Download “Fear to Forgiveness!” Genesis 50:15-21 I. Introduction

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“Fear to Forgiveness!”
Genesis 50:15-21
I. Introduction- Defining Forgive
“Forgive and Forget”, Is a phrase we use when we are put in a situation of wanting
reconciliation or trying to forget something bad that has happened and we just want to simply
move on. Maybe fear is driving us to forgive and forget. According to the Webster Dictionary the
defined meaning(s) for forgive is: 1. to stop feeling anger about (something): 2. to forgive
someone for (something wrong), and 3. to stop requiring payment of (money that is owed). In
today’s lesson we can link these definitions not only to Joseph but also to Christ himself.
II. The Text- Story of Joseph/brothers:
A. A quick and brief overview of the story of Joseph is: Joseph was a son to Jacob and Rachel.
He held a special place in the eyes of Jacob. Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers. The
brothers first thought of killing him, and when a caravan that was going to Egypt came by, they
decided to sell him. He became well known for interpreting dreams in Egypt. The Pharaoh trusted
Joseph and had him interpret his dreams. One dream warned Pharaoh that a famine was coming.
Pharaoh entrusted Joseph to take charge of preparing for this famine. The famine affected
Joseph’s family back home and Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to find food. Joseph see’s his
brothers for the first time since they sold him. He then reveals himself to his brothers. Joseph is
once again reunited with his father and his brothers. This brings us to today’s story.
B. This amazing story in Genesis is driven all by Fear! (I feel like Paul Harvey getting ready to tell
you the rest of the story.) Joseph’s brother’s feared losing power and they sold him into slavery.
Selfishness, sinful pride, and fear leads to their hatred and causes more and more fear which self
destructs their own lives. They continue to live in fear daily. Do we not continue to live in fear
daily. I will not give you a example of this, I’m sure something will pop into your head that you do
Joseph tests his brothers. He sets them up as thieves and spies. The brothers feared retribution
from Joseph. Fear is just prevalent in this story. Joseph is setting them up to experience even
more fear and to realize why they should fear because of what they had done in the past. He is
giving them a true lesson of fear. But, his love, the love of Joseph, the Love of God, cannot be
held back. Joseph struggles at holding his love for his family in.
C. Nevertheless, Forgiveness overcomes fear! And one of the best examples in Genesis that
clearly shows the Forgiveness is in Chapter 45. Verse 5 states: “And now do not be distressed or
angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve
life. For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are yet five years in which
there will be neither plowing nor harvest. And God sent me before you to preserve for you a
remnant on earth, and to keep alive for you many survivors.” Yahweh had a purpose and a
mission for Jacob, Joseph, and his brothers. Just as God has a mission for us through Jesus
Christ, (I will get to this point in the story of us). In the lesson today Joseph overlooked all that his
brothers had done to him and he forgave. Forgiveness and love from God can be seen
throughout the Old and New Testament. So this brings us to ourselves and the story of our
deliverance from fear to forgiveness.
II. The Story of Us- Christ, His sinful family
A. The devil has a way of using sin to keep us in fear and guilt. The devil does not want us to
receive the full and free forgiveness that Christ offers us. He works diligently to make us doubt
that the forgiveness is real. He creates the same fear within us that Joseph’s brothers had. Satan
wants us to believe that God is out to get us, to kill us, and to make us pay for what we have
done. The devil wants us right where Joseph’s brothers are in our text. He wants us filled with
fear, not knowing where to turn, and scrambling to find protections in ourselves and our sinful
C. Our gracious and loving God does not look upon us in our sin in such a way. Rather, he looks
upon the filth of our sin, desires its punishment and our salvation, and so sends Christ. He sends
Christ to be left for dead in the wilderness, to suffer the pains and torments of death, even death
on a cross for us, and to be buried in a pit. From the pit of death and despair, God raises the
same Christ from the dead. Despite the evil of our sin, he overcomes sin and grants us full and
free salvation. He removes our fears and replaces them with life. Christ alone was and is the only
one who could purchase our pardon and obtain the true forgiveness of God.
God’s Word, Christ’s Body, and Christ’s Blood is the only path that leads you out of fear of the
world and leads you directly to God’s gracious absolution. Christ not only provides for every
bodily need, but He provides for the eternal needs of our salvation. He feeds us with the bread of
life, fills us with His Word, and invites us not to fear. For in Him is life; our life!
"This all sounds so wonderful. So simple; God's perfect love demonstrated in Christ can drive
out all fear. He tells us that we are forgiven and we should feel nothing but peace with God and a
desire to love and forgive others. However, just like Joseph's brothers who were told that they
were forgiven, we still struggle with our guilt. We still question if God might change His mind,
especially after what we have done, recently...."
III. The Story of Us And Others...
A. Yes, fear still exists in our world and in us. Satan still plays with our minds and uses our sins
to instill fear and distrust. Yes, he even wants to lead us to a have a fear and distrust of God.
You might be thinking of the “what does it means section” for the first commandment. (Hint, hint,
Listen up confirmation kids!) Yes, Luther says we should fear, love, and trust in God above all
things. The fear of God is not fright. Being afraid of God is different from fearing God. The fear of
God is a fruit of love, but being afraid of Him is the seed of hatred. Therefore we should not be
afraid of God but should fear Him so that we do not hate Him whom we should love....Therefore
the fear of God is more aptly called reverence. For example we revere those whom we love,
honor, esteem, and fear to offend. We should do as Luther says: Fear, love, and trust in God
above all things! "This is our calling and mission. As people who are forgiven and loved by God
we want to respect God and His gift of forgiveness which is not only for us, but for the whole
world. Fearing, but no longer being afraid of, God we are freed to offer true forgiveness, God's
forgiveness, to others."
B. Forgiveness is a lifelong need not only for us, but for others. It is needed by the people of
whom we are afraid and the people who may be afraid of us. In the presence of God all men must
lower their plumes and be glad that they can obtain forgiveness. And whatever a man may do, let
him not think that as long as he live here on earth, he will progress beyond the need of this
forgiveness. In short, if God does not forgive sins without ceasing, we are lost. Christ’s
purchasing of us on that cross seals God’s true forgiveness and His resurrection shows that God
will not cease. God’s love for us is true and eternal. We should not only forgive and forget, we
should keep on forgiving. This was exactly what the master in our Gospel lesson expected his
forgiven servant to do for his fellow servants.
C. We forgive as the way of communicating God’s love and forgiveness to others. Joseph
wanted to bring his brothers to repentance, so that he could forgive them for what they had done
to them. Joseph’s heart overflowed with forgiveness, just as our hearts should continue to
overflow with repentance and forgiveness, for God’s love and forgiveness is never wavering or
ceasing . This reminds me of a quote from Oscar Wilde, “Always forgive your enemies-nothing
annoys them so much.” Joseph forgave the transgressions of his brothers for they meant evil but
God meant it for good. God had a plan for our salvation and we see it accomplished through
Jesus. God’s love never ceases. We may see evil happening but God can still see the good!
III. Closing- Repent and Forgive
The last meaning that I stated earlier for forgive is: to stop requiring payment. That check has
been cashed, that payment has been received in full thanks to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
“So do not fear; I will provide for you and little ones”, stated Joseph. Christ says this to you today
little ones, young ones, old ones, and yes you middle aged ones: “...that in me you may have
peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Through
Christ we have the full forgiveness of God. Christ is our olive branch from God. Christ takes the
sting of fear and offers true forgiveness. Amen