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Sium 1
Angelica L.
Linnaeus, Sp. pl.: 250 (1753).
hapaxanthic herbs, glabrous or papillose. Leaves bipinnate, with a broad, saccate sheath. Umbels convex to
globose. Flowers with non-radiating, acuminate, partly translucent petals, having a pointed or folded apex without an
incision. Fruit dorsiventrally ± flattened; carpophore filiform, divided. Mericarps with 3 central ridges and 2 lateral
Chromosome base number x=11; diploids in Norden.
Petiole with an adaxial groove; all ultimate leaflets with lower sinuses reaching the midvein; the central
rays of the umbels distinctly shorter than the lateral ones; mericarps rather thin, with vittae visible on
surface ................................................................................................................................... 1. A. sylvestris
Petiole without an adaxial groove; at least some ultimate leaflets with lower sinuses reaching only halfway
to the midvein; all rays of the umbels of about equal length; mericarps thick, no vittae visible on surface 2.
A. archangelica
1. Angelica sylvestris L.
Linnaeus, Sp. pl.: 250 (1753). – Type: Clifford Herbarium 97, Angelica 2 (BM) lectotype, sel. by Reduron & Jarvis, Taxon 41:
557 (1992)2.
D Angelik. F karhunputki. Fa bakkasløkja. I geithvönn. N sløkje. S strätta.
(short-lived hapaxanth). To 150(–200) cm, more or less scentless; taproot 8–20 mm thick. Stem
hollow; basal part 5–11(–17) mm thick, usually terete, sometimes red-violet, glabrous, usually glaucous; upper
internodes terete to indistinctly sulcate, densely papillose with long papillae. Leaves 2–4 at the base and 3–6 on the
stem, the innermost basal one usually the largest; sheath often red-violet, 2.5–4 cm; petiole 14–26(–33) cm, with an
adaxial groove (continuing into the rachis); blade 12–32 × 8–24 cm (length/width ratio 1–1.5), often papillose on both
sides (with longer papillae above), lower side usually slightly glaucous. Primary leaflets 3–4(–5) pairs; angle
leaflet/rachis 40–50°. Ultimate leaflets 1-pinnatifid, usually with one pair of lobes (most leaflets of a leaf-blade with
sinuses reaching the midvein); petiolule 0.6–3.5(–4.8) cm; blade (2.8–)4.4–11 × (2.6–)4–10.4 cm (length/width ratio
0.9–1.3); margin not swelled, usually papillose, and serrate to indistinctly doubly serrate (usually with acuminate
teeth); base shortly attenuate to cordate; apices of lobes acuminate to obtuse. Apical lobe 2.5–9 × 1.6–3.6(–4.6) cm,
with a length/width ratio of 1.5–2.8(–3.3).
Umbels convex, 4–7 cm high and 8.5–17 cm wide; peduncle 6–14 cm; rays ± straight, (3.3–)5.4–10 cm, densely
papillose all around (rarely only on the adaxial side). Bracts 0–6. Umbellules (15–)19–50(–56); pedicels 0.8–1.7 cm,
usually densely papillose all around (rarely only on the adaxial side). Bractlets (6–)8–16, persistent, (2.5–)4–12 × 0.2–
0.6(–0.8) mm, papillose. Flowers 22–52(–66) per umbellule; sepals 0–0.2 mm; petals white or pink, 1.1–2 × 0.7–1.2
mm, apex acuminate; filaments 2–3.7 mm; anthers 0.4–0.6 mm. Fruit oblong to almost rectangular in outline,
dorsiventrally distinctly flattened. Mericarps 3.8–6 × 2.5–4.8 × 0.7–1.2 mm (length/width ratio 1–1.6); ridges light
brown, the dorsal ones low, close to each other, the lateral ones developed as 0.6–1.5 mm wide wings (measured from
the lateral veins); valleculae narrow, each with one dark brown vitta visible on the surface; pericarp thin, not detached
from the endocarp at maturity; stylopodium flattened, 0.6–0.9 mm wide; style 1–1.5(–2) mm, directed outwards to
OBS vi använder ”long-/short-lived hapaxanth”, men har valt bort monocarpic/polycarpic, för att inte trassla till det
med ”perennial”-begreppet (termlistan ger enbart ”flerårig” som förklaring till perennial). Vi fick ge upp det där. I det
här läget kan man undvika ”perennial” för att det ska bli klart. Hur man sen gör på arterna får övervägas…;)
BJ: Typ endast föreslagen; kolla om den är giltig
LARS: Detta blir oklart relativt archangelica och den text du satt på släktet, där stod det ”monocarpic” generellt; är
sylvestris monokarp eller ej? Den är 2-årig till kortlivad monokarp; text justerad/LF
Vi införde ”short-lived hapaxanth” för att täcka in de många som ofta tar mer än två år på sig, så jag har strukit
Sök på hapaxanth* och monocarp* så det blir konsekvent hanterat MAGDALENA
Sium 2
deflexed. – Mid-summer to late summer.
2n=22 (S Sk 2, Vg, F A, V 2, U).4 [2n=22]
Distribution. Nem–NBor (LAlp). N 1100 m. – D common to fairly common throughout (less so in western Jylland).
N common to fairly common, but scattered to rare in VFi and ØFi. S common to fairly common, but rare in LL and TL
(reaching the low-alpine zone) and in northern Nb. F common to fairly common north to Ks and southern PeP, further
north rare; casual in InL5. Fa common. I common to scattered along the coasts and in the lowlands. – Map xxx.
Europe (except parts of the Mediterranean), W Siberia.
Habitat. Rather shaded to sun-exposed on moist or mesic, nutrient rich, mull-rich soil. Woodland (e.g. along rivers and
creeks), fens, overgrown pastures and meadows, seashores; also roadsides, ditches and moist fields. Favoured by slight
Biology. Life span may vary beween 2 and 5 years (Reduron 2007). The seeds are spread both with wind and water.
Variation. Angelica sylvestris is quite variable in leaf characters. The papillae are poorly developed or even absent in
some populations (occurring both in coastal and mountain localities); complete leaves or floral parts may be needed to
distinguish such plants from A. archangelica. Some coastal populations may resemble A. archangelica in having
broader leaflets with more coarsely serrate margins, and stems and leaves of a more whitish green colour; they have
been named var. elatior Wahlenb. or var. maior Hartm. However, since the morphological delimitation is fairly vague
and the populations differ much, they are not taxonomically recognized here; the deviation is probably partly due to
plastic responses to drier conditions.
Similar taxa. Sterile specimens of Angelica sylvestris may be similar to A. archangelica, but can be distinguished by
key characters and usually (though they are sometimes indistinct or lacking) by the papillae on leaf margins and veins.
– Heracleum sphondylium differs from both in having bristles on stems and petioles, leaves divided only once, petals
which are usually emarginate and not translucent, and mericarps with clavate vittae. – Laserpitium latifolium has solid
stems, palmately veined leaflets (pinnately veined in Angelica), umbels with several bracts, and mericarps with 4
wings. – Aegopodium podagraria has a creeping rhizome, unequally bipinnate leaves with 1–2 pairs of primary leaflets
(± equally bipinnate in Angelica). – Ligusticum scoticum has glabrous stems and rays, leaflets with the proximal 1/2–
1/3 of the margin entire (serrate-crenate ± to the base in Angelica), and emarginate petals which are not translucent. –
See also Levisticum officinale and Peucedanum ostruthium.
2. Angelica archangelica L.
Linnaeus, Sp. pl.: 250 (1753). – Type: Linnaean Herbarium 354.1 (LINN) lectotype, sel. by Reduron, Nordic J. Bot. 22: 83
F väinönputki. Fa hvonn. N kvann. S kvanne.
Literature. Ojala 1984, Thellung 1926, Weinert 1973.
