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III — xi — What Freeze–Dried Moths Might Have Done to Move
Projects Along.
III - xii - (xvi) - Four ammeters across . . . an animated occupation.
Ix - In the savage ferment . . .
3/7/2006 3:01PM
Circa August 1999 (heavily revised March 2006) AHRIMAN, cast into the vale of the Flippenburg, languishes
inspecifically . . .
This sentence spawns two separate sketches: the first, featuring AHRIMAN's destination ( (III - xi - (xvi) AHRIMAN languished . . . by those who love us), after the death of his second host, Ahem (III - x - (xiv) - As
Parliament let out . . . with the bath water), in the Forgotten Tents, which he eventually escapes to make his third
jump (III - xii - (xvi) - Four ammeters across . . . an animated occupation); and the second (IV - iii - (x) AHRIMAN languished in . . . burning financial trails), a more permanent exile in the Flippenberg, where he
is dumped by jitterbugs (III - xxii - (xi) - On a note of . . . cool light far above), after his aforementioned eviction
from the Village Server. AHRIMAN interacts with other inmates of the Flippenberg, primarily the ghost of
Friedrich Barbarossa (not to be confused with Frederick II), who chides him on his naivete. He is prematurely
sprung from the Flippenburg during the theological snipe hunt (IV - iv - (x) - Rex Ampersand . . . watched . . .
the perspiring scaffolds).
Now although . . .
9/28/2005 9:54AM.
Circa May 2002. Perceptions on what the humans might glean from a visit to the Norns.
Frank Middleford (last seen in Ch. VI - After . . . ticklish alibis . . . bent to their paddles) hosts his first board
meeting in his new post in Hades. They "pause to watch the Muses feeding the adherency." There appear to
be several intellectual property boundary issues that need to be worked out. The sketch ends by leading into
Ch. IX - Previously . . . fabric resistant, a connection that may or may not occur, given that sketch's strangely
high demand.
Four ammeters across the dial . . . for an animated occupation (13.6 KB).
Narrator: TBD
A Time & A Place (Setting): Cyber-space.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: AHRIMAN.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: Frank Middleford.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: None.
Purpose: AHRIMAN appears to be surfing the bandwidths, perhaps for a soul to repossess.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Surreal impressionism.
Relevance/Transition: The tense of some of the sentences require adjustment. The sketch ends in a
squawk of static with a "series of mystical calls and ululations. . ."
III - xii - (xvi) - Left to himself, Horace . . . dialed for take-out.
Left to himself, Horace . . . dialed for take-out (2.09 KB).
Narrator: Closure to the Washington D.C. conference sketches (these might be moved
to coincide with the build-up of the U.S. invasion of Ossian).
A Time & A Place (Setting): Washington D.C (pre-inversion).
Primary (active, subject) Ch: Horace.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: None.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: Frank Middleford, M.P.
Purpose: The sketch wraps up the contretempts between Horace, Plair, and Thledvirrson at the
gazebo and introduces the flashback sequence of Horace's libator role during the Hong Kong handover,
which was exploited by his political rival Middleford.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Thriller parody.
Relevance/Transition: The chapter's closing sketch dangles several underdeveloped issues, such as
the Pyrogambion (missile software) and mah-johnng, as well as Horace's aforementioned libator role which
has received sufficient treatment in Act I . . .
III - x - (Ix) - [(b)yzantine perforce ... (a lounge really gone)].
Narrator: Late (circa 2008) sketches lacking in-depth analysis.
A Time & A Place (Setting): The mind.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: Talitha Thledvirrson.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: Grendelle.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: Niobe, various Niceans, lumine.
Purpose: Talitha presages her pregnancy through the lense of nitrogen narcosis.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Social satire.
Relevance/Transition: Given to depict Talitha's dive in the presence of the haunted carrioccio. . .
Ix - Mom's apple circa Aug 96
8/1/2008 9:26AM
Circa August 1996 (heavily revised July 2008). A roadtrip to tend the back forty in MT turns into a
nitrogen-narcosis induced dream had by the expectant Talitha.
My reading of this sketch (Ix - Mom's apple circa Aug 96) at the workshop met with eye-rolling and general
mystification. It is a parallel piece with V - Reason wars with behavior as a retelling of my summer vacation at
Mom's house in 1988, differing insofar as it is mentally reparsed, whereas Reason . . . uses the computer
thesaurus. Each have their own peculiar style. This sketch, not yet absorbed into the manuscript, best suited
to dreams induced by nitrogen narcosis after Talitha's dive (III - x - (iii) - Two divers rummaged . . . all that were
left) to recover the carrioccio (I - xiv - (vi) - The preceding . . . recessive enrollment trend). Talitha, who "had ably
devised a rudimentary fulcrum system to circumnavigate, despite the humonculous within her, the
ecosphere," remains sanguine, insisting, "I am a calmly peaceful ethical lotus, my dear." The next two sections
of the sketch, featuring the same three principle characters, deal with Grendelle, an acolyte to a cult, drinking
a "heavy mead." Niobe attempts to persuade...
