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Data/hora: 09/06/2017 04:34:28
Provedor de dados: 5
País: France
Título: The Pitcairn hotspot in the South Pacific: distribution and composition of submarine
volcanic sequences
Autores: Hekinian, Roger; Cheminee, J; Dubois, J; Stoffers, P; Scott, S; Guivel, C; Garbe
Schonberg, D; Devey, C; Bourdon, B; Lackschewitz, K; Mcmmurtry, G; Le Drezen,
Data: 2003-03
Ano: 2003
Palavras-chave: Petrology; Volcanic sequences; Morphology; Volcanism; Hotspot.
Resumo: Multibeam bathymetry and bottom imaging (Simrad EM12D) studies on an area of about
9500 km(2) were conducted over the Pitcairn hotspot near 25degrees10'S, 129degrees
20'W In addition, 15 dives with the Nautile submersible enabled us to obtain ground-true
observations and to sample volcanic structures on the ancient ocean crust of the Farallon
Plate at 3500-4300 in depths. More than 100 submarine volcanoes overprint the ancient
crust and are divided according to their size into large ( > 2000 in in height),
intermediate (500-2000 in high) and small ( < 500 in high) edifices. The interpretation
of seafloor backscatter imagery accompanied by submersible observations and sampling
enabled us to infer that the total volume of submarine lava erupted during hotspot activity
is about 5900 km 3 within a radius of about 110 km. The most recent volcanic activities
occur on both small and large edifices composed of a great variety of lava flows. These
flows vary in composition, following a succession from picritic basalt to alkali basalt,
trachybasalt, trachy-andesite and to trachyte. Their large range of SiO2 (48-62%),
Na2O+K2O (2-11%), Ba (300-1300 ppm), MgO (1-11%), Nb (19-130 ppm), Ni (4-400
ppm) and rare earth elements suggests that crystal-liquid fractionation from basanite
and/or picritic melt sources was a major process. The variation in composition between
the least evolved basaltic rocks and the other more evolved silicic lava is marked by a
difference in their flow morphology (pillow, giant tubes, tabular to blocky flows). The
lava composition and field observation indicate that several magmatic pulses giving rise
to cyclic eruptions are responsible for the construction of the edifices. The two larger
edifices ( > 2000 in high) show more extensive eruptive events and a wider range in
compositional variability than the smaller (< 500 in high) ones. Several (five)
submersible transects made along the slope of one of the largest edifices (Bounty) enabled
us to observe at least nine successive eruptive cycles progressing from pillow and giant
tubular basalt to tabular/blocky trachy-andesite and trachyte flows. Pyroclasts and
hyaloclastites are often found with these eruptive sequences. The smaller edifices,
forming individualized cones, are built mainly of evolved Silicic (SiO2 > 53%) flows
consisting essentially of alternating sequences of trachy-andesite and trachyte. The
distribution and composition of the small edifices suggest that they are the result of
sub-crustal forceful magma injection and channeling supplied from reservoirs associated
with the large volcanoes.
Tipo: Text
Idioma: Inglês
Editor: Elsevier
Formato: application/pdf
Fonte: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research (0377-0273) (Elsevier), 2003-03 , Vol.
121 , N. 3-4 , P. 219-245
Fonte: 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved