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The Life Path Report for
Nelson Mandela
July 18, 1918
3:00 PM
Umtata, South Africa
Precision Vision
2858 Avenue du Grand Défends,
83700 Boulouris, France
Telephone: +33 6 09 52 05 64
Most people are familiar with their Sun sign based on the month and day of birth. The Sun sign
answers the question, "What's your sign?" It is the reference point that is employed when we read
newspaper and magazine horoscopes. But what about the nine other heavenly bodies that make their
influence felt in our lives? These planets were also in a particular sign of the zodiac when you were born.
Here is where Astrology really begins to come alive for each individual. This report will take you on a
revealing journey as you travel through each interpretation based on your unique month, day, and year of
birth. If your birth time was included, then the Rising sign will add yet another dimension to your
personal horoscope interpretation. If it is not included because you don't have an accurate time of birth,
there is still much useful and insightful personal information that can be gleaned from your report.
This report takes into account the various spiritual and psychological implications, as well as the
material plane potentials which are part of your individual life plan. In this case the word potential is used
because you have been given a certain amount of free will and the life choices that you make will
determine to a large extent the level at which these cosmic energies actually play themselves out. Use this
report to find confirmation for what you already feel intuitively and to unlock the door for new life
possibilities that you may not have yet considered. This is where the strength and real value of your
personal Astrological report is found.
Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the
benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
Positions of Planets at Birth:
25 Can 04
20 Sco 18
Mercury 16 Leo 08
22 Gem 35
12 Lib 35
1 Can 10
15 Leo 02
26 Aqu 56
6 Leo 23
5 Can 32
N. Node 20 Sag 32
25 Sag 02
7 Vir 37
2nd cusp 20 Cap 07
3rd cusp 13 Aqu 48
5th cusp 18 Ari 54
6th cusp 25 Tau 42
Tropical Koch Standard time observed
GMT: 13:00:00 Time Zone: 2 hours East
Lat. and Long. of birth: 31 S 24 40 28 E 47
Aspects and orbs:
Conjunction : 7 Deg 00 Min
Opposition : 5 Deg 00 Min
: 5 Deg 00 Min
: 5 Deg 00 Min
: 4 Deg 00 Min
Chapter 1: The Ascendant
The precise time on the day of your birth determines your particular Ascendant, also known as your
Rising Sign. This was the zodiac sign that was rising over the horizon when you were born. In addition to
your Sun and Moon Sign, the Rising Sign reveals very important traits that make up a major part of your
personality and your individual approach to life. This is usually the impression you like to make before
you really get to know someone; it is your outer personality and image.
Sagittarius Rising:
There is a distinct part of your outer personality that expresses itself very much like a Sagittarius. You
are adventurous, future-oriented and you speak the truth regardless of what others would rather hear.
Since this was the sign of the zodiac that was rising over the horizon at your time of birth, the
principle of Sagittarius--broadened horizons--will be integrated into almost every area of life in some
Jupiter is your chart ruler. To discover even more about what's a priority for you, and also, the first
impression you make on others, read everything in the chapter on Jupiter.
Venus Conjunct or in hard aspect to Asc.:
You are a naturally attractive person and other people find it easy to relate to you. The image you
project is very important to you and you will usually invest whatever time and effort you feel necessary
on grooming, the right clothes, etc. You do this because you may feel more than just a hint of chronic
dissatisfaction with yourself. Even at your absolute best, you still feel as though there's room for
Uranus in soft aspect to Asc.:
You're a character. At least that's the first impression other people get. Even within the confines of a
group, you stand out as unique in some way. When all is said and done, your will is the last word. You
have an unpredictable streak in you and other people find you exciting because they never know for sure
what you'll do or say next.