III - wix - (i) - In dog years . . . irretrievably . . .
Too hardscrabble . . . irretrievably (3KB).
Narrator: Late (circa 2007-8) sketch lacking in-depth analysis.
A Time & A Place (Setting): A dream.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: Bitsy Ferguson.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: None.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: Fr. Anselm.
Purpose: Bitsy experiments with the curare preparation designed for criogenics.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Social satire.
Relevance/Transition: The sketch includes a dream inset presaging the near future, and concludes in
a scene of mass confusion applicable to the Blue Room series.
vi - Following the ersatz bandersnatch . . .
transformation .
Framed as a parishonier's dream during a sermon (I - ii - (i) - The continual maintenance of time structures), this
short sketch (III - x - (iv) - Too hardscrabble . . . must pin it on) is meant to grab up several loose ends,
including the Nicean's stoppage of Earth ("the inextirpable penstemons (III - xxiii - (vi) - As scrapmon' towered
over . . . his senses), the "hazy convexity" allowing citizens at antipodes to wave at each other (I - xii - (v) Logan F. was mired within . . . anthropomorphisms); jihad's capture of the Polar Star orbital platform (IV - vii (xii) - Achieved of very little . . . they could better); and AHRIMAN's eventual counter-offensive against jihad,
referenced early in Act I (I - i - (vi) - A man, who had . . . the worst motor scooter ever). As such, this seems most
suitable as an early Act V sketch, reviving Finlay's role above, although it's currently placed in mid-Act III (III
- x - (iv) - Too hardscrabble . . . must pin it on). It also posts the early plot of Act V, when Spaceship Earth, or
some other vehicle, jets over to Venus to lure away the ersatz bandersnatch (iX - A karst paired . . . among the
truly fortunate).
C:\Documents and Settings\mike\My Documents\Stuff\WRAP - workshop\WRAP\WRAP - 2007\My
worry is under control.rtf
September 2013.
11/8/2005 7:23PM.
Circa April 2002. Major revisions September 2003. Many of the transitional passages appropriated from Fr
Anselm's impressions of the strange visitations at the construction site of the spire. Together this forms an essay
on the geopolitical consequences of the reversion to a Ptolemaic universe.
Rita begins an interrogation of Van Etnabaron, while recalling her collegiate days, with the jai alai theme
setting up events in Ch. X - Bereft with . . . the arrival of the play; The pelota whacked . . . out the first flirt), as the
latter notices that transformation of the globe. The West seems divided between the Global Village and the
United Kingdom of Free States, and although political arrangements in Asia seem little changed, the
continents south of the equator have "merged into a super-Panagean land mass." Sasha appeals to Sergei,
who provides little explanation. A Norn enters, drawing their attention to Central Asia. The rescinding of
Executive Order 12333, prohibiting the political assassination of foreign heads of state, leads to Van
Etnabaron's selection to be "on the cutting edge of national policy." The purpose of Sasha's interview is
unclear. He never answers the President's request to explain what he did to get there. He figures she'll just
get mad and then he'll have spilled the beans about his recovery to no purpose. This is probably a deliberate
tactic that can apply this sketch with any number of scenarios. The title suggests that the sketch occurs
approximately sixteen months after the Earth's stoppage, which requires much intervening text that is still
not fully developed. The best guess is that this scene occurs somewhere in the interval between the
compromise of the pyrogambion (the software programmed for targetting the Polar Star orbital platform) by
agents of Ylferim (see Ch. V - With a long face . . . turned into black paint) and the scene where AHRIMAN,
aided by untenets, dismantles the compromised network in the interest of world tranquility (see Ch. VI - After
. . . ticklish alibis . . . bent to their paddles).
III - viii - (i) - The hyperborean icicles . . . be a lesson unto us.
The hyperborean icicles . . . be a lesson unto us.
Circa January 2002. Introduces activities at the Kalisthenios Institute and background of Elias (the physicist)
Deerfield, who uses the facilities to study the inbound rebel Nicean expedition.
