After All These Years
60 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
Until 1923 Rhina was a German village,
predominantly Jewish. After the Nazis came to power,
the entire Jewish population vanished, mostly into
concentration camps. Now, after all these years, the
Rhina inhabitants speak warmly of the old Jewish
community. However the few remaining Rhina Jews
who are living in New York present a sharply different
picture. German with English sub-titles.
Subject(s): German Post-War Attitudes; Survivors;
German-Jewish Life
Vendor: Arthur Cantor, Inc.
26 min / BW / Adult / VHS
This documentary portrays people, institutions and
activities in Nowogrodek, a lively medium-sized
Lithuanian town. Organized around a visit by Yiddish
lexicographer, Alexander Harkavy, the film includes
scenes of sporting events, a bustling market place, a
synagogue courtyard after Sabbath prayers, etc. Silent
Subject(s): Jewish Life Pre-Holocaust; Lithuania
Vendor: The National Center for Jewish Film
Number the Stars
15 minutes / Color / Grades 3-7 / VHS
This PBS video is based on Lois Lowrys book
centering on a Danish Christian family who saves a
Jewish family from the Nazis in 1943.
Subject(s): Fiction; Righteous Gentiles; Denmark
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
76 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
This film documents the 1946 Nuremberg Trials, the
International War Tribunal before which the four
victorious powers, led by the American chief
prosecuter, Robert Jackson, on leave from his position
as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme
Court, brought a four-count indictment (conspiracy,
crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against
humanity) against some of the main perpetrators of the
Nazi atrocities. It provides evidence for the four
counts by chronicling the history of the events leading
to the Holocaust, weaving familiar archival footage
used at the trial with footage of the trial that traces the
efforts of the prosecution and defense and concludes
with verdict and sentence.
Subject(s): Nazi History; War Crimes; Nuremberg
Vendor: Zenger Video
Nuremberg Trials
70 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
Russian-made documentary of the trial of Nazi war
criminals includes historical footage of the Soviet
Union before the German invasion. English dialogue.
Subject(s): War Criminals; Russia; Nuremberg
Vendor: Facets Multimedia, Inc.
Nuremberg: Tyranny on Trial
50 minutes / Color / and BW 9th Grade+ / VHS
This documentary uses archival film footage, personal
reminiscences and expert commentary to detail the
events, courtroom strategies, and legal innovations of
the judicial proceedings against the top Nazi war
Subject(s): Nuremberg Trials; Nazi War Crimes
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
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Occupation 1939-1945 (The Struggles for Poland)
58 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The unique filmed interviews, rare stills and archival
film were discovered at the Sikorski Institute of
London and from other sources world-wide. Special
segments focus on the role of the Polish Underground;
the creation of the Communist resistance; and the
Home Army in Warsaw, which led an ill-fated
uprising against the Germans in 1944.
Subject(s): Non-Jewish Resistance; Poland
Vendor: PBS Video
Of Pure Blood
100 min / Color / & BW / General Audience / VHS
The history of Hitler's attempts to breed the perfect
Aryan race is traced through interviews and Nazi
Subject(s): Eugenics
Vendor: Filmic Archives
On My Way to Father's Land
98 minutes / BW/Color General Audience / VHS
This is an account of a sons search of his fathers
history. The film traces the fathers childhood
memories of his native Vienna during the days of the
Nazi occupation. It then traces his father's immigration
to Palestine where he became a member of Israels first
Knesset and his later founding of the Hebrew
Communist Party.
Subject(s): Nazi Vienna; Displaced Persons
Vendor: National Center of Jewish Film
One Man
30 Minutes / BW / General Audience / VHS
A reconstruction of the case of Raoul Wallenberg, the
Swedish diplomat who disappeared from Budapest
into the Iron Curtain after his heroic rescue of
countless members of the Jewish community of that
city from Nazi genocide. (Film in poor quality)
Subject(s): Raoul Wallenberg; Hungary; Righteous
Vendor: Alden Films
One Survivor Remembers
39 Minutes / Color / General Audience
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and
Home Box Office present this special tribute in
commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the end
of the Holocaust and the Second World War. Through
a series of interviews, photographs and footage shot in
the actual locations of her memories, Gerda
Weissmann Klein takes us on a journey of survival
through one of the most devastating events in the
history of mankind.
