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STI caused by bacteria are curable. STIs caused by viruses have no cure
1. What is the definition of abstinence? not conducting any sexual activity
1. What are two short term consequences of not practicing abstinence?
1. lifestyle would change **Answers will vary, these are most common
2. Reputation Education
3. How many eggs and sperm are needed to make a baby? 1 each
4. What are two long term consequences of not practicing abstinence?
1. Money
Could get a lifelong disease
2. Education
Could get pregnant *Answers will vary, these are most
5. List 5 signs and symptoms of female puberty.
1. grow and fill out breast tissue, larger hips and buttocks
2. hair grows and becomes oilier
3. Skin becomes oilier and begins to have pimples
4. begin to have their period
5. become more aware of the sexual attraction
6. are more conscious of their appearance.
6. Finish this sentence;” The number one responsibility of puberty females face is
having a baby.”
7. What is ovulation? releasing an egg from the ovary
8. On what day of a women’s menstrual cycle does ovulation occur? The 14th day
9. What is significant about the ovulation window? Why is it important for women to know when their
ovulation window is? females are highly likely to get pregnant during this time.
10. How long can sperm stay alive? 5-7 days
11. List 4 signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
1 Missed Period
2.Change in appetite
3.Change in mood
4.Increase in gas
12. Why would a self-exam be an important part of taking care of oneself? Self exams can prevent the
spread of both breast and testicular cancer. Breast cancer is more common in women, but can be
found in men. Testicular cancer is most common in males aged 15-35, without self-exams it can
spread quickly and be life threatening.
STI=Sexually Transmitted Infection
STD=Sexually Transmitted Disease
14. List 4 signs and symptoms of male puberty.
1. begin to grow taller and more muscular
2. begin to grow body hair
3. hair and skin are oilier and begin to have pimples
4. sweat in large amounts
5. voice changes, it becomes lower and deeper
6. become more aware of the sexual attraction
7. become more aware of their appearance.
Name the 7 mucus membranes where STIs are usually found
7. cuts
Name the 7 common symptoms of STIs
1. warts
4. itching
7. rash
2. bumps
5. pain when urinating
3. discharge
6. sores
1. What permanent damage can STIs and STDs cause? Name 4.
2. Cancers 2. Heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease
3. heart damage
4. death
HIV is not a disease, what disease does HIV progress into? AIDS
19. What do you need to do IN ORDER, if you think you have a STD
1. Stop having sex
2. Go to the doctor
3. Tell your partner(s)
1. What are the symptoms for chlamydia and gonorrhea? Are the symptoms the same for males and
females? What is the difference?
Males: burning pain when urinating and discharge
Females: usually none
Name all 7 guidelines to prevent the spread of STIs:
1.Choose abstinence
2.Choose monogamy
3.Choose a drug free lifestyle
4.Both partner get tested
5.Do not share needles of any kind
6.Use universal precautions around blood
7.If choosing to have sex, use a latex condom
1. What are the symptoms for genital herpes?
Painful sores and blisters on genitals or mouth
What are the signs and symptoms for each stage of syphillis? What happens when it goes
Stage 1: Painless sores called chancres cover palms of hands and soles of feet
Stage 2: Flu like symptoms, whole body rash
Stage 3: No symptoms- now permanent body damage
Untreated : death
1. Why is it so important to test BOTH partners before engaging in sexual activity?
Many STIs have no symptoms. It is vital to test both partners to prevent the spread of STIs because it may
not be known if someone is infected with an STI or STD.
1. What are the 4 steps you should follow if rape should ever occur?
1.Call 911 or go to hospital
2.Don’t change clothes
3.Don’t shower or take a bath
4.Get counseling
26. Explain each step of this diagram.
Study Guide Final TestexportedGraphic.pdf ¬InseminationSperm swarm
around eggHead of sperm enters eggNew membrane forms to prevent further entry of