Download Allegro Orchestra 3rd-4th-5th Grade `I Can

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Third Trimester
Discipline: Allegro Orchestra
Power Standard: Performing on instruments, alone and with others,
a varied repertoire of music
In the Allegro Orchestra, meeting the expectations of this power
standard means that your child can:
Sit and/or stand properly in playing position
Demonstrate the following left hand techniques:
o Place his/her left hand in proper playing position with a relaxed left arm
o Use the correct fingers for the notes we have learned
Demonstrate the following bowing techniques:
o Hold his/her bow properly with an advanced bow hold and all fingers curved
o Draw a straight bow (t-bow) across one string at a time
o Draw the bow between the designated bow tapes
Perform a solo from memory
Perform the assigned Allegro Orchestra music
Perform rhythmic exercises with accuracy
Power Standard: Reading and notating music
In the Allegro Orchestra, meeting the expectations of this power
standard means that your child can:
Read musical terms and understand what they mean (i.e., repeat, sharp, natural, Andante,
Moderato, etc.…)
Read the notes for his/her instrument in the key of D Major
Power Standard: Understanding music in relation to history and
In the Allegro Orchestra, meeting the expectations of this power
standard means that your child can:
State one interesting fact about the “composer of the week”
Demonstrate good concert behavior
Power Standard: Evaluating music and music performances
In the Allegro Orchestra, meeting the expectations of this power
standard means that your child can:
Recognize when we are clapping and saying rhythms together as a group
Recognize when we are playing together as a group
Identify the following intervals when singing: unison, minor second, major second, minor third,
major third, perfect fourth, perfect fifth, minor sixth, major sixth, minor, seventh, major seventh,
and octave