Subject(s): Survivor
Vendor: Direct Cinema Limited
The Only Way
86 min / Color / JHS+ / VHS
Focusing on one assimilated Jewish family, this film
dramatizes how Danes from various backgrounds
came together to help Jews escape imminent
deportation. Out of a Jewish population totalling 8000,
the Danes managed to save all but 1000. The film
implies that other countries might have had more
success in rescuing Jews if their citizens had made
similar commitments.
Subject(s): Danish Rescue; Righteous Gentiles;
Vendor: Zenger Video
Opening the Gates of Hell
45 min / Color / & BW / Selected Audience / VHS
The Americans interviewed in this video are retired
from the Armed Forces. They have chosen to
remember and share their memories of the time when
they liberated the concentration camps at the end of
World War II. Graphic archival footage is included.
Subject(s): Liberation; Liberators; Ohrdruf;
Buchenwald; Dachau; Nordhausen; Landsberg;
Vendor: Ergo Media Inc.
The Oppermanns (2 Parts)
221 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
Two-cassette mammoth West German TV production
based on the novel by Leon Feuchtwanger about the
Oppermann family, starting in the Nazi years of the
1930s, and their attempt to survive in Berlin against
the forces of the Hitler regime. German dialogue with
English subtitles.
Subject(s): Germany Rise of Nazism; Fiction
Vendor: Facets Multimedia, Inc.
The Other Side of Faith
26 min / Color / Adult / VHS
This film portrays in the words and feelings of its two
principals a compelling story of heroism set against a
time of inhuman brutality. The story of how a Jew was
saved by a Polish Gentile.
Subject(s): Interview; Polish; Righteous Gentiles
Vendor: Documentaries International
Our Time in the Garden
15 min. / BW / JHS+ / VHS
This film is the true story of a young Jewish woman
growing up in Berlin at the time of Hitler's rise to
power. It begins as a vividly detailed chronicle of her
charmed and secure life, which has its center in the
familys walled garden. But outside, the anti-Semitism
that had always existed becomes a shattering force, as
the Nazis take control and her family reaches its
fateful decision to abandon Germany forever.
Subject(s): Nazi Anti-Semitic Persecution Berlin
Vendor: National Center for Jewish Film
Out of the Ashes
60 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
This tape was part of the television series Heritage:
Civilization and the Jews. Narrated by Abba Eban, it
deals with the period of the 1930s through the
Holocaust 1945.
Subject(s): History-Holocaust
Vendor: Film Inc.
40 minutes / General Audience / VHS
Jewish persecution in Nazi Germany between the
years 1933-1938, until Crystal Night (Kristallnacht).
Presented by Michael Shneider, accompanied by
testimonies of witnesses who were teenagers at the
time, and film footage and photographs.
Subject(s): German persecution of Jews
Vendor: Yad Vashem
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A Painful Reminder
69 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS 16mm
British, American and Russian soldiers recorded the
actual moment of liberation of the concentration
camps. Alfred Hitchcock helped bring together this
footage and added interviews with survivors present at
the liberation.
Subject(s): Liberation; Survivors; Concentration
Vendor: First Run Features
The Papal Concert to Commemorate the Holocaust
90 minutes / Color / 7th Grade+ / VHS
A PBS documentary of the concert of April 7, 1994 to
commemorate the Holocaust and to mark Vatican
recognition of the State of Israel. Program features the
London Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in a variety of
classical offerings.
Subject(s): Vatican
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
The Paper Bridge
95 minutes / Color / General Audience / VHS
In this documentary video filmaker, Ruth Beckerman,
traces the historic roots of her parents from Eastern
and Central Europe through the Holocaust and later
settlement in Palestine. The film examines the small
towns and the remnants of the Jewish communities of
Bucovina, Romania, the small towns near
Theresienstadt, Czchoslovakia as well as Viennia, her
parents meeting place.