Hemicryptophyte (long-lived hapaxanth). To 130(–200) cm, with a ± strong aromatic scent (see subspecies); taproot
often at least 35 mm thick.7 Stem hollow; basal part 9–18 mm thick, terete to slightly sulcate, pale greenish or
sometimes red-violet, slightly glaucous; upper internodes terete to slightly sulcate, glabrous to sparsely papillose, with
short papillae. Leaves 4 at the base and 4 on the stem, the innermost basal one the largest; sheath often red-violet, 4.5–9
cm long; petiole 11–26(–40) cm, terete, without an adaxial groove (but there usually is one on the main rachis); blade
Kromosomtal inlagt från Lövkvist & Hultgård, Uotila & Pellinen (0 i Engelskjøn)/LF
FINNISH REVIEWERS: if relevant add localities and means of introduction (not known by author)
Vi numrerar bara hänvisningarna inom samma släkte, resten är man ändå tvungen att slå upp I registret. Vi skulle haft
allt i bokstavsordning… 
OK nytt förslag, det går ju inte att stryka måttet när mått ges på andra arten men ”45 mm” lär sällan stämma, och ”bis
armdick” torde kunna vara snarare 70 mm. OK /LF
En arm blir nog betydligt tjockare än 35 mm – jag föreslår strykning av måttet (”thick taproot” duger). OK/LF
“Up to 35 mm thick taproot”, eller rot tjockare? (“Grundachse bis armdick” enligt Thellung 1926); justeras/LF
En arm blir nog betydligt tjockare än 35 mm – jag föreslår strykning av måttet (”thick taproot” duger).
Sium 3
18–35(–60) × 20–28(–60) cm8 (length/width ratio 0.9–1.1), glabrous, lower side glaucous or not (see subspecies).
Primary leaflets 2–3 pairs, angle leaflet/rachis 40–55°. Ultimate leaflets 1-pinnatifid, with 1(–2) pairs of acuminate to
obtuse lobes; petiolule 1–5.5 cm; blade 6.5–13 × 8–17 cm (length/width ratio 0.7–1.3); margin usually not papillose,
± swelled, usually indistinctly doubly serrate with acute to acuminate teeth; base shortly attenuate to cordate; at least
some ultimate leaflets with shallow sinuses (reaching only halfway to the midvein). Apical lobe 4.5–10 × (2.2–)3.2–7.5
cm (length/width ratio 1.2–2.7).
Umbels globose, 10–14 cm across; peduncle 10–13 cm; rays ± straight, 4.7–6.4 cm, ± papillose all around or only
on the adaxial side9. Bracts 0–8. Umbellules 22–54; pedicels 0.9–1.5 cm, ± papillose all around (rarely only on the
adaxial side)10. Bractlets 2–13, persistent, glabrous or papillose (size see subspecies). Flowers 34–68 per umbellule;
sepals 0–0.2 mm; petals 1–1.9 × 0.7–1.4 mm (excluding the 0.2–0.5 mm long tip); filaments 2.2–4.2 mm; anthers 0.6–
0.8 mm. Fruit oblong, broadly oblong or almost rectangular in outline, not or slightly dorsiventrally flattened.
Mericarps 4.3–7.4 × 3–6 × 1.1–2.2 mm, with a length/width ratio of 1.1–1.6(–2); ridges straw-coloured, the dorsal ones
low to high, not very close to each other, the lateral ones developed as 0.2–0.9 mm wide wings measured from the
lateral veins; vittae numerous, surrounding the endocarp, not visible on the surface; pericarp thick, detached from the
endocarp at maturity; stylopodium flattened, 0.9–1.5 mm wide; style 1–2 mm, directed outwards to deflexed. – Early
summer to mid-summer.
2n=22 (S Sk 3, F U 3, EH).11 [2n=22]
Distribution. Native to the area, but also cultivated, escaped and naturalized both in the Scandes and in the lowlands. 12
– D mainly along the coasts, scattered to fairly common in eastern Jylland and the eastern islands, scattered to rare in
western Jylland and Limfjorden. N in the Scandes common, but rare in NT; along the coast rather common, with some
interruptions from SF to NT; in the north also in inland lowlands. S in the Scandes common to fairly common from
northern Dlr to southwestern Jmt, and from LyL to TL, rare to absent in northern Jmt and ÅsL; in the lowlands common
to fairly common along the coasts from northern BhG to western Sk, from northern Klm to northern Upl and in Nb;
scattered to rare from southern Sk to central Bl, in northern Öl, western Gtl and Ång Nora; inland localities in, e.g., Sk
Öved, Dls Gunnarsnäs (field), Vrm Forshaga (farm), Srm Björnlunda (local community house), ÅsL/Vb along Vojmån
and Vindelälven, and Nb along Kalix älv and Torne älv (see further under the subspecies). F fairly common to
scattered in InL, EnL and SoL, rare in KiL and PeP; along the coast scattered from PeP to northern OP, and from
southern KP to St, fairly common from A to EK; also EH Somerniemi (inland). Fa fairly common. I fairly common on
the whole island. – Map xxx.