Chapter 2: The Sun
The placement of the Sun in your chart will show you how (the sign) and in which area of life (the
house) tremendous potential exists for you. Here is where you want to be successful. The Sun cannot be
ignored. We must meet and deal with the area of life that the Sun shines on in our chart in order find
ultimate fulfillment. Everything revolves around the Sun. When you master whatever issues the Sun
points to, then other areas of life will proceed in a more balanced and satisfactory manner. The Sun also
represents: your own will, major goals, the father, men in your life, children, creativity, and the real inner
Sun in Cancer:
You are sensitive, sympathetic and feeling. Many Cancer people have a natural affinity for anything
home related. Therefore, their homes and security are of primary importance to their basic happiness. A
sense of self protectiveness and the nurturing of others is an instinctive ability.
You will definitely hang onto a cause when your heart is in it. As there is hardly an instinct stronger
than that of the mother protecting her young, Cancer people will also tenaciously protect those they care
for as well as themselves. If we broaden this principle we can include patriotism and love of country. As a
result you can be among the bravest signs in the zodiac.
Your feelings may at times be easily wounded. Like your zodiac symbol the crab, you will either snap
back unexpectedly or you'll choose to take refuge inside your protective shell. You're sometimes touchy
and moody because as a sign ruled by the Moon which waxes and wanes, your emotions often shift from
high to low.
You may also be drawn to objects which contain sentimental value or represent fond memories. The
past and anything related to it holds a special appeal for you. History whether global or personal may be
of great interest to you. Take care not to become too enmeshed in the past because opportunities for
moving forward may pass you by.
Sun in 8th house:
Your personal fulfillment is reinforced by experiencing a complete transformation in one or more
areas of life. This can stimulate an interest in metaphysical pursuits or the "mysteries of life."
At least one deeply intimate bonding experience with another person will occur. Avoid the temptation
to get into control and/or obsessive behavior patterns.
This placement can also put a strong focus on other people's money. The resources of the marriage
partner, inheritance, banking and taxes are some of the various possibilities.
There is a side to you that can be intense, secretive and highly emotional. You don't like losing and
you can go to great lengths to manipulate situations so that you get what you want eventually. Giving up
just doesn't feel natural to you.
Moon in soft aspect to Sun:
Confident and basically self-assured, you know how to work for and not against, yourself. Your life
goals are in sync with your emotional nature. You are basically well balanced and this aspect supports
favorable outcomes even during crisis times.
Mom and Dad were probably quite satisfied with their relationship when you were born. Of course
there's no telling how things eventually played out, but your earliest impression of relationships was most
likely a favorable one.
Chapter 3: The Moon
The Moon in your chart represents the past and points to an area of life (the house) where we function
out of instinctive awareness. Often we have a deep emotional need to do the things that the Moon's house
placement represents. Whenever insecurities arise and our feelings become involved, we tend to bring the
traits (the sign) of our Moon into play. The Moon is like our security blanket. It also represents: the home,
females in your life, the mother, nurturing others or being nurtured ourselves, as well as things related to
the domestic scene in general.
Moon in Scorpio:
You radiate an aura of mystery and power. You are also quite resourceful and very intense. You have
a need for deep intimate relationships and you can be fiercely loyal to those you care about.
You don't easily forget slights from others and you often have an emotional need for the satisfaction
that getting even brings to you.
Still waters run deep. You tend to keep your deepest emotions buried. This is probably due to the
fact that they are so powerful that they frighten even you! When you cannot repress your feelings any
longer, you will erupt like a volcano. But, this expression of emotions will bring the healing that you
Moon in 11th house:
You need groups of people and the support that friends and acquaintances offer. At the same time,
you have a need to maintain an emotional distance so that your independence is kept intact, as there is a
natural inclination toward yielding to the desires of the "group mind." Group associations often lack
permanence depending upon how strong your individual desire for freedom is.
Women in general may have some important bearing on the realization of your hopes and wishes.
Whether this influence manifests for good or ill remains to be seen.
Personal life aspirations and lofty ideals are subject to waxing and waning enthusiasm on your part.
Try giving yourself little pep talks when you're getting off track.
Mercury Conjunct or in hard aspect to Moon:
Your emotional states can be in conflict with your rational, logical thinking processes. An example of
this would be saying to yourself, "I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I can't help it."