Subject(s): Jewish Life Eastern Europe
Vendor: National Center for Jewish Film
Paradise Camp
55 min, 50 sec / BW/Color General Audience / VHS
A documentary about the Theresienstadt camp
(Terezin) in Czechoslovakia which the Nazis built as a
transit camp for Jews bound for extermination in
camps like Auschwitz. The film features survivors of
Theresienstadt who tell about their experiences.
Subject(s): Theresienstadt; Terezin; Ghettos;
Vendor: The Cinema Guild, Inc.
Partisans of Vilna
130 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
This documentary explores Jewish resistance during
WWII. It recounts the untold tale of the moral
dilemmas facing the Jewish youth who organized an
underground resistance in the Vilna Ghetto, and
fought as partisans in the woods against the Nazis.
This film features interviews in Hebrew, Yiddish and
English, with the former partisans in Israel, New York
City, Montreal and Vilna, interspersed with rare
archival footage from 1939-1944. English sub-titles.
Subject(s): Resistance; Vilna
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
57 min / Color / Adult / VHS
This video is about a 65-year-old Norwegian arrested
by the Nazis during World War II for his part in the
Resistance when the Germans invaded Norway.
Before liberation in 1945, he spent almost two years
trying to survive in three concentration camps in
Germany. His memories unfold against the backdrop
of a Trans-Atlantic sailing race.
Subject(s): Righteous Gentiles; Resistance; Norway
Vendor: The New Film Company, Inc.
Past and Present
25 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
This video and its companion, From the Ashes, asks
difficult questions about the proper way to
memorialize those who perished during the Holocaust,
and examines how history can easily be distorted and
Subject(s): Concentration camp; Sobibor; Polish
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
The Past That Lives
65 min / BW / HS+ / VHS
This documentary is a highly personal portrait of the
Dutch historian, Jacob Presser. He recounts his
childhood in Amsterdams Jewish ghetto, his dual
fascination with socialism and the Renaissance, and
his happy marriage even as the world crumbled around
him. As persecution of the Jews intensified, his
students and wife were taken from him, and he was
forced to go underground. This tape recounts the
experiences that he and others had endured.
Subject(s): Survivors; Netherlands
Vendor: National Center for Jewish Film
The Pedestrian
97 min / Color / JHS+ / VHS
Maximilian Schell starred in and directed this stark
drama of a successful German businessman who was a
Nazi war criminal responsible for the annihilation of a
Greek village. Although produced in 1974, the film
has parallels to the present day Waldheim affair.
Subject(s): War Criminals; Greece; Fiction
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
Persecuted & Forgotten (The Gypsies of Auschwitz)
54 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
This tape follows a group of German Gypsies as they
returned to Auschwitz and come to terms with the
horrors of their past. Through moving personal
accounts, we learn of the Gypsy Police, the Institute
for Racial Hygiene, and the doctor responsible for
genealogical research that led to their imprisonment
and liquidation. Many of the Gypsies interviewed in
this eye-opening documentary also reveal the
discrimination they still experience today.
Subject(s): Gypsies
Vendor: EBS Productions
Pillar of Fire Chapter 01 Destination Jerusalem
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
An analysis of the history of modern Zionism from the
Dreyfus Trial through the middle of World War I.
Included are the concepts of Theodor Herzl; the
various views of the early Zionist Congresses; the
condition of the Jews living in the Land of Israel in
Turkish times; the nature, causes, and effects of the
First and Second Aliyahs.
Subject(s): Zionism; Dreyfus Trial
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 02 The Arab Awakening (1918-1920)
50 min / 9Color & BW / HS+ / VHS
A description of the Arab leadership in the Palestine
area during and immediately after World War I. The
attitudes and role of the Emir Faisal of the Hejaz in the
Arab politics of this era is especially stressed, as are
the political arrangements with both Arabs and Jews
made by Great Britain and France during World War
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Arab Nationalism
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 03 Jewish People, Where are You? (the 1920s)
50 min / Color / & BW / / HS+ / VHS
The main currents of the Jewish People regarding the
Jewish question. Liberalism, socialism and Zionism as
solutions to Jewish questions. The Zionist Labour
movement, its organization, its origin and influence on
the yishuv in Erez Israel. Europe and the Jews in the
20s. Could the Jewish State have been established in
1921? Why wasnt it?
