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Эрдэм шинжилгээний бүтээл
On Hereditarily Baire Space
Batkhuu Tserennadmid
School of Mathematic and Statistics of Mongolian State University of Education
Email: [email protected]
α0 -box topology product of topological spaces, strong Choquet space,
hereditarily Baire space
In this note we give a definition of α0 -box topology product of topological spaces
and using this concept we prove that there exists a strong Choquet space and regular topological space which not contains closed subspace homeomorphic to rational
numbers Q but both are not hereditarily Baire spaces.
We start with some definitions and well-known results:
Let X be topological space. A set A ⊆ X is called nowhere dense if its closure A
has empty interior, i.e., Int(A) = ∅.
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A set A ⊆ X is meager (of first category) if A =
An , where An is nowhere
dense. A non-meager set is also called of a second category. The complement of a
meager set is called comeager.
A topological space X is called a Baire space if it satisfies following equivalent
(i). Every non-empty open set in X is non-meager.
(ii). Every comeager set in X is dense.
(iii). The intersection of countably many dense open sets in X is dense.
A Baire space is called hereditarily Baire if every closed subspace of X is a Baire.
Let X be non-empty topological space. The Choquet game GX of X is defined
as follows:
Players I and II take turns in playing non-empty open subsets of X
so that
V1 . . .
U0 ⊃ V0 ⊃ U1 ⊃ V1 ⊃ . . ..
We say that II wins this run of the game if
n Un (=
n Vn ) = ∅.
n Vn
n Un )
�= ∅. Thus I wins if
A strategy for I in this game is a "rule" that tells him how to play, for each n,
his n-th move Un , given II’s previous moves V0 , V1 , . . . , Vn−1 .
Oxtoby theorem:
A non-empty topological space X is Baire space iff player I
has no winning strategy in the Choquet game GX .
A non-empty topological space X is called a Choquet space if player II has a
winning strategy in the Choquet game GX .
Since it is not possible for both players to have a winning strategy in GX ,it
follows that every Choquet space is Baire. The converse fails even for non-empty
separable metrizable spaces, using the axioms of Choice.
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Given a non-empty topological space X, the strong Choquet game GsX is defined
as follows: Players I and II take turns in playing non-empty open subsets of X a
x0 , U0
x1 , U1
V1 . . .
Players I and II take turns in playing non-empty open sets of X as a in Choquet
game, but additionally I is required to play a poin xn ∈ Un and II must then play
Vn ⊂ Un with xn ∈ Vn . So we must have U0 ⊃ V0 ⊃ U1 ⊃ V1 ⊃ . . . , xn ∈ Un , Vn .
Player II wins this run of the game n Vn (= n Un ) �= ∅. Thus I wins if n Un (= n Vn ) =
∅. A non-empty topological space X is called a strong Choquet space if player II has
a winning strategy in the strong Choquet game GsX .
It is obvious that any strong Choquet space is Choquet. About of a connection
between a hereditarily Baire space and a strong Choquet spaces in class of metric
spaces are known following theorems:
A metric space X is a strong Choquet space if and only if it is a complete metric
A metric space X is a hereditarily Baire space if and only if player I have no
winning strategy in GsX . Particularly, from it follows that every metric Choquet
space is hereditarily Baire.(Debs)
A first countable regular space is a hereditarily Baire if and only if which not contains a closed subspace homeomorphic to rational numbers Q.(Hurewicz-van Jeroen
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α0 -box topology and a construction of the strong
Choquet and the regular topological spaces which not
contains closed subspace homeomorphic to rational
numbers Q but both are not hereditarily Baire spaces
Definition 1. Suppose we are given a family {Xi }i∈I of topological spaces and con�
Xi and the family of mappings pA , A−countable set of I,
sider the Cartesian product
where pA assigns to the point x = (xi )i∈I ∈ X = i∈I Xi it’s A-th side x = (xi )i∈A .
The set X = i∈I Xi with the topology generalized by the family of mappings
pA , A − countable set of I is called α0 -box topology product of the spaces Xi , i ∈ I
and denoted by i∈I Xi .
If we define the game GsX,β as a Choquet game but only difference is choosing
open subset of X from it’s open base β than it is not hard to see following lemma.[2]
Lemma 1. Let β1 , β2 are bases of topological space X. Than following conditions
are equivalent.
(i). Player I(Player II) has a winning strategy in GsX,β1 .
(ii). Player I(Player II) has a winning strategy in GsX,β2 .
Theorem 1. Any α0 -box topology product of strong Choquet spaces is a strong
Choquet space.
Proof. By the previous lemma it is suffices to prove that player II has a winning
strategy in GsX,β game.
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Let σi is a player II’s winning strategy in GsXi . Suppose player I’s n-th move is
(xn , Un ), where Un = i∈I Uni .