You're restless and you have a lot of nervous energy that you find difficult to release constructively.
Make lists for yourself if you find short-term details slipping your mind.
Chapter 4: Mercury
Mercury is the planet of communication. It tells us about how we think and talk. You can gain insight
into your mode of gathering, processing and transmitting information from Mercury's placement in your
chart. Mercury also represents: transportation, the five senses, youth, reading, and writing.
Mercury in Leo:
You are creative, outspoken and you speak from the heart. You know how to use the power of words
to win the attention of your audience. Dramatic and often colorful self-expression is a talent employed by
some Mercury in Leo people as a way of persuading other people to give them the undivided attention
they desire.
Acceptance of opposing opinions may be difficult. Actually changing your own opinion about
something could be nearly impossible.
This placement is a plus for public speaking of any kind. You're probably a very good organizer too.
Mercury in 9th house:
Your mental capacities are expansive and flexible. This placement of Mercury supports an ability to
understand abstract concepts. Learning a foreign language could be easy for you.
You enjoy philosophical conversations and you like to share your knowledge with others. You see the
big picture and you may even have "prophetic visions" that accurately portray future trends.
Use the power of words to spread encouragement and hope.
Mars in soft aspect to Mercury:
You can talk your way out of trouble if you have to. Your mind is quick and your communications are
Last minute intuitive impulses usually turn out to be in your favor.
Saturn Conjunct or in hard aspect to Mercury:
You have a great ability to concentrate your mental abilities toward achieving the edge in the
workplace. You make a formidable, if not unbeatable opponent in a debate. Obstacles and challenges can
be overcome by sheer determination and focus.
Common sense and practicality can turn into suspicion and fear of the unknown, unless a conscious
effort is made to find a balance.
You sometimes censor your own communications which can give others the impression that you're
too serious or shy. If you feel held back by this, do some work on spontaneous self-expression. Try
taking a course in public speaking.
Chapter 5: Venus
Venus is the planet of relating to others, and thus is associated with love, attraction and socializing. In
a male's chart, Venus can provide clues about traits he finds attractive in females. In a female's chart, it
reveals something about how she relates to males. Venus is also the planet of material goodies and
sensual delights in all of their various forms. Venus also represents: money, harmonious conditions,
pleasurable activities, beauty, and the arts.
Venus in Gemini:
Friendly, social and verbally charming, you love light-hearted conversation and a variety of social
contacts. Geminis' love of variety has given this placement a reputation for fickleness. See how a
butterfly flits from flower to flower? That's often the Venus in Gemini approach. Your genuine interest
in other people makes you seem to be flirtatious to those who don't understand your need for social
contact. However, even though this placement may bring numerous relationships, you are quite capable of
settling down when you find someone who can match your need for mental stimulation and your
enjoyment of the diversity of life.
Venus in 6th house:
You actually derive a good deal of pleasure from the world of work and you are probably lucky
enough to find work that you enjoy. You enjoy feeling helpful and often this indicates a willingness to
participate in volunteer activities.
Any conflicts that arise with co-workers or employees should eventually work out to a harmonious
You have a soft spot for small animals, so it's not surprising when homeless "critters" gravitate to
your doorstep.
Uranus in soft aspect to Venus:
You'll probably experience more than your share of sudden attractions. You will also find that
highly unusual and independent people are drawn to you. Some of these relationships may end as
suddenly as they began, but these endings generally turn out to be for the best, even if it's difficult to
understand at the time.
Caution is advised before committing any of your personal resources to organizations that display a
dire need for your money. This isn't to say that you should never give to charitable causes; just do a little
research first.
Chapter 6: Mars
Mars is our planet of action, energy output, motivation, and instinctive biological drives. It shows
how and in which area of life you are willing to put forth a lot of effort. Mars' energy is quick, impulsive,
and survival oriented. In a male's chart, Mars reveals something about how he relates to females. In a
female's chart, Mars can provide clues about the traits she finds attractive in males. Mars also represents:
competitive situations, conflicts, accidents, and sexual energies.