Subject(s): History of Zionism
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 04 The Valley is a Dream (the 1920s)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The Collectives: the Kvutza and Kibbutz the dream
and the reality. Who the pioneers were who turned the
dream into a reality. The Gdud Haavodah the Labour
Brigade a dream and its failure. The Work Ethic. The
lasting impact of the Second and Third Aliyah on
Israeli society today. Elkind and his companions and
the split in the Kibbutz movement of the 1950s.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Kibbutz
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 05 The Most Peaceful Spot in the Middle East
(the 1920s)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
Who were the people who took part in the Fourth
Aliyah? What was their influence on the life in Eretz
Israel? Tel Aviv the first Hebrew city . . . Is this
Altneuland? The correlation between the rise and fall
in immigration in Eretz Israel and the condition of the
Jews in the world and the immigration laws of the
U.S. The bloody riots of 1929 (the British referred to
them as the disturbances) and their influences on the
Jewish settlements in Palestine.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Fourth (4th) Aliyah
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 06 The Crossroads (1929-1933)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
Haj Amin el-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem and the
leader of Arab Palestinian national movement. Brit
Shalom (Covenant of Peace), the Revisionist
movement, the organized Yishuv, Brit HaBirionim
Jewish desperados. Various currents, struggles and
violence. The murder of the Labour Zionist, Haim
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Mufti of Jerusalem
(Haj Amin el-Husseini); Haim Arlozorov
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 07 The Gathering Storm (1933-1935)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The German voters lead Germany and the free world
into the darkest period in modern history. Can
democracy commit suicide? The Fifth Aliyah who
were these settlers and what did they contribute to the
life in Erez Israel?
Subject(s): Rise of Nazism in Germany; History of
Zionism; Fifth Aliyah
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 08 Disorder and Revolt (1936)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The Lord Peel Royal Commission and the idea of
partition. Did the Arab resistance movement in
Palestine constitute disorder, riots or revolt? What was
the reaction of British Mandate authorities?
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Peel Commission;
Arab Resistance Movement
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 09 Who's Afraid of a Jewish State? (1937-1938)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
Tower and Stockade the period and the people (there
are those who compare this period to the actions of
Gush Emunim). The underground; the Haganah, the
Irgun (IZL), the Stern Gang, the Palmach the Jewish
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Irgun; Haganah; Stern
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 10 Trapped (1938-1939)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
Crystal Night the story of the St. Louis as a symbol of
a lack of a Jewish Homeland. The White Paper of
1939. The beginning of illegal immigration (Aliyah
Bet). Why were so many Jews blind to the coming
Subject(s): History of Zionism; White Paper of 1939;
Kristallnacht; Illegal Immigration
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 11 Soldiers Without a Flag (1939-1941)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The struggle to form a Jewish Brigade. Cooperation
between Jewish underground and British secret
services. First rumors of Nazi atrocities reach
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Jewish Brigade; Nazi
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 12 The Final Solution (1941-1942)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The Holocaust as heroism. Massada on the Carmel.
Reports on the extent of the Holocaust arrive; why
was their authenticity doubted? The exchange of
German nationals who were supporters of the Nazis
for Jews holding Palestine passports living in Europe.
These Jews had seen what was happening and
confirmed the existence of the Holocaust.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Wannsee Conference
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 13 Heroes and Martyrs (1942-1943)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The Warsaw Ghetto revolt as a symbol for Jewish
resistance during the Holocaust. Revolts in other
ghettos, concentration camps, work camps and other
acts of heroism. Not as sheep to the slaughter.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Warsaw Ghetto;
Resistance; Revolt
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 14 The Forgotten Ally (1943-1945)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The Jewish Brigade its establishment, aims and its part
in the rescue of the Jews of Europe.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Rescue; Jewish
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 15 The Hundred Thousand (1935-1946)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The Jewish Resistance movement a new era in the
relations between the three underground organizations.