Let’s define player II’s strategy
σ ((x1 , U1 ), V1 , . . . , (xn , Un )) = Vn =
, where
 Vn = σi ((x1 , U1 ), V1 , . . . , (xn , Un )) ,
 X , if U = X
Uni �= Xi ,
Now if we remember that each σi is a player II’s winning strategy in GsX then
n Un �= ∅ or σ is player II’s winning strategy in GX,β . ✷
Corollary 1. There exists a strong Choquet space which is not hereditarily Baire
Proof. Suppose that X is α0 -box topology product space of topological spaces
{Xi }i∈I , where Xi coincides with real line R.
From Theorem 1 it follows that X is strong Choquet space. Now we shall show
that X is not a hereditarily Baire space. It suffices to point a closed subset Z in X,
which is meager (set of first category)in itself.
Consider Z = {x = (xi )i∈I ∈ X |
|{i ∈ I| xi �= 0}| < α0 .
At first let us show that Z is closed subset in X. Let x = (xi )i∈I ∈ X \ Z. Then
there exists a countable set A ⊂ I such that xi �= 0 for every i ∈ A. Let us take a
non-empty neighbourhood Ui of xi . Then open set V = i∈I Vi in which Vi = Ui if
i ∈ A and Vi = R if i ∈ I \ A will be a neighbourhood of x = (xi )i∈I and V Z = ∅.
Now let us prove that Z is meager set.
For every n < α0 consider Zn = {x = (xi )i∈I ∈ X| |{i ∈ I |
is obvious that Zn ⊂ Zn+1 and Z = n Zn and Zn closed in Z.
xi �= 0}| ≤ n}. It
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Let V =
Vi is a base element such that U = V
Z �= ∅. Let n0 = |{i ∈ I |
/ Zn . Since
/ Vi }|. Then for every n ≤ n0 there exists a point x ∈ U such that x ∈
Zn nowhere dense in Z for every n ≤ n0 or Z is set of first category. ✷
Definition 2. Let X = i∈I Xi and pA :
i∈I Xi �→
i∈A Xi projection
map. If Y ⊂ X and pI\A (x) = pI\A (y) for any x, y ∈ Y then we call Y depends on
A coordinates.
It is not hard to prove next lemma.[2]
Lemma 2. Let X =
Xi and Y ⊂ X,
A ⊂ I. The following conditions
are equivalent.
(i). Y depends on A coordinates and A ⊂ B then Y depends on B coordinates.
(ii). Y =
Yn and every Yn depends on A coordinates then Y depends on A
contains Y and depends on
(iii). Y depends on A coordinates then p−1
A coordinates. Also p−1
I\A pI\A (Y ) closed subset in X and homeomorphic to
i∈A Xi .
Lemma 3. Let X =
Xi ,
x ∈ X and a sequence of sets Kn ⊂ X converges
to x,i.e., there exists a number n0 such that Kn contained in every neighbourhood
V of x for every n > n0 . Then there exists a finite set H ⊂ I and number n0 such
that Kn depends on H coordinates for every n > n0 .
Proof. Suppose that there not exists such a set and number. Then we can find
the sequence of pairwise distinctive indexes in ∈ I and xn = (xni )i∈I ∈ Kn points
such that d (Xi ) < 2α0 . From it follows that there exists a neighbourhood V of x
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which not contains xn for every n. Contradiction.
Corollary 2. There exists a regular topological space X which not contains
closed subspace homeomorphic to rational numbers Q but that is not a hereditarily
Baire space.
Proof. Suppose that X =
Xi where every Xi coincides with real line R.
Consider there exists closed subspace homeomorphic to raional numbers Q in
X. For every point x ∈ Z let us take a fundamental neighbourhood system Un (x),
consisting of open-closed sets in Z such that Un+1 (x) ⊂ Un (x).
It is obvious that Un (x) converges to x. By the Lemma 3. there exists a finite
set A ⊂ I and a number n0 such that Un0 (x) depends on A coordin ates and Un0 (x)
homeomorphic to closed subspace in X = i∈I Ri according to Lemma 2.3. Clearly,
Un0 (x) does not contain isolated points, then homeomorphic to rational numbers Q.
That is contradiction to the completeness of A. ✷
[1] Batkhuu Ts., Sokolov G.A., α0 -box topoloy, All Siberian Seminar on Mathematics and Mehanics, Vol.1., Tomsk State University Press, 1997, p 84-86.
[2] Batkhuu Ts., α0 -box topoloy, Ph.D. Thesis, Ulaanbaatar,1998.
[3] Debs G., Espaces hereditairment de Baire, Fund.Math., 1986, Vol. 129., p 199206.
[4] van
Comm.Math.Univ.Carol.,1987, Vol.28.,p 137-139.
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[5] Hurewicz W.,
Relativ perfect Taile von Punkmengen und Mengen,
Fund.Math.,1928,Vol.12., p 78-109.
[6] Pryce J., A Device of R.J.Whitley’s appliced to poinwise compactness in spaces
of continuous functions, Proc. Amer.Math.Soc.,1971, Vol.23., p 532-546.