Mars in Libra:
You are rational, adaptable and drawn toward other people. Mainly, you enjoy social contacts because
they satisfy your need for mental stimulation.
You usually have high standards of conduct and behavior. When you feel strongly justified about an
end you are capable of going to extremes to see it through. However, the planet of action and aggression
in the sign of diplomacy and cooperation can also combine to cause you to feel somewhat apathetic about
life at times.
The Libran desire for justice, harmony and perfection are strong in you, and when others don't follow
this same line you can be quite demanding. You generally dislike open conflict, instead preferring to use
more subtle techniques to get things moving your way. However, you will eventually succeed.
Mars in 10th house:
Have you had your share of conflicts with those who hold positions of authority? Does the boss make
your blood boil? Your career is important to you. You put in more than your fair share of time and effort,
and you feel completely justified making your opinions known to those who hold the key to your
survival. The problem is, you don't beat around the bush or sugar coat it and that can cause conflict with
people in charge.
You have little patience with societal traditions that are outworn and serve little practical purposes.
However, you do appreciate recognition for your achievements and you (secretly?) enjoy owning at least
a few status symbols.
Saturn in soft aspect to Mars:
This aspect helps you to focus your energy in a sustained and single-minded fashion allowing you to
work diligently toward your goals. You don't waste your reserves of energy and physical endurance is
Chapter 7: Jupiter
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and taking things beyond normal limits. It shows us where the
universe allows us to indulge ourselves, and often we find that wherever it is in the chart is where things
work out in our favor eventually. Some call this luck. Jupiter also represents: faith, ideas about God,
abstract thinking, high ideals, and abundance.
Jupiter in Cancer:
Benefits come to you through family, property and a secure home life. You are highly sentimental
and you may have a hard time releasing the past.
Your heightened sensitivity to the moods and whims of other people may make you overly
self-protective in an attempt to cope with unpredictable shifts in your environment.
You generally prefer to move with the flow of your peer group. Radical behavior is not your style and
you'll only resort to it when all else has failed.
You can be kind hearted and charitable. You appreciate fine food and often there is a love of cooking
not only for yourself, but for the enjoyment of others as well.
Your intuition is highly developed; trust it. You have a powerful imagination that can act as a natural
reinforcement for any creative pursuits.
Jupiter in 7th house:
Marriage, best friends, and other committed partnerships, even those related to business, are
unusually fortunate for you.
You are capable of attracting a spouse who is well off financially or perhaps they're the extravagant
type. However it actually manifests, there is something lucky about this relationship.
Conflicts with others usually end up working out on your side. Legal stuff is favored.
Uranus in soft aspect to Jupiter:
You can be a tremendous force for justice and fairness, where you're quick to spot imbalances.
Your philosophy is liberal and progressive, and you can lead the way for humanitarian interests. You
may have some unusual concepts about the nature of religion and rigid dogma is a turn off for you.
Your freedom is paramount and you will find that overly restrictive environments tend to squelch
your enthusiasm and drain your energy.
Pluto Conjunct or in hard aspect to Jupiter:
It may be difficult for you to find a life philosophy that offers you the answers that you seek. You
have penetrating insight into such matters and if you came from a traditional orthodox religious
background, you will almost certainly go through one or more major overhauls in your belief system.
You may be someone who feels compelled to take the all or nothing approach to life at times. All
forms of extremism or fanaticism can wind up producing unwanted negative effects and you risk
antagonizing those who would otherwise embrace your causes.
You possess a high level of ambition and the probability for some kind of large scale success or
wealth would not be at all surprising with this aspect in your chart. Seek the middle path and try to avoid
overindulgent lifestyles. A little self-imposed discipline is much easier to deal with, compared to having it
forced on you from outside circumstances.
Chapter 8: Saturn
Saturn is our planet of restriction and discipline. It shows us where we may feel inadequate in some
way, and thus we take this area of life very seriously because we want to perfect ourselves. Saturn also
represents: life lessons to be learned, trials and tests, a strong sense of duty, and bringing ideas into
material form.