Anti-Semitism in Poland after the Holocaust. The
world and dilemma of Holocaust survivors.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Resistance; Survivors
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 16 The Struggle (1946-1947)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The Jewish resistance movement after the blowing-up
of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The struggle
between the underground movements. Was the
collapse of the British Mandate in Palestine the result
of Jewish underground actions, or the result of
international pressure? What were the forces that
caused Britain to take the Palestine question to the
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Jewish Underground
Resistance Palestine
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 17 The Tribunal of Nations (1947)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
Behind the scenes of the U.N. vote on partition. The
partition map is presented, which includes only
one-fifth of the territory promised to the Jews in the
Balfour Declaration. The debates within the Zionist
movements on the partition proposal.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; U.N. Partition of
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 18 The Silver Platter (1947-1948)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The strange fact that the Jews and Arabs were at war
with one another while the British mandate was still in
force and the British army still stationed in Palestine.
Jerusalem the struggle for a capital before the birth of
the state. The distribution of Jewish settlements in
Palestine and the battles over free access roads.
Subject(s): History of Zionism
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
Pillar of Fire Chapter 19 We hereby Proclaim the Establishment of
the State of Israel (1948)
50 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The military capabilities of the Jews on the eve of the
Proclamation of Independence. The Arab countries
and the Arabs of Palestine. The vote in Minhelet
HaAm (Jewish Agency executive) on the
Proclamation of Independence. Why did the U.S. exert
pressure to postpone the Proclamation? Contents of
the Proclamation.
Subject(s): History of Zionism; Israel Independence
Vendor: Department of Information World Zionist
A Place to Save Your Life The Shanghai Jews
22 min / BW / General Audience / VHS
The documentary is the story of the Jewish refugee
community in Shanghai during World War II. It
features interviews with survivors together with
photographs of the Shanghai ghetto into which the
Japanese forced the Jews, but which protected them
from Hitler's extermination plans.
Subject(s): Shanghai Ghetto; Survivors
Vendor: Filmakers Library
The Plot to Kill Hitler
93 minutes / Color / General Audience / VHS
This is the film based on the July 20th, 1944 plot by
high-ranking Wehrmacht officers led by Colonel
Claus von Staufenberg to assassinate Hitler in an
attempt to save what was left of Germany in the
closing year of World War II.
Subject(s): Claus von Staufenberg; Adolf Hitler;
World War II; Nazi Germany; totalitarianism;
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
17 min / BW General Audience / VHS
Two films showing typical life of Polish shtetls of the
1920s and 1930s. They depict the social relations of
Jews and Poles living side by side during the
pre-World War II era. (Film is poor quality)
Subject(s): Shtetl; Poland
Vendor: Alden Films
A Portrait of Elie Wiesel
58 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
Wiesel might have been a victim, but he offers his
own existence as living proof of another side of life.
He suggests that every door opens another question. In
an interview with this 1986 Nobel Prize winner,
viewers share an intimate look into the life story of a
man, truth and a world that witnessed the Holocaust.
Pictures from archives, family albums and original
artwork by Samuel Bak are interspersed as
illustrations. The video does not rely on extensive use
of film from the concentration camps, but on the
haunting voice and expressive eyes of Wiesel to tell a
tale of sorrow.
Subject(s): Elie Wiesel
Vendor: PBS Video
Precious Legacy
30 min / Color / JHS+ / VHS
A film documentary on the extensive collection of art
and Judaica from the Jewish community in
Czechoslovakia before it was destroyed by the Nazis.
Subject(s): Czechoslovakia; Art
Vendor: The St. Louis Center for Holocaust Studies
Prejudice and Hate: Georgians & the Holocaust
25 min / General Audience / VHS
Documentary testimony about the Holocaust as given
by Holocaust survivors living in Georgia (USA).
Subject(s): Survivors; Prejudice
Vendor: Georgia Commission on the Holocaust
Prelude to War (Why We Fight, Part I)
54 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
Documentaries in cooperation with the U.S. War
Department, exploring why America joined the fight
against the Axis powers.
Subject(s): History World War II
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
Present Memory: Part 1: Changes 1920-1967
32 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
This tape chronicles the changing environment of
older Jews living in America people from Poland and
Austria, New Yorks Lower East Side, settlers in
Palestine. Their memories reveal the way Jews saw
themselves in the past. In their experiences of seventy
years are the events that reshaped Jewish
consciousness the Holocaust and the creation of the
State of Israel. This can serve as a background to
current attitudes and events, or as a trigger for
discussions of ethnic identity.