Native to N and NE Europe, southern Greenland, N and C Siberia, and Himalaya; grown as a spice and vegetable
since ancient time.
Habitat. On moist or mesic, nutrient rich, mouldy, peaty or sandy soil, in sun-exposed to rather shaded sites; late
snowbeds, streams, wet meadows, rocky slopes, riversides, sandy, gravelly or rocky seashores, and birdcliffs. Favoured
by slight overgrowth. See further under the subspecies.
Biology. All flowers of the primary and secondary umbels are bisexual, or secondary umbels with both bisexual and
male flowers (tertiary umbels are hardly developed). The flowers are partly self-compatible (Ojala 1986).
Since the endosperm and perisperm are detached from each other when the seed ripens, they have an air-filled
interspace, which enable the seeds to float. They are probably spread mainly with water (Ojala 1984), e.g. along coasts
and rivers, and perhaps also in the mountains by water from melted snow. However, wind-spreading may also occur.
Seeds from primary umbels have a significantly higher germination rate than seeds from secondary umbels; many of
LARS: här hade måtten ändrats sen min fil (maxmåtten), förut var det 18–35  20–28 (men length/width ratio är som
förut) – det är inte möjligen extremfall som tillkommit? Justerat (jag lade till värden mätta i fält, men bör väl hålla
dessa inom parentes?/LF
THOMAS, hur gör man bäst?
Är det väsentligt för bestämning? Annars verkar tillägget överflödigt Det är ovanligt med behåring runtom
flockstrålarna , varför jag gärna ger denna extra kommentar/LF
pedicels ± papillose, longest ones 0.9–1.5 cm (är det så det menas?) Ja, text justerad; tillägg av papillers fördelning
runt flockstrålar och blomskaft (även på A. sylvestris)/LF
Kromosomtal inlagt från Lövkvist & Hultgård, Uotila & Pellinen (0 i Engelskjøn)/LF
Ur filen jag hade, jag tycker det är bättre:
Native to the area, but also cultivated and escaped (see subsp. archangelica). Problemet är att det som odlas ofta kan
vara intermediärer, varför kommentaren bör stå här/LF (odlingsorsaker flyttade till allmän utbredning)
Sium 4
the seeds that do not germinate lack an embryo (Ojala 1985).
Variation and taxonomy. The fruits vary quite extensively in both size, shape and characteristics of the ridges, but it
has not been possible to subdivide the whole Nordic material according to fruit characters only (many specimens lack
ripe fruits, many intermediates occur, and even within populations there may be extensive variation in fruit characters,
e.g. in S Hl Särö and Nb Pajala). Traditionally, Angelica archangelica has been subdivided into two taxa in Norden,
one distributed in the mountains (subsp. archangelica, characterized by long bractlets and large fruits with acute
ridges) and one distributed on seashores (subsp. litoralis (Fr.) Agardh, with short bractlets and small fruits with
rounded ridges); however, specimens have usually been classified based on habitat only. A comprehensive
investigation of the taxonomy of the species in Norway indicated correlation of habitat and fruit morphology in the
south but not in the northern parts (Mehus 1970). Generally, the fruits are larger in subsp. archangelica than in subsp.
litoralis, and several further characters can be applied to separate the taxa (see descriptions).
A. archangelica is unevenly distributed in Norden, with large distribution gaps in the inlands of southern and central
F, and southern S. There is also a smaller, but distinct gap in S northern Jmt, ÅsL, and N NT. Subsp. archangelica
occurs scattered in most of the distribution area of the species, but seems to be rather common in the northern parts
(S LL, TL, N Tr and F EnL). Subsp. litoralis, on the other hand, is mainly restricted to the southern coasts where it,
however, occurs sympatrically with subsp. archangelica in several provinces. Intermediates occur throughout the
distribution area, but seem to be less common in the northern parts. A. archangelica has also been cultivated for a very
long time especially in the mountains. Most of the specimens studied that derive from cultivation are intermediates
between the subspecies. It has been suggested that A. archangelica immigrated into Norden from the northeast after the
last glaciation, and then differentiated into the two subspecies (Mehus 1970). However, since both subspecies occur in
NW Russia, subsp. litoralis e.g. along the White Sea and subsp. archangelica e.g. on the Kola Peninsula, it seems more
plausible that both subspecies of A. archangelica have immigrated from the east, but along different paths. Subsp.
litoralis, with Nordic distribution only in the southern coastal districts in Norden, may have immigrated along a
southern path. Subsp. archangelica, occurring both in the south and in parts of the Scandes, may have immigrated both
along a southern and a northern path; this could also explain the distribution gap in central S and N. The fact that
intermediates seem to be more frequent south of the gap than north of it, supports the idea of these migration paths.