Saturn in Leo:
A strong will coupled with your fine organizing talents can easily put you ahead of the game,
especially in competitive situations.
Your sense of responsibility is often unyielding and you can be harder on yourself than anyone else.
You may have come into this lifetime with an instinctive dislike for being the center of attention,
however, this trait will probably be outgrown with time and maturity.
This is a lifetime in which you are encouraged to open your heart and freely express the love within.
Saturn in 9th house:
You're very earnest about your personal belief systems. At some point though, you will likely make a
serious re-evaluation of some of these beliefs. You want to see God as a merciful being but you may have
some deep down fears around this issue based on outworn and rigid orthodox viewpoints.
If you did miss the opportunity for formal higher education, you may be self educated. As a student
you are serious and dedicated. Anything that stimulates the broadening of your horizons should be
Chapter 9: Uranus
Uranus is a planet of unexpected change and unpredictable events. It tells us something about where
we have unusual ideas and how we want to express our own unique individuality. Uranus also represents:
rebelliousness, sudden awakenings, invention, progress, genius, anything "New Age," and humanitarian
Uranus in Aquarius:
Uranus was in the sign of Aquarius for approximately seven years. This means that you are part of a
large group of people who will share many of the same fundamental characteristics such as the ability to
be very independent, progressive and group oriented. Uranus in Aquarius people are highly inventive,
take part in various humanitarian efforts and will become pioneers for many breakthroughs with regard to
societal issues.
When you read your individual house placement for Uranus, you will be able to see where these traits
will express themselves on a more personal basis.
Uranus in 3rd house:
You can be a genius when it comes to the art of communication. You have many unusual ideas and
you may feel as though you have a difficult time finding kindred spirits who truly understand you.
You aren't always especially tactful when you express yourself and you'll offend some people. Try
not to squelch your own creativity and uniqueness in favor of gaining approval. It's rarely worth it.
Uranus is Retrograde
You can be a real character inside. Few people get this impression right away. You'd rather play the
role of conformist until you feel comfortable enough to let your hair down. Then everyone is either
shocked or pleasantly surprised depending on whom you hang out with.
Chapter 10: Neptune
Neptune is a planet that dissolves hard and fast boundaries. It is where we don't always see things as
they really are, mostly because we would rather view the world through rose-colored glasses.
With Neptune, anything becomes a possibility, especially that which we can imagine. Neptune also
represents: tuning into other planes of reality, the spiritual dimensions, cosmic consciousness, movies,
music, and inspired creativity.
Neptune in Leo:
Because Neptune stays in the same sign about fourteen years, there are many other people who will
experience the same things that this placement brings to varying degrees. Some of these include: a very
creative imagination, a desire to vicariously escape reality through movies and the theater as well as, a
natural ability to create drama.
Your house position will show where Neptune affects your life on an individual basis.
Neptune in 8th house:
At the very least, you have excellent powers of intuition that can border on being genuinely psychic.
Don't be surprised if at some point in your life you experience clairvoyant dreams or visions. The things
that you visualize can change your life.
It is in your best interest to keep all of your personal money matters to yourself. If financial dealings
arise concerning taxes, shared resources and inheritance, be sure that everything is kept aboveboard.
Chapter 11: Pluto
Pluto is a planet that brings with it transformation. Something about the area of life that it points to
will undergo a complete change. Significant lifestyle changes can happen whenever Pluto is involved.
Deep, complex issues will be brought to light eventually. It is where conditions can swing from one
extreme to the other. It's all or nothing.
Pluto also represents: psychological probing, keeping secrets or bringing them to light, power and
control issues, obsessions, healing and purification.
Pluto in Cancer:
Pluto is the slowest moving planet, and thus is recognized as exerting a generational influence as it
moves through each zodiac sign.
With Pluto in Cancer, you're part of the generation that can experience radical changes in its approach
to home and family, the role of women and food production.
On a personal level, those with Pluto in Cancer tend to be patriotic, family oriented, intuitive and they
have a highly developed sense of social trends.