Subject(s): Jewish Ethnic Identity
Preserving the Past to Insure the Future
15 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
This video deals with the most tragic victims of the
Holocaust, the one and a half million children whose
only crime was to have been born Jewish. We join
visitors, young, old, Jew, Gentile, white and black, as
they express their profound shock at the
incomprehensible realities with which they are
confronted on their visit to Yad Vashem. Current news
footage of racist violence around the world juxtaposed
with poetry and art work of children who perished in
Subject(s): Holocaust Children
Vendor: Ergo Media
Prisoners of War
30 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
The creator of the Witness to the Holocaust Project
narrates his personal experiences as a prisoner of war
in Hungary and then in German POW camps from
July 1944 to April 1945. He explains how his
imprisonment, subject to the terms of the Geneva
Convention, differed dramatically from the treatment
of the Jews in the concentration camps. Includes his
personal collection of photos.
Subject(s): Concentration Camp; Prisoners of War
Vendor: Emory University
The Psychology of Neo-Nazism; Another Journey by Train to
52 min / Color / HS + / VHS
Four young, articulate neo-Nazis from England,
France, Austria and Germany travel across Europe. In
cafes, at rallies, and on trains, they talk about
themselves, their love of Hitler, and their disbelief in
the Holocaust.
Subject(s): Neo-Nazism; Holocaust Denial
Vendor: Films for the Humanities, Inc.
Purple Triangles
25 minutes / Color / General Audience / VHS
Documentary video detailing the persecution of
Jehovahs Witnesses by the Nazi regime.
Subject(s): Jehovah's Witnesses; Nazi Persecution
Vendor: Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New
Back to Top
The Quarrel
85 min / Color / Adult / VHS
This story, set in Montreal, details the resolution of an
old conflict between two old friends one who
abandoned the Jewish faith of his heritage and the
other, an orthodox rabbi who started a Yeshiva in
Montreal. Both are survivors of the Holocaust, and
they nurse the wounds of both the Holocaust and of
the fight they had the night one left Yeshiva for a life
of worldly freedom. Fiction.
Subject(s): Fiction; Survivors; Religious conflict
Vendor: Apple and Honey Film Corp
Back to Top
Raoul Wallenberg: Between the Lines
90 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
This film examines the political background against
which Wallenberg worked, including the failures and
the unwillingness of the United States to rescue Jews
from German occupied Europe. The film also traces
the events which led to his disappearance at the wars
end in 1945 at the hands of the USSR.
Subject(s): Wallenberg; Righteous Gentiles; Rescue
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
Raoul Wallenberg: Buried Alive
58 min / Color / JHS+ / VHS
Reconstructs the story of this young Swedish diplomat
who saved the lives of at least 100,000 Jews before
disappearing into Soviet prisons. Includes archival
material showing the rise of the Arrow Cross Nazis in
Hungary, footage of ghetto pogroms and death
marches. Includes interviews with survivors who were
saved by Wallenberg and with those who have
reported seeing him alive after the war.
Subject(s): Raoul Wallenberg; Righteous Gentiles;
Vendor: Direct Cinema Ltd
The Real Julia
57 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
Muriel Gardiner, an American psychiatrist and
psychoanalyst, while a medical student in Vienna,
risked her life working in the Austrian Resistance and
helped scores of Jews and anti-Nazis escape to
Subject(s): Resistance; Austria; Women; Literature
Vendor: Altana Films
Religious Implications of the Holocaust
30 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
Three religion and theology professors discuss the
meaning of the Holocaust, how it represents a
realization of the worst aspect of modern society, and
how the world must learn to recognize protest against
the denials of rights of any people and a means of
preventing future holocausts.
