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Chapter 16/17 Test CP
Match each item with its description below.
a. poll tax
b. grandfather clause
c. Jim Crow
d. Plessy v. Ferguson
e. lynching
laws that exempted men from voting restrictions
system of legal discrimination
a fee that must be paid before voting
the murder of an accused person by a mob without a lawful trial
decision legalizing segregation
Match each term with its description below.
a. arbitration
b. jingoism
c. sphere of influence
d. Open Door Policy
arrangement providing the United States equal access to China’s consumers
settlement of a dispute by a person or panel chosen to listen to both sides and come to a decision
aggressive foreign policy influenced by intense national pride
area of economic and political control
Complete each sentence by writing the letter of the correct place in the blank provided. You will not use all
the place names.
a. San Juan Hill
b. the Philippine Islands
c. Cuba
d. Hawaii
____ 10. Guerrillas on the island nation of ____ rebelled against Spanish rule.
____ 11. The Spanish-American War began in 1898, in ____, when the United States launched a surprise attack on
Spanish ships in Manila Bay.
____ 12. The Rough Riders made ____ the site of a famous incident of the Spanish-American War.
____ 13. The United States annexed ____ in 1898.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 14. Public schools played an important role in
a. teaching religion.
b. helping immigrant children assimilate.
c. training women for the workplace.
d. decreasing literacy.
____ 15. W.E.B. Du Bois argued that African Americans should educate themselves so they could
a. assimilate into white culture.
b. provide leadership in the fight for civil rights.
c. learn a trade.
d. win acceptance from white politicians.
____ 16. What did Booker T. Washington tell his students to focus on in school?
a. political equality
b. leadership skills
c. economic security
d. philosophy
____ 17. Which of the following was a major economic argument for expansion?
a. The United States needed new markets for its goods.
b. Many United States industries were short of labor.
c. Foreign goods were often superior to American products.
d. Americans needed the respect of foreign countries.
____ 18. Which was a result of the Spanish-American War?
a. Cuba became a Spanish protectorate.
b. Puerto Rico and Guam were made U.S. territories.
c. Spain admitted it had blown up the Maine.
d. The Philippines won independence from foreign rule.
____ 19. Why was the Open Door Policy important to the United States?
a. It gave the United States territory in China.
b. It gave the United States access to millions of consumers in China.
c. It increased Chinese investments in the United States.
d. It kept European goods out of China.
____ 20. What connection was made between imperialism and the American frontier?
a. Imperialism would help close the frontier.
b. Closing the frontier would spur competition.
c. Imperialism would offer Americans a new frontier.
d. Imperialism would make the world more like the United States.
____ 21. Under imperialism, the stronger nation attempts to
a. dominate a weaker country.
b. sell its products to a weaker country.
c. create an empire.
d. all of the above.
____ 22. The Monroe Doctrine and social Darwinism contributed to
a. European imperialism.
b. American expansionism.
c. industrial growth.
d. financial panic and depression.
____ 23. The United States annexed the Midway Islands to set up
a. cotton plantations.
b. a naval refueling and repair station.
c. markets for food and other goods.
____ 24.
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
____ 30.
d. a farm-machine factory.
The banana republics of Central America were
a. controlled by American business interests.
b. annexed by the United States in 1867.
c. popular with American tourists.
d. invaded by several European nations in the late 1800s.
Americans sided with the Cuban rebels against Spain as a result of
a. the charge up San Juan Hill.
b. the Platt Amendment.
c. the Treaty of Paris.
d. yellow journalism.
As a result of the peace treaty with Spain, the United States gained
a. Honduras, Colombia, and Cuba.
b. the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico.
c. Mexico, Venezuela, and Chile.
d. Samoa, the Philippines, and Hawaii.
Most of the credit for the American victory in the Spanish-American War was earned by
a. the Army.
c. the Rough Riders.
b. the Navy.
d. the Navy and the Rough Riders.
All of the following developments led to war with Spain in 1898 EXCEPT
a. the sinking of the MAINE.
b. the Yellow Press.
c. the DeLome letter.
d. Spanish interference with American trade.
All of the following were conditions of the Platt Amendment except that Cuba
a. could not make treaties with foreign powers.
b. could not impose tariffs on U.S. imports.
c. had to sell or lease land to the U.S. military.
d. had to permit the United States to oversee Cuban political affairs.
e. none of the above
Spanish minister to Washington, Depuy de Lome outraged U.S. public opinion when he
a. ordered the execution of Cuban rebels.
b. ordered the attack on the U.S. battleship Maine.
c. supported terrorist attacks on the United States.
d. raped an American woman.
e. insulted President McKinley.