Read the house placement for Pluto in your chart. It shows you an area of life where this planet has a
more personal influence.
Pluto in 7th house:
You'll learn all about the art of cooperation with other people with this Pluto placement. One-on-one
relationships, whether friends, marriage, or business partners, will affect your life in a profound manner.
Obsessive needs in the relationship department can cause you to pull in people who are controlling or
manipulative. Power struggles only escalate the conflict. Once you decide that you can be your own best
friend/advisor and you can walk away from "must win" scenarios, the universe will lighten up on you.
Chapter 12: Elements, the North Node, and the Midheaven
In this section of the report we interpret the following astrological influences: the Moon's North
Node, the MC (the 10th house cusp or Midheaven) and also a preponderance of an astrological element.
A "preponderance" occurs when 4 or more planets or the Ascendant is in that element: fire, earth, air, or
water. Many people do not have a heavy emphasis of a particular element so not everyone will have an
interpretation of an element emphasis.
If the individual chart has aspects to the MC, these will reveal certain career options and potentials for
your consideration.
The North Node is an important pointer along the pathway of life. You'll have to be willing to stretch
yourself and move away from familiar patterns in order to meet the challenge of the North Node. Great
rewards will be reaped in the form of personal growth and reaching your potential goals. The North Node
sign will suggest an approach to the area of life represented by its house position.
North Node in Sagittarius:
Incorporating the following traits into your life will make it easier in the long run to attain goals.
The best way to describe this principle is to imagine a bird having to leave its nest for the first time. It
is extremely challenging, but it's the only way to really learn to fly.
Broaden your horizons. Go ahead and be blindly optimistic. Your faith in the future can see you
through difficult times.
Stretch your mental muscles. Take some courses in philosophy. You can develop a talent for
understanding abstract concepts.
Boring, stagnating jobs or relationships can suffocate your free spirit. You must grow in this lifetime
and a certain amount of freedom and adventure is as necessary for you as the air you breathe.
North Node in 12th house:
The universe is encouraging you to play up the aforementioned traits in these areas of life.
Consider the following: give of yourself without an underlying motivation of reward. Practice random
acts of kindness... just because you can.
Discover that it's possible to be alone and not feel lonely. This happens when one realizes their
connection to the Infinite Mind, also described as the Creator, the Universal Will, or a Higher Power.
This is a lifetime to learn the value of working behind the scenes in some capacity. This means that
outer recognition is not the aim this time around, even though that might happen naturally. Often this can
take the form of connecting and working through large public institutions caring for those who must be
secluded from society.
Whatever form the actual experiences take, this placement encourages the development of humility,
compassion and spiritual awareness.
MC in soft aspect to Pluto:
Expect some major shifts in the area of career. You can rise to a position of great influence and then
completely change direction at some point.
Pluto is conducive to uncovering that which has been hidden. Its action is rejuvenating. Anything
which has been laid to rest can be recycled to begin anew.
Consider some of the following career potentials: archaeology, espionage, psychiatry, mortuary
science, the secret service, banking, or the medical profession--especially surgery.
Four or more Fire Signs
Energetic and aggressive, in this lifetime you will learn all about inspiration, faith, and living in the
moment. Your intuition is highly developed and it's not unusual for "fiery" people to see visions.
Sports and athletic events are an excellent way for you to fill your need for a challenge while
satisfying your inner competitive drive.
Four or more Water Signs
Emotional and feeling, you will learn all about sharing compassion and understanding. You are here
to empathize with and nurture others. You often act on intuition which is based purely on gut feelings
rather than logic.
You can fall for a hard luck story with the best of them. Beware of giving in to those who know how
to push emotional buttons in order to sway your actions and opinions.
Chapter 13: House Rulerships
This chapter deals with an Astrological technique known as House Rulers. The "houses" of the
horoscope deal primarily with your earth plane experiences. As such, the tone of these
interpretations may appear to be more "predictive" in nature. Not all statements will apply
absolutely to your experience. Here we are exploring some of the various options that may exist in
your chart based on the links between these twelve major areas of life, the Houses of the Horoscope.