The setting oscillates between the Kalisthenios Institute (the U.S. sends Fernand to spy this out in Ch. X - Art
is a soggy hook . . . mention it immediately) and the approaching rebel Nicean expedition (Ch. V - The negotiation
of . . . stop pinging time). The fjulsfut comprising the expedition are already tuned into and corrupted by the
emanations of the indigo sphere ("a premise sufficient for several of the bipedal country songs"). A
description of inter-regnum opiate (the "trail mix") production facilities follows. The spacemon' are roused by
reports of encroaching finth, introducing the first internecine "battle" between the races (Ch. X - Always
understanding . . . their habit). At the institute, a successful faculty member (his motivation, to join
inter-regnum, is hinted but not fully developed) is rescued by a youthful Westerner (envisioned, though not
specifically named, as Elias Deerfield, see Ch. VII - The existence of dust mice). It's problematic whether these
events are counterminious with the arrival of Fernand (Ch. III - Fernand rolls over the big pond); originally the
sketch was designed as an historical piece occuring decades prior to the present. Simplification demands that
we scrunch it up into the present rather than trying to justify a historical background for every damn little
thing. Moreover, the interweaving of the contemporary inter-regnum expedition (although the Niceans, able
to transcend time, can fit just about anywhere) places a temporal imperative that this sketch occur roughly a
year prior to Fernand's arrival, giving Iphgene time to heal and transform into the impaired yet beloved
physicist (Ch. IX - When are we . . . in a jar; Charles . . . was about to toast). The faculty member visits Iphgene in
the hospital, and they begin "a dialogue on the fate of humanity" (continued in Ch. X - Always understanding .
. . their habit) by insulting the composers of the faculty member's native land (I should tone this down) and
citing the great "Gaussier" as an admirable contrast (this fictional icon also appears in Ch. VIII - A screen saver
that does not kick . . . the search of the skies; Ch. IX - encomium to el fiume - la vida suena).
The hyperborean icicles . . . be a lesson unto us (5.40 KB).
Narrator: TBD
A Time & A Place (Setting): The Kalisthenes Institute.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: The youthful Westerner, Cecil/Iphgene.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: Uncle Edith.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: fjulsfut spacemon' (plural?); finth; Gaussier.
Purpose: Uncle Edith, while monitoring the inbound Nicean rebel expedition deal with an infestation
of finth, is saved by Iphgene from falling icicles.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Absurdist.
Relevance/Transition: This sketch closes with a definitive self-admonition . . .
III - viii - (xv) - In the land of forgotten tents . . . she turned.
In the land of forgotten tents . . . she turned (1.87 KB).
Narrator: Unspecified foreshadowing in conjunction with all too busy's ditching
in the land of forgotten tents (Act II - xii, 1st draft reckoning) . . .
A Time & A Place (Setting): The Land of Forgotten Tents.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: Grendelle & the discoverer (all too busy).
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: None.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: The discoverer's (all too busy) secret flame (an An Indocile).
Purpose: After ditching in the Land of Forgotten Tents, the discoverer (all too busy) is given first aid
by Grendelle.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Monologue.
Relevance/Transition: It may be possible to weave other super-natural themes within these sketches
rather than just trotting them out consecutively . . .
Shhh Snorggi will hear . . .
Circa November 2005. During the nuclear accident, the entropist, in his role as inspector, is at the bottom of
the containment sump after wrenching the coolant valve closed . . . he encounters Grendel in a feverish dream
. . . the latter's monolog reveals the sandman is dumping weapons into Snorggi's nose.
Justine will eventually disclose that a recent branch of the Niceans are descended from the souls of humanity
(Ch. X - Aware of being . . . Justine's proof) through inter-regnum soul laundering facility. Grendel launches an
impassioned attack upon the literature of the dominant paradigm that celebrates the victory of technology
over nature. He blurts out that the sandman has been hiding weapons in Snorggi's nose (Ch. I - In an air . . . of
his burrow). There follows a description of political process within the Global Village. After narrating the
sources of conflict with his mother, Grendel predicts the eventual triumph of the Prince O'Darkness and
scurries off to find help. The entropist awakens to find that the jaws of life are crunching through the
wreckage to retrieve him. The entropist's recovery incompletely sketched in text file Ch. I - baha; see also Ch.
X - Citizens disported . . . ever yet pricier depositions; The real . . . onslaught. The entropist gains insight into the
time travel techniques of inter-regnum (Ch. V - at the outset of the journey into Snorrgi's nose much happiness is;
Ch. X - Blank, one must adhere to . . . abandoned relaxation techniques; This was a stormy . . . hope. It was not . . . at
all; Viable underground . . . refuted by her upbringing) and goes on to a career as a consultant with the
International Astrophysics Commission (Ch. IX - Now although . . .; Ch. X - They dredged up . . . dimly threatened
suppositions) [as of 2010, the enthalpist's role is reassigned to the discoverer (all too busy).]