Subject(s): Human Rights; Religious/Theological
Vendor: Emory University
Remembering the Darkness: The Sarah Lichtman Story
28 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
This is the story of one womans struggle for survival
under Hitler's rule. Sarah Lichtman and her mother
were deported to the Ravensbruck Concentration
Camp and were later transported to the Bergen-Belsen
Concentration Camp. Sarahs younger sister joined the
Jewish underground in the ghetto. In April 1945,
Sarah and her mother were liberated. Her mother died
one week after liberation. Her father survived
Subject(s): Survivors; Concentration Camps
Vendor: Premeditated Media
Rescue in Scandinavia
55 min / Color / & BW / HS / VHS
This video focuses on the courageous acts Christian
rescuers performed in order to guide thousands of
Jews to safety in Sweden. Narrated by Liv Ullmann, it
recounts the role of the Swedish government and its
citizens in providing sanctuary for Jewish refugees. It
details the assignment of Raoul Wallenberg with the
assistance of Per Anger, who were credited with
saving the lives of 100,000 Hungarian Jews. This
video also tells about Finlands Ambassador Max
Jakobson and his role in the rescue program, and pays
tribute to the citizens of Denmark and Norway who
saved the lives of their Jewish countrymen.
Subject(s): Rescuers; Denmark; Finland; Norway;
Sweden; Righteous Gentiles
Vendor: Documentaries International
Resort 76 Theater at Lehigh
120 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
This play depicts how war reduces people to such a
low level. It takes place in a ghetto where a group of
Jews are in their hideout, fighting over a cat. Each one
wants to use the cat for his or her own benefit. As one
of the group states, When one is treated like an animal,
one becomes an animal.
Subject(s): Ghetto; Fiction
Vendor: Theater at Lehigh Allentown
The Restless Conscience
113 min / Color / & BW / HS+ / VHS
This powerful and provocative feature documentary
explores the motivating principles and activities of the
anti-Nazi resistance inside Germany from 1933 to
1945. The film is a deeply moving portrayal of
individual destinies, charting with dramatic power,
passion and depth, the development of the
underground resistance. This film highlights the
tension between an individuals responsibility to a
personal ethical code and to a tyrannical political
Subject(s): Anti-Nazis in Germany; Resistance; Ethics
Vendor: US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Return to Historic Ghetto of Venice
60 min / Color / JHS+ / VHS
Produced by Regina Resnick, this video tape discusses
the origins of the Ghetto of Venice and takes you on a
tour of the Jewish Quarter in the city.
Subject(s): Venice Ghetto; Jewish History
Vendor: Anti-Defamation League
Return to Life
60 min / Color / & BW / General Audience / VHS
This is a documentary film about the problems faced
by the 1-1/2 million European Jewish refugees
displaced by the Holocaust at the close of World War
II in 1945.
Subject(s): Displaced Persons; Survivors
Vendor: Ergo Media Inc.
Return to My Shtetl Delatyn
60 min / Color / General Audience / VHS
Willy Lindwer and his daughter accompanied his
father back to Galicia in search of his fathers shtetl
Delatyn. Sixty-one years after he had left Berl Nachim
Lindwer wanted to not only find out what had
happened to his family, which had perished in the
Holocaust, he wanted to see the house where he had
grown up and again walk the streets of his beloved
shtetl. Unique historic film of pre-war shtetl life,
juxtaposed with footage of this emotional pilgrimage
make this video very special. English and Dutch with
English subtitles.
Subject(s): Survivor; Shtetl life; Galicia; Delatyn;
Cracow; Lvov; Stryz; Bolechov; Przemysl
Vendor: Ergo Media Inc.
21 min / BW / Adult / VHS
Reunion documents the liberation of prisoners from
Nazi Camps and describes the formidable logistics of
returning Displaced Persons to their homes after the
Subject(s): Survivors
Vendor: Social Studies School Service
Revolt of Job
97 min / Color / Adult / VHS
A WWII era parable of the biblical story of Job. The
tragedy of a Hungarian Jewish family during the
Holocaust is explored in this film. As the Nazis invade
Hungary, an older Jewish couple adopts a young
gentile orphan boy to survive them. Hungarian with
English sub-titles.
Subject(s): Hungary; Fiction
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
Rhodes Forever
60 minutes / Color / General Audience / VHS
This documentary traces the story of the Jews of the
island of Rhodes. Many of the Rhodes Jews perished
in the Holocaust after Nazi Germany occupied Greece
and its possessions. Some were able to escape to the
Belgian Congo.