Ruler of 1st house in 7th:
The relationships that you form with other people, such as your marriage partner or best friends, will
represent a high priority for you. Even though you make a strong impression on other people (whether
you're aware of it or not) you really care about their opinions and their acceptance of you.
Where diplomacy is a plus, you can teach others something about the fine art of cooperation.
You'd make a fine counselor because of your ability to relate to other people.
Ruler of 2nd house in 9th:
You may place high value on higher education, the life enrichment that travel brings, or perhaps even
religious and spiritual concerns. Furthermore, you probably don't mind spending your money on these
kinds of pursuits because you feel it's cash well spent.
There is a strong potential link between your earned income, and making some sort of overseas
connections. Running a successful import/export business is one example.
Consider augmenting your inherited talents with some kind of higher education or specialized training.
Ruler of 3rd house in 3rd:
You have a strong desire to communicate your ideas, whether verbally or in written form and you may
also be quite a talker. Something about your early childhood had a profound bearing your thinking and
learning processes.
This can also indicate that siblings, relatives and others in your immediate environment can play a very
important role in your life. You'll get a lot of personal satisfaction from becoming involved with
neighborhood and community projects because it's not in your best interest to seclude yourself away from
social activities.
Ruler of 4th house in 8th:
Something about your upbringing acted as a catalyst for some kind of major life change. On the other
hand it may be that later in life you'll go through an important and major transformation. This could mean
that your deepest beliefs about what constitutes real security will totally change.
Ruler of 5th house in 10th:
Your creative urges are put to use in your career and your creativity may become known publicly.
You not only want to be in the spotlight, you also want to become a respected authority in your field.
Your social activities can either enhance your public image or detract from your reputation. You might
be willing to take gambles with regards to your career.
Ruler of 6th house in 6th:
Your work may involve helping people or performing some kind of service that they'd rather not do
themselves. The work you do may also be related to the health and/or nutrition field.
You worry about your co-workers or your employees if you have them. Part-time work may appeal to
Ruler of 7th house in 9th:
Your spouse may be from a foreign country or he/she may simply come from a culture that is very
different from your own background. You might prefer a living together arrangement with a partner rather
than making a legal commitment.
However, it may be that your attitude towards marriage was heavily influenced by your religious
beliefs or your religious upbringing. Additionally, a partner or even very close friends might be able to
influence your philosophical ideas about spiritual matters.
Ruler of 8th house in 11th:
Support from others, whether moral or financial, can come from friends or even certain organizations.
A total lifestyle change can result from becoming involved in a group effort where people work towards a
common goal.
Your dreams reflect your hopes and wishes and they can actually help you achieve goals if you pay
attention to the messages they bring. Familiarize yourself with dream symbology.
Ruler of 9th house in 8th:
You want to keep expanding your ability to bond deeply with another person.
Your life philosophy or your spiritual beliefs will go through a major transformation at some point in
life. Your philosophy on life may be associated with metaphysical practices.
You could experience spiritual or other supernatural occurrences while you are in the dream state.
Ruler of 10th house in 9th:
Your career could require long distance travel or even travel overseas. You can teach what you have
already been successful at. In other words you could teach others your career.
You may have a strong sense of duty towards religious principles or a spiritual path of some kind.
Perhaps you want to be responsible for your own higher education and/or developing your own belief
Ruler of 11th house in 6th:
Your friends could be mostly your co-workers. Your friends may even be your employees.
You can create wide-scale social change through the work you do. You bring unusual approaches and
ideas to the workplace.
Ruler of 12th house in 7th:
You could have a past life connection to your spouse, best friends, or close partners in general. You
can feel a certain predestined obligation towards these relationships. You may experience confusion and
doubt about a spouse or a very close partner. If this is the case, you may have to forgive this person in
order to elevate yourself.
Giving too much of your power away to other people can eventually work against you. Be your own
best friend first.