III - xviii - (xviii) - Are there other forms . . . and hitherto nameless, race.
And yet the individuals . . . almost wished he was watching.
Circa December 2003. The imminent journalist Mr. Ng interviews inter-regnum ambassador.
This sketch features her interview with the BBC, which occurs shortly after Talitha's dream (Ch. X - Viable
underground . . . refuted by her upbringing) during which the Nicean Ambassador an An Indocile encounters
humanity in the form of the sacrist, the entropist, and the journalist, the latter of whom arranges the
interview with her. The sketch is useful for catching up on inter-regnum background and moreover, should
lead directly off the description of Nicean politics (Ch. V - Beware Universal Discord; or Ch. IX - revised
inter-regnum background). The Ambassador's reply to the third caller's request that she submit to a medical
examination points toward events that loosed AHRIMAN upon the earth (Ch. II - An again refused . . . the
fringe of after action). Perhaps the examination (presently envisioned as of an ocular nature) is described
4. Are there other forms . . . and hitherto nameless, race (3.81 KB).
Narrator: The framing potential of Indocile's interview is not fully utilized in
Act I - xvii through xwix (1st draft reckoning); try to fold in more inter-related
themes that may better preface the encompassing anthology of " . . . an imminent nadir."
A Time & A Place (Setting): Cyber-space.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: The Ambassador an An Indocile.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: The interviewer, Mr. Ng (unnamed).
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: Numerous Nicean monads.
Purpose: Amidst the interview several themes are broached, including the niceness diffusion
paradigm and the curse of the fjulsfut.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Social satire.
Relevance/Transition: The Ambassador's description of the eighth and ninth races is a natural
prompt to insert a sketch featuring either of them . . .
III - viii - Fireside chats - II.
Fireside chats - II (1.31 KB).
Narrator: TBD
A Time & A Place (Setting): Cyber-space.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: Uncle Edith.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: None.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: Snorggi, the Trombone Society.
Purpose: Evocative of writing chalk symbols on the sidewalk (to contact aliens).
Method (narrative, process, genre): Absurdist.
Relevance/Transition: Presages an important assembly of the Trombone Society this weekend . . .
III - xii - (xviii) - At once I am here . . . without an indication of consort.
Long line patches . . . an indication of consort.
Circa November 2000. The inner circle of Oratonics performs the rite preparatory to meeting their stellar
master. Horace falls to the temptation of robbing their personal effects.
Beware Sologdin's bird word, e.g. "flew into action;" a betrayal of everything I strive to uphold of Horace's
artistry. The sketch was unfinished and requires replenishment (see Ch. X - Iterations sponged of shadows . . .
filled with fitness articles). The caretaker Horace listens to the orisons of the trombone society as they set forth
on their "mass excursion," and it's quick conclusion leads him to reconsider his own participation. A sketch
pared from Ch. X - What other weirs . . . involved comptometry is next. It is an ensuing meeting (that occurs
perhaps a day later, and hours before the Earth's stoppage) where Horace attempts to impress Thledvirrson
with his findings. He did this all for her, he attempts to demonstrate. The latter regards him with distasteful
caution if garnering valuable intelligence about an archeological voyage set to take place within the fortnight.
[10/12/2012 ~ this cursory summation, resulting no doubt from weariness, is not a reliable depictor of events
in III - xi].
Through his nostrum . . . as the scene epitomized.
Circa June 2004. After the stoppage of the Earth and subsequent rapture, the Niceans stabilize the planet with
xorns and those left behind learn to use the verticules or thought vehicles (find also reference to little novel
writing machines). Frank attempts to debut his daughter Stang in a traditional ceremony, but she is
contemptuous of this role and flees to a nearby tatoo parlor.
Frank's attempt to debut his step-daughter Agnes preceded by a turbulent telephone conversation laced with
cross purpose. His hidden motivation is to persuade her to provide a sample ("Rust's eschatological
purpose") of the type N plasma (Ch. IX - When working . . . the research template) [2008 - Text reassigned to
Horace & Talitha].
1. At once I am here . . . without an indication of consort (6.82 KB).
Narrator: TBD
A Time & A Place (Setting): Washington, D.C.
Primary (active, subject) Ch: Horace Tolstoy.
Secondary (inactive, object) Ch: Talitha Thledvirrson.
Tertiary (referenced, en passant) Ch: Jasmine Meringue.
Purpose: In a post-script to the Washington, D.C. segments, Jasmine, sent by her grandfather,
Menard, returns Horace's talisman to him while he is having an argument with Talitha.
Method (narrative, process, genre): Domestic surrealism.
Relevance/Transition: Several projects, such as the Ergonaut and Trombone Society, are hastily
appended as riders to the sketch . . .