Subject(s): Sephardic Jews; Greece; genocide
Vendor: National Center for Jewish Film
The Righteous Enemy
84 min / Color / & BW / JHS+ / VHS
A documentary that reveals one of the most
remarkable yet little known rescue operations of the
Holocaust: the active protection given by Italian
military and government officials to 40,000 Jews in
Italian-occupied France, Greece and Yugoslavia.
Subject(s): Rescue; Jews Under Italian Occupation
Vendor: The National Center for Jewish Film
The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler (Part I)
150 min / BW / General Audience / VHS
A comprehensive documentary biography of Hitler,
detailing the career, motivations, and economic,
psychological, political and social forces, and
consequences of the Hitler regime.
Subject(s): Hitler; Nazi Germany; Third Reich
Vendor: Films for the Humanities & Sciences
The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler (Part II)
150 min / BW / General Audience / VHS
(See above.)
Subject(s): Adolf Hitler; Nazi Germany; Third Reich
Vendor: Films for the Humanities & Sciences
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Part I: Rise of Hitler
30 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS
This film chronicles how Adolf Hitler and his political
cohorts in the Nazi Party manipulated events during
their countrys crisis to achieve power. The Third
Reich is now only a painful memory, but the impact of
Hitler and his short-lived Germanic empire cannot be
Subject(s): History of Nazi Germany
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Part II: Nazi Germany: Years of
28 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS 16mm
Part II of the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, narrated
by William L. Shirer, deals with Germany between
1933 and 1939, when some 67 million people
willingly permitted themselves to become puppets of
their Führer.
Subject(s): History of Nazi Germany
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Part IV: Nuremberg Trials
40 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS 16mm
Traces the trials and attempts to establish that those
who conspire to wage war stand guilty of crimes
against humanity.
Subject(s): History of Nazi Germany; Nuremberg
The Rise of Nazism: Terror and Tragedy
36 min / BW / JHS+ / VHS Filmstrip
This two part filmstrip returns to the end of World
War I in Germany to set the stage for the emergence
of Hitler's party. Seen in part I is the German nations
past. World War I subjugation conditions that left the
door open for Hitler's manipulation of the resentful
German people. Part II shows events moving swiftly
once Hitler is installed as chancellor. The Reichstag is
burned; the Nuremberg Laws regulating the Jewish
population are instituted; the Nazi government takes
over the media and educational and economic
Subject(s): History of Rise of Nazis
Vendor: Random House School Division
The Road to Wannsee Eleven Million Sentenced to Death
50 min / Color / General Audience / VHS
On January 20, 1942, eleven million Jews were
sentenced to death at Wannsee. In this compelling
work we learn of Hitler's political rise to power in
1933, the neutralizing of his opponents, his political
aims, and his obsession with the elimination of the
Jews. This video includes interviews with historians of
the caliber of Professors Yehuda Bauer of the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem and Eberhard Jackal of the
Univeristy of Stuttgart. Dutch with English sub-titles.
Subject(s): Wannsee Conference
Vendor: Ergo Media Inc.
Robert Clary: A5714 A Memory of Liberation
60 min / Color / JHS+ / VHS
Clary, a star on Hogans Heroes, shows another side of
himself that of a Holocaust survivor. It shows him
returning to the streets of Paris, the railway lines of
East Germany, and the Buchenwald concentration
camp to retrace his tragic odyssey.
Subject(s): Concentration Camps; Survivors
Vendor: Simon Wiesenthal Center
The Rose Garden
152 min / Color / HS+ / VHS
Aaron Reichenbach is haunted by an event he
witnessed during the final days of World War II: the
murder of 20 children in a Nuremberg schoolhouse.
Forty years following the Holocaust, Reichenbach
finds himself on trial for assaulting an elderly
businessman he believes responsible for the killings.
The deliberately paced and haunting production raises
questions about German culpability for the actions of
the Nazis, bearing witness a generation after the war.
Subject(s): Nazi War Criminals
Vendor: Social Studies School Service