Later cultivation of the species may have altered earlier distribution ranges further.
Similar taxa see Angelica sylvestris (1).
2A. subsp. archangelica
Angelica officinalis Moench (1794).
F väinönputki. N fjellkvann. S fjällkvanne.
Plant with an aromatic taste, not glaucous. Stem and petioles rather easily compressed. Apical leaflet elongated
(length/width ratio 1.5–2.7). Bractlets 8–13, 4–18 × 0.3–1(–1.5) mm. Flowers with green-grey to olive-green petals.
Fruit with 6–9 × 4–6 mm large mericarps; median ridges with a keeled edge.
Distribution and habitat. Probably native both in the lowlands (mainly on seashores) and in the mountains (e.g.
brooks and rivers, mainly in Betula woodland).
Lowland distribution: D NJy Læsø, ØJy Anholt, Randers (inland beside river) and Harnug (mill), FyL Odense, LFM
south Lolland, Sjæ 4 localities in the northern part. N Øf Hvaler and Fredrikstad, Ak Asker and Eidsvoll (lake shore),
He Ringsaker (brook), Te Kragerø, Ro Hå, Ho Stord and Voss, SF Eid (inland), MR Haram, SNo Brønnøy, NNo Saltdal
(valley), and from NNo Narvik to VFi Alta, and Nordkapp, ØFi Kirkenes. S BhG Göteborg area 5 localities, Sk mainly
on the western coast from Torekov to Gässie, Östra Vemmenhög on the southern coast, and Billeberga (inland), Bl
Edestad (Skaftö), Klm Misterhult (Blå Jungfrun) and Västervik, Öl Borgholm, Gtl Visby and Lummelunda, Ög
Jonsberg, from Srm Torö to Upl Österlövsta, Hls Los (inland, saw mill and brook), Vb Degerfors Nb 6 localities (inland
in the northern part), ÅsL Vilhelmina. F A Föglö, from V Turku to EK Kotka, EP Mustasaari. Fa Eysteroy, Stremoy and
Suderoy. I scattered to rare along the coast (most frequent on the western side).
Mountain distribution: N Op central and northern parts, Bu Hol and Ål, Ho Ulvik, SF Lærdal, MR Sunndal, ST
Oppdal (Kongsvoll). S from Dlr Lima to Jmt Kolåsen, LyL 2 localities in the Tärna area, from LL Kvikkjokk to TL the
Torne Träsk area. F PeP Rovaniemi (Tolonen), Ks Salla, KiL Kolari (Äkäslompolo), SoL Savukoski (Martti) and
Sodankylä (Juutinmaa), InL Inari (Sotajoensuu) and Utsjoki (Könkäänpahta, Paksujalka), EnL Enontekiö several
localities in the central and northwestern parts. I IMi Arnafell. – Map xxx.
N and E Europe, Greenland and NW Asia. Other subspecies further east.
Sium 5
Variation. Specimens from populations in the mountain region generally have more elongated leaf-lobes than those in
the lowlands. – The name Angelica archangelica var. maiorum Faegri has been used in literature for populations with a
solid petiole (Lid & Lid 2005). However, no material assigned to that variety has been found. 1314
2B. subsp. litoralis (Fr.) Thell.
Thellung, Ill. Fl. Mitteleur. 5: 1342 (1926). – A. litoralis Fr. (1817). – Type: S Hl Söndrum (’Tylen’ = Tylösand) E. Fries (UPS)
lectotype, sel. by Fröberg.
D Strand-Kvan. F meriputki. I ætihvönn. N strandkvann. S strandkvanne.
Plant with a sharp taste, usually distinctly glaucous. 15 Stem and petioles hard. Apical leaflet rounded (length/width
ratio1.2–1.6). Bractlets 2–12, 2.5–5 × 0.2–0.4 mm. Flowers with white to greenish white petals. Fruit with 5–6.5 ×
3.5–4.5 mm large mericarps; median ridges with a rounded edge.
Distribution and habitat. [Nem–MBor.?]16 Native on the southern coasts, very few inland occurrences. Stony or
sandy seashores, seashore meadows; also rivers and ditches close to the sea. – D NJy Skagen, Gudum, ØJy Anholt, SJy
Rømø and Bredebro (on the western coast), and Haderslev (on the eastern coast), FyL northeastern Fyn 3 localities, and
Langeland 2 localities, LFM southern Lolland and Falster (one locality each), Sjæ from Jersie to Amager (on the
eastern coast), and in Sejerø and Mullerup (on the western coast), Brn Hasle. N along the coasts but not in the fjords;
from Øf Hvaler to VA Kristiansand, and from Ro Sola to Ho Bømlo, SF Solund, MR Haram, SNo Vega and Træna,
NNo Bodø, Steigen and Hadsel. S from BhG Tjärnö to Hl Värö, also Eftra and Söndrum, Sk on the western coast from
Torekov to Bunkeflo, Bl Mjällby (Listershuvud), Klm 3 localities near Oskarshamn, Öl Högby (Horn), Gtl 4 localities
on the western coast, and from Ög Gryt to Upl Gräsö; inland localities in Sk Bjärshög and SmI Tranås (riverside). F A
Lemland and Lumparland, from V Kustavi to EK Virolahti, and St Pori. – Records from I and Fa correspond to subsp.
archangelica. – Map xxx.
Endemic; outside Norden on the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany, and on the White Sea in NW Russia.
Norska granskare: finns herb-material av ”var. maiorum” (ej funnet av förf. i O, och finns ej i BG enligt D-O
Jag förstår inte /MA Eftersom jag inte sett något material av var. maiorum, stryker jag resonemanget/LF
OK MEN man undrar vad som avses:
om du inte sett något som tidigare bestämts till det
då borde det stå -> ”However, no material assigned to that variety has been found”,
eller om du inte hittat något material med ”solid petiole”
så borde det stå -> ”However, no such material has been seen” OK: However, no material assigned to that variety has
been found /LF
Bytt plats på karaktärerna i båda underarterna, bättre att ha en ”positiv” karaktär först än ”not / usually”-karaktär.
GRANSKARE: kolla koden
Angelica archangelica  sylvestris
S Sk Ystad? [kolla bestämning***] [LARS, MA: Kontrollbestämning måste göras och texten om archangelica  sylvestris måste
kompletteras före interngranskning.].
OBS om den finns i tryck måste den kommenteras!! Nej, mig veterligen aldrig publicerad /LF
Crithmum 6
References Angelica
Lid, J. & Lid, D.T. 2005: Norsk flora. Ed. 7 revised by R. Elven. Det norske samlaget, Oslo.
Mehus, H. 1970: Angelica archangelica L. i Norge, en systematiusk undersøkelse. Oslo university.
Ojala, A. 1984: Variation of Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica (Apiaceae) in northern Fennoscandia. 1.
Variation in fruit morphology. Ann. Bot. Fennici 21: 103–115.
Ojala, A. 1985: Variation of A. archangelica ssp. archangelica (Apiaceae) in northern Fennoscandia – Seed
dormancy and germination in A. archangelica ssp. archangelica. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 22: 53-62.
Ojala, A. 1986: Variation of A. archangelica ssp. archangelica (Apiaceae) in northern Fennoscandia – 3.
Interpopulational variation in reproductive and life-history characters. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 23: 11-21.
Thellung, A. 1926: Umbelliferae. In G. Hegi (ed.) Illustrierte Flora von Mitteleuropa 5: 926–1537. München.
Weinert, E. 1973: Die taxonomische Stellung und das Areal von Angelica archangelica L. und A. lucida L.
Feddes Repertiorum 84: 303–314.
Får stå såhär tillsvidare (ev. omskrivning efter interngranskningen).
Kvarstående problem. Jag har skickat påstötning till Bengt nu /LF
Lectotypifieringen har tyvärr komplicerats, eftersom Fries (1817) i sin beskrivning av A. litoralis citerar
Wahlenberg (1814), som tar upp “A. littoralis vel spuria” med en diagnos. Enligt Per Lassen är det en giltig
beskrivning, varför även material av Wahlenberg måste kollas vid val av typ. Jag har meddelat Bengt om
situationen och han har lovat att kolla efter Wahlenberg-material i UPS. /LF
Harald Mehus