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Distance Learning MBA: Using Elluminate
Video 6: Troubleshooting: Audio and Microphone
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If you're having difficulties hearing audio in
XP. The user chooses My Music from the Start
Elluminate, for troubleshooting purposes we
menu. Enters the Sampl Music folder and plays
need to separate what's going on in Elluminate
Beethovens 9th.
and your computer's hardware configuration. To
do this you need to ensure you can hear sound
outside of the Elluminate session. In XP the
easiest way to do this is to go to your Music
Folder and open one of the files in Sample
Can you hear the music? If you can, then your
Windows Media Player plays the music
hardware is set up correctly.
If you can't then you need to check the volume
The user enters the Sounds and Audio Devices
level in the Control Panel and check that the
dialogue box via the Control Panel. They check
speakers or headphones are plugged into the
the volume setting.
correct socket.
If you're using the plugs at the back then in most Picture of the back of a computer
modern PC's the correct socket is coloured
Be aware that some PC's have more than one
Picture of the back of a computer that has two
bank of sockets. Take a look, you may have
sets of audio device plugs.
plugged your headphones into the first green
socket you found but further down you may find
more. If you do find some more sockets and
you're having no joy with the ones you're
currently using try these. In short, you need to
get sound coming out of your speakers outside
of Elluminate before they'll work inside. If,
having made these checks, you still can't get
sound you'll need to have an IT professional look
at your computer.
If sound works outside of Elluminate but you
In an Elluminate session. The user starts the
can't hear anything inside Elluminate use the
audio set up wizard.
audio setup wizard to configure you sound. At
the part in the wizard where you see a visible
clue that sound is being transmitted, do you hear
anything? If you don't, start the audio setup
wizard again and choose a different device in the
'Device' window. If you have no other devices
listed or you've tried them all, you need to
consider if any other software may be using your
sound output.
Close all programs, including Elluminate and all
The user closes all programs and shuts down the
browsers. It's probably a good idea to turn your
computer on and off again. Open Elluminate and
try the audio set up wizard again. If sound still
doesn't work but works outside of Elluminate,
contact the Computer Services Assistants.
Troubleshooting your microphone is similar to
Picture of an Elluminate session.
troubleshooting audio. You need consider the
microphone set up in isolation from Elluminate.
If you use Skype or some other tool that uses a
microphone then test it in that environment. If it
doesn't work there then, obviously, it won't
work in Elluminate.
If your microphone doesn't work anywhere,
check the microphone is plugged into the correct
socket. In modern PC's this is coloured pink.
However, again, be aware that there may be
more than one bank of sockets and make sure
that, if you're having problems, you try both
banks. If you're microphone hardware is not
working at all, if you can try another
microphone. If that doesn't work, you'll need to
have an IT professional look at your computer.
Remember, however, that if you're a student
you may well find the Elluminate session does
not require your participation via a microphone.
If you're sure your microphone works outside of
Elluminate but doesn't inside use the audio
setup wizard to configure you microphone.
Check that the visual indicator demonstrates
nothing being recorded. If that's the case, restart
the wizard and choose a different device in the
'Device' window. If you have no other devices
listed or you've tried them all, you need to
consider if any other software may be using your
Close all programs, including Elluminate and all
browsers. Again, it's probably a good idea to turn
your computer on and off again. Open
Elluminate and try the audio set up wizard again.
If the microphone still doesn't work but works
outside of Elluminate, contact the Computer
Services Assistants
Picture of the back of a computer
Picture of the back of a computer that has two
sets of audio device plugs.
In an Elluminate session. The user starts the
audio set up wizard and the restarts it choosing a
different device in the Device window.
Microphone starts to work, as seen by the
moving visual indicator.
The user closes all programs and shuts down the
computer. The Computer Service Assistants
contact details. Telephone 01274 234397. Email
[email protected]