Chapter 16/17 Test CP
Answer Section
1. ANS:
2. ANS:
3. ANS:
4. ANS:
5. ANS:
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 565
TOP: Jim Crow | Racial discrimination | Grandfather clause
16.3.1—Probe the kinds of discrimination encountered by African Americans after Reconstruction.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 565
TOP: Jim Crow | Racial discrimination
16.3.1—Probe the kinds of discrimination encountered by African Americans after Reconstruction.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 565
TOP: Poll tax | Racial discrimination | Jim Crow
16.3.1—Probe the kinds of discrimination encountered by African Americans after Reconstruction.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 566
TOP: Lynching | Jim Crow | Racial discrimination
16.3.1—Probe the kinds of discrimination encountered by African Americans after Reconstruction.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 566
TOP: Segregation | Racial discrimination | Jim Crow
16.3.1—Probe the kinds of discrimination encountered by African Americans after Reconstruction.
6. ANS:
7. ANS:
8. ANS:
9. ANS:
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 596
TOP: Economics | Open Door Policy
17.2.4—Learn why the United States sought to gain influence in the Pacific.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 590
TOP: Arbitration | Spanish-American War
17.2.1—Read about United States activities in Latin America that set the stage for war with Spain.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 591
TOP: Spanish-American War | Jingoism
17.2.1—Read about United States activities in Latin America that set the stage for war with Spain.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 596
TOP: Economics | Politics
17.2.4—Learn why the United States sought to gain influence in the Pacific.
10. ANS:
11. ANS:
12. ANS:
13. ANS:
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 590
TOP: Spanish-American War | Cuba
17.2.2—Find out about events leading up to and following the Spanish-American War.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 592
TOP: Spanish-American War
17.2.2—Find out about events leading up to and following the Spanish-American War.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 592
TOP: Spanish-American War
17.2.2—Find out about events leading up to and following the Spanish-American War.
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 595
TOP: Hawaii | Pacific
17.2.4—Learn why the United States sought to gain influence in the Pacific.
14. ANS: B
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 553
OBJ: 16.1.1
TOP: Public education | Assimilation
NOT: 16.1.1—Learn how and why public schools expanded during the late 1800s.
15. ANS: B
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 556
OBJ: 16.1.3
TOP: Higher education | African Americans
NOT: 16.1.3—Discover the views of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois regarding African
American education.
16. ANS: C
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 556
OBJ: 16.1.3
TOP: Booker T. Washington | Education
NOT: 16.1.3—Discover the views of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois regarding African
American education.
17. ANS: A
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 587
OBJ: 17.1.2
TOP: Economics | American imperialism
NOT: 17.1.2—Learn about the ways in which the United States began to expand its interests abroad in the
18. ANS: B
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 593
OBJ: 17.2.3
TOP: Spanish-American War
NOT: 17.2.3—Discover challenges faced by the United States after the war.
19. ANS: B
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 596
OBJ: 17.2.4
TOP: Open Door Policy
NOT: 17.2.4—Learn why the United States sought to gain influence in the Pacific.
20. ANS: C
PTS: 1
DIF: Easy
REF: 584–590
OBJ: 17.1.3
TOP: American imperialism
NOT: 17.1.3—See the arguments made in favor of United States expansion in the 1890s.
21. ANS: D
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 584–585
OBJ: 17.1.1
TOP: Economics | American imperialism
NOT: 17.1.1—Find out about the factors that led to the growth of imperialism around the world.
22. ANS: B
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 585–586
OBJ: 17.1.2
TOP: American expansionism
NOT: 17.1.2—Learn about the ways in which the United States began to expand its interests abroad in the
23. ANS: B
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 586
OBJ: 17.1.2
TOP: American imperialism
NOT: 17.1.2—Learn about the ways in which the United States began to expand its interests abroad in the
24. ANS: A
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 587
OBJ: 17.1.2
TOP: American imperialism
NOT: 17.1.2—Learn about the ways in which the United States began to expand its interests abroad in the
25. ANS: D
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 590
OBJ: 17.2.2
TOP: Spanish-American War | Cuban rebels
NOT: 17.2.2—Find out about events leading up to and following the Spanish-American War.
26. ANS: B
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: 593
OBJ: 17.2.2
TOP: Spanish-American War
NOT: 17.2.2—Find out about events leading up to and following the Spanish-American War.
27. ANS: D
PTS: 1
DIF: Medium
REF: 513
OBJ: 19.3
TOP: Spanish-American War
28. ANS: D
PTS: 1
DIF: Medium
REF: 512
29. ANS:
30. ANS:
TOP: Spanish-American War
PTS: 1
DIF: Average
REF: p. 669
PTS: 1
REF: p. 663
DIF: Average